Steal the sky

Chapter 997 The favor of the previous life

In the main hall of the East China Sea Palace, above the jade platform, don't sit on the throne with a sad face. Princess Hao Le sat on the side of his left hand without saying a word, like a wooden statue without any expression. Qixia sat on the right hand side of Don't begging. She twisted around like a caterpillar, yawned and made a grimace from time to time. From time to time, there was a cloudy wind blowing against the ground in the hall. These were all tricks she played.

The gloomy wind raised the yellow horns of the war robe." Huang, who is like a loyal dog, is staring at Don't begging, observing a slight change in the look of Don't begging face. At this time, if you don't order to attack anywhere, Huang will immediately take the soldiers and horses in the East China Sea to tear everyone in the target to pieces. Around Huang, hundreds of generals in the East China Sea who have been trained by themselves are also looking at Don't begging. These generals are the most loyal people in the whole East China Sea. Don't beg for them, such as masters and fathers. Don't beg for their current strength and power.

The gloomy wind lifted Lu Chengfeng's robe at the same time. Lu Chengfeng, who was also sad-faced, sighed softly, and many East China Sea ministers stood beside him. These literary ministers are also the political elites cultivated by the East China Sea themselves over the years. But after all, the indigenous people of Pangu mainland are honest, and these people are far inferior to those civil servants in the six countries. However, now the forces of the six countries have been completely withdrawn and merged into Dayu, and the civil servants and generals of the six countries are all owned by Dayu. They can only be promoted to many positions in the East China Sea.

Fortunately, don't be prepared for a rainy day. Using the acceleration of the time of Xuanyin Star Tower, tens of millions of civil servants have been trained in the East China Sea, so after the sudden incident in the six countries, the administrative system of the East China Sea has not been greatly affected.

It was also a batch of recruits constantly trained in the underground spiritual cave, barely filling the impact of the Six Nations Legion on the eastern navy after its merger into Dayu.

But these newly trained soldiers have not gone through the battle, and their comprehensive strength is far less than the original East China Sea army.

Fortunately, Qixia used magic means to train millions of demon armies between half demons and half people for the East China Sea. This army is ferocious and tyrannical. The combat effectiveness is extremely amazing, especially their souls are controlled by Qixia. There is absolutely no problem. After the outbreak of the Six Kingdoms, the Demon Army in the Tu Ling was in the big city for three thousand, which shocked the ready-to-mov Ling Dynasty and did not shake the territory actually controlled by the East China Sea.

Except for Lu Chengfeng who stayed in the East China Sea and the old people of the six countries under the command of Begging, only Yan Bugui and Xiang Yu and Hu Hai. Yan does not return to the largest intelligence agency in the Donghai Criminal Hall. He lives a good life in the East China Sea. In the East China Sea, he is the largest leader of the Criminal Hall, but if he goes to Dayu, he can at most hang the position of criminal officer in the Donghai Criminal Hall. So Yan did not return to stay in the East China Sea.

And Xiang Yu and Hu Hai, Xiang Yu once vowed not to beg to die, so he took the Chu Xiang family to stay.

Hu Hai is alone, and his personality is strange. He doesn't get along well with those literary ministers and generals in the Qin Dynasty, and he is not very close to his brother, the crown prince Fu Su. So he simply stayed in the East China Sea and took the initiative to serve as Xiang Yu's deputy general.

Don't beg to look at the only old foundation left in the East China Sea in the hall, and suddenly sighed, "Looking back on that day, the heroes gathered in this hall. How spectacular is it? Why do you feel a little cold today?

Ao Buzun, who was sitting on the ground, sneed and pointed to Qixia and shouted, "If the Lord doesn't let this little girl's mikow mother stop quickly, this gloomy wind makes everyone cold. At that time, she will have a fever and get sick!"

The jade bone fairy and several other magic fairy maids were beside Ao Buzun and looked at Ao Buzun with a smile. The Jade Bone Immortal was subdued by Ao Buzun by violent means. In the ten years of Don't begging to concentrate on refining treasures, Ao Buzun has a few more powerful female demons around him, and his children's population has grown several times. It can be imagined that these female immortals come from.

After listening to Ao's complaint, Don't beg to pat Qixia's head. Qixia suddenly sat upright and put away the gloomy wind in the hall.

He stood up a little angrily and walked down the jade platform. He walked back and forth a few times in the hall. Don't beg coldly and said, "These civets are too outrageous. Even if they are reincarnated as the Holy Emperor, they can just go back to Dayu by themselves." Why take so many people Forget those ordinary people, but it's my East China Sea army! When did the East China Sea become a training camp of Dayu's recruits?

Huang Qi took two steps forward and saluted Don't beg, "The prince's soldiers in the East China Sea are loyal to the prince. As long as you give an order," at least 90% of the soldiers will escape back to the East China Sea after hearing the sound."

Lu Chengfeng said aside, "It's just that we are going to break up with Dayu."

Don't beg your hands gently rubbing your cheeks. He muttered in a low voice, "This face... Sooner or later, right? It's just that the six people have returned to Dayu. "The details of our East China Sea have been known, which is a headache."

