Steal the sky

Chapter 943 Linghuang Tengyun

From the mouth of the captured Yuren, Da Wu Junchen finally understood what a huge thing they were facing. Xinyu, which was separated from Dayu, even if his strength is less than half of Dayu's, it is definitely not a terrible existence that the human kingdom in the outer world can cope with.

After all, Dayu is a huge force that has resisted the heavenly court and Buddhism alone in the past countless years, and Dawu is a country of ethnic group. They are just insignificant in the outer realm of heaven, and everything about them is controlled by those large and small immortals. And those big and small immortals, they are just insignificant pawns controlled by the heavenly court, and they are not even the peripheral forces of the heavenly court.

Finally understood the gap between Da Wu and Xin Yu. At the suggestion of Don't begging, Da Wu stopped and retreated as quickly as when they came. Along the way, the people of all ethnic countries were migrated to the southerner regions by Qiangdi. Dawu gave up the Northern Expedition and changed to the east and west sides. There are more ethnic countries from foreign countries, defeating the armies of those countries, plundering their people, and developing Dawu's own military strength.

According to the strategy put forward by Don't Beg, if Da Wu can conquer more than 30% of the human kingdoms in the outer world, then Da Wu at least has the power to barely protect himself under the blow of Dayu and Xinyu.

Under the strong deterrence of Xinyu, the whole Wu began to turn away with the heart of not begging, and run with his heart at will. Expand the army, expand the army, expand the army, march, march, march! Wu began to use troops to the east and west at the same time, just like a ferocious and murderous object that was getting bigger and bigger, devouring those human countries that also came from the outside world.

At the same time, at the eastern border of the East Xinjiang controlled by the East China Sea forces, Princess Po Le is patrolling the military towns and cities around the country surrounded by a large group of people.

In the past few months, there have always been some conflicts here, big and small. Sometimes the Eastern Navy easily kills the enemy, but sometimes the Eastern Navy suffers a small loss. With such a long border, there are at least thousands of conflicts every day, and more than 2,000 soldiers from the East China Sea have been killed in the conflict.

This is a bad sign.

Don't beg to send information back to the East China Sea at any time. Therefore, the East China Sea's understanding of the situation of the outer world are only those small human countries in the outer world. They can't have the strength to pose any threat to the East China Sea. Just like the current Dawu, may he cause any practical damage to Xinyu?

But now it is true that there are continuous losses of soldiers in the East China Sea, which can only prove that outside the area controlled by the Eastern Navy, in the boundless Far East of Pangu Continent, there are new forces, and this force is enough to pose a certain threat to the East China Sea. Or there are other powerful forces to intervene, and they have the strength and courage to constantly test the East China Sea.

The heavenly court has promised not to take the initiative to take action against the East China Sea, but in addition to the heavenly court, there is also the giant Buddha. Besides, the guarantee of the heavenly court is somewhat credible, which is something that heaven doesn't know.

Who can guarantee that it's not the heavenly court and what kind of conspiracy is going on?

On the wall of a military town stationed with 3,000 soldiers, Princess Bule looked to the east. This is a flat river, which is a huge grassland. Less than a hundred miles away, a city that had just been built two months ago was in sight. The city is so big that it can accommodate millions of residents. Nowadays, a large group of people are opening up fields and building houses around the city. It seems that they are going to build a group of villages and towns around the big city. Within the scope of Princess Bule's consciousness, tens of millions of people are busy within thousands of miles.

On the head of Ximen City, a very high flagpole is carrying a huge flag, not to mention Princess Bule. Even the soldiers with high cultivation in the military town can see a huge purple "spirit" on the square flagpole with a radius of three miles high!

The flagpole is three miles high, so arrogant and domineering, which is the same as the sentry building set up outside the gate of Liu Bang. The huge spiritual character obviously came from everyone's hands, and the handwriting was flexible and powerful, like a giant dragon hovering on the flag, with an invincible atmosphere.

"Spirit?" Princess Bule frowned: "But there is information back. Which country of human race does this represent?"

Yan Buji shook his head." In the past two months, his secret agents have lost thousands of people, and the losses are more serious than the soldiers killed in the border town. I don't know why, the Far East, which once allowed the East China Sea agents to go in and out like a sieve, has become a dangerous trap. After the East China Sea agents enter, they immediately disappear without a trace. It seems that there is a spy agency whose strength and efficiency are not under the control of Yan Bui, and the same professional organization is facing Yan Let's do it.

Under the annotations of many literary and military ministers in the East China Sea, among these people, there are also Yan Dan and Yan Bugui, the ancestors of the Great Yan clan. Yan Bugui's little white face turned red and lowered his head a little embarrassed.

He is the same as Yan. Among the ministers in the East China Sea, Li Si, Su Qin, Zhang Yi and Xu Fu, also looked down at their toes with a little embarrassment. After the six countries formed the East China Sea Alliance, their four personalities were relatively dark and twisted, and the vicious literary ministers were also thrown into the spies system of the East China Sea. Yan's return is just to coordinate the overall situation, and the four of them belong to one branch respectively.

