Steal the sky

Chapter 1064 Thoughts of the Emperor of Heaven

Chapter 1064 Thoughts of the Emperor of Heaven

In the thirty-three days, six great emperors sat opposite each other in the newly renovated Tongming Hall.

Thirty-six feet high purple gold incense burner surrounds the whole Tongming Hall, and the purple smoke spewed out of the incense burner, intertwined into an extremely thin layer of fragrant fog on the hall. From the perspective of the law, this thin layer of fragrant fog is composed of countless tiny runes, and the tiny runes squirm in the air like tadpoles, as if they would break with just a gentle touch.

These runes will indeed break up as long as there is a slight external force.

What burns in the incense burner is the 'purple-patterned fragrant leaves' picked from the chaos, an extremely useful but useless treasure of the world. This kind of cigarette burning from the leaves is the most fragile thing in the world. Any external force, or even someone just remembers the purple smoke burning from the purple leaves in their hearts, will make the smoke break up and emit a strange sound.

Even if it is the power of the Taoist realm, if their consciousness wants to get close to the Tongming Hall, their consciousness will also break the purple smoke, thus attracting the attention of the six great emperors of heaven. Purple-striped fragrant leaves, its greatest effect is to prevent the voyeurism of saints in the Taoist realm, which is an extremely useful attribute, but also an extremely useless attribute.

How many people in the world are worthy of voyeurs with divine consciousness?

But the six great emperors sat opposite each other today, and there was no maid guard around them. They ignited the purple-striped fragrant leaves that were easily collected. The faint purple smoke filled the surroundings, and no one in the Pangu world could hear anything they said.

Ziwei Lingying sat in the middle of the Heavenly Emperor. He twisted his long beard with his hand and suddenly sighed gently.

A sigh was like an introduction to medicine, and the other five emperors sighed at the same time. For a moment, the Tongming Hall was full of resentful sighs. The six heavenly emperors who held the power of the heavenly court were like the resentful women in the deep palace abandoned by their own monarchs. They sighed and looked at the ground three feet away in front of them with a sad face, and their eyes were straight in a daze.

After a long time, Ziwei Ling sighed in response to the Emperor of Heaven, "Nandou, why are you sighing? Your son is expected to achieve the throne of the human emperor. No matter what, for Liu Bang's sake, you can at least be alone, but we..."

Nandou Emperor had a gloomy face, and his snow-white teeth bit his lower lip for a long time without saying anything.

Liu Bang was selected as the emperor's choice, which was something that Nandou Emperor never dreamed of. If he had known that something would happen today, he would have been better to Liu Bang. But then again, it was wrong that he didn't like Liu Bang and used him as a tool to suppress the world of the world and threw him into the world again and again. How could Liu Bang accumulate the spirit of the emperor in the reincarnation of the world? It's not his fault that he has the spirit of being an emperor. How can it be his turn to be this emperor?

Liu Bang is different from Zhang Tengyun. Zhang Tengyun is a lucky person who is favored by hundreds of millions of Taoists. The nine Taoist ancestors personally pulled up by the emperor's official seal. In order to cultivate Zhang Tengyun's human emperor's breath, the nine Taoist ancestors personally protected his tens of thousands of reincarnations, which allowed Zhang Tengyun to establish a huge spiritual dynasty in the outer realm to resist the Great Yu.

I just don't know which one took away Zhang Tengyun's protective Hongmeng Zhibao, killed Zhang Tengyun, and scattered the spiritual dynasty. The nine Taoist ancestors were in a hurry to find a replacement, which made the great advantage fall on Liu Bang.

If Liu Bang is a filial son, if he becomes an emperor, Nandou Emperor will be very happy. Liu Bang achieved the throne of the human emperor. According to the calculation of the nine Taoist ancestors, Liu Bang became a saint with merits and virtues. In the future, he will be the lord of heaven and man. With Liu Bang's power, Nandou Emperor doesn't have to worry about what problems he will have.

The problem is that Liu Bang is definitely not a filial son. He is cruel, has a honey-mouthed sword, is extremely thick and black, and he has a dog's face and doesn't recognize anyone. That's what he often does when he cross the river and dismantles the bridge. Only he knew what Emperor Nandou did to Liu Bang. He soberly realized that if Liu Bang had enough strength, he could not wait to kill himself with his own hands.

With a long sigh, Nandou Emperor threw away these disturbing emotions. Since this son is unreliable, he has to find a way by himself.

He snorted coldly, and the Nandou Emperor waved his sleeves, and a round of light mirror appeared. The light mirror is divided into two parts, one of which is the scene when Liu Bang, outside Chang'an City of Dawu, received the gift of meditation. The spirit of the nine dragon-shaped emperor entered the body, and Liu Bang's spirit obviously changed greatly. His cultivation has advanced rapidly, which is faintly enough to compete with the six great emperors of heaven.

The other side of the light mirror shows the scene in the new Wudu city. The Great Yi was sitting on the throne. Behind him, there was a strong golden light shining in all directions, and the Great Yi was shrouded in the golden light and motionless. With the cultivation of Emperor Nandou, the light mirror in front of him is also a strange treasure, but he can't see who the figure in the golden light is.

"This Great Venerable is a good creation, and the Buddha personally enlightened him." Nandou Emperor Yinyin said, "I don't know which Buddha took action. Hey hey, this wild monk is really good."

Several emperors didn't say anything. They frowned and sighed deeply again.

Nandou Emperor sneered: "The Purple Inspiration Heavenly Emperor, hey, it's only two words away from the title of Ziwei Lingying Heavenly Emperor. There are other positions of the emperor of heaven that are promised by Taoist ancestors. Compared with us, they are much luckier.

