Steal the sky

Chapter 961 The Secret of the Imperial Qi

Chapter 961 The Secret of the Imperial Air

Although it is closed in the spiritual cave, the information from the outside world is still continuously fed back to Don't beg through Princess Pangle.

When the emperor of Xinyu was mourned, all the clans of Xinyu were killed, and the heavy civil and military ministers were killed and injured. Under the power of the Taoist in black who claimed to be the law called 'Mingyu', Xinyu somehow got a child who claimed to be the illegitimate son of the new Yu Emperor and

The literary and military affairs of the Xinyu Man Dynasty were killed and injured, and it was also the decision of the underworld. From the clans of those civil and military officials, a group of barely available people were selected to fill the empty court. Many defenders in the frontier were also like this. A group of people were pulled out from the dwarfs and sent to

But things are so wonderful. No matter how hard it is, the Xinyu army is defeated thousands of miles on the battlefield. Often, as soon as the Yu army arrives, the new Yu army will look at the wind and escape or simply kneel down and surrender. In just one month, the Dayu army led by Emperor Haozun cooperated with Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor and Emperor Yan Shennong to sit down the two armies under the jurisdiction of the gods. They have recovered 70% of the territory of Xinyu, and the front pointed to Xiong City.

Two months after the retreat, the army of Dayu came to the bear city. Minghu blatantly brought a large number of Taiyi-level masters to fight, trying to defeat the Dayu army to save Xinyu. However, in the face of the Haozun Emperor, who broke through the realm of cultivation and held the Xuanyuan sword, Ming was hit hard by a sword. Fortunately, the eight heavenly girls blocked the Haozun Emperor, and Ming escaped under the protection of a group of monks.

The Dayu army broke through the bear city and completely destroyed the new Yu. The people in Xiong City were demoted as sinners and distributed to Dayu's meritorious officials as slaves, and all the other officials were wiped out. There are also hundreds of immortals and monks who have defected to Xinyu. Countless immortals and monks have been besieged and killed by the Dayu army. Hundreds of immortals have been washed with blood. Even the fairy birds and beasts they raised have been killed cleanly, which has really achieved the level of not leaving chickens and dogs.

Even the high priests who betrayed Dayu seemed to have taken the wrong medicine. Under the attack of Emperor Haozun, they were simply vulnerable, as if they had lost their minds, and were slaughtered by the priests of Dayu like lambs. According to the news from the East China Sea spy, three days after Dayu attacked the bear city, and the Tongtian priest of Xinyu fought with the priest of Dayu in the sky. From time to time, a huge Tongtian tower fell from the sky with thick smoke, smashing huge mountains and cut off countless rivers.

Exactly seven days later, there was no sound of fighting in the sky, and then the priests of Dayu gradually returned from the sky. The Tongtian priests of Dayu had almost no loss, and all the high priests of Xinyu were killed, and their clansmen were also killed by the Dayu army like other family gatekeepers of Xinyu, and even the babies in the infant were completely killed by the soul destruction spell.

After this battle, Dayu was full of momentum. With this power, Emperor Haozun issued imperial edicts to all directions of the world to order all ethnic countries to obey Dayu. Otherwise, Emperor Haozun would personally command the army to level all those small countries.

For a while, Dayu, who had already shown the trend of decline, revived his power and greatly expanded his army to prepare to fight in all directions. After receiving the order of Haozun Emperor's expedition, the people of the human countries were panicked. Under the instructions of the immortals behind the scenes, they were also crazy to prepare for the army.

In terms of the total population, the total number of people in the outer world can be about 80% of the total population of Dayu. If we cooperate with the immortals of the heavenly court and the Buddhist cultivation of Buddhism, as long as the outer heaven all ethnic countries are integrated into one force, it is enough to fight against Dayu. .

According to the information sent back by the spies in the East China Sea, after receiving the order of the expedition from Dayu, the Ling Dynasty's attack on the human country suddenly became more than ten times more violent. Zhang Tengyun even appeared on the front line several times to encourage morale and pocketed several powerful human countries. The secret agent saw it with his own eyes. On the bloody battlefield, Zhang Tengyun killed the emperor of the enemy country in front of countless sergeants, and pulled out the purple spirit like a dragon from their bodies and swallowed it into his stomach.

When you get the information from the spy, you can't help nodding secretly. It seems that this person's spirit is really useful. At least the new Yu emperor was killed. Don't beg to rob him. Xinyu was destroyed in just two months. This is a ready-made example.

In the spiritual cave where aura is abundant and has begun to produce energy crystals, don't beg to sit under the refining tripod. The huge divine consciousness is like a nebula rotating around the soul. Every tiny particle of the soul is trembling, and it is in contact and circulating with the law of heaven, looking for information about the spirit of

The sky is messed up by the seven Buddhas and nine paths, and then the eighteen saints are also blatantly involved. Now the sky is in a mess, and no one can sort out any clues about the operation of the sky. The god's consciousness is integrated into the chaotic torrent of heaven. Let the torrent flow at will with his own consciousness, and occasionally come into contact with some information related to the breath of the human emperor, and this information is immediately absorbed and stored by his soul.

Bit by bit of data is constantly stored. Don't beg to remove the Qianjing from it. With a trace of induction of the soul in the underworld, the information that really points to the essence of the human emperor's spirit is integrated and gradually restores the original appearance of the human emperor's breath.

