Steal the sky

Chapter 1108 The World of Legacy

Beyond chaos, deep in the heart of the earth.

Don't beg at the magnificent cave in front of you. This is one of the secret houses of the white rat spirit that inherited the stolen scriptures for Buqi, and the secret house that collected the most valuable part of the various treasures he stole? This guy's method is really unpredictable, and he is even more generous to the extreme.

On the face is a gray-black high wall, which extends to the left and right of thousands of miles. The huge wall is a whole piece of alloy melted with tens of millions of metal essences. It is carved with countless simple and thick huā patterns, and there are plates that have opened up the world, and there are many demons to create people. In the Demon God War, there is also the experience of the human race starting from the wilderness of the ancient continent, and eventually becoming the lord of the ancient continent.

A row of thirty-six dragon beads under the jaw of the dragon are suspended in the air, and the faint water light emitted shines on this huge wall, and each huā pattern on the huge wall reflects a thick gray-black light. Although the countless creatures of the sacred immortals and Buddhas carved on the wall are motionless, a vast ancient atmosphere comes to their faces, but it makes people feel that they are a living creature that has been sealed on the wall.

In front of this wall, not far in front of Buqi and others, a dark wooden plaque suspended in a thin cloud. The dragon flying and phoenix dance left a line of big characters on the wooden card. At the beginning, it was a series of 'hahaha'!

"Hahahahaha... This wall was forged by the Great Alliance of Human Tribes with all their strength..."

This wooden plate is the origin of this wall. This is a strange treasure built by the human race that has not yet established the Dayu Dynasty, and when it was still in the tribal alliance, it gathered the strength of the human race. If nothing unexpected happens, this wall should have stood outside the ancestral hall of the human race to protect the various departments of the human race and The main hall. But the white mouse spirit saw that the wall was beautifully made, and the materials used were precious. He actually secretly took the wall away under the nose of countless high priests of the Human Tribal Alliance.

The wall that should have stood outside the ancestral hall of the human race has now become the mountain gate of the secret house of the white rat!

Don't beg and shake your head. No wonder the huge statue carved on the wall has a great charm. Emotions are basically things made by the human race. Throwing away the huge wall caused by the forging of the human race, there are thirty-six dragon balls suspended in the sky, which is also very problematic.

Only those ancient dragons with strong cultivation can condense dragon balls in the jaw. Ordinary real dragons and heavenly dragons do not have the strength to do this at all. Thirty-six dragon balls represent the 'black hands' of the white rat spirit of the thirty-six powerful broken dragons. Don't beg couldn't help but look at Ao Buzu. Sure enough, Ao Buzu's face was a little wrong. He looked at the thirty-six dragon balls, and what came out in his eyes was

By the way, Ao Buzug is not a master who loves future generations. What he is thinking about now must not take back these dragon balls and return them to their masters. Anyway, their owners are likely to have fallen a long time ago. Ao Buzug must be thinking about how to make Don't beg to give these dragon balls to him, After that, he was able to refine these dragon balls one by one, which could enhance his mana and supplement his huge amount of dragon spirit.

With a curl of your lips, don't beg to take everyone to the door in the middle of the huge wall.

This is a square portal that is ten miles high and not more than a hundred feet wide, and the darkness is deep. I don't know how deep it is. This style is also familiar. The gates of many important halls in Dayu are like this, and they will deliberately make it particularly huge, and the ratio of height and width is also exaggerated. It is Mu's sense of pressure made everyone close to him feel that he was just an ant.

Entering the door, there was a circle of faint ripples on the dark floor. These subtle ripples spread under their feet and kept spreading around. The dim light lit up the surroundings. Everyone looked forward with all their eyes and couldn't help taking a breath of cold air at the same time. The door was deep, at least three hundred miles deep.

This wall is really amazing. Not to mention the time it takes to forge this wall, the materials consumed by this huge wall are all today's figures. Don't beg and said with a smile, "In order to sacrifice to ancestors, the human race is always willing to do its best. I'm afraid it's enough to forge hundreds of thousands of top-quality golden artifacts for the materials consumed by this wall!"

Princess Le also looked at the four directions in surprise. She smiled and said, "That's good. The material of this wall is not too precious, but it's a loss of this quantity."

Qixia just curled her lips and didn't say anything. This wall is made of thousands of metal essences. She doesn't like these ordinary acquired materials. For her, who was born in chaos, only innate spirits can make her moved.

Don't beg to lead the way. All the prohibitions along the way have not been launched. Everyone walked out of the thick wall safely. The front suddenly lit up, and the end of the door was actually a cave world of green mountains and rivers. There is no need to beg for action. The white rat spirit has actually arranged a huge world in his cave.

There are the sun, moon and stars transformed by spiritual treasures in the sky, and the power of the magnificent stars is sprinkled, making this world extremely full of aura.

God's consciousness swept through this world, and you can't help but marvel in your heart. The area of this world is as huge as the 300 big states of Dayu, and the concentration of Reiki is only slightly inferior to that of the ancient world. What shocked Don't beg is that the world, like the ancient continent, is also absorbing the aura of the outside world and expanding its scope extremely slowly.

