Steal the sky

Chapter 1084 The Old Man of Buddhism

Chapter 1084 The Old Man of Buddhism

The dark clouds rolled, and I could only faintly see the green eyes and golden claws in the purple-black cloud. The chirping ghost sound was cold and piercing, so that I couldn't help shivering. Liu Bang in purple robe looked at the seven dark clouds in front of him with his hands behind his back and said faintly, "The seven oars in the sky, listen carefully. These days, you will stay outside the Great Spirit Svalve Mountain. If you go into the Great Spirit Svalve Mountain, you don't have to worry about it. If he comes out

The palm of his hand turned into a blade. Liu Bang in the purple robe waved gently down and said ruthlessly, "If he comes out of the Great Spirit Slu Mountain, he will kill his people and seize his treasure. Not only the soul beads, but also the hundreds of Hongmeng treasures on him are also greedy.

After a few strange smiles, Liu Bang's figure in purple robe suddenly disintegrated into a large gray thick fog and scattered in all directions. In the blink of an eye, the thick fog dissipated, and he disappeared without a trace. There is only a faint erratic voice hovering in the void: "Soul beads, soul beads, is it true that, as he said, there is only the effect of calming the soul, condensing the soul, and cutting off the connection between the major splits?"

Don't beg for a smile. This is not only the doubt of Liu Bang in purple robe, but he also has the same problem.

The seven oops in the dark cloud wrapped in the dark roared sharply, and they rolled and flew in the direction of the Great Spirit Slur Mountain. Don't beg at the direction in which Liu Bang's real body in purple robe disappeared, his fingers twitched for a while, and finally resisted the impulse to catch up and kill him. Liu Bang, the emperor of immortality, has the artificial demon god as the bottom card. Liu Bang's breath in this purple robe is strange, and he doesn't know what's strange. Don't beg for a knife to kill people. He absolutely doesn't want to fight head-on with the mysterious Liu Bang.

After meditating for a moment, don't beg to divide the yuan god. He exchanged some information with the Shushangren and the Great Yi Venerable respectively. Then he contacted Princess Le, Qixia and others and arranged everything properly. Then he released the nine tails. On the back of the nine tails, he flew to the Great Spirit

Along the way, there was no one in the void. There was no longer the flying sword escape in the sky, and there was a grand scene of practitioners everywhere. Only occasionally a large group of foreign demons roared and flew through the void, and some flowers and trees on the outer stars were swallowed up by them, and there was really no grass left.

Some of these foreign demons were defeated and flowed out when the Taoist sect rectified the heavenly court, and some were soldiers and horses under the leadership of the foreign demon gods controlled by Buddhism. Those foreign demons who are tremuring crimes are like a group of hungry wolves, and there is no grass where they pass. The foreign demon god controlled by Buddhism is organized and disciplined to attack the planet controlled by Taoism and destroy the Taoism mantle above.

The power of Buddhism and Taoism is no one walking in the outer world. In the past, the Tianguan and Xianguan where the heavenly court was stationed everywhere were also destroyed by the foreign demons. The ruins floated in the void, and there was no more anger on it. Don't beg all the way to the Great Spirit Guve Mountain. I only feel the bleakness. Although those foreign demons are running around, they are like the shadows on the curtain, which adds a little loneliness.

The Kunlun Mirror of Jiuyou Ghost World is still constantly releasing foreign demons, and more and more foreign demons are rampant in the Pangu world. A small part of it is still controlled by Buddhism, and most of the others act entirely on instinct. If they continue to run like this, I'm afraid that there will never be a disciple of Buddhism and Taoism in the outer void.

"It's just that it's none of my business?" Don't look around. On an earthy yellow planet not far away, a huge temple was just broken by tens of thousands of demons. More than 100,000 gray-robed and white-robed monks were embarrassed, but they were caught up and swallowed by the demons one by one. Don't beg to recite a few reborn scriptures for these Buddhist disciples in a low voice, urging the nine tails to go straight to the Great Spirit Sighor Mountain.

As long as these foreign demons do not come to offend the interests of don't begging, he won't bother to pay attention to what they do. Buddhism and Taoism? Maybe one day Don't beg will join hands with them to meet the enemy, but the enemy can only be a world-breaker like a thousand heads. Compared with the unpredictable existence of thousands of heads, what are these foreign demons?

After seeing the miserable scene of countless Daomen Mountain Gate and the Buddhist Zen Forest being broken down all the way, Buqi finally came to the Great Spirit Slu Mountain.

The radiant Lingji Mountain has recovered from the demon disaster, and it is still the holy place of Buddhism. In the four directions of the southeast and northwest of Dalingji Mountain, a huge camp was set up respectively. Four foreign demon gods who cultivated the Buddha's golden body were stationed in the core of the camp, suppressing countless foreign demons under their command. With the protection of these guys here, although Prince Changqin has opened up space channels from the vicinity of Dalingguan Mountain several times and sent countless foreign demons here, he was defeated by these foreign demons who had converted to Buddhism.

