Steal the sky

Chapter 963 The gate is on fire

In the deliberation hall of the Ling Dynasty, an executioner in red cut off the head of the monarch of a small country with a knife.

The heavenly court was secretly sent to the Ling Dynasty, and at the same time, the steamed star king, who was also the imperial minister of the Beidou Emperor of the heavenly court, frowned and pulled out a purple imperial spirit that was less than three feet as thin as a thumb from the little monarch's [body].

This imperial spirit is extremely loose, and it is not dragon-shaped at all. Just like a loach, it is constantly winding and flying around the fingertips of a star.

How can this be like the imperial spirit of a king who controls tens of thousands of miles to govern hundreds of millions of people? I'm afraid that in ancient times, the leaders of those human tribes with only hundreds of thousands of people gathered the power of faith was ten times stronger than this imperial spirit.

With a grin, Yijie Xingjun simply crushed the emperor's anger.

Zhang Tengyun sat on the throne with a gloomy face and said in a low voice, "Xingjun, please see, in the past three years, our spiritual dynasty has destroyed countless countries, and their kings have become prisoners. But the strongest imperial spirit I got from them. Three years ago, there was even a trace of imperial spirit in the [body]. It was simply an empty shell.

Liu Bang said in a dark voice, "Yijie Xingjun, this matter is not good for my heavenly court. Please ask Xingjun to find out the truth as soon as possible."

A dozen effect kings who knelt in the hall and trembled all over walked around. He waved his sleeves, and more than a dozen people's heads flew up one after another. The bloody soul was sucked away by the strange power of the void. From the place where he got up, more than a dozen emperors flew out, and it was After measuring these imperial spirit, Yijie Xingjun narrowed his eyes and muttered a few spells. The imperial spirit in his hand suddenly drifted away and fluttered, turning into a little fluorescence and fluttering around his palm.

"These imperial atmospheres have been reborn in the last three years, so they are so fragile!"

Yijie Xingjun frowned and explained the strangeness of these imperial spirit to Zhang Tengyun and Liu Bang. Normally, the imperial spirit of a country is inherited from generation to generation. The previous monarch is passed on to the next monarch, and from generation to generation. With the expansion of the people and territory, the imperial spirit will only accumulate over time and gradually become stronger. The imperial spirit in front of them was obviously taken out three years ago. Now the imperial spirit in their body is only the last three years, so it has become so weak.

Zhang Tengyun trembled with anger. He shouted harshly, "Who dares to fight against me?"

Yijie Xingjun sneered with a gloomy face and said, "I'm afraid they are not against your majesty, but against the heavenly court."

Lv Buwei, who stood beside Zhang Tengyun, said in a voice, "There should be a capable person to pull away the imperial spirit of these monarchs. In this way, your majesty will not be able to gather enough imperial spirit to compete with Dayu, thus interfering with your majesty's plan to ascend to the Those ministers of Dayu can't do this, and their brains will not react so quickly.

Liu Bang's thoughtful leader said, "Yes, those civil and military ministers of Dayu are only good at killing with one knife and one shot. They can't do this kind of harmful thing. Hey, besides our heavenly court, who else will know the importance of this imperial spirit? If your majesty's imperial spirit can't suppress the imperial spirit owned by the emperor of Dayu Haozun, the war between our Ling Dynasty and Dayu will definitely suffer!"

Everyone in the hall looked at each other and looked to the west at the same time.

Lv Buwei, who already has great power within the Ling Dynasty and controls the continuous access of wealth and intelligence work, said: "A few days ago, the information I received is that the western border of Dayu also has the name of a country. Quiet, the dynasty suddenly emerged that its national strength is extremely strong, even destroyed tens of thousands of countries in the western There was a bear army under Wang Ji's command. It is said that Xiong Jun has suffered a few losses.

Yijie Xingjun's face became extremely ugly. He walked around the many corpses in the hall with his hands behind his back, and then sneered and said, "Jingchao, there is no such country in the plan of my heavenly court and Buddhism. All the countries in the outer realm have been carefully examined before coming to the Pangu Continent. I remember that there is no name of Jingchao in the official documents sent to the six great emperors.

Zhang Tengyun said with a gloomy face, "In this way, someone has blinded the six heavenly emperors. Who has this means?"

Liu Bang looked at the body on the ground and said, "This method can not only deceive the six heavenly emperors, but also pull away the imperial spirit of these kings in advance, so that your majesty can't integrate their imperial spirit to enhance our spiritual luck. This kind of dirty method seems to be only..."

Everyone looked up unanimously and looked at the position of the Western Great Spirit Sludall Mountain in the distant sky.

When he learned that Xingjun's face had become like that of a dead man, he said lightly, "It seems that it can be understood that the person who is a god on behalf of heaven and the future emperor's choice is such an important role. I'm afraid they have also launched their own agents to compete for these two positions. Hey, hey, hey, it's really thoughtful and scheming.

After mediting for a moment, Yijie Xingjun frowned and looked at Zhang Tengyun: "It's not safe to say so, Your Majesty."

Zhang Tengyun was furious. He patted the handrail of the throne and shouted angrily, "Do they still dare to kill me?"

