Steal the sky

Chapter 921 Amazing Magic

The Great Wu army is full of water, and behind it is a large lake with a hundred miles of evidence. In front of the camp, one left and one right are two hills hundreds of meters high. The hills stretch for more than a dozen miles, just like two arms just hold the camp in their arms. Between the two mountains is a valley about 30 miles wide. The rich and fertile land of the Pangu mainland makes the grass in the valley rich, and the waist-deep grass is rolling with the wind.

A hundred miles away from the valley is the allied camp led by the king of the country. The barracks of the Seven League of Nations are neatly arranged, and the trenches, fences, watchtowers, arrow towers, horses, traps, etc. are arranged as accurately as textbooks. Around the camp, there are priests arranging forbidden air arrays and various other forbidden arrays. With these prohibitions, it is difficult for Dawu's soldiers to sneak into the camp to sneak in and attack.

There are more than two hundred high priests in the seven kingdoms. They have seven-story pagoda above their heads and are proudly suspended over the camp to look at the Dawu camp. Some high priests were pointing this way and laughing, as if they were calculating how long it would take to completely annihilate the army of 100,000 people.

It must be annihilated, and defeat is an unacceptable result. Nearly 10 million troops attacked the barracks of 100,000 people. If it was just a crushing battle, what would be the face of the senior management of the coalition forces? In order to fight against the Great Wu, the Seven Kingdoms not only dispatched all the active troops, but also rearmed all the reserve and retired veterans. After spending so much manpower and material resources, this battle must be a war of annihilation, but only a war of annihilation.

Buqi and others also stood on a watchtower in the camp, looking at the coalition camp in the distance.

Wu Tianming and Wu Dili both stood beside the three people, looking very surprised at the boundlessly invisible battalion of the allied forces. After looking at it for a long time, Wu Tianming couldn't hold back his curiosity, and finally asked the question that had been hovering in his heart for a long time: "Master, why can an ultimatum attract the Seven-Nation Alliance to attack?"

Don't beg for a glance at Wu Tianming. He doesn't bother to answer such idiotic questions at all. Do you still need to ask? Who told you that Dawu is the most powerful country in the valley, who told you that Dawu was not shy to annex the other seven countries, and who told you to give an ultimatum to provoke people? This is just like the seven heroes of the Warring States and the six kingdoms attacked the State of Qin several times. You are the strongest, and those weak will definitely beat you. Do you still need to explain this problem?

Don't beg to explain. Mo Zhai tilted his head and was also too lazy to open his mouth. Only Gui Guzi was very good. He preached and taught to solve puzzles. In this time, he analyzed the competitive relations of various countries in the valley in detail for Wu Tianming, and the situation between countries was doomed to die. He analyzed Wu Tianming how much psychological pressure Dawu's strength has caused to other countries. He analyzed to him that once Dawu showed the momentum of annexing other countries, it would arouse the vigilance and fear of other countries in the whole valley.

Not only Wu Tianming, but also Wu Dili and other accompanying Wu ministers listened to Gui Guzi's lesson with relish. Some of Guiguzi's perspectives and some views were not expected by them. Now Guiguzi has analyzed these problems one by one, and everyone seems to wake up and feel that they have made great progress in diplomatic relations.

Wu Tianming and others are even more worshipful to the three people who don't be beg. Don't beg once boasted that Gui Guzi is omnisible about politics and military. Today, it really lives up to its reputation. Wu Tianming couldn't help but be complacent. How lucky he was. He was just bored to go out and hang out. Unexpectedly, he could invite such three powerful people to join Dawu. This is a sign of Dawu Qiangsheng!

Thinking of the saying circulating among various countries, Wu Tianming vaguely felt that maybe he was really the best candidate for the new emperor of the human race and the holy emperor of the human race? Thinking of the glorious prospect of the legendary saint of the human race, Wu Tianming was full of heat.

The dull sound of hoofs sounded, and more than a dozen allied generals swarmed this way with thousands of cavalry. A black-faced general with a long gun shouted harshly from afar: "In such a big Wu country, do any heroes dare to fight alone with someone?" Obviously, these people are the figures sent by the allied forces to spy on Dawu Xushi. If there is not even a master who can defeat these people in the 100,000 Wu army, I'm afraid that the The encirclement of 100,000 troops will be gnawed clean.

Wu Dili raised his eyebrows, and he shouted excitedly, "I...", "I, I, the word is still rolling around Wu Dili's mouth. Don't beg for a big sleeve, a dark wind close to the ground and cheered too much. "Woo-hoo, in the roar of the wind, the four hooves of The spirit had a cold war, and his strength suddenly drained down his pores. A dull sound came, and a large amount of turf flew into the air. Thousands of cavalry fell to the ground in confusion, people turned their horses up to the sky, thousands of mounts and cavalry, you hit me, and I squeezed your pressure into a ball of valley and suddenly turned into a mess.

