Steal the sky

Chapter 1093 Don't beg for advice

After a long talk with Pangu, don't beg for a lot of emotions.

Don't beg Pangu. He opened up the Pangu world to cultivate the dream magic power of the Zhoutian world. Is the so-called so-called road? Pangu told him frankly not to beg. He did the so-called road. That is described in the ancient holy palace. Compared with the so-called heavenly way in the ancient world, and the "constant law" that is trillions of times more mysterious and profound than the chaos of the chaotic demon god. If you can understand it thoroughly, you can truly be extraordinary and holy.

This real extraordinary sanctification is higher than the strongest in the holy world. It is a real immortal existence, that is, an existence that can't be damaged by those who break the world. The reason why the Holy Realm attracted the breakers to completely destroy it was that some of the strongest people in the Holy Realm had touched the "constant law" and was about to take the last step.

The existence of breakers, according to Pangu's quiet understanding for so many years, they are similar to the heavenly disaster of Pangu mainland. Someone in the holy world touched 1 constant law "It is about to reach the eternal and immortal state, so the one who breaks the world appears! The so-called "breaking the boundary" they broke up not the world, but the "realm" of the strongest.

Pangu has been sleeping for so many years and has gained countless knowledge of the holy world in his sleep, from which he has also realized some special means to deal with the breakers, such as the various means of expelling the heart demons and invisible demons of Buddhism and Taoism, and the powerful people of the holy world also have the powerful magic power to deal with the Although Pangu only learned three or five tricks from it, it was used to deal with the thousands of heads and illusions that did not recover their vitality. Naturally, it was easy to catch them and drive them out of the world of Pangu.

After listening to Pangu's words, don't beg for a long time without words. He was silent for a long time before he asked Pangu how the Taoist power existed for the Pangu world. Pangu was also silent for a long time on the issue of not begging. He squinted his eyes and drank wine for several hours before he said something to begging.

Pangu opened up the world, and the Empress Wah had a deep friendship with him, so the Emperor Wah took charge of the Wanling Tripod to secretly protect the Pangu world for him.

The Pangu world is actually only used by Pangu to understand the changes of magical powers. Other chaotic demons enter the world of Pangu, but they are also unharmed in Pangu. On the contrary, the Wahuang family created the human race with the help of many chaotic demon gods and helped Pangu complete the most important step of understanding the divine power.

Since the opening of Pangu World, Pangu has been sleeping, and Wa Huangshi is quiet. Other chaotic demons may hang out in chaos, or it seems that Pangu World is free to play, and everyone has nothing to do. In fact, this situation can be maintained well.

But the seven Buddhas and nine paths also had an encounter in the ancient holy palace. They understood what Pangu was doing and what Pangu's purpose was. However, the seven Buddhas and nine paths did not get the great creation of Pangu, did not get a few strange treasures in Pangu's hand, and did not get more records about the holy world. According to Pangu's quiet understanding and analysis over the years, the seven Buddhas and nine paths may have obtained some cultivation classics in the holy world, and at the same time know the existence of the true eternal realm of immortal saints in the holy world.

Therefore, the seven Buddhas and nine paths chose another road that harmed Pangu and benefited themselves. First, they combined themselves into the Pangu world, understood the heavenly way of the Pangu world, and then reached a wonderful symbiosis with Pangu. If Pangu has creation and achievements, they will naturally have their share.

Even the seven Buddhas and nine paths plan this time. They not only want to get the light of Pangu, but even plan to become the master of the Pangu world, expel the pioneers of the Pangu world, and at least they can fight against Pangu.

Don't beg to be fascinated by it. This is simply incredible!

Pangu looked at the sky with a sneer. He said faintly, "What the seven Buddhas and nine paths have done is like Pangu worked hard to build a house with his own flesh and blood." He hoped to rely on this house to absorb and build a large palace based on it. But they are parasitic on this house, turning themselves into sorghum and pillars of the house, and hope that when this ordinary thatched house becomes a palace,

You are also reborn and get benefits!"

Don't beg to nod secretly" Pangu's description is extremely reasonable.

After a few sneers, Pangu poured wine wildly and proudly described his countermeasures against the seven Buddhas and nine paths to Buqi. When Pangu understands the magic, he can't be distracted to deal with the seven Buddhas and nine paths, but it is okay to slightly change the rules of heaven in the Pangu world and bring down all kinds of disasters.

That's why there are all kinds of disasters for practitioners, all of which is to consume the strength of the seven Buddhas and nine paths, so that they don't have too powerful power to interfere with the operation of the Pangu world.

To put it bluntly, the so-called quantitative disaster is the subconscious of Pangu and the war of seven Buddhas and nine paths! It is said that the Queen's family can live quietly in the Palace of the House without any disaster. "The eighteen saints of the Holy League can also be idle clouds and wild cranes without any disaster troubles, but the gatekeepers of the seven Buddhas and nine paths are separated by dozens,

More than a hundred robbers will kill and be in a mess. If you encounter a heavy disaster of heaven and earth, the disciples of the seven Buddhas and nine paths will almost be killed and injured.

