Steal the sky

Chapter 1075 The Kingdom of Immortal

Something is wrong, something is very wrong. The invisible spiritual impact is endless. Don't beg for this person's cultivation below the realm of breaking the Taoism. All the seven orifices of the bleeding soul have been hit hard. The Jinyu and Yinyu sisters, who were the weakest in cultivation, struggled and twisted in the void with pain. They were forced to show their original shape. The beautiful translucent gold and silver scales cracked countless eye-catching cracks, and a large amount of blood spewed out like spring water.

Don't beg for the purple light in your eyes and look at the hundreds of thousands of people! Something is wrong, it's really wrong.

These people are all dressed in robes made of some kind of very fine wood fiber, and their whole body is shrouded in black smoke, but in the eyes of the law of not begging Hongmeng, their appearance can be seen at a glance. Men's faces are extremely rough, not to mention handsome, but naturally there is a feeling of being as rough and heavy as a mountain boulder. The woman is like a Qingquan stream, which is beautiful, but the corners of her eyes and eyebrows are full of a deep black evil spirit, which looks ferocious but has a little more strange ** power out of thin air.

A casual woman here takes it to the outside world, which can be called a peerless demon girl. It is the kind of national disaster that can make men's blood spurt for them at the cost of fighting to the death. Their appearance may not be as good as Princess Bule and Qixia, but their strange and hell-like ** power really adds a lot of color to them. This is a group of begrooms who can make the opposite sex throw their heads and blood, even if they turn into people, they will do anything.

But these people, regardless of men and women, the strongest of their cultivation are just Dayu's "Japanese level, the level of priests, which is roughly the same as the strength of Jin Xian. They practiced all the witch sacrifice spells of Dayu, concentrating the spiritual power of hundreds of thousands of people into invisible spiritual fluctuations to attack the enemy.

Unlike the ever-changing magic secrets of the priests in Dayu today, the spells of these people are rough and primitive, that is, they attack the enemy with a spiritual impact, and there is not much change.

This is such an attack with no skill, including clams, showing the Holy Spirit and other souls,

Heavy hit, almost killed them on the spot.

Don't beg for urgent and angry sacrifices to Jin Gangmuni, and a golden light enveloped everyone's bodies. At the same time, he recited the multi-heart sutra. With the supreme spiritual power of Buddhism, he extracted a large amount of soul power from his own condensed original life relic and injected into the sea of knowledge of clams and others to repair the damaged soul for them.

It is simply unreasonable. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese and Japanese priests have cultivated only more than a dozen, and 90% of the others are at the level of star priests, that is, the strength of Dayu's priest apprentices, which is equivalent to the cultivation below the realm of ordinary monks. Such hundreds of thousands of people, not to mention hundreds of thousands of people, even if the souls of millions of people are combined, there is no strong soul of Taiyi Jinxian in the Mingdao Realm. How can their divine attack hurt them?

He snorted coldly. "If you don't believe in evil, don't beg for a bright purple light in the heart of your eyebrows. He has just spewed out of a dazzling little sun with the original life condensed by the secret method of Dolomid's Heart Sutra, and a circle of consciousness fluctuated into The impact went up.

The hoarse and unpleasant voice sounded again: "Where did you come from? Why did you invade the land of the kingdom of immortality? Return the 8,000 immortal ancestors of our clan as soon as possible, otherwise you will definitely be destroyed here today!"

With the hoarse voice, millions of small and broken spiritual shocks like needles bombarded on the fluctuation of consciousness. Don't beg, you only feel a sharp pain in the soul, and the strong and fierce spiritual impact smashed the fluctuation of consciousness released by his own life.

The life relic, which was hastily condensed with the secret method, was not very solidified, and several cracks as fine as hair were suddenly cracked on the purple-gold relic.

The soul is like being bombarded by thunder. Don't beg to hum, and a large amount of sticky purple blood is spewed out of the seven orifices at the same time. He looked at the people of the immortal country shrouded in black smoke in horror,

Gritted your teeth and smiled strangely, "So it is. No wonder your cultivation is so unbearable, but with such a powerful spiritual impact, you can actually hurt my soul?"

Following the spiritual impact of these people, the god of begging has found the source of their strength. This spiritual impact far beyond their actual cultivation comes from the depths of the huge body of the demon god. In the body of the demon god that still retains complete activity, in the huge blood vessels and meridians, countless translucent egg membranes wrap countless naked figures. These human-shaped umbilical cords are connected to the body of the demon god, constantly extracting endless vitality from the body of the demon god to nourish themselves.

These figures have a small torso, and only one head is extremely developed. Their heads occupy two-thirds of the body, and their huge heads are the size of a water tank. Such a huge head only has a thin layer of transparent head shell, and the huge brain moves rapidly. "Each head contains spiritual power equivalent to the strength of all the divine consciousness of a hundred peak immortals.

The souls of these shadows have been annihilated by secret methods, and only these strange bodies without joy are left in the demon god [body]. Countless such bodies have abnormal brains, and each body has the power of a great god equivalent to a hundred peak immortals. These members of the Undead Kingdom use the secret method to extract the huge spiritual power in these bodies, use themselves as a releaser to compress the huge spiritual power and release it, which becomes a spiritual impact that is enough to carry out a devastating attack on the soul of the Taiyi Jinxian in the Ming Dynasty.