Ziwei Lingying's face was even worse. Today, the six emperors of heaven secretly gathered in order to keep the title of the emperor of heaven that the clumsy superiors got. Since ancient times, there have been only six emperors of heaven. The central purple myrtle spirit responded to the great emperor of heaven, followed by the five great emperors of heaven to jointly control the power of the heavenly court. But now it's okay. The heavenly court suddenly has a seventh great emperor, and his future power is actually the control of all the new gods on the Pangu continent!

Ziwei Lingying the Great Heavenly Emperor is the first thousand generations of the Great Heavenly Emperor of the heavenly court. Those great heavenly emperors before him fell in the heavy disaster of heaven and earth. As the Lord of Heaven, he is majestic on all sides, but in fact, how many people can they control?

Those immortals flying in the lower world are under their control, those unknown star kings are under their jurisdiction, and those ordinary heavenly soldiers will be assigned by them. In addition, all rights are in the hands of 99 Taoist masters within 33 days.

If someone cultivates golden immortals, these golden immortals will generally be taken under the door by those great masters. Among the 84,000 star kings on Sunday, the group of star kings with the strongest cultivation with names and surnames are nominally under the jurisdiction of the Great Emperor of Heaven. In fact, they acted directly from those masters. The immortals of all departments, ordinary golden immortals and immortals are subject to the will of the Great Heavenly Emperor, but the gods, immortals, immortal kings, etc. of each department are all disciples of the great masters. How can the six great Heavenly Emperors control them?

It's okay to be constrained in power. The problem is that the lives of several emperors are not controlled by themselves. This feeling is too ridiculous.

Self-deprecating, pity, sad, and even deeply ridiculous - the supreme emperor of heaven, their sexuality is not under their control. Just like thousands of generations of Heavenly Emperors in the past, once the heavy disaster of heaven and earth comes, they will be the first to die! For Taoism, what is the death of a few great emperors in the Mingdao realm? Ninety-nine great masters are all powers that break the Taoist realm, and all of their disciples are Taiyi Golden Immortals in the Ming Taoist realm.

A few died, and then the Taoist ancestor issued a decree to appoint a few more. The great emperor of heaven has been passed down from generation to generation. Generations of ashes and reappointments from generation to generation. Taoism does not lack a few Taiyi Jinxian in the Mingdao realm. It is enough for Taoism to completely control the heavenly court, the authority of the three worlds, in fact and in name.

"I'm not reconciled!" Ziwei Ling sneered faintly in response to the Heavenly Emperor.

I'm really unwilling.

From the beginning of the cultivation of a mortal, after countless life-and-death disasters, he became a golden fairy in 100,000 years, and became Taiyi in three disasters. So far, 300 disasters have finally become the peak of Taiyi. It is only one step away from stepping into the realm. In the position of the Emperor of Heaven, enjoy the wealth and glory that mortals can't imagine, the treasures of heaven and earth, the elixir, the magic secret method, the stunning fairy, everything can be asked for.

But when heaven and earth came, I was really unwilling to see that everything was going to disappear.

Especially the Taoist ancestor actually appointed the seventh emperor of heaven, especially the power he promised him was so heavy, and he was rewarded with nine Hongmeng treasures!

It's a pity to see what the status of the six emperors of heaven is. They were just rewarded with a Hongmeng treasure when they ascended the throne. Especially the Big Dipper Arctic Heavenly Emperor, his mixed-yuan sky-covering flag was lent to Liu Bang for use, and was lost by Liu Bang! At this time, Liu Bang was the emperor's choice. The Beidou Arctic Emperor really wanted to kill him!

Nine Hongmeng treasures, who are in charge of the Pangu mainland, should believe in the power of the gods of mountains and water. That's all. The nine Taoist ancestors actually gave him an immovable promise! That is to say, no matter how wrong the clumsy man is, the nine Taoist ancestors guarantee that he will never fall!

Think about the thousands of heavenly emperors who once fell, and then think about their own treatment, the six heavenly emperors are sour in their hearts.

"Hundreds of hard work, it's easy to sit in this position." Ziwei Ling sneered at the Great Heavenly Emperor: "The great plan is to seal the gods, and the saints in the Taoist realm are not allowed to take action. Now the Taoist sect calculates Dayu and makes Dayu very miserable. With the nature of the Empress, does she not retaliate? One day, if the Dayu army conquers the heavenly court, can the Taoist ancestors promise us not to fall?

Several great emperors crooked their mouths, and the Taoist ancestors promised to keep the clumsy superiors, but they did not give them such a promise.

Think about the benefits of being a clumsy person, and then look at yourself, there is no need to mention the emotion.

Moreover, the six great emperors of heaven are selected to secretly match the law of heaven, and the heavenly court only needs six great emperors. Now the Taoist ancestor actually promised that the Shushou Shangren would be the seventh emperor of heaven. Isn't that a sign that everyone here will fall?

The words go back to the old saying that Ziwei Ling responded to the Emperor of Heaven to make fun of the Nandou Emperor. If Liu Bang is a filial son, the Nandou Emperor can still rely on Liu Bang's situation to not be too risky. After all, the Taoist ancestors should also look at the face of the

But even if Liu Bang's conscience finds that he will take good care of the Nandou Emperor, what about the other five Heavenly Emperors?

With a leisurely sigh, Ziwei Ling said coldly in response to the Emperor of Heaven, "The Emperor of the Purple Inspiration is different from the emperor's name. Is it possible that the clumsy superior is the candidate to replace the throne?

The six heavenly emperors looked at each other, and they stood up at the same time. RO