Steal the sky

Chapter 1054 Machine Transformation

Chapter 10504 Machine Transformation

The three parties in Mianhu City met and fought for the bear army. The wind and rain are swaying, and the quiet dynasty is aggressive. On the contrary, the peaceful Dawu is quiet and peaceful at this moment, just like a paradise.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Dayu, Jingchao and the destroyed Lingchao to fight against each other, Dawu secretly occupied a lot of territory and gained countless people. Nowadays, the territory of Dawu has about 30% of Dayu, and the overall national strength is not as far as Dayu's, but only in terms of military strength, Dawu's military strength is also real.

In particular, the clumsy superiors used their great power, and countless mountains and mountains were brought from all over the Pangu mainland to surround the territory of Dawu. What's more, they did not hesitate to spend his magic power to arrange countless forbidden air arrays and other protective prohibitions on these mountains, leaving only a road to the north to connect with the This passage is dozens of miles wide and about thousands of miles long. The winding passage is densely covered with nearly a hundred large and small levels. The whole Dawu was turned into a curled hedgehog by the clumsy guard, making it difficult for people to say.

There is also the skill of Qimen Dunjia arranged by Guiguzi everywhere, coupled with the powerful war puppets created by countless Momen disciples led by Mo Zhai. Although Dawu has not been developing silently, once Dawu's strength breaks out, it is enough to cause a great disturbance in the Pangu mainland.

Just when Don't beg to provoke the struggle between Buddhism and Taoism, a small team appeared outside the "Indisputable City" in the northernmost military town of Dawu.

No contention city, this is the name set by the current guardian of the country, the great master of Wu. This name represents the intention of Wu Wu to compete with other forces, only to be quiet and peaceful. However, there are millions of troops stationed in the city, and there are no more than 100,000 puppets in all kinds of fighting. Only the clumsy superiors know whether the word "no dispute" is worthy of the name or not.

Standing in front of the gate of the indisputable city, Liu Bang, dressed in a black robe, smiled. With the spring breeze, he waved his hand lightly and said lightly, "Go and open the gate, just say that I am ordered by the Emperor of Heaven to visit Wu Tianming, the emperor of the Great Wu Dynasty."

Standing beside Liu Bang are his hardcore confidants Zhang Liang, Xiao He, Han Xin and Fan Yu. Behind these four people is the famous 28 stars of Tianting. Zhou Tianxingjun has 84,000 people. These twenty-eight stars are in the top of them, and their actual combat strength has also entered the top 100. Their own cultivation has reached the level of golden immortals. Once they use their own star power to support themselves, their strength is enough to compete with the power of breaking the Taoist realm.

Zhang Liang walked to the city of no dispute step by step, and loudly reported Liu Bang's name and the intention of this trip. The Great Wu General on the top of the city immediately transmitted the matter back to the Great Wu Emperor's capital. After a cup of tea, he heard a continuous gunfire in the city.

The gate of the indisputable city was open, and the team of soldiers with bright clothes and full spirit lined up, and stood in two rows in front of the gate neatly. Twelve beautiful girls pushed a roll of red felt slowly out of the gate, and the scarlet cashmere felt spread from the city to Liu Bang's feet. Looking through the open triple gate, you can see the soldiers in the city standing in line along the street, and the scarlet cashmere felt extends from the gate to the depths of the city.

A general who was armored all over his body and even his face was covered by a ferocious bronze mask slowly walked out of the city. He held his fist and saluted Liu Bang and shouted in a low voice, "Please also invite the king of Han into the city. The general has prepared the chariots and guards to escort the king of Han all the way to the imperial capital to meet His Majesty Wu."

This general Wu has a strange breath all over his body. He seems to have practiced some shallow magic spells, but there is not much mana fluctuation in his body. His body is tall, emitting a strong smell of flesh and blood. Obviously, he majored in forging skills. The strange thing is that the skills he practiced seemed to have the breath of the true secrets of the world, but there was a strong smell of demons.

In a word, the atmosphere of this collar is disturbing and makes people unable to grasp his details. The only thing that can be sure is that this man's cultivation is not weak. Whether he practices forging skills or ordinary magic skills, he probably has the same level as Taiyi Jinxian. Although he is only the weakest kind of Taiyi Jinxian who has just stepped into the Taiyi Miao realm, it is also really scary.

A big Wu is not the object of cultivation of Taoism and Buddhism at all. Among the generals guarding the first military town, there can actually be a Taiyi Jinxian-level figure. Who is behind this Dawu?

Feeling the secret breath of the great Wu general, Fan quietly took a step and stood in front of Liu Bang.

When he found Fan Wei's small movements, the general of Wu couldn't help laughing: "The name of the King of Han, I have heard of it. Why are you so timid? Hey hey, the last general was ordered to invite the king of Han to the imperial capital to meet your majesty. Will it hurt you? You 'people', the suspicion is really serious. If it's really bad for you, someone has long ordered you to be circled up and chopped hard!"

I impatiently raised the ferocious bronze mask on my face, and a furry light blue wolf face was eye-catching. This general Wu, who is ten feet tall and has a strange and strong breath, is a wolf spirit!

