Steal the sky

Chapter 967 Happy to win

Last night, the pig's eyes turned red. After sleeping all morning, I got up and my eyes were still like rabbits.

Thank you to Sister Sbaragu for the handicrafts given to the pig's head, as well as the canyon paradise from Yantai, Jingling all the way from Dalian, and other brothers and sisters from Suzhou and Hangzhou. Er, last night, the pig's head was very concave, but his eyes turned red, and then his throat was swollen, quack! I tried to code words today, but my physical condition is not very good. Let's see how many chapters I can write!

Er, maybe I drank too much beer in winter. I got up twice in the middle of the night last night. My stomach hurts! ........................

In the cave, the colorful light dissipated, like two octopus, do not begging and the little female demon were lying on the ground. Both of them were sweating profusely, but the face of the beggish face was red and the spirit, and the little female demon's face was gray like the beginning of a serious illness

For more than a month of war, the two devoured each other's spirit. Don't beg to finally devour more than 70% of the essence of the little girl demon, and his mana cultivation reached the peak of breaking the road. Just by chance, you can combine the soul with the way of heaven. Since then, the ancient world will not be destroyed, and there will be no more danger.

The little demon who bit the shoulder of Don't beg for a silver tooth was so angry that her cultivation fell from the peak of breaking the road to the level of breaking the sixth grade. It's just that her endowment foundation is too strong. Although her mana cultivation has declined so much, she is given a little time. Don't beg to figure out how she can return to the strength of breaking the two grades. If she can be given a large number of powerful immortals and Buddhas to let her kill and plunder the spirit, maybe she can return to her previous strongest cultivation in three or five months.

After recalling the endless and grand essence coming from her [body] with the little female demon **, I can't help but be shocked. This is simply a freak. I have never heard of any chaotic creature that can conceive such a huge essence.

The biggest headache for Don't beg is that this little, the female demon was stronger than the cultivation of Don't beg at first. When the two devoured each other's essence, the essence of the original life merged with each other in the two [body], which is in harmony with the charm of Taiji's yin and yang Yuan fetus. Moreover, the breath emitted by this Yuantai is strange and abnormal, and its strong and strangeness makes you can't help but be surprised.

Now Don't beg is a chaotic body, but his body is a human body, and the little female demon is a real outer invisible demon, or the first generation of demons with the qualification of the demon ancestor. What kind of child can the two give birth to together? In short, feeling the breath of the little female demon [body] belongs to the breath of Buqi and her child. Buqi's hair stood up fiercely, and there was a feeling of trembling when touching the natural enemy. The fetus constantly exudes a close atmosphere to the little girl. Don't beg may have begun to turn him away.

, click, a few times, the little female demon desperately tore the skin in her mouth. "I found that the flesh of the beggar was countless times tougher than the old cowhide. With the bite power of her teeth, there was no way to take the begging skin at all, the little female demon let go and rubbed her silver teeth fiercely .

"You're in pain!" The little girl stared at Bu Begging, and the slender little belt twisted gently with a graceful charm.

Don't be furious by the action of the little demon. Extraterritorial demons, especially invisible demons, are best at seducing people's hearts and arousing people's various instinctive desires, and the little female demon, as the first generation of demons with the qualification of demon ancestors, is even more terrible, and the current cultivation can't resist her terrible charm at all.

Immediately, another strange sound came from the cave. The muffled hum of the begging and the little female demon echoed in Shandong like singing, and the huge mana fluctuation spread faintly around again.

It's another three days and three nights." Finally, the clouds and rain gathered. Don't beg not to toss around with the little demon again. He hurriedly got up, condensed a ball of water to wash his body, and find a suit of robe to put on. The little girl stood up lazily, and usually got a ball of water to clean her body and long hair, and then hugged Don't beg's waist bare. She hummed feebly: "My real name is "Mo, Ming, Ban Qixia." You can call me Mo."

Don't beg to look at the little demon in surprise, frown and say, "Can you tell me your real name?"

The little demon gently twisted her waist and hummed the song gently in her nose. At the same time, she could smile and say, "Is it strange? This is the iron law of my people. No matter what means you used to do what I just did, I have your child. You are my demon king, and I am your demon concubine.

With her fingers, Qixia laughed softly and said, "Whether you use violence or other means, anyway, things have become settlement now. From now on, you and I will live with each other. If you leave me, you will die. If you leave you, I will also die!"

Before begging to come back to their senses, a black smoke suddenly emerged from the place where their bodies met. The thick black smoke formed an extremely strange and mysterious charm on the top of their heads, and then divided into two groups and disappeared into their eyebrows.

Don't beg to feel that there is something more in the [body]. It seems that he has indeed reached some strange connection with Qixia.

After a moment of silence, Don't beg to pat Qixia's upturned buttocks, took out a set of cyan Taoist robes, shook the wind, and reduced most of the Taoist robe and handed it to Qixia. Qixia hummed a little song and put the Taoist robe on her body randomly. She squinted at Don't beg and said, "I'm an invisible demon family, and I'm the best at grabbing people's essence, but the demon king can actually plunder Qixia's essence for more than 70%. This magic skill is also worthy of being Qixia's demon king. Well.. I don't know the name of the demon king, but it's really unreasonable to get pregnant with the demon king!"

