Steal the sky

Chapter 1012 The meaning of solicitation

Don't beg in the outer void to refine the magic weapon with the help of infinite merits and virtues, Ao Bu Zun treats guests in his ancestral palace.

In the vast East China Sea, there are now giant dragons twisting and churning figures everywhere. Other fish, shrimp, crabs and other monsters, except for some of them left to make the rations of the dragon clan, all the others have been relocated to other waters. The population of the dragon clan gathered in the East China Sea is not clear, even the dragon-level elders with the highest status of the dragon clan.

Anyway, not to mention the dragon clan that came from other forces, the dragon tribe, one of the eight dragons of Buddhism, is calculated at 1 billion, and the number of their descendants is even more amazing. The East China Sea was occupied by the members of these dragon clans, and the torrent of dragons swept up. The huge East China Sea was covered by all kinds of water clouds all day long, and from time to time there were storms and even hail hurricanes falling.

On a small island in the middle of the East China Sea, an unprecedented gorgeous hall occupies the whole island a hundred miles long and wide. This is the Zulong Palace. The colorful glow is wrapped in a huge palace, and the light shines on the whole East China Sea. This part of the temple on the island is only a small part of the Zulong Palace. In the depths of the sea next to the island, a large number of palaces are still under construction. It is expected that the final completion of the Zulong Palace will cover the sea area of thousands of miles.

Only exposed to this part of the palace in front of people is extremely gorgeous. Every brick and tile on it is full of upstart atmosphere. Every brick and tile seems to be roaring crazily at people, "I'm rich, you are all poor, poor, poor!

Not a single piece of grass can be seen in such a large palace. All the huā grass trees are carved with the best fairy stones and other precious crystals. Crystals of great value, such as jade essence, jade roughness, Xuantian Yanjing, Bishui Roujing, Aoki Lingjing, etc., have been carved into all kinds of strange flower spots here, decorated in huā gardens everywhere.

As for the base of the whole palace, it is a whole piece of King Kong shellfish that has been refined by Buddhism meditation. This King Kong shellfish is refined by several ancient Buddhas of Buddhism with all their efforts. Originally, it was to add a strange treasure to the Buddha. The sun Buddha kills the magic treasure wheel. This round wheel-shaped Vajra shellfish is the base of the treasure wheel. However, in order to hire the Tianlong Babu people of the East China Sea to return to the Jing Dynasty to participate in the war, Ao Bugong rudely blackmailed this valuable Vajra shellfish in his hand and used it as a building material on his own palace.

Several ancient Buddhas whose strength is equivalent to breaking the Taoist realm took dozens of disasters to refine the rare materials, which were actually laid on the ground as floor tiles. Anyone who saw the Zulong Palace with his own eyes would only be angry at the luxury of Ao's respect.

But now he has the money to waste, and no one can blame him for his mistake. Only Buddhism gives Ao billions of the best fairy stones for the dragon members hired every day, and there are countless other treasures. What is it for Ao Buzun to waste some materials to build a house?

In the west side of the Zulong Palace on the island, a pearl pavilion is particularly eye-catching. This attic is built with a transparent night pearl from the size of a head to the size of a fist. The shape of the pavilion is exquisite, using tens of millions of expensive night pearls. The pavilion is as bright as the day, and the four walls, the ground, and the sky huā board are emitting shining light. No one or thing will have any shadow here, and it has the miraculous effect of breaking all kinds of escape methods and stealth.

Lv Buwei sat in the Pearl Pavilion and drooped his eyelids and waited for the appearance of Ao Bu Zun.

One day, two days, three days... Lv Buwei waited for seven days and seven nights. Ao Büzun, who was yawning in messy clothes, came out of a rolling black water wave lazily and sat beside Lv Buwei with his buttocks tilted. Before Lv Buwei could speak, Ao Buzun had already patted Lv Buwei on the shoulder: "Lao Lv, I have the impression that you are a shrewd person, but I will give you three chapters."

With a finger raised, Ao Buzun said harshly, "You dare to ask me to reduce the price, I will eat you.

Ao Buzun raised his second finger and sneered, "You dare to say that my child's battle is not good, and I ate you."

Stand up his third finger, Lao Buzun yawned, sprayed a fishy dragon gas at Lv Buwei, and said lazily, "In a word, don't say anything if you want to make any benefits from me. I will wash you clean and eat slowly. It is said that you are very smart. I have been using my brain a little too much recently, so I need to eat some smart people's brain to nourish my brain.

Lv Buwei is now just a low-level golden fairy's cultivation. He was almost broken by Ao Buzun's claw on his shoulder. He smiled bitterly and said carefully, "What Zu Long said is very true. I have great benefits to tell Zu Long about walking here."

