Steal the sky

Chapter 1078 Artificial Demon God

Don't begged to be surprised. The heavy weapon of Buddhism thought that Shegang Muni, who was in the core of the King Kong rotary array, could not stop Liu Bang's strange long flag? Not only is King Kong Muni's light dim, but don't beg for the palm of your hand, you only feel an evil cold air, rushing straight to his internal organs along King Kong Muni.

There was a sharp pain in the palm of the hand, which was frostbite on the skin of the palm. Don't beg's palms were white and blue with cold, and the blue and black smell visible to his naked eyes came out of his palms, and his bones and flesh became translucent, as if frozen into ice.

Fortunately, this evil cold gas has not exceeded the limit of Don't begging for magic power to deal with. He silently stole the scriptures and melted the cold air into Hongmeng purple gas circulating all over his body. This evil spirit is extremely pure, and every trace of breath contains extremely strong power. I really don't know the origin of the long flag and why it can make such a strange attack.

Exhale heavily, don't beg to mobilize the power of King Kong Muni. The strong Buddha's light gushed out of King Kong Muni. Six World Honored Ones, thirty-six ancient Buddhas, thirty-six Buddhas, together with those Bodhisattvas, Arhats, etc., recit The warm and masculine Buddha's light shines in all directions, and the coldness in the palm of your hand gradually dissipates, and the cold air that rushes into the [body] has all become the mana that does not beg for itself.

Liu Bang saw that the blow was ineffective. He immediately vomited seven mouthfuls of blood in a row and shook the long flag seven times. There are countless strange-shaped skulls of fists on the face of the flag, which is about 13 miles long. At the same time, countless skulls make a ferocious roar at the same time, and their eyes are fixed on Don't beg at the same time. Even through the thick Buddha's light, Don't beg still feel that your seven orifices seem to be locked by countless invisible evil forces.

"Humph!" Qixia snorted coldly. She pressed her hand on Buqi's back heart, and a colorful plasma flowed out of her fingertips, and quickly drew countless rune seals behind Buqi. The rune rune with the evil spirit in the strangeness swings out a piece of light, sinking into the begging [body] one after another.

The invisible power that locked the seven orifices of don't beg suddenly disappeared, and a thunder fire from Liu Bang's palm hit the long flag above his head. The long flag fluttered violently, and countless skeletons on the long flag were heard wailing in unison, and no evil power enveloped in all directions. I saw hundreds of thousands of people of the Kingdom of the Undead howling, and a little green firefly flew out of the seven orifices and threw it into the long flag, which was swallowed up by those skeletons.

Liu Bang was so angry that he spit out blood and scolded angrily. He looked at him in anger and fear. If he didn't understand, he didn't use any evil method to break his long flag.

This is indeed an evil spell. Qixia is the highest-ranking demon ancestor among the invisible demons in the outer world. Liu Bang's strange-shaped long flag is locked to death, don't beg for seven orifices, and the evil power that suppressed his soul was transferred by Qixia to those people of the kingdom of immortal god with a secret method How can the cultivation of those people be compared with not begging?

If the whole Changfan hits Don't beg, it may seriously hurt the soul of Don't beg, but the hundreds of thousands of people of the kingdom of immortality are out of their bodies and have been swallowed up by Changfan.

Not only did the soul fly out of the seven orifices, but also the bodies of the thousands of people of the kingdom of immortality flew up one after another, and were torn into pieces by the countless skulls on the long flag and swallowed. The plasma splashed on the long flag, and the minced meat poured down like a rainstorm. The scene was really cruel to the extreme.

Princess Po Le snorted coldly, and the colorful light turned into a concubine's rainbow and swept out, hitting the spiritual barrier covered outside the people of the Undead Kingdom. Her jade fingers flicked, and thousands of runes shot out of her fingertips in the blink of an eye. She was like the most brilliant clay sculptor, pinching the extremely strong spiritual power rolled up by the colorful light into dozens of translucent thunderballs the size of water tanks.

Liu Bang's expression changed greatly. He rolled a long flag on his head, and an evil spirit like a waterfall roared down, swept the dozens of thunder balls condensed into the evil spirit and sent thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye. I heard "Slap, a few inaudible crisp sounds, those thunderballs burst, Liu Bang's body shook slightly, and two blood in his nose suddenly flowed down.

After all, these people in the Kingdom of Undead gather the spiritual thoughts of those big-headed people for their own use, and their means are just ghosts and spirits. Qixia is the ancestor of the invisible demon outside the country. The control of all kinds of spiritual bodies and souls has reached the perfect extreme. Princess Bule inherited the inheritance of ghosts and spirits in the ancient Shinto, which is also a master-level figure in this area. Once they do their best, how can Liu Bang have no reason not to eat it?

Even if Liu Bang's strange-shaped long flag is the treasure of Hongmeng, and it is the most powerful and most effective evil treasure, it can't get rid of the category of spiritual body, soul body and spiritual primordial spirit, and naturally falls under the control of Qixia and Princess Bule.

Several attacks were ineffective, but he lost a lot of troops under his command. Liu Bang, who was eager to fight with him alone, looked up to the sky and roared a few times. The turbulent waves from his mouth rushed the two blood arrows spewed out of his nostrils dozens of feet high.

Fan Yu's big black face on the side became cold and piercing. He shouted harshly, "The Lord insults my minister to death. Don't beg for children. How dare you die with me?" With two tiger-headed crescent halberd, Fan Yu turned into a black whirlwind and rushed to Don't Beg. He turned a blind eye to the brilliant golden light released by King Kong Muni and waved his head to Don't beg.

