Steal the sky

Chapter 1133 Nine Palaces Gate Map

With a loud noise, don't beg for the liquefaction of the head-sized wine in the palm of the hand into countless thunderstorms. The terrible power scared Princess Le and her party sacrificed more than a dozen Hongmeng treasures to barely protect themselves. A long tail of nine tails was glued by a thunder of thunder, which burned so much that the nine tails trembled all over and almost cried.

The strange beast opened its mouth blankly and looked at the black smoke all over. After a long time, he stammered, "Are you here to feed me wine and meat, or to kill me? You are the founder, but at your level, no matter who your master is, he will kick you to death, so that you don't lose face to Buddhism! He clicked his mouth, and the strange beast rolled his eyes and sneered, "Don't blame me for not reminding you that there is no holy spirit that can be used in this yard. If your holy power is exhausted, there is no place to replenish it! Tut, you can't feed me. You can't even get out!" Don't beg, his face suddenly changed. It happened that he had tried more than 300 times in a row to condense a little wine, but after all, he relied entirely on his own condensed items. He did not succeed once, but consumed about 30% of the sacred power in his body. According to the foreign beast, if the holy power is really exhausted and there is no place to replenish it, won't it really be trapped here?

Ju Ling's muttering whisper reminded Bu Beggars that there was not even a trace of holy aura common in the holy world in this courtyard. Holy Aura is the source of energy for all the powers of the Holy World. Even those saints supplement their own consumption by absorbing the aura of saints. There is no Holy Spirit in this courtyard, so if you don't beg to consume all the sacred power in your body, you can't replenish your own consumption.

As for the huge amount of fairy stones, spiritual stones, etc. that you carry with you, although they also contain extremely huge and pure power, they do not contain the slightest holy aura. Therefore, don't beg for the creation of a district that can't use these fairy stones and spiritual stones to turn into sacred power. The gathering spirit is just a sacred artifact. He can only absorb the holy aura. There is no holy aura in the fairy stone and the spiritual stone, and he can't provide any help to begging.

According to the collection of spirits, only the seven strongest people in the holy world can get rid of the constraints of the holy spirit. They can extract the holy spirit from all kinds of energy of heaven and earth at will, so the seven strongest saints are worried that their holy power will be exhausted no matter where they are.

Just when Juling told him not to beg, he had already taken out dozens of the best fairy stones the size of fists. In front of the gathering spirit, don't beg to extract all the fairy gas in the fairy stone.

In the surprised and frightened sound of the spirit, these fairy spirits slowly turned into holy power in the body! Pure, the holy power that shines like diamond dust!

"Impossible, this is something that only the seven strongest saints can do. How can you have such a magic? Juling hissed and screamed. If he had a hand, I'm afraid he couldn't help pinching the begging neck to torture him.

Don't beg for too much to pay attention to the sharp cry of the gathering spirit. He is still confused.

What did Juling say just now? Not limited by the Holy Aura, you can use all kinds of aura to supplement the Holy Power anytime and anywhere. Is this the ability of the seven strongest saints? So what's wrong with stealing? After successfully practicing the secret method in the scriptures, he also has this divine ability! And the thief can use fairy power or any other kind of energy to condense all kinds of branded items, such as the Kunwu sword, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor gave Don't beg 108 Kunwu swords, but don't beg didn't use tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of swords in the array now?

The various magical powers in the scriptures have already had the prototype of all the magical powers of sacred power!

It's like a lighthouse suddenly shining in the dark, don't beg for the fog in front of you to suddenly disperse. Condense all kinds of wine with holy power. Is it really so difficult? It's just a condensation of fine wine. Compared with ancient magic soldiers like Kunwu Sword, what is good wine? I can condense Kunwu sword and other secret treasures at will. Why can't I condense wine?

Especially Don't beg, you can condense such a secret treasure as Kunwu Sword when you are still in the early Ming Dynasty. Now that he is a founder, is he not as good as himself at that time? It's just that I regard the Holy Power too mysteriously. In fact, isn't that what it is?

Looking up to the sky with a long smile, in the surprised and frightened screams, don't beg for a stroke in the void, the rolling holy power roars out, turning into a thick and endless spring emitting the aroma of strong wine. There are thousands of kinds of wine in the thick wine spring. Each kind of wine is only shot in the air with a water arrow with the thickness of the thumb, and thousands of kinds of wine have converged into this wine spring.

The strange beast opened its mouth in astonishment and swallowed the wine spring in one bite. He nodded repeatedly with an open smile. These wines were transformed with pure holy power. Every drink contained an extremely strong holy power. Not to mention the taste, this holy power made the foreign beast very happy.

He washed a wine spring about thousands of miles long for the belly of the foreign beast. The foreign beast finally burped. His eyes turned red and looked at Don't beg and said, "Enough, that's enough, very full. Meat, where's the meat?