At the same time, the huge human emperor's spirit in the body is being pulled away by the Hongmeng purple gas, and it is gradually dissolved. The divine consciousness of the beg and these dismantled human emperor's spirit are merged with each other, from which you can feel all kinds of strange forces in the human emperor's spirit.

There seemed to be lightning and thunder passing in front of him. When the soul of the begging god was completely immersed in the spirit of the human emperor, and his consciousness was completely integrated with the way of heaven, countless illusions passed quickly in front of his eyes.

In the Honghuang Continent, there are countless giant beasts and demons and birds, and human beings are as weak as insects, allowing the giant beasts and birds to hunt at will. There are more powerful gods on high above, calling the wind and rain from time to time to set off a terrible storm that instantly destroys a tribe of the human race, or spreads the plague that makes dozens of tribes perish in an instant. The newborn human race is weak and incompetent, and they can only struggle to survive in that extremely sinister environment.

After so barely breeding for dozens of generations, the best individuals of the human race finally inspired the bloodline inherited from Pangu Dasheng and other larks. Their IQ or body has been greatly enhanced, and they have begun the first evolution of the human race itself. They have smart minds and strong bodies.

Under the leadership of these first evolved members of the human race, the human race built houses to shelter from the wind and rain, and lit a bonfire to disperse the beasts. They roasted food with fire to strengthen their physique, and used herbs to disperse the plague to treat the people. There are also those powerful warriors who guard the clan. They use rough wooden sticks and stones as weapons to kill powerful beasts and fierce birds, and protect the human race through the most difficult stage of birth.

Those excellent people became the leaders of the tribe, and the growing tribes communicated with each other, so the individual tribe formed a strong tribal alliance. Finally, with the reproduction and development of human beings, and with the gradual strength of human beings, small tribal alliances merged with each other and finally developed into tribal alliances of the whole human race.

A human being is fragile and incompetent, but countless human beings come together, and their power is enough to destroy heaven and earth.

The wisest and most powerful person was selected as the leader of the tribe, leading the whole human race forward. In the newborn human society, any invention, any invention that is beneficial to human beings, will have a huge amount of merit from heaven.

And the early ancestors, they were simple and simple, and they had an unpolluted heart. They respect the tribal allies who led them to develop. This respect is hot and pure, the purest and most primitive power of faith. The power of faith of countless human races is gathered in the tribal alliance leader, integrating the merits of the heavenly way, and cooperating with the magnificent atmosphere of tenacious and unyielding to fight with heaven, the earth, the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth, and the spirits of heaven and earth, which finally melted into the original human emperor's spirit.

The initial spirit of the human emperor was recognized by the way of heaven, integrated the luck of heaven, and finally evolved into today's spirit of the human emperor.

The spirit of the emperor is the belief in the supreme leader of a nation and the belief of hundreds of millions of people. The spirit of the emperor is lost, the heart is scattered, and the national fortune collapses. Just like Xinyu was completely destroyed by Dayu in just two months, it is like a person's three souls and seven souls are completely devastated. How can there be the power to resist the invasion of foreign enemies?

Therefore, regardless of Jie and Zhou, before the collapse of a country, the spirit of mourning first rose from the emperor. The atmosphere of mourning replaced the spirit of the emperor, which led to the chaos of the dynasty from top to bottom, so the people did not live a living, and eventually the country was destroyed and the family died. Therefore, there must be a faint king in the subjugation of the country, which is the impact caused by the dissipation of the emperor.

Don't beg to nod secretly. Only with merit and the power of faith, coupled with the luck of heaven, can you achieve the spirit of the emperor.

Moreover, the power of faith is different from that of Buddhism. The power of Buddhism is used to refine oneself and the relics, and the faith in the spirit of the emperor must be the belief of the people in the profession of 'emperor'. That is to say, Don't beg is now supported and loved by many people in the East China Sea, but he has not made a sign to become a country, and the power of faith he gets cannot be transformed into the spirit of the emperor.

If you want to win the spirit of the emperor, you must first pick out the flag and tell the people of the world that they have established a country!

And the strongest effect of the emperor's spirit is to protect the mind and protect yourself. There is a strong enough human emperor's qi to protect himself. All evils are inviolable and all laws are untouched. Even all kinds of knives, guns, swords and halberd can't touch people who are strong enough to touch the emperor's spirit.

Just like Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor Shennong, although they have infinite merits and virtues, the spirit of the human emperor in their bodies is also very small, which really reaches the level of immunity to all spells and ignoring any immortal magic and Buddhist attacks. Even their bodies have the infinite spirit to protect themselves, almost to the point of immortality. Their own cultivation may not be very strong, but they stand there as immortals. If they really fight with them, even the existence of the Taoist realm will have a headache.

And there are people who protect their bodies with the imperial spirit. Even if they are in the Taoist realm, they dare not easily hurt him, otherwise they will definitely be eaten back by the way of heaven, which will kill people. Even if the power of the Taoist realm triggers the ultimate divine punishment of heaven, there will be a disaster of flying ash.

The breath of the purple dragon gradually disintegrated under the analysis of Don't beg. Don't beg squinted and smiled. His consciousness was immersed in the vast world in his body.

"From today on, I will establish the country as the emperor, and the name of the country is Yan Huang! You all govern the people for me!"

The huge voice spread all over the void in the body. In those years, countless descendants derived from the people brought out of the world of the world of the world of the world worshipped and knelt down on the ground.

A huge purple vitality suddenly formed in the body of Don't Beg!

Send the second update. I'm so tired today. After eating, I'm going to bed. I'll try my best for the fifth update tomorrow!

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