Steal the sky

Chapter 949 Chapter 3

Chapter 999 Chapter 3 of the Covenant (Fifth Update)

Don't beg also stood up and looked coldly at Zhang Tengyun opposite.

In terms of height, Don't beg is slightly shorter than Zhang Tengyun; in terms of appearance, Zhang Tengyun's face is almost a work of art carved from jade, and Don't beg is even worse than him. In terms of temperament, Zhang Tengyun has everything that an emperor should have, such as domineering, heroic, powerful, majestic, etc., and even he looks so romantic and handsome.

But when the two of them stand together, everyone's eyes will be attracted by begging. It was a kind of worship that looked up at the starry sky on a summer night and saw countless stars, shocked by the vastness of heaven and earth and the infinite worship of the universe. Zhang Tengyun is just an emperor of the world, and don't beg, but it is a high and elusive existence. Just like primitive humans' ignorance of the way of heaven, they feel mysterious about the thunder, rain and dew, and then worship.

Both of them are keenly aware of the difference between each other. Don't beg to smile gently. Zhang Tengyun's face is wrinkled and ugly. In the face of Don't begging, Zhang Tengyun naturally became arrogant, which made him have an indescribable anger.

Gritting his teeth, Zhang Tengyun was about to open his mouth, but Don't beg just grabbed Zhang Tengyun and smiled at Liu Bang and said, "Liu Bang, the king of Han, you are too good at drilling. Well, what position do you have in the Ling Dynasty now?

Liu Bang smiled and arched his hand to Bu Beg: "Let the King of the East China Sea laugh. Xiao Wang is now the prime minister of the Ling Dynasty, and the governor's military affairs."

Don't make a fuss and shout, "Oh, let the King of Han be the prime minister? Well, the emperor of the Ling Dynasty should be careful. Is the king of Han a subordinate figure? Don't be like Prime Minister Lv Buwei beside the King of Han, who overhead the emperor and be the emperor himself!"

Liu Bang and Lv Buwei's faces turned blue with anger. They stared angrily at Don't beg. At the same time, they bowed to Zhang Tengyun and said, "Your Majesty, please be clear. This is the word of others to provoke discord."

Zhang Tengyun sneered. He resisted the evil spirit and murderous spirit in his heart after hearing Begging's words, and gently waved his hand: "How can I not know that it's someone else's trick? The two of you only work loyally to our spiritual court, and there will naturally be the benefits of the two families in the future. With a sneer, Zhang Tengyun proudly raised his head and sneered, "The King of the East China Sea can't help but think I'm too shallow!"

Don't beg. He raised his eyebrows indifferently. He said lightly, "It doesn't matter. If the provocation is successful, you kill the two of them, and I will have a lot less trouble. If the provocation is unsuccessful, what harm will it do to me? Well, Lv Buwei, can't you really stand up with Zhang Tengyun? I don't think he looks like an emperor. If you, Lv Buwei, dare to kill himself and ascend the throne, I don't beg to swear here that the East China Sea army will definitely help you calm down the resistance of the Ling Dynasty.

Lv Buwei's face was no longer blue but green. Zhang Tengyun's eyes jumped with anger. He glanced at Lv Buwei angrily and pointed to Don't beg for something and shouted, "King of the East China Sea, don't let me look down on you!"

Looking at Zhang Tengyun lazily, don't beg to let go of the green-faced Lv Buwei. He smiled and nod to Liu Bang and said, "King of Han, you are a talented person in heaven. Why do you succumb to others? If you have the intention to be the emperor, you dare to swear that you are single-minded in fighting for the throne of the emperor, and I will kill Xiang Yu. The East China Sea army will fully support you in fighting for the throne of the emperor!"

Liu Bang's face also became like a green radish. Before Liu Bang could speak and argue, Don't beg had already shouted and caught Xiang Yu from the vast East China Sea Fleet behind him. Don't beg and ask Xiang Yu with a smile: "Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, if Liu Bang wants to fight for the throne, I will kill you. Are you convinced?"

Xiang Yu grabbed the helmet with incomparable cooperation and patted his neck hard: "The big head is here. If the King of the East China Sea needs it, just take it!"

Liu Bang was about to cry, but Xiang Yu refused to let him go. He pointed to Liu Bang and shouted, "Brother Liu Bang, how many years have you not seen you have been? You and my brother, although there is a little misunderstanding, brotherhood is like gold and jade. What is a little misunderstanding? If you have the ambition of the competitive emperor, someone's head, take it to you!"

Zhang Tengyun's face became very strange, and he looked back at Liu Bang thoughtfully.

Liu Bang's heart trembled with fear. He hurriedly pointed to Xiang Yu and shouted harshly, "It's nonsense!"

After a violent gasp, Liu Bang glared at Don't beg and roared, "King of the East China Sea, as an important minister of Dayu, why are there magic fairies under your command to practice magic skills? You, in your eastern navy, why are there so many mountain monsters accompanying you? Are you still a minister of Dayu? Liu Bang couldn't stand being blamed one after another. In a hurry, he grabbed some mistakes and began to fight back.

Looking at Liu Bang coldly, don't beg to pat Xiang Yu on the shoulder and sneer, "Xiang Yu is a prisoner of the king. Is it difficult that the king can't drive him to march? As for those water monsters..." Looking down at the boundless dense East China Sea water army in a few big rivers, don't beg for a smile and nod to Liu Bang and said, "They are military food!" It's the fresh military food carried by my Eastern Navy. Is this also a hindrance to you?