Yijie Xingjun said in a low voice, "I dare not kill, but how about stealing the imperial spirit in your majesty's [body]? Dare to ask Your Majesty, how much power can you exert on the precious treasure of jade and white lotus? If you can give full play to more than 30% of your power, there will be fewer people who can hurt your majesty on Sunday. If it's 30% power, I'm afraid that no less than 800 people under their door can quietly take away your majesty's imperial spirit!"

Yijie Xingjun said to Zhang Tengyun rudely, "Without the spirit of tens of thousands of reincarnations and hard-earned people, what's the use of your majesty to the heavenly court?"

Zhang Tengyun's face turned white. He seemed to think of something terrible and couldn't help shivering. He stared at Yixi Xingjun with a wry smile and said, "Please give me some advice. How can Tengyun avoid this disaster? If there are achievements in the future, this kindness will be kept in mind.

Yijie Xingjun smiled with satisfaction, and he said with his head, "Good. Your majesty holds the great Zhoutian's original life star god card, which can mobilise the Zhoutian's 84,000 star king's life star power to hold it in itself. He does not hurt the enemy, but only integrates his own soul and the spirit of the human emperor. There is 84,000 star king's original star power protection. Unless those ancestors take action in person, who can get your majesty?

Zhang Tengyun suddenly patted his forehead. He smiled and said, "I'm confused. Well, take care of yourself first, and then make other plans. Hey hey, since they took away the imperial spirit of these monarchs in advance, it was just convenient for us. At that time, they will break through the capital of Jing Dynasty and kill the emperor of Jing Dynasty. Isn't it happy that his imperial spirit belongs to me?

Donghai City, don't work hard for more than three years. It's easy to steal all the royal spirit of those small countries of the human race in Zhoutian. The imperial spirit of countless kings is gathered in Don't beg, and his imperial spirit has faintly reached about 70% of the imperial spirit of the people in his heyday.

Now Haozunhuang has just led the army to destroy Xinyu, and Dayu has been reunified. However, the imperial spirit in the body of the new Yu Emperor has been stolen. The imperial spirit of Haozunhuang is only half of that of that year. If he wants to restore to the atmosphere of that year, I don't know how long

Therefore, at this time, Don't beg is the strongest person in the world. After he returned to Donghai City, the morale of the unprovoked Donghai soldiers has been greatly improved. Even the crop yield and the number of babies born in Donghai City have been greatly improved in the next few months, and almost all newborn babies are suitable. To practice the human body forging skills, an average of one in a thousand people is suitable for practicing the priest's formula.

The so-called outstanding spirit, don't beg to gather this huge imperial spirit, which has indeed caused such a mysterious change in the jurisdiction of the East China Sea. I didn't see you for several years. Don't beg or explain what you went to do. You immediately pulled Princess Po Le to linger. You have been together all day long, and you are not in the mood to deal with the war between the East China Sea and the Ling Dynasty for the time being. In the past three years, the East China Sea and the Ling Dynasty have won or lost each other, and no one can have an absolute advantage. Today I took several of your cities, and tomorrow you will take back a few more. It's nothing more than such a stalemate. For more than three years, hundreds of thousands of soldiers have died on both sides, which is the only loss.

But both sides occupy a vast area with a vast population, and the loss of hundreds of thousands of soldiers is not even a dime, and no one cares about it at all.

Lying on a small island on the East Sea, in the pavilion specially built for Princess Buqi and Bule, Buqi leaned against Princess Bule, and Princess Pole lazily fed all kinds of fresh wild fields for Buqi.

It was the bright moon shining, the stars shining, the sea breeze swept up the waves and beat on the island, and the waves urged people to sleep. I just lingered with Princess Bule for a long time, and Be Beg also yawned a little lazily, and then the stars darkened all over the sky.

Don't be surprised. He walked out of Zunting with Princess Po Le and looked high in the sky. The light of the stars quickly disappeared. With the huge knowledge of both of them, they could feel that 84,000 ancient stars were brewing a terrible power in the sky. Before long, 84,000 extremely fine silver lights shot down from the sky and fell towards the capital of the Ling Dynasty at a distance.

I don't know what happened in the Ling Dynasty. Don't beg for a stunned kung fu. Behind him, the lock soul seal that was banned by Gui Guzi with the art of Tianxing Dunjia suddenly broke out. The severe pain went straight to his mind. Don't beg for pain and snorted, and his eyes couldn'

In the past few years, don't beg to go around to steal the imperial spirit, but he has not ignored the deadly soul seal behind him. After several years of water mill, he has also worn out 90% of the soul seal. When he was about to do his best to wear it out, Zhou Tianxing's power was suddenly concentrated in Wanling City, and no trace fell on Begging. Therefore, the star escape armor suddenly collapsed, and the lock soul seal was launched with all its strength.

The severe pain is enough. What's terrible is that the fluctuation of the lock soul seal spread away, and she didn't know where the devil was just now. As soon as the lock soul seal moved, she suddenly appeared in front of Don't begging.

"Hey, yo, yo, I've been doing well for you for several years, and I've finally found you!"

The devil grinned and laughed at Don't beg.

Don't beg for a beg. He quickly sent a message to Princess Bule with his consciousness, and then he turned around and fled into a shocking long rainbow.

The female demon "clucked, with a sharp smile. She didn't even look at Princess Bile, and she chased after her without begging.