This little devil is greasy and crooked like a favored cat, twisting around like a huge caterpillar. Don't begging was made angry by her and slapped her on the buttocks more than a dozen. Then he shouted coldly, "My name in this life is Don't beg, and I was also one of the Old man Yuanling.

Now that I am the identity of the King of the East China Sea of Dayu, you can call me the prince in front of people.

Qixia's eyes widened in surprise. She carefully looked up and down. She squinted and smiled and said, "It turns out that the demon king is also born like Qixia, but the demon king is really worthy of Qixia. Well, it's really good luck. Qixia has just broken into this world and can meet the demon king. When our magic fetus is pregnant, Qixia, the invisible demon of the clan, can be carried forward.

, carry forward, this word makes Don't beg have a bad feeling in your heart." He hugged Qixia and walked out of the cave and asked, "Well, how long will it take for our child to get pregnant? You have a sister, Ji Zixuan. She and I also have a child, but it takes three robberies to be born.

Qixia said carelessly, "Three robbery? Qixia and the demon king's children don't have to be so troublesome. If it takes so long to be born, how can the invisible demon clan shock chaos? After pinching her fingers, Qixia nodded solemnly and said, "About twelve yuan, the spirit of the demon king is very strong, and the spirit quality is extremely high." Qixia and the demon king's pregnant children have a total of 360,000. When they are born, the demon king will find a suitable opposite sex marriage for them, so that the Qixia family can be It's so bright."

360,000 scary for one child)? Don't beg. He was so scared that he almost fell to the ground. He looked at Qixia shiveringly. What is this? Can he and Qixia's first child form an army? The invisible demons in the outer world are indeed alien, and they cannot be compared with the sacred immortals and demons in the Pangu world.

No words all the way" Except for a few blind Sanxian who were pulled dry by Qixia to supplement their own consumption. Don't beg for a miserable green face and returned to the East China Sea with Qixia. He was a little deranged by Qixia's words. 360,000 children? How can Qixia's little belly give birth to so many children? Is it possible that there is also a mustard space in her belly?

Just after returning to the territory of the East China Sea, Princess Pole has welcomed a large number of East China Sea soldiers. Two months ago, the Ling Dynasty launched an unprecedented fierce attack on the East China Sea. In the army of the Ling Dynasty, a large number of immortals appeared, and even some troops in the Ling Dynasty have become 70% immortals and three adult soldiers. The East China Sea army was caught off guard. It had been forced to retreat more than 20,000 miles on the whole front line, lost thousands of large and small cities and more than 10,000 military towns, and killed millions of soldiers.

Princess Bule led the high-level command of the East China Sea to the front line to supervise the battle, and by the way, she took over the defeated soldiers and horses in the East China Sea. Feeling that Don't beg to take the little demon back to the East China Sea, she naturally hurriedly brought people up.

The little female demon greedily looked at the generals and soldiers in the East China Sea. In front of the crowd, the little female demon pointed to calculate and laughed and said, "Your Majesty" There are tens of millions of successfully cultivated ants in a million miles nearby. Can Qixia eat them all?

A chill surged up in everyone's hearts, and Huang, who was closest to Begging, only felt soft all over and almost fell into the clouds. Everyone in the East China Sea looked at Qixia in horror, like a group of rabbits seeing a falcon flying high in the sky. It was the instinctive fear of weak creatures who met their natural enemies. Qixia looked at the many East China Sea soldiers with bright eyes. She licked her lips with a small seven-colored tongue. She really couldn't help swallowing up all these people in the East China Sea.

Don't beg to pat Qixia's head, and her head suddenly became violently painful. He suddenly had a strange feeling, "The East China Sea is like his own pig farm, and he has raised countless delicious and fat pigs." Qixia is a greedy tiger. She brought a hungry tiger back to the pig farm. Isn't she looking for herself?

looked at Princess Po Le with a smile on her face with distress. Don't beg Qixia to the side of Princess Po Le, and said with a wry smile, "Ter her well. Well, she also has my child in her stomach. You will be sisters in the future."

Shaking his head, Don't beg solemnly warned Qixia not to let her come around in the territory of the East China Sea, and then left these things that annoyed him, and hurriedly took the East China Sea soldiers to the front line. Don't beg to be in a bad mood about Qixia's pregnancy of 360,000 children. He wants to do something to vent and show some color to the group of bastards in the Ling Dynasty.

Princess Bule and the little girl Mo Qixia stayed together, and Princess Yule took her back to her line on the front line.

Three days later, Princess Bule and Qixia appeared in front of people together. Qixia was covered with all kinds of precious jewelry stones, and decorated her like a jade doll carved into a piece of jade. The two people are called sisters. Princess Bule is the sister, and the little girl is the sister. The relationship between the two is not to mention how harmonious.

Don't beg, I didn't figure out how Princess Bule subdue this heartless and instinctive little demon, but he didn't have time to care about this.

Zhang Tengyun, the angry emperor of the Ling Dynasty, has personally led a large army to kill the East China Sea.