Steal the sky

Chapter 1096 Scattered Soul Bow

There was a dead silence outside the Wah Palace. The Wah Huangshi, who has kept a low profile for countless years, actually punched the Zimei Daozu like this?

1, Ding, Ding Dangdang, like the sound of jade broken, when Wa Huangshi slowly withdrew her fist, a few crystal clear white teeth wrapped in clouds and smoke fell from her fist. These teeth are shining and contain great power. If they fall on the hands of the top masters of those refiners, it is said that they can use these big teeth to make a good treasure that is not weaker than Hongmeng's treasure.

This is the big tooth of the saint of Zimei Daozu Hall. Each tooth has been refined by countless fairy spirit and Hongmeng breath. For countless years, Zimei Daozu doesn't know how many fairy fruit elixirs he has eaten and how many spiritual water he has drunk. These big teeth are all blessed to suffer.

Accumulated day and night, the aura accumulated in each big tooth is probably enough to be comparable to the power of three or five ordinary broken paths. Such teeth are treasures!

The figure of the Wah Emperor flashed back to the front of the Wah Palace, frowned and shook his arm. She muttered in a low voice, "It's the first time for Nuwa to hit someone with her fist. It feels good. "Well, it's better than beating people into flying ashes with a magic weapon. It's really a pleasure, pleasure!"

The Taoist ancestors and Buddhas took a breath at the same time. When the Wa Huangshi said this, the tone and tone were the same as that of the female village owner who was the king of Zhanshan. If she had another wine jar in her hand and a roasted animal leg in her hand, the image would be extremely powerful.

The purple-browed Taoist's chin kept dripping purple-gold sticky blood, like his big teeth. There was also an infinite aura in his blood. The wisps of blood kept falling to the ground, and it turned into a purple-gold translucent jade in the blink of an eye. Don't beg to watch it with great heartache. What is the best elixir in heaven and earth? Isn't it the flesh and blood of these Taoist power? A drop of blood of Zimei Taoist can be refined into dozens of the best elixirs. It's really a waste of time to drop on the ground in vain.

This is the flesh and blood of the saint of the Taoist realm. Compared with the blood of ten thousand years of Zhima and the blood of the hundred million years of Zhixian and the blood of Zimei Daozu, it is garbage.

Don't beg here to lament. The face of Zimei Daozu, who was deeply sunken in the box, slowly swelled like an inflatable ball. After a while, the face of Zimei Taoist has recovered as before, and no scars can be seen at all. But he suddenly grinned, and there were seven or eight vacancies in the two rows of Bai Shengsheng's big teeth, and the dark tooth hole looked ridiculous.

Licked the gums with the tongue, a purple gas spewed out of the ancestral mouth of the purple eyebrows, and the brand-new teeth were quickly reborn. He grinded his teeth and showed an extremely strange smile to Wa Huangshi: "Wowa, your cultivation is really amazing! Pangu's real body? How dare you practice this kind of arrogant skill?"

Wa Huangshi put his hands in his waist and looked at Zimei Taoist with a sneer: "What's the matter? Is it possible that Nuwa can only sit in the palace of thewa, put on a look of Lei Xian's silence like water, and watch you bastards do whatever they want?

Just as the Zimei Taoist was about to reply, the Empress Wen suddenly flashed in front of the Zimei Taoist. This time, the purple-browed Taoist had taken precautions. He pointed to a little, and a moon-white umbrella suddenly appeared in front of him. The square-foot-shaped umbrella was inlaid with millions of small water-colored crystals. These crystals shone with dazzling light, sending out countless extremely thin filaments of light intertwined in the air and turned A huge light net enveloped the purple-browed Taoist.

With an umbrella to protect his purple eyebrow Taoist's other finger, all the aura of the sky suddenly disappeared today, and the void became a complete vacuum. The infinite aura condensed into a mung bean-sized crystal clear thunder light at his fingertips, with a graceful fairy sound as fast as electricity. The light bombarded the face of the king's family. This thunder light condensed with all the aura of the sky, coupled with the mystery of the thunder method enlightened by the purple-browed Taoist ginseng, is powerful enough to destroy everything.

The Zimei Taoist tried his best to attack the face of the Washa Huangshi with this thunder light to revenge on the Washa Huangshi's punch and almost pierce his head.

If this thunderbolt hits the king, how can he cut half of the king's teeth at his own expense?

Don't beg to see your heart twitching. This is the ability to fit the Taoist realm. The spirit and the law of heaven are in harmony, and all the forces between heaven and earth respond accordingly. Don't beg yourself. If you try your best to mobilize the endless aura of today's sky, it will take at least a quarter of an hour to mobilize all the aura, and then it will take at least half an hour to compress such a huge aura into a thunderbolt.

However, under the behest of the Taoist sage, as soon as his mind moves, the aura of today's outer sky will be used by him, which is the only reason why the Taoist sage is above all sentient beings in the Pangu world.

The action of the Empress Dowa was also almost to the extreme. As soon as the thunder light came out, she immediately shook her body, and the dull thunder came out of the inside of the Empress Dowa. The shadow of the Taoist shadow was entangled around her and the thunder light rubbed the hole between the well shadow and flew over, and then a subtle .

