Steal the sky

Chapter 936 Get rid of embarrassment

Chapter 936 Get rid of embarrassment (fourth update)

Don't beg to stretch out his hand to grab the thunder, but in the blink of an eye, his eyebrows exploded, and an unprecedented sense of crisis came to his face. His instinctive figure shook into a fine blue light like rain, rising to the sky and re-condensing in the sky. The thunder silently wiped the blue light that did not beg and fell on the yellow spring, and a graceful sound was heard, and the yellow spring water of thousands of miles and everything inside completely disappeared in the bright and beating light.

Time, space, yellow spring water, ghost, night fork, including all the power of heaven, everything within a thousand miles has disappeared.

Don't beg swallowed his spit in a daze. He looked at the hemispherical shining gap in the yellow spring, and squinted at the person covered by the colorful light above the mountain. It is the foreign demon who forced the chaotic world to escape, and according to the subtle breath of his body, he is likely to be the real demon ancestor who was born and grew up in chaos and conceived from the chaotic world.

The so-called 'ancestral' is the right to open up branches and leaves and open up a brand-new ethnic group. Just like Ao Bu Zun in those years, he is called the ancient Zulong, because he was born with a spirit of creation. He is qualified, capable and obliged to create a brand-new ethnic group. The old man Yuanling, who did not beg in his previous life, did not have that kind of spirit of creation with him, so the old man Yuanling died alone, and finally was killed by the chaotic demon god alone.

The devil in front of him has a strange spirit that he has felt in Ao Buzun. He should be a real demon ancestor.

This kind of existence is not easy to deal with. They often have a very outrageous and terrible talent magic power. Just like Ao doesn't respect his talent magic power, which is astonishingly strong and reproduction power. He is a dragon-shaped **. He grows wherever he goes, and as long as he goes with him, he will definitely give birth The dragon clan.

The gap in the yellow spring slowly dissipated, and the yellow spring slowly filled the gap. Don't beg to look at the colorful light and said with a wry smile, "The poor road is just a passerby. I hope the Taoist friends will show mercy. The poor road has no intention to peep at the Taoist field."

Now the appearance of the incarnation of the Seven Killers has changed a little. With his current cultivation to change his appearance, no one can see what his true face is like. Therefore, whether it was the colorful light or the six paths of Purdue, who was doing coolie, no one recognized that it was the person who broke into the underworld that day and took away the underworld of the Buddha's door, and then used them as ghosts to block the demon ancestor in the colorful light group.

The light mass flashed rapidly, and a pair of white and tender palms emerged from the light mass. It was a pair of beautiful palms, without any flaws, white and moist, with a little healthy blood red on the fingertips, and even every trace of the finger is ingenious and natural, and there is no trace of judgment. Such a beautiful pair of palms outlined in the void, quickly drawing three gem-like runes shining with sparkling blue light.

When the three runes closed inward, they heard a ' click', and the void around you suddenly burst out. The terrible space twist pulls the begging body, to twist his body and his soul, twist everything about him into pieces and then pull it into the smallest particles, and finally disappear under the bombardment of some mysterious strange force. This strange power reminds Buqi of some dangerous places in chaos, and even the power known as 'annihilation' in the fierce land that Chaos gods and demons dare not approach easily.

snorted angrily, don't beg to wave your hands out heavily, your muscles are like waves, and the great physical strength forcibly pulls the void of the explosion to your side. The huge divine consciousness is empty, and no matter how the power of annihilation rages, it can never shake the space of being imprisoned by begging. The angry Don't beg took a step and rushed to the colorful light, and did not use any magic. He stamped his extremely savage foot to the colorful light.

In ancient times, before the creation of the world, who would use any magic spells in the chaotic gods and demons fought? In the chaos, except for the ancient stars in brewing, there is no heavenly law, and there is no magic secret method. Everyone simply uses a strong body to shake up all the things around them that can be grasped and smashed. Don't beg for this kick. It has a very chaotic demon fighting style, that is, relying on his strong body to bully people.

The two delicate and delicate little hands also rudely patted the soles of Begging's feet. They were also born in the chaotic world. This demon is also a kind of chaotic demon god. It is almost instinctive to fight against the body.

The feet and hands touched each other, and there was no residual energy at all, or even the sound of bursting at all. All the strength, ten or ten of the strength, were completely borne by the begging and the devil. Don't beg snorted coldly. The soles of his feet were almost shattered. He staggered back more than a dozen steps, and the devil roared angrily. His palms were stamped like rotten eggplants, and his bones and flesh were mixed into a ball.

Obviously, purely physically, the beggar, who only breaks the four grades of cultivation, has an overwhelming advantage.

The devil roared wildly, and a colorful light circled around his palm for a while, and the two palms quickly repaired. A white flower was shaped like a lily, but the petals were extremely long and thin, like smoke-like flowers that appeared in his hand out of thin air. The fist-sized flower was like a hammer, tearing the void and smashing it down.