Don't beg to see the four huge camps covering hundreds of millions of miles, and you can't help but be stunned. Several Buddhas are good means. When on earth did they subdue the heads of those foreign demon gods and convert them to Buddhism? This time, even the heavenly court was almost destroyed by the foreign demons, but the loss of the Great Spirit Seal Mountain can only be said to be insignificant, and the seven Buddhas took the lead.

sighed for a while, don't beg to hide, carefully hide in the meteor belt closest to the Great Spirit Slu Mountain. This meteor belt is extremely wide, covering almost the whole Great Spirit Sludron Mountain. If the Buddha in the mountain looks up at the sky, this meteor belt is like the Milky Way seen on the earth in the red dust. The dense colorful starlight shines on the void, which is really a scenic spot outside the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain.

Now Don't beg is hiding in this small meteor belt, sitting in a cave of a small star with a diameter of less than a thousand miles, and taking out a piece of white jade-like fine incense to ignite it. The fragrance of this thread is white, but once it is lit, it emits pink smoke, which is fragrant and makes people drowsy. This is the most commonly used method of Buddhism Huanxi Sect.

The three-inch-long line fragrance burned cleanly in just three breaths. The pink smoke hovered around Buqi for a while, and gradually collapsed and compressed inward, and finally condensed into a pink bird swirling around Buqi. The little bird made a crisp and pleasant call, and soon another bird came from outside the cave, and a pink bird of the same size flew in.

The two birds came together quickly, rubbing each other's necks affectionately for a while. After singing to each other for a while, the two birds exploded into a cloud of smoke at the same time and dispersed, and the two pieces of smoke merged inward and turned into a light mirror suspended in front of Don't beg.

The naked lint appeared in the light mirror. He was on a huge soft couch, surrounded by more than a hundred beautiful girls with sweating and pink skin. He stood proudly on the jade arm's pink legs and showed off his majesty to Buqi. Then he waved a pink Buddha light to include those girls into his own sacrificial palm Buddha country, and slowly pulled a robe and wrapped half of his body.

"What's the matter, tell me! The incense made of this thousand-mile rhinoceros double bird spirit soul can only ensure that we can safely communicate with a tea time. After this time, it may be noticed. If you have something to say, say it quickly!" He rubbed his huge bald head and looked at him with a smile.

There are countless strange things in the world, and the two birds of the rhinoceros are one of them. This kind of bird is famous in the world for its extreme affection and firmer than gold, but it burns the piano and boils the crane. It takes the blood and soul of this bird, which symbolizes the best love of time, and refines it into incense with the secret method of Huanxi Sect.

With the help of this incense, even in the Great Spirit Slu Mountain, even under the divine scanning of the seven Buddhas, they can have a safe call time for tea time. The power of the Taoist realm is indeed great, but they are not omnipotent. Just like the secret world of heaven, the incense made of yucanth can also block their divine perception.

Don't beg for nonsense. He knows that this medium-line incense is expensive, especially every pair of incense will waste the soul of a pair of thousand-mile rhinoceros and two birds, which is even more sinful. He said quickly, "It has nothing to do with you. Find Long Yangjun for me and say that I want him to do something for me!" If he doesn't want to, you can tell him that unless he doesn't leave the Great Sluven Mountain, I will definitely cut off his bald head!"

"Ah, ah!" He laughed happily. He nodded repeatedly and said, "Long Yangjun, that old rabbit, hey!"

After a few strange smiles, the concubine nodded repeatedly and said, "I'll help you with this matter, Golden Dragon Mother Buddha. Hey, I have long been looking at her. Last time, the Buddha just hooked up with the maid beside her, just touched their breasts, and was interrupted by the old fierce woman. Hey hey, if you want to calculate her, I'll help you for free!"

Don't beg for a deep look, shrugged his shoulders and said, "You don't need the King of Changxin to take action. Just bring the news for me."

After a slight pause, don't beg and said lightly, "Ying Zheng is the reincarnation of Emperor Zhuan. I don't know if you know the news. In a word, you can't take revenge on Ying Zheng. But Lv Buwei, he hooked up with Liu Bang. As far as I know, Lv Buwei is now the prime minister of the Great Wu, in charge of the administration of the Great Wu.

He was slightly stunned. He narrowed his eyes and said lightly, "How can't you forget the past? Is Lv Buwei by Liu Bang's side? I see."

Squinting at Don't Beg, Yan said with a strange smile, "Don't beg, you and I are an ally, right?"

Don't beg to look deeply at the concubine. He nodded slowly and said, "Naturally, you help me, I help you. You and I don't infringe on each other's interests. Naturally, we are allies. Maybe we can even try to be friends.

He clicked his lips, and he nod his head and said, "I'm going to send a message to the old rabbit. He is very popular now. He hooked up with Long Yin Tiannu. Hey hey, that's the closed disciple of the Golden Dragon Mother Buddha, the most favored kind.

The flicker flicked the light mirror to pieces, and don't beg to laugh softly.

Not long after, a mass of white lotus appeared in front of Begging, and Long Yangjun, wearing a moon-white half-armed robe, slowly stepped out.

I apologize, I have something to do today, so the second chapter has been updated late.

Chapter 3 after dinner, only three chapters can be updated today. RO