After careful consideration, Yan Dan and the other six people know a lot about the details of the East China Sea. Fortunately, the Buddhist Taoist priesthood hosted by the Day Gate and Bajie are not known to them. Even if they hear something occasionally, they will not know it too clearly. Don't beg for some cards to play. But this is always a very uncomfortable thing. Don't beg for fear that the color of your underwear has been figured out by Dayu, right?

While hesitating whether to recall those Donghai soldiers who were absolutely loyal to Huang's advice, a general on duty in the royal palace rushed into the hall and hugged the don't boxing: "There is an old woman outside the door of the prince." The leader said hesitantly, "That woman is dressed in rags." It's an ordinary woman, but the guard in front of the door drives her away, but she has no choice." Don't beg for a beg, and the consciousness that has reached the strength of the Taoism has quickly shrouded the front of the main gate of the royal palace. He did not deliberately restrain his breath. When the consciousness of the Taoist realm was released, ordinary people could not see anything strange, but in the powerful eyes above the Taiyi Realm, a vast purple gas full of majestic atmosphere quickly enveloped the whole palace. The breath of pressure made everyone hold their breath and dared not let out a little. Children's voice.

Qixia, who was sitting on the throne, clenched her fist happily. She muttered in a low voice, "The demon king really didn't let Qixia down. I haven't seen her in just a few years. Other things, this divine consciousness has surpassed Qixia too much. A few years ago, the demon king was beaten all over the sky by Qixia. Now Qixia is far worse than him.

In front of the Donghai Palace, an old woman who was more than five feet tall, with tattered clothes and a bamboo basket was standing tremblingly in the middle of the gate, squinting at the palace. Hundreds of royal guard nearby surrounded her in a circle, but they couldn't move at all. Obviously, they wanted to drive the woman away just now, but they were imprisoned with a ban.

Under the observation of ordinary people, this woman is an ordinary old woman. Even Princess Yule and Qixia can't find anything strange.

But under the god of not begging, every silk thread on the old woman's clothes is shining thousands of light, and the withered earth pimples on her clothes are actually thumb-sized jewels with all kinds of magic. The old woman is not the same shape as she looks. She is clearly a noble, graceful and extremely beautiful young woman. The purple auspicious light wrapped around her, but there was a strong sense of kindness and kindness in the boundless majesty.

Don't beg to take a cold breath." He said to Ao Buzun in a low voice, "Come with me to meet the nobles. The old acquaintances of those years are here!"

Ao Bu-cun was touching the thigh of the jade bone fairy. Hearing the words of no begging, he jumped up and laughed and said, "Which old acquaintance? Hey, hey, is it the guy of Yanjun's big horn? When I first met him, I almost regarded his body as a woman! Hey hey, hey, I don't know if he still remembers me?" Don't beg for a chill all over his body. He stared at Ao Buzun fiercely and hurriedly took Donghai Wenwu from the hall to the gate.

Separated from afar, don't beg, just let people open the front door. He bowed deeply to the woman and said, "The Holy Mother of the Empress is here, and the Yuanling has lost the distance. Please forgive me."

Ao Buzum's eyelids were raised, and a touch of light flashed in his eyes. He had used his chaotic ancestral dragon's talent to see through the old woman's disguise. He coughed gently, looked like a gentleman, and bowed deeply to the Huahuang family with his fists, "It turns out that the Huahuang family has arrived." Hey, you have harmed those group of bald donkeys and cows. Tut, how many apprentices have they died in the past two years? I took this opportunity to eat a lot!"

The sound of saliva rolling kept coming, and Ao Buzug stretched out his tongue and licked his lips." A group of fierce gods such as cat cathog and golden horns beside him also licked the corners of their mouths with incomparable aftertaste. Don't beg for a red face. What kind of bastards are around you? He laughed dryly a few times and smiled at the Empress of War, "Please invite the Virgin Mary to the house to serve tea. There is a good spiritual tea cultivated in Yuanling Youjing here. Other grievances dare not say it. If you want to talk about this tea, the family background of the old friends is not as good as the production of our Yuanling Restored to its original identity.

The soldiers in the East China Sea almost instinctively knelt down on the ground, and their foreheads touched the ground and deeply worshipped the King of War. This is the reverence of the Virgin Mary who created her own family in the human blood instinct, just like a lamb kneeling on its breasts. The crow feeds back, and the nature in the bloodline cannot be erased.

"Yuanling's old friend, you're welcome." The emperor laughed softly and said, "In the past, I haven't tasted the spiritual tea of Yuanling Youjing for many years. Friends are not polite. Today, Nuwa came, but there are some things to ask old friends.

Ao Bulun stared at the Empress with his eyes.

The scalp was a little numb by Ao Buzun's strange eyes." The Wah Huangshi stared angrily at Ao Buzun and said harshly, "You disaster-stricken dragon, why are you looking at me like this? In those years, it was wrong for me to protect you with a wisp of true spirit to reincarnate you and cultivate your soul. How can you restore your original face today?

Ao Bu Zun was stunned, and he hurriedly thanked the Empress. It's true that the emperor's mouth is opened. When he raped the chaotic demon god, he was "killed by the angry and shy opponent's self-explosion." Originally, he thought that his soul should be scattered, but now he can actually return to the original. His feelings owe to the Wa Emperor's kindness.

Don't beg's heart suddenly twitched. Is Ao Bu Zun the one who was preserved by the King of War?

How did he, who was killed by dozens of chaotic demons, be reincarnated safely?