Steal the sky

Chapter 1086 Golden Dragon Mother

Thousands of heads rushed straight to the Wako Palace. The ancient world of Panqi was full of wind and clouds, and all the great power of the Taoist realms rushed out of their own dojo and mountain gates one after another, and tried their best to run to the Wawa Palace. They all know the habits of those who break the world. When they enter a certain world, they can rely on the existence of the most important original spiritual treasure in the world. They will devour or destroy this spiritual treasure, thus destroying the heavenly operation of the world.

Once the road is chaotic, they will have the opportunity to kill all the power of Hedao states one by one, and finally absorb the power of all the power of Hedao, and completely destroy the whole world with their power. They have always done so, and the Holy Realm was destroyed by them in this way.

Even the Taoist ancestors who let out a thousand heads by themselves did not dare to neglect. They left part of their energy to suppress the list of gods, and then rushed to the Hua Palace in person. The release of a thousand heads is just a means, a means to destroy the various layouts of the Wa Emperor and several Buddhas, but if the thousands of songs they release leads to the destruction of the whole ancient world, it is simply the nonsense of the world, which is really a coincidence to be self-defeating.

Seven Buddhas, nine Taos, eighteen saints, and thirty-four Taoist realms can quickly converge to the Waku Palace.

Beside the Wa Huangshi, Xuanyuan Huangdi and Yandi Shennong, the two new Taoist realms, are standing on the left and right. They were dressed in yellow and red imperial robes. Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor held a purple sword, and Emperor Yan Shennong held a short knife wrapped in red light in his hand. The two looked at the void solemnly. Zhou Yu's body and body's internal imperial breath were integrated, turning into a vast Xuanhuang gas to cover the whole Wa palace.

The maids of the Palace, who are usually chattering, are the most lively. Today, they crouched in their pavilions and pavilions and dare not go out to walk around. They have just been warned by the Huahuang family that the incoming enemy is an unfathomable and strange existence, which is not something they can deal with. They can only stay in their own residence and lay a large array with other sisters to protect themselves from being injured by the aftermath of the battle later.

The atmosphere of the ancient world suddenly became tense. But in addition to the power of these Taoist realms, other creatures are still ignorant of the arrival of thousands of heads. Only don't beg to spread the news quickly with divine consciousness, lest your relatives and acquaintances suffer a great disaster.

While spreading the message to the four directions in a hurry, don't beg while running to the Great Spirit Slude Mountain with all his strength.

The arrival of Qianshou broke the plan of not begging. At this moment, he didn't need Long Yangjun to do anything more. He went straight up and flew straight to the Great Spirit Avalus Mountain at the fastest speed.

When they came to the mountain pass of Dalingji Mountain, dozens of ancient Buddhas and Buddhas hurriedly walked out of several temples in the back, with a large group of disciples to set up a large array at the Dalingjiu Mountain Pass. Obviously, they had been ordered by the Buddhas to know that a terrible existence had invaded the ancient world, and they were eager to come here to guard against it.

At the same time, on the highest peak of the Great Spirit Sludard Mountain, a bronze ancient bell is making a loud noise. The dull bell turned into a visible light wave spreading in all directions, and in the blink of an eye, it spread to the boundless void outside the line of sight. This is the alarm bell of the Great Spirit Slu Mountain. The bell is ringing to warn all the Buddhist brothers in the ancient world - the great disaster is coming. If you can return to the Great Spirit Slu Mountain, you can return at the fastest speed. If you can't return to the Great Spirit Slu Mountain, you can find a place to protect yourself!

Corresponding to the sound of this ancient bell is the harsh sound of jade from the sky. The rapid and sharp sound of jade also turned into a wave of dense light waves sweeping all directions. This is the Daoyuan Palace, which is more than thirty-three days old, showing the police to all the disciples of the Taoist disciples. Don't beg and even seen many Taoist immortals who are chasing foreign demons in groups in all directions turn into Taoist light and

Buddhism and Taoism have issued warnings at the same time, which is the highest warning that is rarely used in the times of heavy disasters. Countless brothers of Buddhism and Taoism in the ancient world did not even know what they were going to do. Only those immortals with high status and enough information, Buddha practitioners quickly gathered their relatives, friends and old friends, and hurriedly hid in the secret place where they thought they were safe.

Don't beg to become a breeze and sneaked into the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain. At this time, those Buddhas and ancient Buddhas did not even have time to lock up the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain. His consciousness quickly expanded in all directions, and soon locked the drunken dragon fragrance carried by Long Yangjun. Don't beg and don't hesitate. He incarnates as a streamer and escapes in the direction of the drunken dragon fragrance. After passing through countless ancient temples and temples and countless Zen temples, he finally came to the mountain surrounded by green water.

This mountain seems to have sprinkled a lot of green pearls in the green water. Mountains protrude on the surface of the water. Abundant aura circles and reverberates between the peaks, and some strange aquatic spirits are crawling in the visible green water, devoutly singing the Buddha's name.

In the middle of thousands of mountains separated by green water, on an island with a maximum of no more than two miles and a radius of nearly a hundred miles, there is another cave of bodhi trees and purple bamboo. Outside the cave, golden lotus is everywhere, the sandalwood in the cave is hidden, and the crisp Sanskrit singing is endless. It is

Long Yangjun was frowning and standing on the bluestone path several miles away from the cave and looking up at the sky. The light wave transformed by the bronze ancient bell was rushing into the void around him in waves. Not long after Long Yangjun fell into Buddhism, he didn't know what this meant. He only instinctively sensed a trace of tension and danger from the bell, which made him very uneasy.

