Steal the sky

Chapter 1101 The House of the Thieves

Don't beg the group of people looked at the big and small planets around them in shock. This is a beautiful star field.

Unlike the well-organized star domain in the Pangu world, the star domain here is disordered, but it has its own unique law in the disorder. This is a sea of stars composed of flowing stars. The extremely high concentration of stardust is the sea, those large asteroids are the blocks of wood floating on the sea, and those big stars are the giant wheels on the sea.

The stardust flows quietly, the planets roll with the stardust, and the stars rampage through the planets.

The speed of the stars in the star dust is sharp and slow, but no matter how fast it is, no star will hit each other. When you saw with your own eyes that a planet was about to hit a star more than a million times in size, an invisible potential quietly came from the oblique thorn, rushing the planet into a bright silver stardust in the oblique thorn.

Hundreds of billions of stars float in the vast stardust, and only occasionally the stardust hits and rubs the atmosphere on the surface of the stars, which makes a dull and thunderous sound and makes a colorful aurora.

It is a beautiful star domain, and it is an extremely rich star domain.

The asteroid with a diameter of about 3,000 miles that just flew past on the left is red, which is a nearly perfect ruby! With a ruby of 3,000 miles in diameter, Princess Bile stared straight at the asteroid. She was afraid of something that should not be alarmed. Princess Bule almost put the huge ruby into the bag.

Then a small meteor burning about ten miles in diameter flew over from the feet of the crowd, and the begging eyes also began to straighten. This is a pure "dazzling goose crystal" with no impurities, which is the best material for refining Taiyi immortal soldiers. A dazzling crystal the size of a human head fell on the Pangu world, which was enough for dozens of Taiyi Golden Immortals and Buddhas to break their heads and compete.

But there is such a big piece here, which can at least refine thousands of Taiyi immortal soldiers.

Jiuwei followed the guidance of don't begging and drifted slowly with the star dust. The god of don't begging opened like a big net, looking for the mark left by the white rat spirit in this stardust. The star dust here keeps flowing, with hundreds of billions of stars rolling, and the terrain here is changing at any time. If you can't find that mark, you can't find the cave left by the white mouse spirit.

The stardust around is extremely sticky, and some stardust flows are extremely hot, which is simply several times higher than the temperature of ordinary sky fire: some stardust flows are extremely gloomy and cold. Don't beg to throw a best golden fairy when passing by a silver-white stardust stream, and the golden fairy is frozen into powder. Whether it is hot or cold, the stardust here contains great pressure. It is wrong to have the cultivation of Taiyi Jinxian. If other creatures step in here, they will definitely be crushed into meat paper.

Soon half a month passed, and Buqi did not find the mark left by the white and black spirit, but Princess Bule and others have collected countless good things in this strange well star domain. Many things have never been seen or heard in the Pangu world and the chaotic world, but they all have extremely magical effects. For example, Ao Buzun collected a kind of pink small flower like a spring huā, with shocking ecstasy power. When Ao Buzun found it, he just gently sniffed the huā fragrance. As a result, he immediately fell to the ground and fell asleep. After sleeping for an hour, he was severely beaten by the jade bone fairy

Don't beg to ignore this group of people who are like a spring outing. He carefully searched for the marks left by the white rat spirit in hundreds of billions of stars.

A huge planet with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles floated slowly from the side. The planet was a pure round ball full of purple moss several feet thick. Countless giant mushrooms with tens of thousands of feet grow on these moss, swaying their huge and fat bodies proudly, absorbing the huge power brought to them by stardust.

These giant "mushrooms" have extremely powerful vitality. In the divine consciousness induction, the vitality of these mushrooms can even be compared with that of Taiyi Jinxian. Moreover, the roots of these mushrooms are connected in series. They are simply a huge symbiotic organism, and they have produced weak intelligence. It is likely that in a few years, a powerful mushroom spirit will be born on the planet.

He shook his head gently, and the god of Beggar was about to be withdrawn from the planet. Suddenly, he sensed a strange fluctuation from the root of a huge purple mushroom. Beggar's heart suddenly twitched, which was the mark left by the white rat essence!

Only in the record of the white mouse essence inheritance, this cave is located on a beautiful and half-wind planet. How can it become such a round planet full of mushrooms? Is it all the credit of these mushrooms? Don't have time to think about the change. Seeing a blue cold stardust wrapped around the planet and pushed it away quickly in the distance, Don't beg hurriedly urged Jiuwei and quickly chased the planet.

In a few breaths, everyone came over the planet, just above the mark left by the white rat spirit.