With his cultivation, he is enough to incarnate into a human, but he still retains the appearance of a wild wolf. At this moment, he grinned at Liu Bang, and the long saliva in his teeth was dripping, which looked so terrible. Not to mention Liu Bang, even Fan Yu and Han Xin were shocked. They hurriedly protected Liu Bang firmly behind them, and their faces became extremely ugly.

The strange laughter came from the head of the city. Several generals Wu, who were also wearing a full set of armor and bronze masks, lifted the mask on their faces at the same time. Under the mask were also furry, ferocious and terrible beast faces. There are wild boars, hyenas, sheep, velvet monkeys, and seven or eight generals are all goblins. More than a dozen generals who were also laughing around them also raised their masks one after another. The appearance of these generals was ordinary mortals, but Liu Bang and his party couldn't help but be stunned to see the close appearance of them and the goblin generals next to them.

In this Wu, can goblins and human beings get along so well?

Taking a deep breath, Liu Bang pushed away Fan and Han Xin, who were in front of him, and bowed to the wolf spirit with a smile: "Let you laugh. I really didn't expect that Da Wu was such a scene. Well, dare to ask what kind of duty the general is in the city of no dispute?

The wolf licked his nose carelessly, raised his head and sneered, "Someone is a wolf green wind, and the defense of the city without dispute is someone, and he is in charge of the military town and check-upe within a thousand miles of the city. King Han, don't talk nonsense. You are a guest who takes the initiative to visit. If you let your majesty wait for a long time, this is not the reason to be a guest.

Liu Bang smiled and nod repeatedly. With a trace of unconcealed surprise, he smiled and waited with a group of attendants to enter the city. There was a chariot pulled by nine black dragons waiting in the city. Liu Bang got on the chariot, and 3,000 guard soldiers surrounded him. The group rushed to the Great Wu Emperor.

Liu Bang was really overjoyed. He really didn't expect that human beings and demons could coexist so harmoniously in Dawu. This is really an unexpected joy. If the wisdom of the human race and the strong fighting power of the demon race can be integrated, this force will be extremely scary. That is to say, if Dayu can treat the demons in the territory kindly, how can Dayu's current national strength not only be doubled?

"If you can convince Emperor Wu to cooperate with the great plan, it will be a great deal." Sitting on the chariot, Liu Bang whispered to himself.

Han Xin smiled coldly, and he whispered, "Then Wu Tianming has to agree. If he doesn't, he has to agree. Daozu appointed His Majesty to replace Zhang Tengyun as the future emperor, so Wu Tianming had to obediently dedicate Dawu to His Majesty. Otherwise...". "

Liu Bang turned his head and looked at the twenty-eight star king standing near the chariot and curiously looking at the scenery of Dawu, with a proud smile on his face. If Wu Tianming doesn't agree to his request, then just kill him. How happy is it to kill his people, seize his foundation, and use Da Wu's national strength to achieve great things? As for Da Wu, it is said that there is a very powerful guard who is their great master of protecting the country, so what? He is a scattered cultivation that breaks the Taoist realm, and he dares to fight against the will of the whole Taoist door?

When you see the clumsy master, you have to carefully distinguish which school of immortal Taoism he is practicing. The immortal Taoism in the world comes from the masters of Taoism. At that time, he will directly invite the ancestors of his vein to come forward. Does the clumsy master dare to bully his master and destroy his ancestors?

If Wu Tianming cooperates with himself obediently and dedicates Dawu's land, people and army for his own driving, then when the big thing is completed, he will be awarded a good priesthood. Da Wu is just a small country with no name in the outer world. Is his emperor worthy of the title of the general land of the Pangu mainland or the general mountain god, right?

Liu Bang is making a calculation here, and in the capital of the Great Wu Dynasty, in the imperial palace of the Great Wu Dynasty, a lobbyist is to lobby Wu Tianming and the clumsy guardian, Gui Guzi and Mo Zhai sitting beside him.

Last night, Wu Tianming, who was overjoyed with the concubine of the harem, sat on the throne and yawned. The clumsy man sat on the futon like a clay carved wooden tire. Guiguzi wandered outside the sky, and one finger drew in the void. I don't know what ghost charm he was playing with. Mo Zhai tilted his head and looked outside the hall. He didn't know where he looked without focus.

The lobbyian standing in the middle of the hall wore a light-gold monk's robe, dressed in a big red robe, and said to Wu Tianming that the four people were merged into the Jing Dynasty, and cooperated with the Jing Dynasty to completely defeat Dayu.

With a square face in vain, it seems that the great monk who feels very trustworthy promised Wu Tianming that once the Jing Dynasty replaces Dayu, and once the Immaculate Emperor becomes the emperor, Wu Tianming is one of the new emperors of the human emperors, who can use merit to become the supreme road.

As for the great master of protecting the country of Wu and the two masters of the state, Gui Guzi and Mo Zhai, they can all become Buddhas!

Even several Buddhas can teach their own clothes, so that the three heavenly masters and national masters have the opportunity to get along with each other.

Just as the big monk was talking nonsense, Liu Bang's motorcade arrived.

The pace sounded, and several eunuchs took Liu Bang and his party into the hall and happened to meet the monk face to face. RO