What can make the fundamental importance of Buddhism ring the alarm bell? Even the foreign demon god broke through the Great Spirit Seal Mountain at the beginning, there was no such nervousness! Long Yangjun was stunned for a while, hurriedly raised the front of the robe, and hurried to the dragon mother's cave. There are prohibitions arranged by the Golden Dragon Mother Buddha everywhere on the island. Such a cultivation as Long Yangjun can't fly on the island.

While Long Yangjun was running wildly, dozens of men and women came out of the Dragon Mother Cave.

The leader is a white-haired beautiful woman in a brocade ki and a golden Buddha crown. The woman held a Zen stick in her left hand and a string of Buddha beads in her right hand. She was looking worriedly at the light waves that kept spreading around in the sky, and whispering something in her mouth.

behind this woman, dozens of young men and women dressed in different clothes, only half of whom were dressed as pure monks stood there in surprise, and also looked up at the light waves running high in the sky. A beautiful young woman in a moon-white monk's clothes but did not shave her hair exclaimed in surprise, "Master, why is there such a warning today?"

The white-haired woman in a brocade dress frowned. The white mole in the middle of her eyebrows suddenly beat rapidly, and a trace of white light ejaculated three feet and six feet away from the mole. The thin white light danced quickly, and the white-haired woman shouted fiercely. He said, "Where did the Taoist friend invade my dragon mother cave? What does the Taoist friend want to do?"

While scolding harshly, the golden Buddha light on the white-haired beautiful woman's head suddenly emitted a large golden Buddha flame sweeping in all directions, quickly locking the void around the dragon mother cave. Except for the dozens of young men and women standing behind her, other creatures on the island, including Long Yangjun, who was running this way, crawled on the ground in fear for fear of being contaminated with the seemingly inconspicuous golden Buddha flame.

Don't beg to praise. This white-haired and beautiful woman's golden-bodied dragon mother has indeed made great achievements in cultivating Buddhism. The mole in the middle of the eyebrows and the white light on the mole have clearly reached the realm of being clear about the world.

No wonder she didn't beg for silence, but it still gave her a warning, and she made the arrangement of response so quickly.

However, since the seven Buddhas have left the Great Eagle Mountain and rushed to the Tuo Palace, who is he afraid of?

With a strange smile, don't beg to take out a vicious Hongmeng treasure 'blood sword box' from your sleeve. This blood sword box is also one of the ransoms that the nine Taoist ancestors had no choice but to give to beg in order to redeem the five great emperors. This box is just the size of a palm, and the whole body is purple after the blood dries up. It looks like an ordinary metal box.

It's too late to sacrifice this treasure. Don't bite the tip of your tongue and spray a piece of blood on the blood on the blood sword box. The small box suddenly opened, and the boundless sea of blood mixed with tens of thousands of blood-colored sword lights sprayed out of the small blood sword box, instantly wrapping the unprepared golden

The Golden Dragon Mother never dreamed that Begging had approached her less than ten feet and had reached the top of her head. The sea of blood and countless bloody swords wrapped around her. She immediately issued a shocking Buddha's name, and she was about to use the magic of Buddhism and don't beg to fight for a victory or death.

But don't beg at all, he didn't give the golden dragon mother any chance. He flicked his fingers, and the three 'extinction needles', which were also from the Taoist ancestors, turned into three green fires silently shot out, hitting the golden dragon mother's eyebrows, heart mole, mouth and lower abdomen. The strange evil power invaded the body, and the magnificent Buddha power accumulated by the golden dragon mother for countless years is rapidly dissipating. The golden dragon mother snorted and received such a reprint. Unexpectedly, she still had spare power to drum Zhou Yu's body and blood. A golden light rose in the palm of her hand, and a Buddha's demon thunder smashed the head with a hidden Sanskrit singing.

Don't beg and don't say anything. The Buddha's thunder hit his face and exploded with golden light. His face cracked a trace of blood like hair with a slight pain. Then he did a little effort, and the trace of scar disappeared.

The golden dragon mother's full-body Buddha's power was drained by the extermination needle. With a helpless cry, she was rolled into the air by the blood sword box. The lid of the blood sword box was closed with a click, and the white-haired head of the golden dragon mother was involved in the lid of the box. Don't beg to grab the blood sword box, turn around and leave without saying a word, and rush out in an instant before the closing of the mountain gate of the Great Spirit Slu Mountain.

He came and went like an electric flint. The World Honored Ones sitting in the Great Vulture Mountain had no time to react at all, and he cut off the head of the golden dragon mother.

With a gentle shake of the blood sword box in hand, I heard a blood wave rolling in the blood sword box. He slightly opened the lid of the box, and a white-haired head was caught by him from the blood sword box and thrown back to the Great Spirit Slur Mountain. The broken head injury can't hurt the root of the Golden Dragon Mother Buddha. As long as she escapes back to the Dragon Mother Cave in time and closes her head and body, she will lose a little vitality at most.

Don't beg and even have the time to send a voice to Long Yangjun, telling him that he has achieved what he wants, and there is no need for Longyangjun to take risks.

Just when Long Yangjun was stunned and didn't know what had happened, Don't beg had gone with the crown of the golden dragon mother Buddha, but Don't beg didn't give the golden dragon mother any chance at all. He flicked his fingers, and three 'extinction needles', which were also from the Taoist ancestors There are three key points: mole in the mother's eyebrow, heart and lower abdomen. The strange evil power invaded the body, and the magnificent Buddha power accumulated by the golden dragon mother for countless years is rapidly dissipating. The golden dragon mother snorted and received such a reprint. Unexpectedly, she still had spare power to drum Zhou Yu's body and blood. A golden light rose in the palm of her hand, and a Buddha's demon thunder smashed the head with a hidden Sanskrit singing.