Steal the sky

Chapter 924 Ances of the Ances of Wu Xian

In the thirty-three days, in the infinite bright light, Ziwei Lingying took the golden jade carved into a wine cup as thin as cicada wings, tasted the wine with great interest, and watched the influence of the purple light mirror suspended in the middle of the hall. Everything that happened in the Bear Hall in Liangzhu was displayed in the light mirror, and no details could be hidden from his sharp vision.

There are countless prohibitions inside and outside the bear hall to prevent outsiders from peeping, but Ziweiling's purple light mirror in front of the Heavenly Emperor can so clearly reflect what happened in the bear hall. It can be seen that either the power of the purple light mirror is endless, or there are people in the bear hall and the dark music of the In any case, in short, it is not good news for Dayu.

Ziwei Ling, with a smile on her face, squinted at the Heavenly Emperor and nodded repeatedly, applaud for the attitude of the three emperors, the Qing Dynasty, the White Emperor and the Black Emperor. He put down the wine cup, clapped his hands gently, and laughed in a low voice, "It's time for you to take action.

If you don't do it again, you don't even want to smell this fruit, let alone get benefits from it." He laughed a few times, and the Great Heavenly Emperor looked at the stunning fairies standing in the hall. These fairies have just flown to the heavenly court in recent months and have been specially selected to serve the Heavenly Emperor. At a thousand years old, these fairies are as tender as spring bamboo shoots that have just sprouted out of the spring net among the immortals, so tender that they can come out of the water in a pinch!

The proud Heavenly Emperor suddenly felt that his lower abdomen was hot. He pinched his fingers and calculated that his eldest son, Bo Wangjun, had lost for the great plan of heaven, and it seemed that one or two princes should be added. After all, only by maintaining a sufficient number of princes can we make our group of children have enough competitive pressure and force them to work harder.

The Heavenly Emperor is a qualified father who is very good at considering his descendants, so he feels that he needs to add two or three children. These beautiful fairies are the best candidates. They are so beautiful, so young, so touching. And the Heavenly Emperor is in such a good mood at this moment, which is just right for something to happen. What a beautiful thing..

With a casual finger, a standing fairy shouted, and her fair body flew uncontrollably to the Heavenly Emperor's arms. The Heavenly Emperor hugged the fairy in his arms with both hands. His hands were extremely skillfully separated from the fairy's slender legs and were about to march towards her. Suddenly, in the purple light mirror, there was a scene where the emperor pulled out the Xuanyuan sword and cursed.

The Heavenly Emperor was stunned. He threw away the beautiful woman in his arms and took out his ears in surprise. He heard it right, didn't he? Hao Zun said hello to the mothers of the three Qing Emperors? How could the emperor speak rudely and greet his mother directly? The emperor actually closed the door of the bear hall. Did the three Qingdi, who came to the door to plead guilty, trapped in the hall?

Even Hao Zunhuang opened the siege of Liangzhu and mobilized Liangzhu's strongest city defense force to attack the three ancient gods? It's so shameless. He even let Dayu Wenwu in the hall join the siege, which is simply shameless!

"Shameless scum, how can he do this kind of thing as a human banquet!" Ziwei Ling jumped up angrily in response to the Emperor of Heaven and pointed to the purple light mirror and cursed. It's simply a disgrace to the human race. As the human emperor of the human race, how can he do this? Shouldn't the emperor be traditional and conservative, and shouldn't he be a conservative person?

Haozun Emperor should send the three god emperors away from the territory of Dayu, and then mobilized soldiers and horses to the three frontiers of Zhengdong, Zhengbei and Zhengxi to defend. It is right to fight against the gods of the three god emperors at a glance. How could he do this? He actually took the opportunity of the three god emperors to come to the door and shut down and beat the dog, regardless of the order of the three god emperors?

This, this, this is simply unreasonable! The heavenly court and Buddhism can do this. They have done a lot of such things, but how can Emperor Haozun do this? How can he be so shameless?

Ziwei Lingying was so angry that she patted the golden dragon case in front of her with an angry palm, and turned around and left. The originally elegant and noble face was twisted and became extremely ferocious. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, it's best for those three immortals to die in Liangzhu. Humph, their children are very useless. They just use them to be the pawns of my heavenly court." It's wonderful. It's better to let them die in Liangzhu!" The light flashed in their eyes, and Ziwei If the Black Emperor is killed by Dayu, how much benefit will it bring to the heavenly court? If these three god emperors are not dead, the heavenly court can only negotiate with them on an equal basis. As long as they die, the heavenly court may be replaced by the controller of the three gods, which is too great.

Ziwei Ling, who sneered, casually clicked out a few lines of fire in response to the Heavenly Emperor and transmitted his idea to the other five imperial emperors. Soon, a fine firelight [excited] came back, and the five emperors of heaven had known his idea" and were being quickly dispatched to make all kinds of preparations.

