Steal the sky

Chapter 981 Pangu Chaos

Chapter 981 Pangu Chaos (First Update)

On that day, when they saw Zhang Yi and Wujihuang discussing intimately under the bodhi tree, Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang immediately left Chengxin City with others.

The idea that Dayan wanted to use the power of Jing Chao to fight against Dayu was not true, because Zhang Yi had hooked up with Jing Chao. With Zhang Yi's heart, Jing Chao estimated that he would have to shed a lot of blood to satisfy Da Qin's appetite. In this case, unless the innocent emperor's brain is convulsed, he will no longer inexplicably collude with a big swallow to compete with Dayu.

It is logical that the situation in the northern border of Dayu has evolved into a wall view of Dayu. The three countries of Dayan, Dachu and Wei joined hands to attack the Jing Dynasty, and Daqin, Daqi and Dazhao joined hands to chase and fight against the Ling Dynasty. There are shadows of the Ling Dynasty behind Dayan, Dachu and Wei. The Ling Dynasty provided them with all kinds of ordnance materials at all costs, striving to weaken the strength of the Jing Dynasty. The Three Kingdoms of the Great Qin Dynasty colluded with the Jing Dynasty, armed themselves with the strong financial resources of the Jing Dynasty, and weakened the power of the Ling Dynasty as much as possible.

Lingchao and Jingchao are both calculating with good intentions. They are equivalent to hiring three countries to entangled with each other, and their own main strength is to put it. They launched a sweep, trying to calm down as soon as possible.

All the outer realms have returned to the Pangu Continent, and the originally huge Pangu Continent has soared by half of the area out of thin air, and the speed of absorbing chaotic gas and expanding itself has also more than doubled. All the ethnic countries from foreign countries and all ethnic countries in northern Xinjiang were shared by the six countries, which became the last opportunity for the Ling Dynasty and the Jing Dynasty to seize the population of the people and seize the poor spirit of the emperor.

Although these emperors from the foreign world have been emptyed by the imperial spirit in their bodies, after a few years, they have still recovered somewhat. This imperial spirit was also a great supplement to Zhang Tengyun and the Immaculate Emperor. Both countries frantically mobilized troops to attack fiercely. Because of the no begging, the heavenly court and Buddhism are a sign of tearing. Both sides suspect that the other party has plundered the spirit of the foreign world, and have never doubted others.

The current situation in Pangu mainland is like a hurricane. Dayu is in the position of the eye of the wind. For the time being, it will be calm, but sooner or later it will be involved in this hurricane. The four directions of the east, west, north and south of Dayu are in full swing, with millions of casualties every day.

Time is like running water, and after the rest of the year, the Ling Dynasty and the Jing Dynasty finally destroyed all the ethnic countries from foreign countries. Just as they were preparing to launch an all-out war, the reconnaissance forces of both sides discovered the existence of Da Wu at the same time.

At this time, Da Wu has also become a huge thing. A country has monopolized more than 30% of the land, has countless people, and the number of soldiers and horses under its command is also extremely large. Although the cultivation of the soldiers of Dawu was not as good as that of the elites of the Ling Dynasty and the Jing Dynasty, the Ling Dynasty and the Jing Dynasty were shocked to find that the urban defense prohibition of Dawu was extremely excellent, which was several times stronger than their own city defense prohibition, and there were countless powerful war tools to help the war. Dawu was like an

What makes Lingchao and Jingchao more uncomfortable is that under the deliberate involvement of Gui Guzi, the situation has become extremely strange.

Dawu occupies more than 30% or nearly 40% of the land. In the west of Dawu, the Jing Dynasty occupies more than 20% of the land, and in the east is more than 20% of the land occupied by the Ling Dynasty, and in the north, it is about 20% of the territory controlled by Dayu. The borders of the four countries are not far apart, and they just form an equidistant quadrilateral between them. Between the four countries, it is a vast grassland with a radius of one million miles and happens to serve as a battlefield.

The four countries have built a huge city on the edge of this grassland. On the back of the city, there are countless solid gates. To the north is the 'Dingnan City' of Dayu, to the south is the 'Iron Wall City' of Dawu, to the west is the 'Kang City' of the Jing Dynasty, and to the east is the 'Wangtian City' of the Ling Dynasty. The four cities are all thousands of miles away, stationed with countless soldiers and densely arranged countless city defense prohibitions.

The styles of the four cities are also very different. The ancient simplicity of Dingnan City is a tall city made of boulders, which is ordinary without any carving and processing. King Kong City is clear water and green water, in the same style as Chengxin City. There are countless temples in the city, and half of the bonuses for the soldiers entering and going in are monks and soldiers. Wangtian City is like Wanling City, exquisite and luxurious. The city is full of palaces and pavilions towering into the clouds. There are still clouds floating above the city, and there are countless palaces standing on it.

And the most eye-catching is the Iron Wall City. All the walls of the city, designed by Gui Guzi and built by Mo Zhai himself, are processed from towering peaks. This alone shows how abnormal the scale of the Iron Wall City has reached. The thick mountain wall is full of machine brackets and arrays, and countless powerful weapons are hidden in the mountain wall, which can launch a fatal attack on the enemy at any time.

