Steal the sky

Chapter 1044 The Journey of the Nine Tails

In the chaos of more than a million miles away from the Pangu world, don't sit on a thousand-foot-high chaotic spiritual mountain, drink the wine brewed from the spiritual spring in Yuanlingyou, and squint at a vortex of a mass of aura with a diameter of thousands of miles in the chaos ahead.

This rapidly rotating aura vortex seems to be just a very ordinary one in the countless violent aura vortex in chaos, but as a chaotic demon god in the previous life, don't beg to be clear about the various visions in this aura vortex. There are faint colorful flames in this whirlpool, and there is a strong vitality condensing. There should be a 'mother body' at the core of this whirlpool, and a chaotic creature is breaking out of its shell.

In the previous life, the old man of Yuanling, who was not begging, was born like this in the secluded realm of Yuanling. When the chaotic creature was born, the unique aura fluctuation, don't begging has long been familiar with the heart.

He adjusted thousands of heads. When he was rushing back to the Pangu world, he suddenly felt this strong vitality, so he took a detour to come here to see the fun. Don't beg for the previous life. It was the ** period of the birth of the chaotic demon god. In the chaos, I don't know the year, and there is no concept of time, but almost in the blink of an eye, thousands of chaotic demons were born.

Since the creation of Pangu, I don't know if the existence of Pangu's world has affected the whole chaos, and it is no longer as grand as it was in those years. According to the milk emperor, now there are only two or three chaotic creatures born in the chaos, and the chaotic creatures in the first birth are extremely weak, far from being as strong as in those years.

Grab a handful of dried fruit and throw it into your mouth. Don't beg for a smile and say to yourself, "Look at what it is. Tut, Ao Bu Zun has children, and I'm embarrassed to treat him as a mount again. You must be better-looking, but don't be sorry for my waiting for more than half

Before the words fell, the aura vortex with a diameter of thousands of miles suddenly collapsed, and a sharp whistling came from the core of the whirlpool. The hisss came to my ears. Don't beg for the God's gem was shocked and turbulent. The three souls and seven souls almost flew out of the The degree has been steadily reached the level of the Taoist realm, but the mana cultivation has not kept up, and there is no real harmony with the heavenly way of the Pangu world. But he is basically one of the masters in the Pangu world and even the whole chaos. This newborn chaotic creature almost took away his soul with a long roar. What kind of ferocious thing is this?

But there was no malice in the long roar, but with a sense of ignorance and innocence of a newborn cub. He is just instinctively roaring, but in his roar, he is born with a fascinating power, and this power is extremely powerful.

In surprise, he clicked his mouth. Don't beg to release the mixed sky-covering flag to wrap his whole body. The heavy starlight separated the chaotic airflow, and his body flashed to the core of the chaotic cyclone that collapsed. A black translucent eggshell with a diameter of about 300 miles has been broken into hundreds of pieces. The head is nearly 500 miles long, shaped like a scorpion, but there are nine long black tails, and the whole body is like a diamond carved into a huge creature with endless flashes in the eggshell, devouring the eggshell with a big mouth and

This should be a scorpion, right? In addition to the nine long tails, he also had four huge stinging pliers. The four stinging pliers were busy picking up the eggshell and stuffing it into his mouth. Suddenly, he saw Don't begging. His nine long tails, which were more than 300 miles long, immediately danced. The sharp tail hook was

Don't beg for God's consciousness to sweep through this newborn big guy. Although he has a fierce and ferocious appearance, the breath emanating from his body is incomparable fear. Just like a newborn cub, he is full of fear of not begging.

The mind moved slightly, and don't beg to cover this big guy with a wisp of gentle wave of consciousness.

He thought of the old hen holding the nest, the nursing old bitch, and the fluctuation of the consciousness of all kinds of creatures that are breeding. He simulated these divine fluctuations, and a bone ball transmitted the big guy. The huge black scorpion grunted a few times, and the nine long tails carefully leaned over and gently rubbed on him.

What a lot of strength!

It's just such a gentle lingering. Don't beg can't stand this guy's power. This guy is not only born with a roar that can seduce people's souls, but also has a terrible power. Except for the slightly smaller fluctuation of consciousness, it is probably that the fluctuation of his soul is only equivalent to the level of ordinary Taiyi Jinxian, and all other aspects are enough to compete with the power of breaking the Taoist realm.

He was born with such power, and the old man Yuanling in his previous life was nothing more than that.

This guy ate his eggshell clean, and the shell, which was originally drenched with water and a little soft, quickly became extremely strong.

He waved four huge scorpions happily, and the nine long tails waved quickly, swaying large shadows in the void, smashing dozens of huge chaotic stars nearby into pieces.

The proud big guy came to Beg, stretched out his pliers and patted Beg's body affectionately. The huge lump hit Begging, which was protected by the mixed-headed flag, and Begging was also bombarded by him for hundreds of miles. This guy is too big and too strong. Turning his eyes, don't beg and take out a few elixirs that can nourish the vitality and strong body and hold them in the palm of your hand: "Little guy, do you want this good thing? If you want, just shrink your body and follow me. Come with me and make your wine, good, meat and delicious!"