Don't beg and snorted coldly. He suddenly opened his mouth, and the unripened Yuanling, which had just been sacrificed, turned into a faint white gas and rushed out.

A raging fire ignited on the lily, and it smashed down the begging face like a comet rushing into the atmosphere. Yuanling Zhenyan wrapped around the palm of the devil's hand and rushed into the colorful light. The dazzling color was burning, emitting a dazzling fragrance. Bodhisattvas and arhats such as Purdue Liudao sat on the ground. Their hands were also formed into a root mark, and they painfully protected their souls from being shaken by the fragrance. Those arhats with lower cultivation were smoked by the fragrance, and a faint fire suddenly burned under their feet, burning their golden bodies to ashes, leaving only a few relics.

The colorful light was burned clean, revealing the devil inside.

The lilies hit the door of Don't beg, the flowers are not heavy, and they are smashed in front of the strong skin. But the terrible evil power rushed straight to the sea of knowledge without begging with the terrible cold of exterminating all spirits, and bombarded the soul of the soul of not begging.

Don't beg to tremble all over. Hongmeng's purple gas quickly turned into Yuanling Zhenyan, and the rolling flame swept over the whole body, filling every part of the body. The evil power and the Yuanling Zhenyan melted and devoured each other. In just a few breaths, the mana of not begging was consumed by more than 70%.

Look at the devil in a daring look, don't beg to tear open the void and leave without saying a word. If you can have the cultivation of the old man Yuanling in the previous life, don't beg to beat the devil with confidence, but now the cultivation of don't beg can't break the four grades, which is very different from this demon. A little carelessness may be shaken by her strange magic skills. It's really not worth the loss. It'

Yes, this demon is a 'she'. In the colorful package, there is a beautiful girl dressed in translucent armor like colorful crystals.

The armor is more generous than the bikini swimsuits you have seen. The upper body only protects half of it, but barely covers the point. In addition, large areas of white and tender skin are exposed. It's just that this girl has a shining colorful light, as if her long hair is completely composed of light around her whole body. Except for her snow-white arms and a pair of delicate and beautiful feet, other bodies are only occasionally hidden, but they are not seen all over her body.

At first glance, this girl is thirteen or fourteen years old, but her deep eyes are full of evil and fierceness that make her scalp numb. There is no innocence and purity that a normal girl should have.

A thin piece of Yuanling was wrapped around the girl's palm, burning her skin and flesh. The girl seemed to be in severe pain, and a dark red tear suddenly fell from her left eye. The girl's head, whose face was twisted with pain, shook slightly, and the tear flew up lightly, swinging an arc and hit the begging heart.

Don't beggar who just tore open the void and escape from the underworld. The power of the tears is simply appalling. Don't beggar's body made a loud sound like a drum, and his body was hit by the small tears and flew straight out.

Don't beg to break through the void and return to the Pangu Continent. It happens to be a blessed land with beautiful mountains and rivers. Hundreds of immortals and Yuanshenjing monks are fighting for this cave. Under these immortals and Yuanshenjing monks, nearly 30,000 monks below the Yuanying period are in a circle of The void inside is lively. The swords of the two schools of monks, dressed in black and white robes, shone in the air, and Leifa shook the world. The two sides fought for life and death, and from time to time, some monks fell from the air.

Don't beg to tear open the void and run out. The tears made him fly forward and just hit him from the two groups of immortals who were fighting.

It's like a steel chariot crashed into the chicken coop. Those immortals are the eggs in the chicken coop. Don't beg wherever the body has passed. More than a dozen immortals exploded into plasma without humming. Then the color flashed, and the devil actually refused to stop and chased out of the underworld.

Don't beg just bumped into the battle group. The monks of the two factions were stunned, but they didn't see that it was Don't beg's grandfather who killed more than a dozen ancestors. Suddenly, they suddenly saw the devil rushing out with colorful light. Both monks subconsciously hit the flying sword and thunder at the

"Dexting!" The devil just gently hooked his finger, and a very thin color light fell from the sky and fell lightly on the top of the main peak in the middle of this cave. A circle of colorful light rapidly spread from the main peak to the surroundings, and the colorful clouds were as pleasing to the eyes as the morning glow, passing quickly with a beautiful fairy sound. Where the colorful clouds passed, all the monks completely disappeared, but no small insect was accidentally injured.

Far away, don't spit a mouthful of blood and run away in confusion.

The demon girl floated alone over this square hole, squinting and smiling grinfully.

"Escape so fast, but I will find you! No one can be safe and sound after hurting me.

Begging, who escaped from afar, only felt that his heart was hot, and a dark red strange coat of arms came out of his back with a silk flame, burning his skin and flesh.

Don't beg for terrment. He gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice, "It's bad!" RO