Steal the sky

Chapter 1080 Buddha's Fat Sheep

"Liu Bang, a good Liu Bang!"

Admiration all the way, don't beg and mutter back to Pangu Continent. When I got here, I was not afraid that Liu Bang still had the courage to catch up. The most important thing for private work like what he did is to keep it secret. If he dares to appear in Pangu Continent with an artificially-made demon, he will always pay attention to the dynamic Taoist realms on Pangu Continent with divine consciousness.

Princess Yule and others returned to the top secret place of the outer void, and continued to slaughter the outer demon gods to accumulate merits and virtues to quench their merits. Now more than ten thousand meritorious tools have been completed, and the most powerful half of them have not been able to get enough merit, and they can get all the skills in just half a year.

That place is extremely secretive. There are all kinds of arrays of people who cover up their deeds, and all kinds of arrays that don't beg for, and the Kunlun mirror hides all the energy fluctuations. Don't beg, but don't worry that someone can find there. Princess Pole's safety is absolutely no problem.

Riding nine tails and shaking his head, he flew randomly over the Pangu mainland. Don't beg for a real headless fly, and he doesn't know where to fly.

Go to Dayu? It doesn't mean much. It has reached such a point. Don't you beg to go to Dayu to be a loyal minister? Even if he dares to say this, he has to win the political team to believe him? Since he came to the Pangu mainland, what the beggars have done is a big warlord who has a heart to cut off. He is willing to rely on Dayu. I'm afraid that Emperor Haozun doesn't dare to use him. Now the relationship between him and Dayu can only be said to be a friendship. It can only be that he has a good personal relationship with some people in Dayu.

As for other places, the Ling Dynasty and the Jing Dynasty were destroyed, and he didn't have a chance to play with a national master.

Both Xinwu and Dawu have their splits to make waves in it, and there is no need for him to step in again.

As for the heavenly court, don't beg to look up at the sky. The six great heavenly emperors of the heavenly court are still imprisoned by him in the refining tripod. If he goes to the heavenly court now...

Forget it. People like him who are half-wayed will not be reused in the heavenly court. Why bother?

After thinking for a long time, I can't find myself. What should I do? I can only ride on the nine-tailed back armor and fly weakly across the rivers,

A lot of mountains. While flying, Don't begging had already felt a few thoughts that were almost integrated with the essence of heaven swept over his body. Don't begging understood in his heart that the words were coming.

Not long after, I saw a little golden light in front of me. A faint fragrance of sandalwood came to my face, wearing a seven-treasure shawl shawl, with a Buddha's crown made of pearls on his head, and shining light on his wrists, neck, waist and feet. Wearing dozens of Buddha's treasures The clouds flew this way.

Separated from a few rich places, the Master of Dayi shouted as if he had never seen Don't beg, "Don't beg a Taoist friend in front of you? Please pause the cloud step!"

He patted Jiuwei's head heavily, and Jiuwei spewed out a large amount of saliva. He slowly stopped and waved the nine long tails rapidly in the void, stirring up countless ghost-like shadows, and locked the figure of the Venerable from afar. Don't sit lazily on the nine-tailed back armor and salute the fist of the Great B Venerable: "Great B Venerable? Hey, I've heard the name for a long time. "These days, the venerable has been in the limelight."

The Venerable of Big B ignored the nine tails. He slowly flew to a hundred feet in front of him and saluted to Don't beg, "Don't beg your friends, Da Yi is polite this time. Don't talk nonsense,

Please also ask Taoist friends to return King Kong Muni and my Buddhist brothers.

Don't beg. "In great surprise, he looked at the Great Venerable and shook his head repeatedly and said, "S Monk, are you crazy or stupid? Although you have a great reputation recently, Don't beg is not a nobody. Although the territory of the East China Sea has been handed over to Dayu, there are still hundreds of millions of soldiers and countless good generals under your command. As soon as you touch your upper lip, don't beg to return King Kong Muni to you. This is so light!"

The Venerable B turned his strange eyes. He snorted coldly and waved his right palm to be careful not to print it. This palm of the Great Yi master exerted all his strength. The majestic Buddha's light condensed into a lifelike golden lotus huā lotus huārui sitting on a thumb-sized white Buddha's Dharma phase, and the mana fluctuation emitted by the divination of divination is simply suffocating.

Don't beg for a solemn look. With a deep inhalation, the millions of miles of air around him and the flowing clouds were sucked clean by him. Not only the air and flowing clouds, but also the light, space, time and other objective existence of these millions of miles of emptiness have been sucked into the body. Even all the mountains with a height of more than 1,000 feet in this million miles have disappeared out of thin air. These mountains have been sucked in without begging.

Everything turned into a surging purple atmosphere in an instant. Don't beg at the golden Buddha's palm that the Great Yi Master slowly hit down to his chest, and the slow palm greeted the Great Yi Venerable. Don't beg, the right palm becomes crystal clear like a crystal carving, and there is a faint purple gas looming on the edge of the palm. His palm is sunken and looks soft like a ball of cotton, without any strength.