It is also an understated moment to the void, and a large piece of fresh meat shining like a diamond fell from the sky. Yuanling Zhenyan gushed out and wrapped these huge pieces of meat, and soon barbecued the pieces of meat so that they were charred on the outside and tender on the inside. There are countless seasoning powders that keep falling.

There is wine and honey evenly applied to the barbecue. After applying it, thousands of huge pieces of meat are roasted to a strong fragrance and mellow color. There is no need to eat it, but you can judge that it is a supreme product with your eyes and nose.

The strange beast swallowed the last piece of barbecue with satisfaction. His eyes narrowed into a line, swayed three long tails flatteringly, and rubbed his huge head on the legs of the begging trousers affectionately. He praised, "Good wine, good meat, well, you are a good boy, and I have good luck. I thought I would have to wait here for many years before I could meet a suitable candidate, but I didn't expect that luck would be so good.

After a click, the foreign beast looked at Don't beg and said, "Welcome to the Seven Holy Palace! There are endless opportunities here, but there are also endless dangers. You may ascend to the sky in one step, but you may also die in an instant. Everything depends on your creation and your strength.

Don't beg to pat the beast on the head and interrupt his bragging. He asked, "Is the real name here the Seven Holy Palace?" It seems that the Seven Holy Palaces have woken up? Why did the Seven Holy Palace wake up at this time?

The strange beast narrowed his eyes. He looked at Buqi and said in a low voice, "Because thirteen breakers appeared at the same time!" When the Holy Realm was destroyed, most of the thirteen breakers were beaten to death, and a primordial spirit returned to the immortal soul seal and reunited the body and soul. Now those breakers of the re-condensing form of God have begun to release their breath, so the Seven Holy Palaces have woken up!"

Don't beg for a sinking heart, and the worldbreakers are a thousand heads, illusions and spirits. These three of them have encountered with chaotic demons, and they have been banned by Chaos such as Pangu. But other breakers have never appeared. It turned out that at the same time as destroying the holy world, they were also destroyed their bodies and souls? Are you re-condensing the god with the power of the immortal soul seal? Now that they have been reborn, are they going to come out again to harm others?

It was for this reason that the Seven Holy Palace suddenly woke up, and all kinds of prohibitions were exposed?

Why does the Seven Holy Palace exist? What's left in it? What kind of mystery is hidden?

But don't wait to ask these questions. The three tails of the foreign beast turned crazily and gradually wrapped a mass of black gas around the foreign beast. He let out a few low roars in the black gas. After about a quarter of an hour, when the black gas dissipated, the foreign beast had disappeared, and a three-foot- The black map lay quietly on the ground.

"Map?" Princess Pang Le came over curiously. She asked in surprise, "Wasn't this guy a beast like a dog just now?" Don't beg also grabbed the map a little confused. As a result, the beast's mouth and face suddenly appeared on the black map. He licked his long tongue and sighed, "Who stipulates that I must be a beast? Why can't I be a map? That is to say, I look like a beast, but I'm actually a map!" After a few strange smiles, the long tongue of the foreign beast pointed to the hut behind him and said with a smile, "This looks like a hut, but in fact... it's a wine jar!" The canopy hut flashed with dazzling starlight. When the light dissipated, only a head-sized red mud wine jar was left in place.

The tongue of the foreign beast pointed to the stubby plum trees: "They look like huā trees, but they are huā people!" The huā trees shivered a few times, and the faint yawning sound came from the trunk. Some old or handsome faces were exposed on the trunk. They squinted at the people and closed their eyes and continued to sleep.

The strange beast smiled and pointed to the feet of green grass on the ground. He smiled strangely and said, "They look like grass, but in fact they are flying knives!" The green grass leaves soared into the air silently, and millions of grass leaves flew in the air, bringing the cold light to tear the air. Ao Buzun and others were so scared that they hurriedly sacrificed all kinds of treasures to protect themselves.

Ju Ling sighed quietly: "So I said that in the Holy World, what you see is not necessarily true, and the absolute true is not real. All kinds of strange things can happen, but remember that there is nothing strange in the Holy Land, and all strange things are reasonable.

Don't beg to shake the map with some understanding. He asked in a low voice, "So your map is a real map?"

The strange beast said with its head, "I'm naturally a real map. I am the road map of the Nine Palaces, the main route map of the nine palaces outside the Seven Holy Palaces. But whether you can enter the core of the Seven Holy Palace depends on your luck and your strength!"

With the words of the strange beast, nine fist-sized silver dots appeared on the dark map.

Don't beg God's consciousness touched one of the light spots, and suddenly a large amount of information swarmed in, and the void around it gradually faded. The courtyard walls around the courtyard gradually disappeared, revealing the dark sky and countless brilliant stars.

Among those huge stars, tens of thousands of corridors and countless pavilions are connected to each other.