Listening to Pangu's words, Don't beg can't help grinning. Such calculation, such competition really makes him have nothing to say.

Pangu looked at Don't beg with a smile. He told Don't beg frankly that even the eighteen saints of the Holy League were carefully selected by the subconscious of Pangu's world when Pangu was sleeping. The eighteen people of the Holy League are all idle, and all of them are righteous. They don't know what happened in the ancient holy palace. They have no intention to peeping at the Pangu world.

Therefore, only 18 members of the Holy League, such as Yanjun Dajiao, can successfully get along with their bodies. Otherwise, with the temperament of Yanjun Dajiao, they have long been calculated by the seven Buddhas and nine paths. Where is the opportunity to be in line with each other?

It is also with the existence of these 18 idle Taoist realms that can invisibly restrain all kinds of actions of the seven Buddhas and nine paths, just like an invisible rope, so that the seven Buddhas and nine paths can't act at will.

The seven Buddhas and nine tricks have been calculated, lest they compete with them for the benefits they may bring in the future of the Pangu world. Therefore, they provoked all kinds of disputes, created various contradictions, and did not hesitate to trigger the war between the chaotic demons and the first batch of gods in the Pangu world. In it, they took advantage The subconscious of Pangu and the Wahuang family joined hands to protect some people. The old man Yuanling is a real soul, and there will be no beg-not existence today, let alone the power of the Holy League.

Don't beg to look at Pangu. He still owes Pangu a favor here!

shook his head and sighed. Don't beg for a smile and sighed at Pangu: "Listen to Pan's ancient friends like this, is it the right way in Pangu's world...

Pangu looked at Don't beg." He waved his hand generously and smiled, "Yuanling's old friend is a temperamental person. If you agree, if Pangu has made achievements in the future, he will definitely help each other. Is it possible that old friends don't know how Pangu is? The pursuit of the eternal road is extremely difficult and dangerous. If Pangu did not have one or two Taoist friends, he would not have the confidence to break through.

Don't beg to nod slowly. Countless calculations came out of his heart. Pangu's words really made him have too many ideas.

Pangu's opening up the world to understand the magic power is a shortcut to enlightenment, but he opened up the Pangu world, but it is also extremely dangerous. The existence of at least thirteen breakers directly threatens Pangu and the world he opened up. Maybe he can quickly get some secrets related to the Holy Realm, but such a large Pangu world is placed here. Even if the Taoist ancestors did not attract thousands of heads, these breakers will pay attention to the Pangu world sooner or later.

It seems that in order to fish for the pearls in the water, they dive into the sea with blood stains to catch pearl mussels. Although the harvest is rich, the sharks that smell the smell of blood are deadly. The holy world in the past was so powerful that it was destroyed by the breakers, not to mention today's Pangu world?

Even if Pangu can learn the means of the people in the holy world to expel the breakers, thousands of heads and illusions are greatly damaged. When they find ways to restore their vitality in chaos, and then rescue the other eleven other breakers, the Pangu world will immediately face the disaster of extinction.

With a wry smile, Don't beg to drink up the wine jar. Pangu just looked at Don't beg with a smile, but didn't say a word. Pangu has released his kindness. Let's just look at how to choose. If you are willing to work with Pangu to pursue the endless road, it is naturally a good thing for so many reliable and unambitious Taoist friends.

Just like the eighteen Taoist powers of the Holy League, their personality determines that they will not calculate Pangu, which is different from the seven Buddhas and nine paths. "Aren't their countless calculations over the years for the control of the Pangu world?

If you don't beg for mercy, it doesn't matter. Don't beg still owes him a life-saving kindness. With Pangu's understanding of not begging for his previous life, he is not afraid that Don't begging will do anything against him.

Kone a jar of wine." Don't beg for a long time, and then sighed: "If you fit together, you have to live and die with Pangu World?" Well, is there no other way to prevent the disaster?

Pangu also clicked his mouth. He picked up the wine jar and took a sip of wine." He shook his head and smiled, "Seven Buddhas and nine paths naturally want to live and die with Pangu's world, but Pangu's friends don't need it. Hey hey, since it is the way of heaven with the spirit, it can naturally be separated from the way of heaven. But if you old friends want to leave, you can leave. Those sixteen are just shields to block the disaster. If you want to go, how can it be so easy?

Don't beg and look at Pangu in a squant. Pangu looked at Pangu with a smile. The two looked at each other for a long time, and at the same time, they stretched out their hands and hit each other heavily.

Don't beg and say, "In this way, please take care of me in the future!"

Pangu said solemnly, "Of course, "The road is long and dangerous. If there is no help from friends, Pangu may not have a chance to wake up."

The two looked at each other. Don't beg to take thousands of jars of wine from Yuanling Youjing and throw them on the ground. They turned around and left this small world.

Cooperate with Pangu, at least it's harmless.

Don't beg to fly in the void as a streamer while thinking to yourself.

But the threat of the breaker is in front of you. Don't beg for a plan, you will definitely go to the ancient holy palace.

What's in the ancient holy palace? Don't beg to see it clearly.