The palm of the Great Venerable is Jinlian Huā protecting a small Buddha statue, and his ambition is full of the grand and masculinity of the Buddha's supreme power.

Don't beg, the palm is fluttering, weak and weak, and the palm gradually has a line of purple gas outlining an extremely simple Taiji Pisces picture. The yin and yang double fish flowed around, bringing the mysterious and mysterious rhythm that can't be said to people, and lightly greeted the Buddha's palm of the Great Venerable.

On the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain, several Buddhas praised in unison. The palm of the Great B Master really interpreted the powerful and masculine demons of Buddhism. In the Daoyuan Palace, the nine Taoist ancestors exclaimed in unison. Don't beg is not a serious Taoist background, but his palm shows the charm of the Taoist family almost perfectly. The Great B is strong and fierce. Don't beg for yin and ethereal. One strong and one softness almost shows all the mysteries of Taoism and Buddhism below the Taoist realm in front of people.

It seems simple that the two of them slapped each other like street gangsters, but the mystery contained in it is infinite, and the existence below the Taoist realm can't even see the mystery of their attack.

But in the eyes of those power above the broken realm of Taoism and Buddhism, don't beg for this ethereal and gentle palm that has already annihilated everything and turned everything into chaos, but in the chaos, Taiji two instruments have been born. The highest realm of Taoist secrets is nothing more than this. The palm of the Great B Venerable is clean and neat, and there is no concern at all. ** Naked is like a newborn baby, hot like the morning rising in the east, simply cut off all obstacles with supreme power, and then return a blue sky and white clouds in the universe.

Don't beg for this palm of the world to return to chaos, full of the meaning of dead silence reincarnation. The palm of the Great B Master contains infinite vitality with the power of destruction, and he wants to open up a brand-new world in that dead silence.

The intertwining of life and death, the reincarnation of life and death, is exactly two opposite extremes.

In the countless intense gaze, the two people's right palms collided lightly.

The Taiji Pisces in the palm of the hand disintegrated, the lotus huā Buddha statue in the palm of the Great B's hand was annihilated, and the strange light of one gold and one purple burst out at the same time. After bumping into each other for a while, it was strangely integrated into one.

Don't beg. The two of them suddenly separated from the palms of everything, and there was a space of about three feet between them. In the round three-foot void, boundless brilliage suddenly burst out, and a beautiful world appeared in the palms of the two people. The world was undergoing the earth-shaking creation, and countless grass trees were generated one after another, followed by a stream of birds and beasts, followed by all kinds of human beings. It breeds naturally from it.

Such a wonderful scene made those Taiyi Jinxian and the Buddha in the Mingdao realm not know what to do, but the intensity of the consciousness of paying attention to this side in the void suddenly increased by thousands of times, and several gods couldn't wait to spread to this ball of light.

Don't beg and the Venerable of the Great B tried their best, but it was a blow against each other of a very different nature. Unexpectedly, it actually deduced a scene similar to the creation of the Pangu Monkey King in the small void of three feet. Don't beg to empty everything within a million miles in one breath, and then the huge power of the two collided with each other, bursting out a small world in the chaos. Such mysterious and mysterious things, even those powerful things in the Taoist realm are also seen for the first time.

To talk about the power of those Taoist realms, if they run to the chaotic world, they are also qualified to open up a world. However, unlike the Pangu Monkey King who disintegrats itself to form a world, there is no wonder effect of constantly absorbing chaotic aura and strengthening itself like Pangu World. If you can't gradually strengthen yourself, what's the difference between the mustard world or the Buddha kingdom derived from themselves? Therefore, although they understand some of the principles that open up the world, no one has ever really tried like this.

Don't beg and the great-size-out blow of the Great Yi actually perfectly interprets a scene similar to the creation of the Pangu Great Sage. This small three-foot-sized world is full of the origin of the law of heaven in a complete world!

If you can get some benefits from abundance, even the power of those Taoist realms will be of supreme benefits.

But those divine consciousnesses had just approached this Sanzhang world. Buqi and the Great Yi venerable looked at each other. The palms of the two were extremely tacit, and the Sanzhang small world suddenly split into two halves, and cleverly fell into the two people's [body]. All the mysteries are shared by them, and others don't want to get any discount.

A gentle blow is so earth-shaking. Don't beg and the Venerable of the Great Yi pretend to salute each other, putting on a disgusting face of a faint hero. The Great Venerable B saluted to Don't beg for ten lines: "Taoist friends are very capable, and the poor monk is ashamed."

Don't beg and give a salute to the Great Venerable: "It's good to say, the master is so powerful. In the Buddhist sect, except for the seven Buddhas, the master should be the hero. Well, although it's like this, this kindness belongs to human kindness, and business belongs to business, master understand?

While saluting with a smile and begging, he took out King Kong Muni and played proudly in the palm of his hand.

The Great B has two palms of his hands, looking up to the sky, and faintly has the consciousness of the martyr.

Don't beg to laugh so brightly. He held King Kong Muni in his hands and almost didn't drip water.

How fierce is this knife? Look at the Great Venerable, why is it a fat sheep!