Lv Buwei, who smiled bitterly bitterly, suffered as if he had stuffed Huang Lian. Isn't this Ao Bü respect completely unreasonable? Originally, the high-level officials of the Ling Dynasty have also heard of all kinds of strange things in the dragon clan fighting, so they sent Lv Buwei to reason with Ao Bu Zun. You can't be occupied by your dragon clan. Are you still pulling your feet behind your back? But Ao Buzun came straight to the point and blocked Lv Buwei's words. What else does he have to say, "Great benefits?" Ao Buzun's eyes lit up: "Well," is Zhang Tengyun going to give me all his women? Tut, although I would rather eat Xiantao than eat half a basket of rotten apricots, Zhang Tengyun's women have more or less the title of queen and noble concubine, and I still have a little energy to play with it.

Lv Buwei's eyes turned green with anger. He gritted his teeth and said, "It's not the case either."

I'm afraid that Ao Bu Zun will say any disrespectful words." Lv Buwei said in a low voice, "Dare to ask where the King of the East China Sea is?"

Ao Buzun looked at Lv Buwei suspiciously: "I can't tell you that my master's action is the biggest secret in the East China Sea. In case I tell you that he is receiving the messenger of Buddhism... Er, I didn't say anything. And you are wrong to call him the old man. You have to call him Emperor Yanhuang. After all, our East China Sea is now established, and my head is also the identity of the emperor!"

Lv Buwei's skin and flesh were shivering all over his body. He exclaimed, "Is he receiving the messenger of Buddhism?"

Ao Buzun's eyes turned around. He looked at Lv Buwei with an uncertain face and smiled and said, "Well, I don't know! Lao Lv, did you go to the East China Sea Palace and didn't see my master? This is reasonable. To tell you the truth, even the envoy of Buddhism has given me enough benefits before I can see my master.

Lv Buwei's face changed again. He laughed in a low voice and said, "How much benefit does the bald donkey give Zulong?"

Ao Buzun reached out and touched his sleeve, and a gift list as thick as a foot appeared in his hand. He gave the gift list to Lu Buwei with a smile and said proudly, "This is the door bag they gave to me. If there are not enough door bags, I won't let you see the Lord."

laughed wildly three times, and Ao Bul turned into a black water wave and disappeared without a trace.

Lv Buwei shivered and opened the first page of the gift list. His body trembled, and he fainted. He hurriedly turned over the gift list and couldn't help roaring, "The bald donkey is shameless, and he actually bribed Ao Bu Zun with a generous gift. This, this, isn't this to empty the foundation of the Ling Dynasty? It even has to be supported by the heavenly court to satisfy the dead loach's stomach. "

Lv Buwei, with a sad face, was in a daze in the Pearl Pavilion. Ao Buzun had turned into a water wave and rushed to a jade smoke pavilion in the palace group on the east side of the apse. In contrast to the pearl pavilion on the west side, the whole body of the jade smoke pavilion is cast with the best jade. The jade gas rises into a smoky jade smoke. When the sun shines, the sorghumous gas emits a colorful light. If people stay here, they will have the effect of prolonging life and whitening the skin.

A man with a Lou bun and a white monk's robe was sitting in the Yuyan Pavilion. Seeing that Ao Buchun showed up, he hurriedly got up and put his hands together and said, "Senior Zhulong, the little monk finally saw you."

Ao Buchang sat in the main seat and said lightly, "Little bald donkey... Ah, no, the Prime Minister has come from afar. What can I do for you? These days, I have been busy having children with a wife and concubine, so I don't have time to meet with the Prime Minister. You have been waiting for a long time.


The man in the monk's robe was stunned for a while and led him to be the prime minister in the Jing Dynasty. What strange things have not been dealt with? He smiled and said to Ao Bu respectfully, "It's a big deal for people to have children and reproduce. The little monk is not in a hurry, don't be in a hurry."

Ao Buk nodded with satisfaction. He looked at the man in the monk's robe and sneered and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it directly. Do you want to see the current emperor of Yanhuang, the former king of the East China?"

The man in the monk's robe laughed: "Senior Zulong is really wise and can't hide anything from you."

After mediting for a moment, the man in the monk's robe led the head and said with a smile, "To be honest, my Buddhism intends to recruit the State of Yanhuang. As long as the State of Yan and Huang is willing to defect to my Jing Dynasty, you can open the State of Yan and Huang..."

Ao Bu Zun's eyes turned, and he laughed and said, "This matter is so important that I can't make the decision. You have to meet my master and have an interview with him. But, I might as well tell you that without my help, you can't see him, otherwise if you are an assassin, wouldn't it be dangerous?

He reached out and touched his sleeve for a while, and a one-foot thick gift sheet that was exactly the same as the gift given to Lv Buwei just now came out. Ao Buzun threw the gift list into the arms of the man in the monk's robe and said with a smile, "This is a bribe bet given by Lv Bu Hey, hey hey, can you see my master, this question, ah, hahahaha!"

Ao Budun turned into a black water wave and went into the ground. The man in the monk's robe curiously opened the gift list and looked at it. His body suddenly twitched and suddenly cursed.

"Danger, the Ling Dynasty is really focused on the unified dragon clan. What should I do?"