Steal the sky

Chapter 1115 Control of Heaven

In the sky over the Pangu Continent, just above Liangzhu, the seven Buddhas and nine paths put on a full set of honor guard, with all the disciples, released a boundless vision, and Ran Ran came from the sky. The praises of the Buddhist scriptures resounded throughout the world, and the golden light and purple gas shone in all directions. Countless immortals and Buddhas wore their most beautiful costumes, released countless bright light, sacrificed their most glorious magic weapon flying sword, and came from the void with a high will.

Liu Bang respectfully welcomed the arrival of the high-level officials of the two religion with his subordinates. He understood that the great plan prepared by the seven Buddhas and nine paths was going to produce a result today. But Liu Bang was very anxious. What should he do with seven Buddhas and nine gods?

The illusion lost contact with him again. Originally, the phantom face lurked beside the guard's clumsy master, but last night, he killed all the practitioners on Xiongyuan with infinite strokes. I'm afraid that the phantom face hidden beside the guard's clumsy master was also accidentally injured by the sword spirit? I guess he still doesn't know which ravine to heal. Without his advice, Liu Bang didn't know what to do for a while.

Things are developing too fast. Liu Bang's countless calculations and countless plans have not been used, and his other eight splits have not had time to take action. The battle of gods presided over by Buddhism and Taoism has come to an end. Buddha and Taoist ancestors came to Pangu mainland in person to preside over the sealing ceremony. Liu Bang had the courage to come forward to make trouble at this time!

Gritting his teeth, Liu Bang piled up a smile on his face and greeted the seven Buddhas and nine paths that slowly fell devoutly. No matter how much he is, he has at least mixed up the title of the personal emperor, which is also regarded as a high position in the power of the three worlds. When he gathers the luck of the human race, and when he gathers the infinite virtues of the human race, he will also have the opportunity to get along with his body. Then...

"It's a pity that the soul bead doesn't know where it is!" Liu Bang gritted his teeth and was fierce in his heart. He must not beg for the corpse to be broken.

Seven Buddhas and Nine Taos came to Pangu Continent with many disciples. They were in a bad mood and didn't bother to talk more nonsense. They didn't even look at Liu Bang and directly sacrificed the list of gods. I'm too lazy to prepare such as the ceremony of sacrificing to heaven, the altar altar and so on. There are 16 saints in the Taoist realm in front of them, and what do you do with these clever gimmicks?

The huge list of gods was suspended in mid-air, and the golden light and purple gas of thousands of miles held the dazzling list of gods. With a wave of the hand, the ancestor of Zimei took out the whip specially used to support the list of gods. As soon as the divine whip came out, the sky around suddenly became dark. The sky was high, but it was dim. Countless stars flashed in the void, and there was also no light at all.

Obviously, there are sun and moon shining high, and hundreds of millions of stars in the sky, but there is no glory in Zhoutian. Except for the flames released by many of the two teachings, all the other places have sunk into complete darkness. As soon as the whip came out, the law of heaven in the void suddenly trembled, and all the creatures in the Pangu world felt a throbbing drifting past their hearts.

There are many great power in the two teachings, and countless disciples praise in unison, praising the Taoist ancestors and the Buddhas to establish the throne of heaven. "From then on, the way of heaven has been completed and the law has been stabilized. Since then, the Pangu world has been clear, and hundreds of millions of living beings can live and There are mountain gods in the mountains, which can protect the production of mountains and forests: the earth has land, which can make the land fertile: the water has the god of water, which can protect the wind and rain smoothly: there are cities in the city, which can judge the grievances of the world. Hundreds of millions of gods have their own duties, and in response to the law of heaven and the king of human feelings, they are supervised by gods.

Holding a divine whip, the Zimei Taoist was the first to look at Liu Bang. He squinted at Liu Bang for a while, and suddenly said in a low voice, "Liu Bang, the king of Han, does not respect the king's way, and colludes with foreign demons"

The intention is to destroy the way of heaven, so this is recorded to seize the throne of others!" Liu Bang, who was full of joy, was shocked. He looked up at the Zimei Taoist in surprise and anger. What is this? Cross the river and tear down the bridge? Liu Bang has always been the only one who crossed the river and demolished the bridge to kill the meritorious officials. How could Liu Bang have he ever been tossed like this? It's not that Liu Bang knows that his cultivation can't compare with Zimei Daozu. He really has the heart to kill Zimei Daozu.

With a little whip, Liu Bang howted miserably, and nine giant dragon gas flew out of his head, turning into nine huge dragon balls and falling into the hands of Zimei Daozu. Zimei Daozu said indifferently, "Zhang Tengyun, you are the choice of the emperor determined by the heavenly way. Today, you can borrow the spirit of the human race. With the help of the infinite luck of the human race, reunite the body and re-condensing the soul. You should be the emperor of the human race!"

He stared coldly at Liu Bang, and Zimei Daozu waved his big sleeves. Liu Bang and his group of iron-hearted servants were swept away in the air by a breeze. The breeze wrapped around Liu Bang and others, and Ran Ran flew high. After a while, he sent them to the Daluo Tiandaoyuan Palace. Layers of prohibitions were densely on them, and they were firmly imprisoned in the Daoyuan Palace.