'Military food'?

Zhang Tengyun, Liu Bang and Lv Buwei stared at Don't beg, and they all had an impulse to spit blood. People can be shameless, but they can't be so shameless, right? The dignified prince went on an expedition, carrying countless aquatic demons. Is it actually military food?

Okay, don't be so shameless, but how to refute him? Those golden goblins, such as lobsters, big abalone, prawns, big oysters and so on. You say they are military food, that's absolutely right. You said they were not military food, but insisted that they were the regular army of the Eastern Navy. So, what are the cattles doing?

On the nearest river, the catfish lay lazily on the back of a huge turtle, grabbing two lobsters and nibbling very happily. Around the sea turtle, all the boundless is the cultivated lobster essence, which seems to be all the marching snacks prepared by the catfish for themselves.

Liu Bang is dumb, is this really the fresh military food prepared?

Liu Bang was completely defeated, and he drooped his head and stopped talking. Zhang Tengyun looked coldly at Don't beggar, raised his hand and nodded a few times to Don't beg: "Okay, King of the East China Sea, by such a means, you are qualified to achieve great things. Give the woman around you to me. When I withdraw from the throne of the emperor and the emperor of heaven, you can consider letting you take over the throne of the emperor.

Don't beg to take a look at Princess Kuan Le and suddenly laughed: "Zi Xuan, you are worthy of the throne."

Princess Le looked blankly, gently stroked her lower abdomen with both hands, and said slowly, "If the child's father dares to exchange this palace for something, I will choke him to death, and then drag his father to death!"

Don't beg for a chill and dare not joke again. He turned his head and pointed to Zhang Tengyun and shouted harshly, "Let your mother's spring and autumn fart, Zhang Tengyun, I don't bother to insult each other with you. Today, our East China Sea army is coming here, and I'm bound to give Since you also led the army here, you and I will discuss a constitution to decide the future of our East China Sea and your spiritual dynasty?

Zhang Tengyun narrowed his eyes. He took a look at Princess Le. He was about to order the whole army to attack and destroy the Eastern Navy at all costs. Behind the curtain, a middle-aged man in a cyan robe suddenly appeared behind the curtain, who was ugly as a crab. The man muttered a few words in Zhang Tengyun's ear, then looked deeply at Begging, turned around and retreated to the curtain.

Don't beg to take a look at this man. The star power fluctuation on his body is extremely obvious, and he should be one of the star kings in the lower world.

Zhang Tengyun pondered for a while. He bowed to Don't beg and said, "Good, good, let's agree on a constitution."

Looking at the vast East China Sea army, Zhang Tengyun smiled and said, "King of the East China Sea, if you and I come out together, in this war, you and our army may be spared?"

Don't be silent for a while and shake your head gently. In the struggle at the level of the Ming Taoist realm and even the broken Taoist realm, a slight carelessness is the result of the collapse of the void of hundreds of millions of miles. In those years, the heavens were able to fight, and countless fragments of the Pangu continent was blown away in the heavy disaster of heaven and earth, forming today's outer realm. If Don't beg and Zhang Tengyun's elites fight together, as long as the nearly 1,000 star kings of the Ling Dynasty rush out together, it may end up with the death of the armies of both sides. Ordinary soldiers really have no resistance in front of them.

Zhang Tengyun nodded with a smile. He glanced at Princess Pang Le again and said in a low voice, "So you and I swear that the Ling Dynasty is fighting with the East China Sea. How about the cultivation below Taiyi to fight?"

Don't beg to think of those Xingjun just now. He smiled and said, "If someone doesn't have the cultivation of Taiyi, but they..."

Zhang Tengyun nod and said, "Of course, those stars will not deal with a soldier in the East China Sea."

After talking for a long time, they discussed many terms one by one, and finally reached an agreement between the two sides to fight.

Those who are above the Taiyi realm cannot take action in person, but they can be given magic weapons, charms, elixirs and so on.

The generals, priests, immortals, Sanxiu, demons and monsters of the Golden Wonderland of the two sides attacked each other, and finally saw who captured the other's capital first to win. If the East China Sea army captures Wanling City, Zhang Tengyun will bow down and admit defeat. If the Ling Dynasty army captures the East China Sea City, Don't beg will lose everything.

Except for not being able to do it in person, all other cost-effective schemes are allowed. For example, it is absolutely not allowed for Princess Le to curse and kill a general of the Ling Dynasty in person, but it is absolutely allowed for Princess Le to build an altar and teach a priest in the East China Sea to curse and kill a general of the Ling Dynasty.

Both sides are subject to all the forces in their hands today, and no external forces are allowed to intervene.

The so-called foreign forces are the heavenly court and the great Yu. If any immortal in the heavenly court appears in the Lingchao array, the Lingchao will lose; if Dayu supports a soldier in the East China Sea, the East China Sea will lose.

Various terms were formulated one by one, and Don't Beg and Zhang Tengyun announced the matter in public. Neither of them swore that they obviously knew that the oath was not reliable. Subsequently, the two armies retreated at the same time to prepare various planning plans before the war.

As soon as he returned to the chariot, he immediately caught Ao Bul: "Bless, hard-working life! Only golden fairy-level generals can take action. How much can you give birth to?

Ao Bvun's arrogant Ling Yun straightened his chest, and he shouted, "Give me enough women. I will drown the whole Ling Dynasty with the golden fairy-level dragon army!"

Princess Le beside her turned dark. RO