Steal the sky

Chapter 954 I want to kill the emperor

The war in the East China Sea is in full place. Don't beg and Princess Zangle have secretly left the East China Sea and sneaked into the back of the Pangu Continent.

In the flood world at the junction of the front and back of Pangu Continent, the nine blood demon gods take themselves as their eyes, and do not beg to use the 36,000 Kunwu sword condensed by Hongmeng purple gas to arrange a huge Xuanyuan magic sword array. In the huge sword array, a purple light mass the size of one billion fists floats. This is the condensed star of the 1 billion million star road obtained from the Vientiane star core.

In order to lay down this large array, don't beg to exhaust the internal mana of the [body]. With the help of Princess Po Le, he meditated for seven days and seven nights before regaining all his vitality. Leave the refining tripod in the core of the big array, and constantly swallow the spirit of heaven and the earth to provide it to the big array for use. Don't take Princess Bule to escape into the back of the Pangu Continent and fly all the way to the direction of the source of fire of Yanjun Dajiao.

Don't beg to kill the new Yuyan and seize the spirit of the human emperor who splits the new Yu emperor.

Don't beg once tried. The spirit of the human emperor is similar to the power of Buddhism, and the power of faith generated by the respect and worship of hundreds of millions of people for the emperor. He once wanted to steal a trace of the spirit of the human emperor from Wu Tianming's [body], and condensed a new spirit of the human emperor with Hongmeng purple gas. He succeeded in stealing the spirit of the human emperor, but he tried to integrate with the spirit of the human emperor with the Hongmeng purple gas. When he wanted to transform the Hongmeng purple spirit into the spirit of the human emperor, he did not fail.

Under the impact of Hongmeng purple gas, the spirit of the emperor dissipated quickly like dew in the sun. Don't beg or even have time to adapt. And the dissipated human emperor's spirit almost shook Wu Tianming's human emperor's foundation, and the emperor's spirit in his body almost dissipated. Don't beg and dare not take the risk to try, you can only stop for the time being.

But don't beg for an intuition to give him enough imperial spirit, and he will definitely be able to understand the mystery.

Enough of the emperor's spirit, the emperor Haozun is powerless to kill, and emotionally, he will not beg and will not attack the emperor. But the new Yu emperor, it is a natural thing to kill him. As a minister of Dayu, it is the duty not to beg to kill the rebellion. Half of the orthodox emperor's breath is enough not to find out how this thing is generated and how to simulate it with Hongmeng purple gas.

Don't beg and Princess Bile are both cultivated to break the Taoist realm, and the flight speed is extremely fast, but these days, the Pangu Continent has expanded outward greatly, and the terrain and landscape nearby have changed dramatically. It took Don't beg to take Princess Bule to find the nest of Yanjun's big horn for a

Seeing the huge source of fire standing between heaven and earth from afar, don't beg to nod to Princess Bu Le.

Princess Bu Le looked at Begging with a little worry, and rushed up and hugged him hard." She bit him fiercely: "Be careful!" Don't beg and said, "Don't worry, Yanjun's big horn is a straight-hearted person. At most, he can beat me. Can he still kill me as a lifesaver Just answer it here. If something is wrong, we will immediately move to the large array under the cloth. At worst, we will destroy the nine blood demon gods, and we can leave freely.

Princess Bile nodded seriously. She took out a magic altar made of the skull of a fairy beast's head from her sleeve, took out all kinds of strange magic weapons and incense candle swords, and began to prepare a set of the most powerful spells she could. This spell is similar to the Zhou Tianxing forbidden method practiced by Hu Hai in those years. It can connect many veins of the Pangu Continent into the altar of the Dharma. It uses the power of the vein to make a spell attack. If the cursed person dares to resist, a carelessness will cause a great geological disaster in Pangu Continent. At that time, the disasters will be continuous and boundless sins will fall. Even the power of the Taoist realm will not easily bear such a huge karmic force.

When Princess Po Le was ready, Don't beg to shake his body and turn into the appearance of the old man Yuanling in the previous life. He stepped on a cloud cloud transformed by Yuanling Qingqi and fluttered to the source of fire.

On the huge source of fire, the Sphinx was lying on a branch and yawning. There was a clear trace of blood on his mouth. Obviously, he had just had a full meal. I just didn't know whether his food was a mythical beast or some unlucky fairy.

Under the big tree, Yanjun's big horn was touching the big hole that was hit by the source wood of the fire that day with a sad face. On that day, Changmei Laodao grabbed the stubble and smashed it heavily on the source of the fire, and hit the source of the fire into a big hole with a radius of more than ten feet, and lost a lot of vitality. Later, the huge essence was stolen from the source of fire. The source of fire was greatly damaged, and now the light on the body surface is a little dim.

Yanjun Dajiao didn't know the good deeds of Don't begging." He attributed all the blame to Changmei Laodao. He stroked the damaged place of the big tree and grunted to all the relatives of Changmei Laodao. Chaos Demon God has no parents and elders, but Yanjun Dajiao ignores so much. Eighteen generations of ancestors, such as his long-browed father and mother, and his grandparents, have been greeted over and over by him. All kinds of dirty words are simply like the sum of a thousand hooligans in the listed well.

Don't beg far away. Listening to the curse of Yanjun's big horn, they couldn't help but be speechless.