The spies in the East China Sea have suffered so much losses that Yan's faceless, but the four of them are responsible for the specific work, and it seems that they don't have much rice.

Huang Xie, who was next to him, laughed: "Well, how can the military affairs be sloppy? If, ah, haha, if a few people have the strength to build, I can also make it difficult and share it for several people!"

Because of the matter of Yu Ji's three daughters, Huang Xie, an old man, was a little like a fox. Except for his own confidants, even the civil and military ministers of the State of Chu were too lazy to talk to him. Let's not talk about the generals of the State of Chu. The generals of Dingyu are all masters who dare to love and hate. None of them look down on the cold and ruthless Huang Xie. As for the literary minister of the State of Chu, with such a romantic and affectionate emperor as Qu Ping, may the literary minister of the State of Chu have a common language with Huang Xie?

So Huang Xie has been a little irritable recently, and it's very unpleasant to talk with a gun and stick.

Xu Fu snorted coldly. He narrowed his triangular eyes and was about to argue with Huang Xie. Suddenly, there was a high-pitched dragon roar over the city in the distance.

Everyone was shocked. At the same time, they looked over there and saw a golden five-clawed golden dragon rowing clouds and air, bringing a large cloud tide and flying this way. On the back of the golden dragon, he rode a middle-aged man in a purple robe with a beautiful face.

Eight generals in purple armor flew with only half of the door, closely following the man.

The generals in the East China Sea took a step forward at the same time, and they looked at the eight generals with excitement and fear. Eight generals of Hongmeng Pangu Tian's cultivation, who practiced human skills, actually went straight to the realm of Taiyi. In the East China Sea, don't beg for the means of absolute cheating, including Huang Zai. There are only a dozen generals who practice human skills, and there are actually eight people around the man!

Ao Buzun hugged the jade bone fairy's slender waist, and his big hand was secretly rubbing on the buttocks of the jade bone fairy.

Suddenly, he saw the extremely powerful golden dragon rushing towards this way. He couldn't help snorting coldly, "Does the gray cut also dare to be presumptuous in front of me?" A low and strange roar came from Ao's mouth, and the golden dragon, which had just been majestic, suddenly twitched all over It fell straight down from the sky. Fortunately, the man in purple on his back reacted very fast, and a cloud floated out under his feet, firmly holding his body.

On the head of the city, Ao Bu Zun and Yuan Qing, a group of unkind people, laughed together, and the dragonfly laughed forward and backward. "She almost instinctively showed half of the clam's head, and the corners of her mouth drooled everywhere. Obviously, she was very greedy for the golden dragon that fell to the ground

The man in purple was plotted by Ao Bujin, but with excellent demeanor, he just smiled and flew this way. "When he was more than a hundred feet away from the city wall, he bowed to Princess Bule, who was guarded by everyone in the middle.

"I am the spiritual emperor Zhang Tengyun. Do you dare to ask the girl's name? Can I get married?

As soon as she said a word, Princess Bule's face suddenly changed. She snorted coldly and blurted out a strange spell.

Zhang Tengyun's eyebrows frowned slightly. He laughed in a low voice and said, "The hot-tempered beauty, just the queen who lacks the master in my palace." You are the only one!" A strange ghost roar sounded, and a gray-white shadow with evil spirits suddenly appeared beside Zhang Tengyun. There was no specific figure, The ghost that made people's blood freeze was frantically tearing Zhang Tengyun's body, and the sharp roar wanted to tear his soul into pieces.

A white and flawless lotus huā Ranran flew out from the top of Zhang Tengyun's head, releasing a bright and jade-like fairy light shining for four nights.

The fairy light shone on the shadow, and the fierce ghost summoned by Princess Bule let out a desperate scream, turning into a wisp of black air under the fairy light. Zhang Tengyun frowned and said to Princess Yule, "You will be the lord of the nine palaces of the Ling Dynasty in the future. You can't be so vicious. Go back with me as soon as possible. It's a good student to teach you how to be a mother in the world and be the Virgin of the human race!" Ao Bujin said, "Gaga, laugh wildly." He pointed to Zhang Tengyun and smiled, "Where did this bad-brained guy come from? Who does he think he is? Oh, brothers, he didn't pay attention to us. "Why does he dare to rob our people in front of us?"

The Holy Spirit pulled out the broken halberd and stabbed Zhang Tengyun without saying a word.

Zhang Tengyun's face was cold and he snorted gently. A general beside him took a step across to Zhang Tengyun. A golden round shield appeared in front of the collar out of thin air, and the round shield, which was like the scorching sun, just touched the broken halberd.

With a sound of silence, the Holy Spirit took back the halberd and stood proudly.

The round shield cracked a palm-wide crack in the middle, and the general who blocked the Holy Spirit shook his body. The armor near his heart suddenly cracked, and the blood kept spewing out of the gap.

Zhang Tengyun was shocked. He suddenly cracked a purple gap in his eyebrows. A purple stared at the people on the head of the city. He was full of excitement, and the white lotus on his head suddenly released a dazzling light, and the group disappeared in the white light without a trace.

Princess Pang Le's cold voice sounded: "Ling Dynasty? A large army, destroy its country, and slaughter its clan!"