The black-faced general who just opened his mouth to provoke was the most unlucky. He was weak. He took off the long gun in his hand and flew out of the long gun and made two turns in the air. When he fell forward, the tip of the gun was just aimed at his throat. He bumped into his body. The long gun pierc The general of the realm died so unjustly.

At first, there was a dead silence in the Dawu barracks, and then suddenly burst into laughter. Don't beg clapped his hands gently and said faintly, "The local chicken tile * is vulnerable. Tonight is their death. How can we still use people to take action?"

Before the words fell, tens of thousands of cavalry rushed out of the allied camp and turned into a dark cloud against the Great Wu barracks.

Don't beg for a cold snort. He shook his fingers gently. After reciting a few spells, he blew out in one breath. A gust of wind blew on the flat ground, and he could hear it. A dense and harsh sound passed, and all the long grass in the valley suddenly broke.

These grass leaves with three feet of fingers as wide as paper flew into the sky one after another, hovering in the air like countless swords, and suddenly brought thousands of feet of green light to the tens of thousands of cavalry.

The sad howlness soared to the sky, and the tens of thousands of subsequent cavalry had no time to react at all. These grass leaves, which were supported by magic power, had torn open their armor like swords, torn their muscles, cut off their bones, blood vessels and meridians, and tore them into countless pieces.

Don't beg only use the mana equivalent to the eighteen immortals, but his Taoist walk is so profound that he controls this mana with a Taoist line that is close to the Taoist realm, and the structure of all the grass leaves has undergone subtle changes. The originally fragile grass leaves have become a hundred times stronger than diamonds, and these grass leaves are not even sharper than ordinary golden artifacts.

There are hundreds of millions of long grass growing in the valleys of dozens of miles away. These grass leaves fall like raindrops. The highest cultivation of these cavalry is only the cultivation of Taishi Pangu Tiansan. How can they withstand such a cruel attack?

The blood moistened the valley. Don't beg for a pat with your hands. At the same time, the soaring long grass broke into grass powder and fluttered into the bare valley. The earth swirlled like water waves, and all the broken flesh and blood were swallowed into the ground. With the whispering spells, thin grass buds grew in the valley. Before long, these grass buds grew into waist-deep grass. The cruel killing just now did not seem to have happened.

Just now, the cavalry who overturned their horses stood up in embarrassment. They saw the cruel killing that happened behind them, and everyone rushed back to their camp in fear. Thousands of people ran blindly to the camp. Their cultivation was very good. The speed of Mercedes-Benz was very fast, and the distance of dozens of miles only took a few breaths. At the sight of them, they ran outside the camp.

Don't beg your finger to pick it gently and say faintly, "Kill!"

, sneer, the sound is endless, just in front of the door of the coalition camp, countless thick and sharp thorns of the thumbs were suddenly shot under the earth within a radius of miles. The dark earth thorns penetrated deep into the fleeing soldiers and pierced countless holes in them. Some earth thorns pierced their heads, pierced their brains, smashed their brains, and completely cut off their vitality.

The two hundred high priests floating over the coalition camp gasped in horror. They subconsciously flew back hundreds of feet away. The magic of not begging for ghosts made them create great horror out of thin air. These priests are all strategic combat forces cultivated by the heavenly court and Buddhism for various countries, but their inheritance is extremely limited. They only have very few unchanging spells. How have they ever seen such a mysterious spell?

The allied camp calmed down, and no one went out of the camp to provoke the military camp of Dawu. Thousands of dead and miserable corpses were supported by earth thorns at the gate of the coalition camp, like thousands of tombstones, with an ominous smell.

No one in the coalition camp came out to clean up the bodies for them. The whole coalition had been scared out of their courage. They would never act rashly until they came up with a good solution.

In Dawu's barracks, there was a lot of joy. Thousands of mounts that had lost their master were pulled back to the camp. Don't beg for an order. All these huge mounts were killed. The fattest meat on their bodies was selected to make barbecue and broth. The wine of the altar was pushed out, and everyone began to It lasts until the middle of the month. The unrestrained drinking of wine made more than half of the soldiers in the barracks fall to the ground drunk.

The allied detectives who were monitoring Dawu's barracks in the grass in the distance were immediately relieved. Looking at this, Dawu was unable to launch an attack today.

What they saw and heard was sent back to the coalition battalion, and the senior management of the coalition army was also relieved.

In the middle of the night, a large amount of water vapor emerged from the big lake behind the Great Wu military camp. The black clouds rose up to cover the moon, and the subtle sound of insects sounded in the grass. Hearing the sound of these insects, the eyelids of the allied spies were as difficult to open as if they had been wiped with glue. They struggled hard, but still succumbed to the tide-like sleepiness.

Da Wu's 100,000 troops rectified the armored weapons. In front of the tens of thousands of monks, 70,000 soldiers were divided into 70 thousand-person troops under the leadership of Wu Dili and other generals to form an arc-moon formation and quietly march towards the coalition army.

Guiguzi walked alone in front of the army. He casually stepped on the tip of the grass to control the wind. Wherever he passed, all the arrays arranged by the allied priests were silently turned into nothing.