When Begging found that the area of this world was increasing extremely slowly, his body suddenly stiffened. The white rat spirit only told him the existence of this secret house in the scriptures, but did not describe in detail what it was and what it looked like in the secret house.

This kind of world that absorbs aura is constantly expanding by itself. Don't beg to talk to Panyu. When talking to Panyu, I once heard Pangu say that it was Panyugu got a rare treasure left by the holy world from the ancient holy palace. When he opened up the world, he integrated Xiyang into the world he opened up, The ability.

Above the golden fairy, you can sacrifice the world of mustard seeds. With the increase of cultivation, the scope of the world of mustard seeds can also continue to increase. But there is a limit to the enhancement of the mustard world. After all, even if it is the power of the Taoist realm, their magic power is not infinite. However, the ancient world integrated into Xiyang does not need the hosting of Pangu at all. It can expand unlimitedly by itself.

The secret house left by the white rat spirit, this small world is actually expanding by itself, and the momentum of expansion seems to be endless.

Don't beg for a finger, a stream of clouds rolled down in the air around you, and sent a jade card made of innate spiritual jade to Don't beg's hand. This jade plate records the origin of this small world - as expected, when the pan was created in ancient times, only 90% of the soil was used, and the remaining part of the soil was left to the Empress Wat family as the treasure of the palace.

However, the King of War was onlyware of the seven Buddhas and nine roads, but not the thief of the white rat spirit. One day, the white rat spirit had nothing to do in his spare time and ran around the Wat palace, which became his booty.

Don't beg to suddenly understand why after the white rat's theft of the world happened, even the Wah Huangshi, who had always been kind to people and never easily angry, joined the team of chasing him. This guy stole the Wah's head, and the 'sunrang' left by the holy world was actually stolen by him. It

Tut-tut, I was amazed for a while. Don't beg to crush the jade card and completely destroy the corpse. We must not let Wa Huangshi and Pan Yugu know that they have something to do with the white rat spirit. This jade card is a scourge to stay in the world. Although this innate spiritual jade is valuable, it is better to destroy it decisively.

Princess Le and others have flown into the sky and are enjoying this beautiful world.

There are all kinds of mountains and hills here, and all kinds of landforms are the same as the ancient continent. The only thing that is different from Panyu Ancient Continent is that there are hundreds of thousands of large and small exquisite peaks floating in the air of this world. These peaks are crystal clear, and they are made of all kinds of rare materials of extremely pure quality. The mountains, large and small, are densely covered with all kinds of strange-shaped holes, and there is something in each hole. Adding up to the hundreds of millions of things stored on these peaks?

Obviously, these peaks are divided into three layers from top to bottom. There are only a dozen peaks on the highest level, and the volume of the peak is positive and small, but more than a hundred feet high. There are more than 10,000 peaks on the second floor, and the height of the mountain reaches about ten miles. The largest mountain of hundreds of thousands of peaks in the lowest floor is as high as thousands of miles. The holes in the mountain are dense, and countless pieces are stored on each mountain.

There is no doubt that the higher the mountain, the more precious the treasure stored in the mountain, or the stronger its original owner's cultivation.

Don't beg your god to sweep through more than a dozen peaks at the highest point. On one of the hundred-foot hills condensed by jasper, a small piece of hole gathered together, and there is a plaque floating on the hole - the four words 'Yenjun's big horn' are clearly engraved on the plaque.

Obviously, the things stored in these more than a hundred holes are all treasures collected by the white rat essence from Yanjun's big horn.

Don't beg to sweep in the divine consciousness curiously, and he immediately stayed where he was.

A set of armor, this set of armor is very familiar. It is the protective armor worn by Yanjun's big horn in chaos. A robe, which is also the clothes that Yanjun Dajiao often wears. A set of obfusive clothes, there is no doubt that this is Yanjun's close-fitting clothes...

Don't beg for God's consciousness quickly swept over the plaque. On the back of the plaque, there was a large number of small words.

In this small word, the white mouse spirit describes in detail how these treasures belonging to Yanjun's big horn fell into his hands - when Yanjun's big horn was in line, the heavenly disaster was extremely powerful. Yanjun's big horn was too busy to resist the heavenly disaster. The white mouse spirit took this opportunity to touch all the fragments on him. Even a heavy treasure 'thunder bottle' used by Yanjun Dajiao to cross the disaster was stolen by the white rat spirit, which almost caused Yanjun Dajiao to fail to cross the disaster.

The white rat spirit sighed with regret. The wrong Yanjun's big horn really didn't like to take a bath. The smell on his body was a little strong. He took off Yanjun's big horn's underwear and socks...

Don't beg for a moment of silence. No wonder after the incident, it was all the power of the whole ancient world who chased him and killed him!

How many people has this guy provoked?

Try to code words. I jumped out at noon today to get some photos and things. It's really late!