Steal the sky

Chapter 939 Like a bamboo

Between the two mountains, a majestic city blocked the way of the Great Wu Army. Surrounded by large and small forbidden air arrays and other defensive arrays, the Wu army was completely cut off from the Wujiang River, the river valley to the north. Crossing this city is the territory of the country, which is also from the foreign region.

When the sun was setting, the bloody sunset covered the air, the blood shone in all directions, and everything was coated with a thick layer of blood. Hundreds of thousands of servants and servants were divided into a team of 10,000 siege troops, just like the continuous waves at the beginning of the tide, constantly charging against the city wall.

The air-ban array makes it impossible for them to jump into the air, so they can only rely on the simple ladder and other siege equipment to work hard. Arrows fell like rain on the wall, and hundreds of priests stood at the head of the city. "Hold your hands high above the head of the country." Fireballs of a diameter kept roaring down in the palm of their palms. Once they landed, they burst out quickly, covering everything in dozens of square meters in flames. From time to time, some soldiers fell to the ground with arrows, but they quickly pulled out their arrows, gritted their teeth and howled and rushed to the wall.

From time to time, soldiers were blown away by fireballs, but they were covered with black smoke and fire, regardless of the broken skin and flesh on their bodies, and struggled to charge the city wall with weapons.

The servants and mercenaries of the brigade ran forward in the siege army with strong bows and crossbows. From time to time, they straightened up and shot dense arrows to cover a certain section of the city wall. Some priests are also mixed in the big group of people. They carefully dodged the arrows and fireballs falling on the head of the city, and from time to time released fireballs and lightning to attack their peers on the city wall.

There were also servants and mercenaries who threw down their weapons and armor and fled back, but before they ran a few steps, they heard the harsh sound of sweeping the air. The sharpshooter of the Wudu team mercilessly shot a special destruction arrow and hit the heads of these soldiers to smash their souls in one fell swoop.

The previous wave of siege tens of thousands of people quickly collapsed in the crazy blow of the defenders on the top of the city, and the defeated soldiers fled back. The new wave of siege tens of thousands of people roared like beasts in the crazy cursing and scolding of the supervision team, rushing to the wall at the fastest speed.

Wave after wave is endless and never end.

Three million troops of the Great Wu Northern Expedition set up a temporary army array in the valley. At the front of the neat and clean barracks was a messy servant camp. More than 200,000 servants and soldiers were lying on the ground, absorbing Pangu purple gas to heal and recover their strength at full speed.

These servants are called servants. In fact, they are the garrisons in the cities that have been broken since the Northern Expedition of the Great Wu. All the garrisons have been demoted to slaves and demoted to the servants, serving as cannon fodder for the siege of the Great Wu. In the face of Wu's strong military strength and excellent ordnance, these servants and soldiers had no room to resist at all. They could only fight to kill the enemy for meritorious service.

Kill one person, remove the status of the servant and mercenary" Indulated into the Dawu Logistics Army: kill three people, break away from the logistics barracks, and be integrated into the regular military corps of Dawu: kill ten people, get the identity of Dawu Zimin, and you can be an officer; kill a hundred people as

All the servants and mercenaries were the soldiers of the original state. In January, the Great Wu broke through 37 cities of the state, and there were more than 2,000 priests who had captured more than 600,000 prisoners. Now they have all been compiled into the servants of the Great Wu and are sacrificing their lives to contribute to the Great Wu.

When the thirteenth wave of siege tens of thousands of people collapsed, Don't beggar, who was watching the battle, shook his head on a low mountain behind the Dawu Du team. Gui Guzi also shook his head. The city's defense was extremely strong. It was impossible for the servants and mercenaries to conquer it. These servants are still very useful and can't be broken under this wall in vain. He grabbed a boulder beside him with his left hand, and a square slate flew out. Gui Guzi carved several seals on the stone board with a fairy power, and casually handed them over to a boy standing beside him. The boy bowed and took the order. He held the slate respectfully with both hands and walked slowly to the wall more than ten miles away. Several other boys and girls followed the boy closely, with a total of twelve boys and girls, exactly the skill of six or six or six. The charms engraved on their bodies are also made according to the skill of Dingjia. Once they are gathered together, they will have their own divine power.

Twelve boys and girls were born, and a few fingers came less than two miles in front of the city wall.

The strange costumes of these boys and girls shocked the defenders on the top of the city. A general ordered three giant crossbows defending the city. "Gagall, with a sound, thirty-six fists shot out with more than one foot long" and shot at those boys and girls carefully.

The pure metal-cast crossbow arrow was more than ten feet away from the target, and a thunderbolt was seen from the sky. The thunder exploded the crossbow in front of twelve boys and girls and melted into molten iron and splashed all over the ground in the thunder. The high temperature molten iron splashed dozens of feet away, but all the molten iron avoided the bodies of these boys and girls without hurting a hair.

