Steal the sky

Chapter 1068 Convince Wu Xian

The gray sky, the gray land, the gray mountains and rivers, even the air and clouds are gray.

This is the place where taboo families live together. It is a blessed place specially opened up by the heavenly court for these aliens that are not tolerated by the human race. Originally, this was a good place with beautiful mountains and rivers, but since the taboo family moved in, it has become such a strange appearance in a few years.

In this ghost place, birds don't say anything, birds and beasts are like dead things that have rarely moved for months: there are huā grass and trees that pull out their rhizomes and run around everywhere, and there are huge rocks that open their mouths and devour the earth and sand around them: the river here sometimes has bloody waves, Spirits are involved in devouring: The peaks here sometimes suddenly crack huge cracks when the creatures rest on it, swallowing these creatures in one bite.

This is a place where everything devours each other. It is a huge basin. It is a dark hell that normal gods, saints, immortals, people and even demons can't imagine. It is a place where all ugly things in the world are concentrated. Those treacherous, ferocious, tyrannical, **, all the bad and evil people live here freely.

The evil people who have been expelled by all races in the Pangu world can find the absolute [from] here. As long as you have enough strength, as long as you can obey the supreme orders of Wu Xian, then you can live here according to your own will.

At the core of this gray sky and earth, on a mountain peak that looks like a huge human spine bone, a group of temples built of gray stones stands. The peak is thousands of miles away and tens of miles high. The gray thunderstorm wrapped around the peak, like the thunder and lightning of the angry dragon, desperately bombarded the peak, swinging countless dazzling huge electric lights on the rock.

The peaks are full of scattered caves. In front of the doors of these caves, there are eye-catching plaques with more or less handwriting on them. There are all kinds of strange-shaped creatures who occasionally come to a cave and present some rare things written on the plaque, such as elixir and so on, in exchange for some more strange things. Every strange creature who successfully completed the exchange left the mountain happily. Obviously, they got a lot of benefits.

The gray temple on the top of the mountain is so large that it occupies almost the whole mountain. Each temple is hundreds of feet high. Looking at the size of the temple, it is not built for ordinary people, but for some huge wolves.

In a hall a hundred miles long and wide in the middle, Wu Xian, who has countless faces and twitching on the shape of mud, is lying lazily on the floor. In the middle of his body, there was a strong and handsome man. His feet were integrated with Wuxian's body, and he was attacking a beautiful fairy who kept screaming and crying like a storm.

The fairy probably has the peak cultivation of the immortal, and it is only one step away from the golden fairy. Her white and slender body was grasped by the strong man." No matter how she twisted and twitched, she could not break free from the man's perverted and strong body. The man sprinted crazily with a strange smile, and blood kept spewing out from the connection between the two bodies.

Suddenly, the man's body was violently pumped, and a large amount of sticky gray-black liquid juice spewed out. The fairy let out a hoarse and desperate howl. The fairy body began to melt rapidly from the lower abdomen, and it was turned into a pool of pus and blood in the blink of an eye

The man laughed proudly. He twisted his neck and made the sound of joint friction. Then his body melted like mud and slowly integrated with the body of the huge wolf below. This man is just a split gathered by Wu Xian with sorcery. It's just a small way for Wu Xian to have fun in his spare time.

In front of Wuxian, there is a large chair with carved dragons and phoenixes, with coffee tables and long tables on both sides, fragrant tea, fresh fruits and several colors of snacks.

Wearing a cyan Taoist robe and wrapped in fairy spirit, Liu Bang sat upright in the big chair, looking at the pus and blood melted by the fairy on Wu Xian's body with playful eyes. Wu Xian gently moved his huge body a hundred miles away, and a hoarse and low voice came from the inside of his body: "Opinionally getting close to the female color can make me relax. It's just that there have been a lot of things in the heavenly court recently. It's rare to find a stunning fairy and a virgin, otherwise it wouldn't have been just a woman just now. With my magic power, it is also an ordinary thing to control the three thousand immortals.

Liu Bang applauded gently and said, "Lord Wu Xian is still as majestic as in those years. Well, it's just that where are there so many beautiful virgin immortals in the heavenly court for Lord Wu Xian to enjoy? If you want to talk about the number of beautiful women, you have to talk about the human race! How many people are there in this Dayu? Among them, there are many times more beautiful women than the stars in the sky.

Wu Xianqi moved his body, and he suddenly opened a pair of huge eyes with a diameter of a hundred feet in front of Liu Bang's body. The gray and ruthless eyes stared at Liu Bang. Wu Xian said coldly, "Your split has just taken advantage of the Zen concession. Maybe you can get into the position of the emperor in the future. You are not a pure-hearted [Tao] emperor, a hundred times better than me. Are you willing to give me to kill those beautiful women of the human race?"

Liu Bang crossed his legs." He snorted, "Of course I can't bear it, but it's not a problem to give you a few beautiful women every time."

waved his hand," Liu Bang smiled and said, "What are you talking about? It's just some toys. What's worth pondering? Let's get serious!"