Hearing a strange sound and a magnificent breath made the sky suddenly tremble today, and the same Wa Huangshi appeared in front of Zimei Daozu. A bright spiritual light rose above the heads of the three Wa emperors, and the spiritual light turned into a ganoderma lucidum-like auspicious cloud rolling in mid-air. In the auspicious clouds, there were nine people sitting like the same as the Wa emperor's, with their eyes closed and sitting on the lotus huā stage.

Three real bodies, nine distractions, don't beg to see the amazing. If the Empress doesn't do it, it will be done,

It's amazing to take action. She practiced Pangu's real body, and her body was extremely strong, and she had abundant blood and essence to turn into three strong and her own inseparable parts. At the same time, each of her splits has cultivated three motogami, which add up to nine motogami.

Three bodies, so that the King of War has an appalling close combat power. The nine yuan gods even made her magic power to an incredible situation. Don't beg to look at it and shake your head repeatedly. This Wasian, who has been sitting in the Washu Palace since the beginning of Pangu, seems to be the first person among the saints in the Taoist realm?

The thunder light, which condensed all the aura of the sky, uncited on the face of the Warohuang's split. The three splits of the Waro's three splits sneered in unison, "Purple-browed cow nose, are you confused? This day is out of the sky, but Nuwa's Taoist palace. This is not your Daluo Tiandao Yuan Palace!"

As soon as Zimei Daozu raised his eyebrows, he saw the Empress Hua's understatement and spewed out in one breath. A white gas blew the thunder light to pieces and quickly turned into countless fragmentary spiritual light. These small auras contain uncasted auras. After losing the restraint of thunder, these auras turn into a tides that destroy everything and flock around, like hundreds of millions of angry dragons tossing and rolling in the sky, making the sky full of turbid aura vors.

This is the sky outside the sky, this is the Taoist field of the Waihuang family for countless years, and every inch of emptiness here has deeply imprinted the spirit of the Waihuang family. The seven Buddhas and nine paths to the sky to fight with the Wahuangshi, and the strength was innately weakened by 30%, while the magic power of the Wahuangshi increased by 30% out of thin air. Under the influence of this, the King of China has a great advantage.

Zi Mei Daozu was not allowed to make other countermeasures. The three splits of the Wang family pulled out a weapon of spiritual light rising to the sky at the same time, and rose up with infinite divine power and smashed the huge light net of Zimei Daozu's body. The three weapons are an axe, a hammer and a pestle, all of which are huge, heavy and abnormally heavy weapons. Like the gold bricks of Zimei Daozu, these three weapons only have strong and heavy characteristics. Except for the extremely strong and heavy, there are no other magical changes.

Such weapons can't exert their strongest power when they fall into the hands of others, but in the hands of the Wah Emperor, who practiced Pangu's real Mahayana, the three weapons burst out with appalling power.

The light net protected by Zimei Daozu was smashed, and three heavy magic soldiers were fiercely split on Zimei Daozu. The miserable sound of bone fractures was endless in the ears. The lumbar spine of the ancestor of Zimei Dao bent obliquely to 90 degrees, the pelvis was crushed, the shoulder blades collapsed straight into the chest cavity, and the whole person was beaten into shape.

A mouthful of purple gold blood spewed out, and a large area of auspicious clouds and purple gas spewed out from the two long purple eyebrows of the purple eyebrows of the purple eyebrows, wrapped around his body and flew back. His body moved rapidly in the purple clouds, and soon returned to its original appearance. But his Taoist robe had been beaten to pieces, and he obviously suffered a big loss. The saints of the Taoist realm fight with each other, and there is no way to really kill each other. The Empress Quan has beaten Zimei Daozu like this, which has lost his great face, and the essence consumed by Zimei Daozu today requires him to practice a few yuan to barely complete it.

Zimei Daozu looked angrily at the three splits of the Wa Huang family standing outside the inside and outside. He gritted his teeth and took out a small wooden bow that was only a foot long and three dark arrows from his sleeve, depicting a miserable green rune.

The face of the Empress Wah changed slightly. She looked at Zimei Daozu and sneered and said, "Isn't this the original magic weapon" of poisons and curses to disperse the soul bow, isn't it? So, it was a good thing for you to explore the secret place with a group of chaotic demons in those years, but all of them died?

Zimei Daozu gently stroked the long bow in his hand, and he sighed with great nostalgia: "Ding? This name... I forgot it a long time ago. Ha ha, isn't such a strange treasure falling into the hands of those brainless fools? Since this baby has been in the hands of the poor Taoist, it has made countless contributions to my Taoist sect.

The king of the wares sneered and said, "Did you work hard? It's the assassination of countless chaotic demons who are in a dilemma with you, right?

Zimei Daozu looked at the house and said seriously, "Yes, my Taoist sect is in the right place. This is something you can't stop."

The small wooden bow and arrows emitted a faint light, and the purple-browed Daozu buckled the string and arrow, slowly aimed at the Wa Huangshi.