Gui Guzi's reserved whiskers smiled. He smiled and said, "Lioding Liujia protects the body, and the external evil is inviolable. The essence of these six-point charms lies in how to integrate the fate of those children with the gods of Dingjia. This is wonderful to say, but it is actually very simple. You just need to remember this when you draw the charm. Standing by the chariot, the immortals and monks who were very interested in the arithmetic of Qimen Dunjia Tianxing divination raised their ears to listen to the lesson of Gui Guzi, lest they would miss a word.

Don't beg the three people to claim that their three brothers are the top golden fairies and may enter the Taiyi Kingdom at any time. For these immortals and monks from the outer world, the golden fairy is a legendary creature. In order to be able to worship the golden fairy gate, they can give up everything. The problem is that the golden immortals in the outer world are high above, and they will not accept apprentices at all. Any apprentice will be selected thousands of choices or even after more than a dozen reincarnations of investigation and verification. With the qualifications and background of these immortals and monks, how can they worship the Golden Fairy Gate?

Now don't beg the three people to open the mountain gate to accept apprentices at will. These immortals and monks naturally flatter them wholeheartedly and listen to the teachings wholeheartedly.

The twelve children of Liuding Liujia all headed to the head of the city, and then recited a mantra at the same time. The slate in the first boy's hand suddenly flew up and turned into a hazy earth and got into the ground and mountains around the city wall. The mountain shook, and the dense forbidden array light lines spewed out from the ground and the mountain, and all the forbidden air arrays and other formations in the city disintegrated in an instant.

Gui Guzi forcibly reversed the vein path under the city with a stone slab, dissipating the underground aura and easily breaking the moor array of the city. The forbidden air array was cracked, and the invisible pressure within a hundred miles of the city suddenly eased. Two thousand immortals and tens of thousands of monks of Dawu flew high into the sky one after another, and the sword light flew down like rain, forming a glazed curtain over the city.

The soldiers in the city were in chaos, and dozens of generals in heavy armor shouted loudly and jumped to the sky, holding weapons and smashed the light curtain composed of sword light. In the loud noise, the weapons of these generals broke one after another, and the great counterattack shocked them so much that they spit blood and fell to the ground.

Dozens of thumb-thick dragon tendons rubbed the generals roared down, and there was a bloody seal at the beginning and end. The capture of the generals tied these generals like rice dumplings. No matter how they struggled, they could not break free from the shackles of the generals.

There were nearly 100,000 soldiers guarding the city. Seeing that their immediate superiors were captured alive by the enemy, these soldiers shouted, and seven of them opened the north gate and fled. The other 30% of the soldiers were very brave. They picked up those heavy giant crossbows and other city-fens, special crossbows and all kinds of iron balls, iron thistle bones and other things and shot into the air.

However, the light curtain is composed of countless fairy swords. As soon as these attacks touch the light curtain, they are cut into pieces and fall.

Thirty-seven dark seven-story pagodas flew up, and the pagodas quickly expanded into miles high, like thirty-seven hills on the plain outside the north gate of the city. At the top of each pagoda stood a great priest Wu in black robes. They looked at these fleeing soldiers with disdainful eyes and made a seal at the same time. Then they put their hands forward.

In the roar, thirty-seven small meteors with a diameter of several feet fell straight with a harsh roar, and the firelight splashed everywhere. The milky white shock wave rolled up the fire and boulder fragments and sprayed out in all directions. Nearly 10,000 soldiers disappeared in this attack, and about 20,000 soldiers who rushed in front of them were swept away The boulder fragments broke the bones and cracked the tendons.

Don't beg for the people watching the battle in the rear and shouted: "A group of prodigal sons, Your Majesty, these priests of Dawu have learned a lesson. 13, 799 soldiers were killed, and 13, 799 servants and mercenaries! They can at least let Da Wu Shao sacrifice thousands of elites. How can they kill them all at once?

Wu Tianming also looked at the high priests with an unhappy face. He said coldly, "It's all up to the master. They have to practice." He didn't know that he had been handed over by Wu Tianming. Don't beg** Thirty-seven high priests stood proudly at the top of the pagoda and looked coldly He crushed a soldier who fell to his knees to the ground. There was a shocking shout of killing from the rear. The elite soldiers of Dawu rushed into the city and were killing and capturing the soldiers one by one with the cooperation of the monks. Soon, soldiers in Dawu armor rushed out of the north gate and surrounded the tens of thousands of soldiers.

A horse in front of Pingchuan is the capital of the country.

The three million troops and hundreds of thousands of servants and mercenaries rushed forward like a dragon. They only took half a day to destroy the captured country, and then took the country as the country, which was based. The soldiers of Wu were divided into three ways. "On each road, there are no begging, Guiguzi and Mo Zhai, and Eighty-seven out of the country were destroyed in a year, and the northern border of Dawu has been connected with the southern border of Xinyu.

The vanguard of the army under the jurisdiction of Mo Zhai clashed with the defenders of Xinyu, and the 3,000 Wu vanguards were killed by ten patrolmen of Xinyu in just a few breaths.