Wu Xianqi moved his body and yawned slowly: "What can be serious? Anyway, the ugly words are in the front. I don't do things that are not good. I don't do things that are too dangerous. I don't do things that will provoke some powerful people.

Liu Bang sneered, and he sneered, "So you are born to hide in this turtle cave. Wu Xian, why don't you change your name to witch ghost! Didn't you leave a family of blood when you were a human? There are a few beautiful women in it. Let me enjoy it!"

Wu Xian's ruthless eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and Wu Xian shouted harshly, "Are you looking for death?"

The huge roar came, and the poison gas kept spewing out from Wu Xian [body], and thousands of dark tentacles shot out of Wu Xian [body] and stabbed Liu Bang. However, a shiny cyan lotus-like halo spread from Liu Bang's eyebrows, and the warm light firmly blocked the stabbing of the poison gas and tentacles, and instead wiped out the poison gas and tentacles. Wu Xian was illuminated by the blue light, just like dew under the scorching sun, constantly spewing out strong black fog, large areas of absne blisters kept coming out of his body, and the pungent stench filled the whole hall.

Liu Bang patted his hands gently, and countless group fist-sized cyan lotus halo floated out of his [body], lightly imprinted on Wu Xian's body. Wu Xian let out a hoarse howl." His body squirmed violently, and every blue lotus halo burned a huge wound a hundred feet in diameter on Wu Xian's body. The brilliance bloomed, and Wu Xian's flesh and blood were completely annihilated.

"I have been keeping a low profile for so many years. With the help of this pure green lotus to practice the innate alien extinction divine light, today's work is finally completed. I'm here to thank you, Lord Wu Xian. Don't be killed so easily. This will make me very dissatisfied."

Liu Bang muttered in a low voice, "Once I am dissatisfied, the blood descendants of your family will be killed by the whole family." There are also many beautiful women among your juniors. Regardless of the status of the elders and juniors between them, they will include all of them in the [house]. Wu Xian, you can't die!"

A green gas blows out of the mouth, where the green and inconspicuous green gas passes, the witch's little

Half of the body suddenly turned into ashes and drifted away. All the vitality was wiped out by this youth. 1 Wu Xian let out a frightened roar, and he howled, "Innate clutch extinction of the divine light? What the hell is this? You, Liu Bang's child... No, the Hall of the King of Han... No, Your Majesty, for the sake of Wu Xian splitting the nine splits of Yuanshen for you, you..."

Liu Bang smiled gently and put away his magic power.

With his legs crossed, he picked up the tea cup and took a sip of fragrant tea. Liu Bang said indifferently, "Actually, we are old friends, and we are friends with the same smell. We shouldn't have abused you like this. However, in the future, I will be the master and you will be a slave. You should make a clear difference between high and low. So you must know one thing, and I can kill you at any time.

The sound of heavy footsteps came. "Dozens of them were roughly like human figures, but they gave birth to the heads of all kinds of fierce birds and beasts, and the strong man with all kinds of signs of animalization slowly walked into the temple in heavy armor. These people are all generals and leaders of the taboo family, which is the greatest help for Wuxian to control the taboo family. But in Wu Xian's frightened eyes, these people knelt down one after another after entering the temple hall, kowtowed to Liu Bang and shouted in unison, "Your Majesty's life is boundless. They didn't even look at Wu Xian, as if Wu Xian, who had been hit hard all over and was constantly flowing a lot of pus and blood, did not exist at all.

Liu Bang said lightly with a teacup, "Don't be surprised, I'm not willing to be a chess player." I also want to be a chess player. Naturally, I need to cultivate more chess pieces, your subordinates... Ronghua and wealth can always buy people away.

Wu Xian was silent" He looked at Liu Bang in horror, the most inconspicuous son of the Mou Nandou Emperor. He used to be an experiment that Wu Xian used to experiment with the "divinting spell, and it was Liu Bang who gave him a heavy gift at a large price, so he let Wu Xian treat him as an experiment!

On that day, Liu Bang had no resistance in his own hands, and the scene of roaring and struggling and crying was faintly in sight. But how long does it take to get less than a robbery? Liu Bang has such an overwhelming power!

Pure green lotus, innate clutch extinction divine light! Wu Xian deeply imprinted these two names in the bottom of his heart.

Waving his sleeve lightly, Liu Bang said indifferently, "I am doomed to become an emperor, and there are still some tricks. Widows need elite soldiers to fight for me. You taboo people choose those people who are generally humanoid, and those strange people you have made over the years. As long as they still maintain their human form in appearance, they will go out with me.

With a cold smile, Liu Bang stared at Wu Xian and said, "The six great emperors went to a secret place in the heavenly court, which should be the place where the witch was imprisoned. Wu Xian, you should know what this means. You and Wu Chang, but "life and death are the same, you can entrust your wife, "good brother, ah!"

Slowly stood up, and Liu Bang turned around and walked to the exit of the temple without saying a word.

Wu Xian was silent for a long time, and he finally said shiveringly, "Your Majesty, I'm willing to drive you!"