Whether it was Dayu, Jingchao or Lingchao, they had sent a legion of 30,000 to 50,000 people to tentatively attack the Iron Wall City. But before they could see what the garrison on the top of the city looked like, the mountain wall facing them suddenly turned over, revealing countless holes with a thumb as thick as a honeycomb. Countless arrows poured down, and tens of thousands of soldiers were shot like a sieve by dense arrows, and none of them could escape back to their own city.

Lingchao even used a Tongtian high priest to test the city defense of the Iron Wall City, but as soon as the Tongtian High Priest approached the Iron Wall City for three hundred miles, he could no longer feel any aura from the outside world, and immediately fell down. The high priest turned around and fled without saying a word, and ran dozens of miles with two legs. Then he escaped from the defense scope of the forbidden air array of the Iron Wall City and fled back to the Heavenly City in embarrassment.

In the face of such a perverted city defense, the Three Kingdoms stopped the idea of actively attacking Da Wu and reluctantly admitted that Da Wu was qualified to be mixed with the muddy water in this pond.

Da Wu's defense is like an iron-shelled turtle with a thorn. Da Yu's strength is strong and he dares not attack him before he has enough strength. Therefore, the mercenaries of the six countries in northern Xinjiang fought against the Ling Dynasty and the Jing Dynasty, and then the elites of the two countries fought in person, in I had a lot of fun playing.

Today, Wangtian City attacked King Kong City. Tomorrow, several generals of Jing Dynasty will lead three or five hundred soldiers to Wangtian City to curse. The day after tomorrow, several scouts of Wangtian City were killed. They hung upside down in front of the gate of Wangtian City with a flagpole, and then behind them, several soldiers of Jing Dynasty suddenly It has been refined into a flying fork, jumping and jumping to join the team attacking King Kong City.

The soldiers of Dayu in Dingnan City were motionless, and they couldn't play anything. But the great Wu soldiers in Tiebi City are different. Under the ** of Guiguzi, they have more ghost eyes than anyone else. Today, they ran out to kill a few Lingchao soldiers and threw their heads under the Wangtian City. Tomorrow, they will run out to kill a few Jingchao officers and throw them in front of the gate of King Kong.

All kinds of provocation methods rushed up, and Jing Chao and Ling Chao were like two crazy lions, roaring and roaring into a ball.

While stirring up the bad relationship between the Jing Dynasty and the Ling Dynasty, Da Wu secretly sent envoys to the Ling Dynasty and the Jing Dynasty, constantly asked them for various benefits in exchange for the opportunity to conclude an alliance with Da Wu.

There was a big war between the Ling Dynasty and the Jing Dynasty, and the various terms issued by Da Wu rose once. For every 100,000 more soldiers killed on both sides, the price of these terms is raised again. Under the auspices of Gui Guzi, Da Wu put on the posture of 'Uncle, I'm ready to sell my body at a high price'. From time to time, he mobilized millions of soldiers and horses to cruise outside the iron wall city, showing off his power.

Occasionally, there are thirty or fifty huge metal statues swaying and fighting with each other outside the Iron Wall City. The scene of huge metal statues as high as dozens of miles grabbing large and small peaks and throwing them as weapons, which left an extremely deep impression on the officers and soldiers of Jingchao, Lingchao and Dayu.

Not to mention dozens of such huge metal statues, as long as one of them joins the battle, it can cause a devastating blow to an army of millions of people. Metal statues engraved with countless high-level protective spells, not to mention immortals, even golden fairies rarely destroy them in a short time. If you want to cause an effective blow to them, you must send out the existence of Taiyi.

But Taiyi is bound to not be able to participate in the struggle of these ground troops, otherwise they will strike at will, not to mention a city, even tens of millions of cities will be destroyed. At that time, it will be made into a scorched earth, which is not good for anyone.

Just as Ling Chao and Jing Chao were beating their heads and bleeding, a message that stunned everyone spread all over Pangu Continent in an instant.

The thirteen ghost kings and eight hundred ghost saints in the nine ghost world led countless ghosts to leave the ghost world and join the Buddhist camp. The Heavenly Ghost Legion, composed of Infinite Heavenly Ghosts, went directly, replenished the very consuming King Kong City, and became the main army to attack Wangtian City.

These days, ghosts are ferocious, fierce, and their breeding power is extremely strong. The newborn ghosts can join the battlefield as the main warriors. As soon as the heavenly ghosts joined, they immediately caused a huge blow to the Heavenly City.

But then followed by the nine demon emperors, the seventy-two demon kings of the demon world, the seven demon emperors of the demon world, the 108 demon saints, the eighteen spiritual kings of the spiritual world, and the 3,600 spiritual commanders. At the same time, these three worlds announced to join the heavenly court. The army of the three

In a short time, Jingchao immediately fell behind. In the face of the siege of the three armies of the demon world, the demon world and the spiritual world, the strength of the ghost army was obviously several times weaker, and it was not an opponent at all. King Kong City was shocked a day and was almost attacked into the city several times.

Dawu's special envoy immediately rushed to Chengxin City and once again offered Jingchao a very high alliance clause. RO