Ao Buzun smiled ferociously. His body shook and his body swelled three feet high, and there was a "kak" under his skin, and countless black dragon scales the size of a palm came out layer by layer. Looking up to the sky and roaring, Ao Bu-Zun, who turned into the shape of a dragon man, rushed out of King Kong Muni's protective circle and greeted Fan Yu hard. At the sight of his body, Ao Buzu's left and right shoulders were split by Fan's two tiger-headed crescent halberd, and the dragon scales on his shoulders were smashed,

The crescent halberd split into his bones and flesh half a foot deep.

For an ordinary person, the injury was enough to make him lose his combat effectiveness, but Ao Bu-respect is the chaotic ancestor dragon. He is a first-class fierce god in the chaotic world. The severe pain from his shoulder made Ao Bu-respect's lower body suddenly stand up like a gun. The violent murderous intention gushed out of his eyes On the abdomen.

With a click, the five sharp dragon claws on Ao Buzun's toes popped up three feet long, like five swords piercing Fan's body.

Fan Yu roared in pain. He tried to ** the handle of the tiger-headed crescent halberd, but the muscles in the wound on Ao Buzun's shoulder grew and spread crazily, and the crescent halberd had been wrapped by Ao Buzun's purple-gold muscle mass, and no matter how he Fan Yu roared and casually dropped two tiger-headed crescent halberd and was about to stretch out his hand to wrap around Ao Buzun's head. He had incomparable confidence in his infinite divine power. He was confident that he would be able to twist Ao Buzun's neck and kill him.

But Ao Buzun is not fighting alone!

Don't beg for this group of bad goods around you. You absolutely don't know what a fair duel is.

Fan Yu's two strong arms as iron stakes had not yet been stretched out, and a vicious wind surged over his head. A basic luster shining with the unique to the weapon of merit, the fierce and powerful hammer roared and smashed on Fan Qi's heavenly cover. This big hammer is not so much a big hammer as a square hill with metal pimples of nearly a thousand cubic feet!

The hammer surface of the hammer is eight feet long and eight feet wide, and the hammer head of the hammer is twelve feet high. The whole body is made of black-lacquer outer star alloy. The handle with a thickness of the sorghum column of nearly a hundred feet is tightly held in the hand by the small Luoli-shaped clam The petite clam is spitting white saliva, and his eyes are full of greedy appetite flames, waving a big hammer like a windmill, and smashing 380 hammers on Fan's Tianling cover in an instant!

This is the largest and heaviest of all the meritorious tools made by Don't beg for refining. The material used is the heavy gold of the star core of the stars in the outer chaotic world. It is extremely heavy and strong. In addition, the refining means of Don't beg for its skills, this big guy, known as the "O A ferocious killer!

In Liu Bang's roar, the oolong hammer made Fan Yu's seven orifices spray blood, and the heavenly spirit cover was broken like a tofu brain.

stretched out his hand in an attempt to strangle the disrespectful Fan Yu screamed in pain, and he stretched out his hand with difficulty to block the crazy attack of the clam. However, his hands and feet were in severe pain at the same time. He turned into the golden horns and silver horns of the flying ice fire dragon python body, and the gold feathers and silver feathers spewed out the ice and fire light at the same time. The thick gold and silver flow of the four bowls penetrated Fan's hands and feet, destroying

Liu Bang cursed like a street gangster, and went straight to the next three ways of the 18th generation of his ancestors. Angry, Liu Bang pulled out a small black dagger and stabbed a fierce dagger into his heart. A purple sticky blood light rushed out, and Liu Bang's heart burst out the most important of the eighteen practitioners, which took a lot of hard work to condense the "true blood of the original spirit of life.

The real blood of the eighteen tour [excited] shot out, and fell to the eyebrows of the huge fallen demon god in an instant.

Fan Yu's miserable howls keep coming. It shows that the Holy Spirit King is not a fair and just well owner. He is still the demon king of the immortal star Longyuanjiang in his bones! Fan Yu was beaten by a group of people. He showed that the Holy Spirit King "Ji Jie" smiled strangely, broke the halberd into countless cold lights [excited] and shot out, tore the void gushed out from all around Fan Yu, and easily tore open Fan Yu's tempered body.

Fan Yu's body was like tofu without any defense in front of the broken halberd that even Tang Kong could penetrate. He finally let out a desperate howl, and he shouted sharply, "Your Majesty, save me, save me!"

Liu Bang's gloomy face, with a long flag on his head, more than 30% small on the huge flag

The skull exploded at the same time, and countless black smoke evil gas turned into a huge palm, grabbing Fan Qi.

The people who were besieging Fan Yu only felt cold all over, as if their blood was about to be frozen,

They hurriedly retreated to the protection of the strong golden light released by Don't beg for the palm of the hand.

Fan Yu was caught back by Liu Bang, and Liu Bang roared and roared, "You have to die here today. I don't care about the immortal army! Just let this undead army be buried with you, and everyone will die!"

A violent and chaotic wave of consciousness came from the body of the demon god.

With a shocking roar, a tall man was as tall as the fallen demon god, but countless small figures of the demon god flew out of the body of the demon god, and instantly turned into a black electric light and hit the group of people.

Liu Bang muttered to himself, "Try it, the demon god "Tianniu" made with all my efforts."