Zimei Daozu is crossing the river to tear down the bridge, not only tore down the bridge, but also to burn the removed wood for fertilizer. The emperor of the Taoist sect is Zhang Tengyun, the emperor of the Ling Dynasty. Therefore, even if Liu Bang led people to conquer the world, Zimei Daozu still wanted to make Zhang Tengyun the emperor! No matter what your strength is, no matter what your character is, in a word, even if you are a son of a bitch, you can sit on the throne of the emperor.

Zhang Tengyun's spirit flew out of the list of gods. The ecstatic Zhang Tengyun danced and kowtowed to the seven Buddhas and nine paths, and shouted the Tao of the seven Buddhas and nine paths in fear. Zimei Daozu did not waste time. He slapped nine dragon balls into Zhang Tengyun's [body]. Suddenly, nine giant purple gold dragons swung wildly above Zhang Tengyun's head. Pangu Continent trembled faintly, and the boundless yellow gas gathered from all directions and poured into Zhang Tengyun's [body

It was just a blink of an eye. Under the infusion of the spirit of the human emperor and the luck of the human race, Zhang Tengyun reunited the immortal soul. He rushed to the crown of the sky, put on a dragon robe, stepped on his feet freely, and stood up proudly. There was an infinite amount of luck gathered all over his body. The huge breath of the emperor soared into the air, and the clouds of the world's lords of the Buddha and the masters of the Taoist sect trembled.

Zhang Tengyun reunited with the immortal soul and was canonized as the emperor. His body is the body of an ordinary people, and there is no immortal power in the [body] anymore. However, with the blessing of the huge human emperor's breath and the luck of the human race, the grand power he exerted by his hands is not under any of the world's honored man and master. The grand majesty of his breath is even far beyond the top power of these Taoism and Buddhism.

There was a roar in the void, and a purple airbag fell rapidly with a jade seal the size of a baby's head. Zhang Tengyun instinctively grabbed the jade seal, and suddenly the sky shook around him. The throne of the emperor in the three laws of heaven has been determined, and the disturbed heaven suddenly became as clear as water.

In the Wa Palace, the Wa Emperor and the saints of the Holy League are silently working to observe the movement on the Pangu mainland. When Zhang Tengyun caught the seal of the emperor's seal condensed by the heavenly way, the bodies of the Wa emperor and the saints of the holy alliance trembled at the same time, and the corners of their mouths of their mouths were flowing with blood.

At the beginning of the seal of the gods, the seven Buddhas and nine Taos used their great magic powers to disrupt the heavenly skills. After that, Don't beg and Wa Huangshi and others also joined hands one after another. If the emperor is confirmed, it seems that a huge whirlpool of the heavenly magic suddenly stagnates, and the messy whirlpool quickly becomes clear to the bottom. The great divine power used by the saints to throw themselves into the heavenly path to disturb the heavenly spirit is expelled by the heavenly way. The Wa Huangshi and the saints of the Holy League were not on guard and were

"Awesome, after they become gods, can they really control the way of heaven?" Yanjun took a deep breath and asked subconsciously.

With one finger on the head of the Wanling tripod, a cloud of smoke spewed out of the mouth of the tripod, and countless colorful lights were hovering in the smoke clouds. These countless colorful lights are the specific manifestations of the heavenly law of Pangu World. The colorful light, which originally rotated rapidly like a whirlpool in a deep pool, has become extremely quiet at this moment, and the colorful light flows in an orderly manner in the smoke clouds.

In the boundless light, a huge pyramid-like magic circle gradually emerged. Now at the core of this pyramid-shaped array, a light spot is shining. It is the light emitted by this light that makes the disordered law of heaven quiet as before, and the heavenly magic has returned to normal. Even ordinary golden immortals can calculate a lot of things as long as they have a little divination.

"The way of heaven is like a chessboard, and the divine position is like a chess piece!" The emperor frowned and sighed, "The Buddha and the Taoist gods are to control the chess pieces in their hands. Of course, the chessboard is the foundation of the chess game, but there are empty rules set by the chessboard, but no chess pieces move around on the chessboard. After all, it is empty. If you can control the chess pieces, the change of the chess game will be under the control of the players.

With a sneer, the banquet sighed, "Master all the chess pieces, as long as the chess pieces are obedient, then... No matter what the rules of the chessboard are set, the movement of the chess pieces at will is equivalent to breaking the rules of the chessboard and re-establishing your own rules.

Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor said in a low voice, "Are they trying to control the way of heaven?"

The Empress Zhuo gently curled her lips and sneered softly, "Well, they have to have so many obedient chess pieces!"

With a sneer, the emperor squinted and said coldly, "Now that the chessboard is in my hand, if their chess pieces can't work together, hehe!" A sneer was meaningful. Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor Shennong laughed loudly at the same time, and the saints of the Holy League also laughed.

Six extremely bright light spots suddenly flashed at the top of the giant magic circle in the smoke cloud spewed out by the Wanling tripod. Zimei Daozu has sealed six emperors of the heavenly court at the fastest speed, and the six emperors were all Taoist masters who had just died last night.

Wa Huangshi and others felt that the breath around them was stagnant at the same time. Originally, they were like fish in the water and could swim in the water at will, but at this moment, the water seemed to have turned into ice, and they actually felt a trace of ominous pressure. It seems that the water has its own will and is rejecting those swimming fish that have been integrated with the water.

"It's interesting!" The emperor laughed and said, "The clumsy superiors have arrived. The six emperors of the heavenly court have been decided. How should they deal with this matter?"

All the saints looked down. Sure enough, the Shushangren and the Dayi Venerable rushed to Liangzhu, and the Shoushangs were chatuting non-stop.