The big horn of Yanjun, who used to be so simple and simple, is now not only the supreme existence of the Taoist realm, but also the skill of the mouth has become so terrible. Don't beg. I vaguely remember that when Yanjun's big horn cursed people, he only broke the three-character scriptures, but now all kinds of whimsical words are endless, which makes Don't beg ashamed.

sighed, Don't beg to step on Qingyun and fly forward.

All the minds were immersed in the injury of the source of fire, and Yanjun Dajiao didn't pay attention to the approach without begging at all. The Sphinx was also lying on the branch to digest the delicious food just now, and he also didn't pay attention to the behavior of begging. But sitting under the big tree, dozens of red-robed Taoist who were practicing at the seaside of the magma opened their eyes at the same time. Among them, the oldest, and only a pinch of white hair was left in the middle of his head. The old man, who carefully tied a jujube-sized bun, pointed to him and shouted, "Who is

More than a hundred miles away from the source of fire, don't stop the clouds with a smile. These Hongpao Taoist didn't see it when they came last time. Look at their cultivation. The almost bald old Taoist has the cultivation of the third grade of Taiyi, and half of the other people also have the strength of Taiyi Realm, and the remaining half of the more than 30 people are at the peak level of Jinxian, and they also belong to

It seems that these people are the proud disciples of Yanjun's big horns for so many years. Although there was no sect to recruit disciples, Yanjun Dajiao did not live in a vacuum. He always had an intersection with others. He could not say that when he was outside, he would point out a few scattered practitioners and save a few predestined people. These people are even his named disciples.

Now, in the face of the pressure of Taoism and Buddhism, it is very possible for Yanjun Dajiao to gather them, teach them the road, and even forcibly improve their cultivation.

The bald Taoist shouted loudly, and Yanjun's big horn turned around with a gloomy face and scolded, "What are you shouting for? It's a fuss. What's so great? Even if someone strayed in here, what's the point? Huh? If you are a good person, just let them leave. If you are not a good person, let your brother eat it. What are you shouting about? What are you shouting about?"

If you don't care about it, don't beg for a glance. Yanjun's big horn pointed to these red-robed Taoist people and scolded, "You all have to learn more like me. What is steady, what is Laocheng, what is...

Damn it!"

He was teaching people to grow old and steady, not to be in danger, and to have a general. Yanjun's big horn suddenly glanced at Don't beg. After his body shivered and cursed, he had arrived in front of Don't begging and kicked Don't begging fiercely.

Don't beg to laugh wildly. According to the most used combat mode of the chaotic demon god, don't beg is also arrogantly flying to meet Yanjun's big horn.

With a loud noise, there was no wind to leak out. Don't beg's calf was broken into three pieces. He staggered back and retreated far away. After taking a deep breath, the whole body was clear and the broken bones quickly healed.

Yanjun's big horn stood still with a muffled hum. He gritted his teeth and looked at Don't begging. He subconsciously reached out and touched a pair of big horns with different lengths on his head. He gritted his teeth and said, "Yuanling old monster, your mother's horns!"

Don't stare at him, point to Yanjun's big horn and scold, "Isn't farting a horn? What's the matter of saving your life?

Yanjun's big horn was stunned. He blinked his eyes and recalled the history of his pain in those years. His eyes blinked quickly for a while. Yanjun's big horn bowed deeply to Don't beg, and his body almost bent 90 degrees: "The old monster is reasonable. If you hadn't saved me in those years, my soul would have been scattered, how could there be the achievement of today's Taoism? Speaking of which, old monster, you are my great benefactor!"

He straightened up and patted his chest hard. Yanjun stared at Don't beg and shouted, "I've always been grateful to me. It's clear that you have great kindness to me, so you are my distinguished guest. In the future, you will naturally have good tea, wine and good hospitality. But you cut off one of my horns again, so every time you come to the door in the future, I will give you a kick. Hahaha, you have to suffer a little more or less!" Don't beg's face twitched. This guy is still his nature, or that straight-hearted personality!

Before Bu begging to speak, Yanjun's big horn suddenly roared and suddenly jumped back more than ten miles away. He pointed to Begging and shouted, "Daster, when you went to explore the ancient holy palace, you didn't conflict with the group of cow-nosed donkeys and their collusions at that time, and was Is it? You, why are you still alive?" He rubbed his nose hard, and said with a wry smile, "It's a long time to say this."

Yanjun's big horn was stunned. He frowned and buttoned his nose hard. He nodded hard and said, "Well, please talk about it carefully! Sphinx face, roll up for me, go to the old thief monkey to ask for a few jars of good wine, tell him not to give me the best wine, next time I go to set fire to his Monkey Mountain, let his grandson have no hair!" Don't beg and Yanjun's big horns hook up and fly to the source of fire wood . Mo Sifei introduced the origin of Don't begging to his family. He blew Don't begging to the sky, the first elixir master of the chaotic demon god, the first eccentricity, the first cruel, the first skin of thick flesh and thick clouds...

After talking for a long time, Don't beg is the behavior of spitting wildly. He stamped Yanjun's big horns feet fiercely and asked in a low voice, "Don't gossip, I'm going to kill the new Yu Emperor. You help me isolate the sky." Yanjun's big horn was The strong green light burst out, and it was extremely exciting to catch it and don't beg.