He hurriedly turned into the apse and walked more than ten feet along a corridor paved with transparent water essence. The Great Heavenly Emperor was suddenly stunned. He meditated for a moment, his sleeves trembled, and suddenly turned into a golden light and rushed out of the sky. In the blink of an eye, he rushed out for thirty-three days. His body The bright light enveloped his body, and the Great Heavenly Emperor suddenly teleported a very long distance and came to the entrance of the nine-day world.

The heaven and earth robe on his body disappeared, and the Great Heavenly Emperor changed into a cloud-water-colored Taoist robe, carrying an ordinary bronze sword on his back, turned into an ordinary monk, rubbing the edge of the nine-day world and flying to the higher-level outer sky. A cloud of white clouds flashed hazy spiritual light under his feet, and the cloud light of the Great Heavenly Emperor was frighteningly fast, and soon crossed the world of the nine days. The Heavenly Emperor flew rapidly to the sky with a cloud head. After several moving array transmissions set in the boundless void, he finally came to a gray cloud.

A lonely black jade archway stands in this cloud, and three distinct blood-colored characters are carved on the plaque in the middle of the archway, boundless. Three thousand gray statues stood under the archway. These statues were all heavily armed soldiers, and an indescribable smell of yin and evil entangled around these statues. The smell of yin and evil made the Great Heavenly Emperor unable to shiver.

He snorted coldly and took out a black bone rune the size of a palm and shook it at these statues. The Heavenly Emperor strode into the archway and disappeared under the entanglement of gray light.

In a gray landscape, the Heavenly Emperor quietly emerged. There are also sun, moon and stars, mountains, rivers and trees, but everything is gray. Except for gray, there is no other color. This void is dead, the wind does not move, the water does not flow, the huā does not smell, the bird does not speak, as if everything is frozen at a certain point in time, and there will never be any change.

The Great Heavenly Emperor was obviously a little uncomfortable with the environment here. He frowned and looked around, and flew to a pyramid-like mountain towering into the clouds in the distance. From time to time, three or two strange-shaped figures appear on the top of the mountain along the way. These people are either horse heads, or snake heads, or one person has several heads, or several bodies share one head, or the whole body black hair is like an orangutan, or the body is as clear as crystal.

These strange-shaped people were a little evil. They sneered and looked at the Great Emperor flying high in the sky with a smile. Some people also took out some strange bone sticks, bone arrows and so on to make a small gesture to the Heavenly Emperor. Their seemingly unintentional action can often make the Heavenly Emperor's heart sweat coldly, and their facial muscles are constantly twitching.

When he finally got to the mountain, the Heavenly Emperor shouted sharply, "Wu Xian, Wu Xian, come out quickly!"

Low and sticky, cooing, the sound seemed to come from the ground, and a pool of dark and strange-shaped things slowly slipped down against the smooth mountain. The volume of this thing is about a hundred miles, and I can't tell what it is. It can be imagined as a huge group of mobile cancer cells. Each cell has a twisted face moving. This strange, disgusting and nightmare thing slowly slides down the mountain wall, constantly making the sticky, cooing sound.

It was so easy that this thing slid to the height of the Great Heavenly Emperor, and some of the organizations slowly bulged up and slowly condensed into a group of things that were roughly similar to human faces. This thing should be the organ of the mouth and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter? Didn't you send the best young people of our family to help you?

The emperor's face turned cold, and he shook his head and said, "It's futile. It's a waste of my great human and material resources in vain. Wu Xian, what you sent out is really an elite!" There are complaints in the tone of the Emperor of Heaven.

Wu Xian sneered in a low voice, "If you don't blame us, it's your heavenly court's information. Hiss, I rely on the old man to sell the old man. You are not as good as your master.

When your master was the emperor of heaven, he helped us to get rid of three emperors in a row and stole a lot of emperor's spirit!" His body was boiling violently, and Wu Xian smiled and said, "There is still a little bit of emperor's spirit. It's just a little bit, and that thing can be refined successfully. Hey, it's a pity that the people you sent out didn't do anything, otherwise they would really kill the Haozun Emperor and take away his imperial spirit, and the great work has been completed." The emperor's face was a little ugly, and he said in a low voice, "Don't worry, the emperor's spirit will be made up for you. This time I'm going to trouble you to do it yourself." Wu Xian was stunned. He shrank into a ball and said strangely, "Please do it in person?" It costs a lot! I'm going to refine that thing now, but I can't waste any energy. How many good things are you going to do if you want me to do it?

The Heavenly Emperor said as if nothing had happened, "Naturally, I have to prepare things. You just take action." After meditating for a moment, Wu Xian smiled hoarsely and said, "Well, I haven't taken action in person for a long time. Who do you want to deal with? First of all, the person who was cursed, everything on him belongs to me." The Heavenly Emperor smiled. He lowered his voice and said the name of the person he wanted to curse.