The big guy was stunned. He suddenly came to Bu Begging and took a breath at a few elixirs with a few ferocious breaths. These elixirs are all made of spiritual liquid taken out from the innate tree of the Yuanling Youjing. The fragrance is meaningful and powerful. Even if it is of great help to don't beg now, let alone this newborn little guy.

The huge body, which is 500 miles long, gradually shrinks, and the nine-tailed scorpion slowly becomes five feet long, of which his long tail is three feet long. He swayed his body proudly, and nine long tails circled around Bu Begging's body. The big guy opened his mouth and swallowed a few elixirs.

The huge breath spread from the big guy's body, and a fluctuation of happy and close consciousness quickly threw it at Don't beg.

Don't beg and laugh. He carefully released his divine consciousness and branded himself in the simple and ignorant soul of this big scorpion. Chaos creatures are the most vulnerable moment when they are just born. As long as you have the heart, you can easily subdue them. But as long as you give them three or five months to get familiar with the environment around them, you can't subdue these unruly chaotic demons.

"Made! Well, you are on the edge of the Pangu world, and no one found you!" Sitting on the scorpion's wide, thick and extremely stable back armor, Don't beg patted his back shell and shouted, "In the future, you will be called Jiuwei. Well, it sounds like a fox, but who told you to have nine tails? Jiuwei, open the way and go back to Pangu mainland to let you eat and drink spicy food!"

Jiuwei proudly waved the big pliers, recalling the fluttering pleasure brought to him by the few elixirs just now, while turning into a black electricity and rushing to Pangu World. This guy was extremely arrogant. Whether it was a chaotic cyclone or other horrible energy in chaos, or all kinds of spiritual mountains and stars in front of him, he walked an absolute straight line straight to the Pangu world, and anything in front of him was easily smashed by him.

Several elixirs that have just been taken are gradually playing a powerful role. The nine-tailed translucent body gradually becomes heavier and heavier, and the breath emitted from the body is also more and more solidified. His color became darker and darker from the light nose, but his body remained translucent.

So domineeringly rushed into the world of Pangu, and the nine-tailed pliers roared up to the sky.

A team of chaotic demons that came out of nowhere was coming from here. If Jiuwei roared, thousands of demon spirits flew away. Jiuwei excitedly rushed to the group of strange-shaped demons, raised the big pliers and stuffed them into their mouths.

"The predator!" Don't beg fiercely twitched the corners of his eyes. Jiuwei is actually a predator famous for his ferocity in Chaos Demon God, which is a notorious type in Chaos Demon God! This time, he is developed.

While enjoying the nine tails crazily devouring the bodies of the fallen demon gods, a piece of jade in the sleeve suddenly shook violently.

hesitated for a moment, Don't beg and took out the jade Jue carved with the pattern of a tiger stepping on thousands of mountains in his sleeve. This piece of jade is a piece of jade that the king of Yang gave him at any time when he first met the king of Yangshan. With the identity and status of Don't begging at that time, it is undoubtedly an honor to be able to contact the King of Yangshan at any time, which is a certain privilege given to him by the King of Yangshan.

But for a long time, Don't beg has always relied on his own strength and opportunity to act. He has never used this jade. Later, the situation of the world changed so fast that the king of Yangshan suddenly stood on the opposite side of Don't begging, and he never looked for the king of Yangshan again.

Now the King of Yangshan is taking the initiative to find Don't beg.

After a moment of silence, Don't beg your finger lit on Yu Jue. A thick smoke spewed out of Yu Jue, and the figure of the Yangshan King appeared in the smoke.

"King of the East China Sea!" The face of the Yangshan King is very haggard. He looked at Begging and said in a low voice, "I've been waiting for you for a month."

Don't beg for a wry smile, for a month? He has been hanging out in the chaotic world for more than a year. First, he tracked down seven Buddhas, then cleaned up a thousand heads, and finally returned to Pangu World. He wasted half a month around Jiuwei.

The king of Yangshan urged Yu Jue to find himself for a month in a row. Obviously, something happened.

With a sigh, Don't beg for help and say, "Does the prince have anything to say?"

The king of Yangshan looked complicated and looked at Don't beg. It took him a long time before he said in a low voice, "If it's official business, there's nothing to say."

frowned, and the king of Yangshan said, "If it's an affair... The contact between Menghu City and Liangzhu has been cut off for a month.

Ji Ao has a Xiong army under the jurisdiction of Mianhu City to fight with Jingchao. In the past month, Jingchao has suddenly sent very powerful people to seal off all the contact between Mianhu City and the outside world.

Ji'ao is trapped in Mianhu City?

Don't beg suddenly remembered the scene when he saw Ji Ao for the first time. Thinking of the ups and downs he once experienced with Ji Ao.

After a while of silence, the huge consciousness quickly swept over the western frontier of Dayu.