Ao Buzun stared at the giant mushroom below, which was more than 30,000 feet high and covered hundreds of miles. He smiled strangely and said, "In particular, how can this thing be born like Lao Wu's baby?" Hey, I'll go down and hit an outpost first."

He jumped down carelessly and rushed into the purple atmosphere of the planet, which is tens of thousands of miles thick. He didn't feel any danger on the planet, so he landed straight on the huge mushroom and stamped his foot fiercely. I don't know what kind of material this mushroom was stamped a few times by Ao Buzun, and it actually made a dull "bunk bang" sound without any damage.

Ao Buchung shouted in surprise. Why is this mushroom so solid? Curious, he forgot that he was easily put down by the string of pink little huā a few days ago, and pulled out the split gun and stabbed the mushroom fiercely.

The chaotic Lingbao was really powerful. With one shot, the mushroom suddenly twitched violently and let out a sharp scream at the same time. As soon as the mushroom screamed, dozens of giant mushrooms nearby screamed loudly at the same time. The cry gathered together." Like an invisible cone, it poked into everyone's ears fiercely. The slightly weaker rabbit Xiaobai and apeqing howled and fell on the nine-tailed shell with their ears in their arms, and their noses kept bleeding.

Don't beg to be shocked. He hurriedly waved his hand to release thirty-six runes that guarded the sound of the mind and isolated to protect the crowd. The black runes the size of his fists circled quickly around the crowd, swinging a large black light. The invisible sound waves roared, shaking the black light with countless ripples.

A shot made the big mushroom hiss and howl. He spit foam and covered his ears with his hands and fled back. He sat on the nine-tailed shell with a dizzy buttocks. He looked at Don't beg dry and said with a silly smile, "What's the matter? I stabbed him with a shot. Why did it scream so miserably? Er, it seems that when I planted cloth all over the world, many women called it like this.

Don't be lazy to deal with this dragon that can only provoke trouble. He glanced at the crazy hiss, and the huge mushroom head was pulled into a sharp cone-shaped mushroom. With one finger in his right hand, the blood sword swung out a large amount of blood light [excited] and swung around the mushroom rhizo

With a loud noise, the huge mushroom was cut off by the thick rhizome, and a large piece of viscous juice spewed out from the broken rhizome of the mushroom, and the air was suddenly full of strange fragrance. The fragrance of fresh, fresh and full of vitality spread around, and everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The faint fragrance quickly drifted away with the wind, and the huge mushrooms near suddenly put away the mushroom umbrella, and the continuous low roar of "bang bang bang" quickly got into the ground.

Those purple moss moved violently, filling the big pit left by the mushrooms after drilling into the ground. In the blink of an eye, no mushrooms could be seen within thousands of miles, and all the mushrooms were hidden in the ground.

Everyone looked around warily, and Yueqiao's dozens of big mushrooms screamed together. The power was almost no less than the Hongmeng treasure of some evil sects that specially seduced the soul, and the lethality was extremely sensational. Just looking at Ao Buchun's appearance of being shocked, I know how terrible the scream was just now.

After looking around for a while, there was no other abnormality except the mushroom cut off by the hair. Don't beg then ordered the nine tails to land and came to the rhizome where the big mushroom was cut off. With one finger, the purple moss around it retreated around like a low tide, revealing the black fertile soil below. Don't beg to use a magic power to pull out the mountains and move mountains. He shouted softly and shouted, "There was a roar from the ground, and a hundred feet high white jade archway gradually rose from the ground.

This white jade archway is crystal clear, emitting a faint light shining in all directions. As soon as it floats on the ground, the forceful aura comes to its face. This is an extremely rare "gathering jade skull essence"

The carved archway can gather the aura of heaven and earth to improve the spiritual power of the earth. However, the aura of the veins on this planet is not rich. Obviously, the aura absorbed by the archway has been used by these huge mushrooms.

Following the inheritance of the white rat essence, Don't beg has continuously changed 36,000 handprints and hit the archway. The white jade archway suddenly spewed out a dazzling white light, and the almost substantial light rotated rapidly in the archway, gradually turning into a light whirlpool with a diameter of several feet.

Don't beg to say hello, and slowly walked into the light whirlpool with the little hands of Princess Bule and Qixia.

Others carefully released their magic weapons to protect themselves, and also walked in with golden bodies. Ao Bu-respect's eyes turned a few times, and he used his magic power to put away the tens of thousands of mushrooms that had fallen to the ground, and then he proudly stepped into the vortex of light.

When everyone entered the vortex of light, the bright light from the archway gradually dissipated, and the huge archway slowly drilled into the ground.

Suddenly, the people of Don't Beg have come to the front of a huge cave.