Such cruel and inhumane things can only be done by betraying the taboo clan of the human race, right?

Don't beg to put away the damaged life relic" sacrificed King Kong Mou's death * lived in the crowd, and transmitted everything he had seen with divine knowledge to Princess Le and others. Everyone was shocked. Even the most **unrestrained Ao Buzug couldn't help showing a trace of anger in the huge demon body [body]. Is the body hidden in the egg membrane more than trillions? How many sins have the people of this kingdom of immortality committed?

With a long roar, Ao Buzun stabbed the void with a split magic gun in his hand, and swept around with invisible and dark force.

Those people of the Kingdom of Undead gushed out an invisible spiritual barrier. Ao Bu Zun's blow with the full strength of the chaotic spiritual treasure was easily blocked by this spiritual barrier, but in the knowledge of the god of the god, in the body of the demon god, at least tens of thousands of human bodies in the egg membranes were blown

Wu Chang, who was surrounded by the undead army, suddenly shouted, "Are you the descendants of the Wuchang clan? I'm a witch!"

Raising six arms, the witch roared, "I'm Wu Chang, I'm the leader of the Wu Chang clan, I...

The hoarse and low voice with endless evil voice sneered: "Wu Chang? A long time ago, he was the leader of our clan. But now, the Kingdom of the Undead has nothing to do with the Wuchang clan. If you invade here, damn it!"

Wu Chang's three heads suddenly exploded, and a strong spiritual shock suddenly hit him, bursting his head. Wu Chang's body moved, and the three heads were reborn in just a few fingers. But he was about to roar, another mental shock hit his head, and Wu Chang's head exploded again. Although his soul and body have immortality, in the face of the strange attacks of the Kingdom of Undead, Wu Chang can only guarantee that he will not die, but he can't guarantee that his body will be safe.

These people who have come back to life again and again, and these people who are smashed by spiritual shocks and the kingdom of immortals are trapped in a strange cycle.

When Wu Chang's head was smashed 100 times, Don't beg for a wave of his hand. King Kong Muni also protected Wu Chang's body. At the same time, the refining tripod spewed out a spiritual light, pulled the imprisoned Wu Chang's body into the refining tripod, and imprisoned him at the same time with

The people of the Undead Kingdom have flocked from all directions, and at this moment, there are nearly three million people surrounding Beggar and others. Don't beg for God's knowledge to sweep the huge body of the demon god, which is almost all the high-level people in the Undead Kingdom. There are still nearly 10 billion Li people on the body of the Demon God, but they are all slaves of the Kingdom of Undead, and the high-level officials of the Undead Kingdom are gathered here.

Nearly three million people formed a strange array shaped like some kind of strange-shaped tripod, which was firmly wrapped in Begging and others. The huge spiritual power flows into light black translucent water waves visible to the naked eye. The huge spiritual fluctuation makes you can't help but be frightening. I'm afraid that all the divine thoughts of the power of the Taoist realm are just like this?

But how can a fallen demon body nourish such a huge spiritual power?

There must be other tricks. Only the Kingdom of Undead can't have such a powerful force to cultivate so many big-headed people in the egg membrane.

In particular, don't be surprised that the Kingdom of Undead has such strength. Why have they been unknown? They have always hidden in this void, unless they have always followed Wu Chang's will to hide here. But looking at their attitude towards Wuchang and the big-headed people they have raised, all signs show that this kingdom of immortality is not the kind of rule-by-rule existence.

The deep dark curtain is in front of you. The more you think about it, the more you feel that there is a big problem in this undead country.

The mind moved slightly, and the Kunwu sword hidden around the void was divided from six thousand pieces of the three sons to one hundred and eight thousand pieces. Each Kunwu sword corresponded to a heavenly law in the core of the universal star, forming a Xuanyuan Zhu magic sword array to block the whole void. At the same time, he handed over the five Hongmeng treasures robbed by the five heavenly emperors to the five princesses of Bule, Qixia, Ao Buchun, Clams and Xianling. They quickly sacrificed these treasures, at least they could have more self-defence.

Just as you were begging to do all this, a burst of loud laughter came from near the broken head of the demon god's body.

"Who do you think has strayed here? It turned out that the King of the East China Sea had arrived. Don't beg, I'm really predestined to be with you!"

A chariot pulled by three white-boned bone dragons wrapped in black smoke rushed to the vicinity of the chariot. It was a strong master's degree with 30,000 heavy armor and no vitality at all. These soldiers didn't have the slightest vitality on their bodies, and they were as unnoticed as rocks. They didn't even notice them in the divine consciousness scan just now.

Now that these soldiers are in front of them, don't beg to be shocked to find that the physical strength of these 30,000 pawns is simply comparable to that of the immortals who have reached the peak of the golden fairy. The armor and weapons on their bodies are also excellent, which is enough to compare with the top-grade golden fairy. These 30,000 soldiers are so elite that they are really not under the bear army.

And the person sitting on the chariot is really the one you never dreamed of.