Steal the sky

Chapter 1135 What I saw and heard in the building

Princess Le came out as a shopkeeper, the door of the small building quietly opened, and a bright light spilled out of the door.

Don't beg to walk in the front, and walk through the threshold of a foot high and enter the door. The first floor of the building is clean, and there is a lamp stand in the four corners of the room several feet long and wide, and there are nine oil lamps on each lamp stand. I don't know what kind of lamp oil it burns. The cyan light is very soft and bright. It is not dazzling at all. There is no smoke and fire, and there is a clean fragrance.

In the middle of the room, there is a thin cloud that is several feet long and several feet wide, holding a rock block that is roughly round. There are extremely small mountains and 11 rivers and trees. There are even people, beasts, birds and swimming fish on the rock block. This is simply a small world. Rock blocks that are only two feet in diameter are only half an inch thin, but they are fine and everything. There are even sun, moon and stars rise and fall, wind and rain.

The group surrounded the thin cloud in surprise, and 1 divination of the heart and wings released the divine consciousness to peep at the mystery of the rock block. Although this piece is small, there are tens of millions of human beings living in it, which are like the same as the ordinary people in the Pangu world. These human beings, who are obviously still in the Stone Age, are divided into thousands of large and small forces to fight against each other, sometimes annexing, sometimes splitting, and making trouble all day long.

The time on the rock block is extremely fast. Buqi and others have only stood aside for less than a cup of tea. The human beings in the rock block have been breeding for three generations, and tens of thousands of wars have broken out, killing hundreds of thousands of their peers. In the war, some intelligent people emerged from time to time. They became the leaders of various forces and led their tribes to constantly annex the small forces around them.

After nearly a hundred generations of so, the individual power of human beings has become very powerful. They have the ability to fight against lions and tigers, can kill dragons, and even call the wind and rain, and can attract thunder and fire to attack the enemy. They were regarded as gods by the clansmen. They led their tribes to quickly annex the small forces around them, and soon there were only three comparable forces left on the rock.

An inevitable war broke out. The three-party forces hit their heads and bloodshed. In the end, the leader of one of the forces used the forbidden power. The plague began to spread everywhere, and the three Li people were killed and injured. In the end, only a few lucky people survived in the deep mountains. Tens of millions of human beings, only more than 10,000 people finally survived, and the civilization that had developed to the level of bronze was suddenly destroyed.

When things evolved to this point, a dazzling electric light suddenly broke out on the rock block, the thunder fell from the sky, the magma spewed out of the ground and the whole world was destroyed, and everything entered the small from the beginning

The building began to evolve. In the same Stone Age, tens of millions of people fought against each other, but they all noticed that this evolution was different from what they had just seen.

"What is this?" I watched the civilization evolution process on the rock block more than a dozen times before and after, and each evolution process was very different. Don't help asking, "What the hell is this? What do you want to tell us?

A faint light flashed through the strange beast on the Jiugong road map and muttered in a low voice, "Who knows what it is? See if you can take it away? If you can take it away, take it away. This is my kindest reminder.

Well, don't you feel that this is a very powerful sacred weapon?

Juling is also trembling and saying in a low voice, "Master, this area is a powerful sacred artifact. Unlike the sacred artifact that I just use as a pure auxiliary, it seems to have the power to evolve a world. Its power is very complicated, but it is not a pure sacred weapon like me.

Is this a sacred artifact? Holy artifacts with countless creatures? Don't be silent for a long time. He said to Princess Bule in a low voice, "Zixuan, try to collect it."

Princess Bule didn't respond to the strange beast and Ju Ling at the same time: "If you don't want to die, don't move around. How can a "fan" collect the holy weapon? The dignity of the holy weapon is absolutely not allowed to "If you touch yourself, she will be killed and never run!"

Princess Bule narrowed her eyes and sighed gently.

Don't beg for helplessness. He carefully reached out and held the rock block and lost a holy force into it.

The rock block trembled gently and suddenly turned into tens of millions of extremely fine rune lights and rushed into the body. Don't beg, the small world in the [body] collapsed, and those rune lights rushed into the chaotic air mass transformed by the world's disintegration. The huge energy flowed in the [body], and soon the disintegrated world took shape again, but the re-condensed world seemed to be very different from the past. But if there is any difference, don't beg for a while and can't figure it out.

Squinting his eyes and carefully communicate with the new world in the [body], he wrinkled his head and thought that he would not beg for a long time. He only heard a crisp sound. A dragon several feet long dragon appeared out of thin air with a deep dragon chant, obediently suspended in front of the begging and bowed to him repeatedly

"This is an embryo of the creation world! I'm so lucky!" Ju Ling clicked his mouth and explained to Bu Begging what creation is.

Just like the immortals in the Pangu world condense the world of mustard seeds, whether it is the origination of the holy world or the spiritual ancestors, including the saints and the seven most powerful strongest people, everyone will condense their own original creation in the [body]. Creation is the source of their power and the origin of the race they created. All kinds of skills in the Pangu world have the shadow of all kinds of magical power in the Holy World, so there are also great similarities between the mustard world and the creation world.

Like the immortals of the Pangu world, not all the founders and even spiritual ancestors can condense the creation world. Only people with excellent luck and high cultivation can condense the creation world, so as to enjoy the infinite benefits brought by the creation world. After all, there is a great difference between the creation world and the mustard world. The magic of the creation world is that the mustard world is far from beautiful. The mustard world can only be regarded as a cave to carry with you. Even if it can accommodate living creatures, it also needs the outside world to provide aura to maintain consumption. But the creation world is different. The creation world has its own world. It can create its own spirit and is a truly complete and independent world.

Whether in terms of function or energy level, the world of creation is trillions of times more powerful than the world of mustard seeds.

In the first small building that Buqi and others entered, there was actually an embryo of the creation world, and he also took the initiative to integrate with the world of mustard seeds, which was indeed his luck.

When the creation was formed, Don't beg suddenly found that his efficiency in mobilizing and using the holy power was much higher. Just now, the dragon was created by him out of thin air, and it didn't consume much effort. This dragon naturally appeared with his heart. It seems that the creation world took the initiative to construct this dragon for him, and he only needs to provide holy power to make it naturally.

The big sleeve waved the dragon into the creation world. Don't beg to look at the people around you. The group of people followed the stairs in the corner of the room and slowly walked up to the second floor.

It is still four lampstands in the four corners. In addition, there is only a thin cloud of smoke in the middle of the room. There is a translucent head looming in the cloud smoke of a few feet, like a head composed of smoke, which looks like a 28-year-old young girl, who is very beautiful.

But with this strange shape, everyone felt flustered when they saw her.

, "Oh, I finally saw a living person!" As soon as he saw Begging and others, he laughed: "After waiting for so many years, I finally saw someone. Ah, a small start-up group of insignificant "fan" ow, a few little girls are really beautiful, but it's a pity that their strength is a little poor.

After muttering a round of nonsense, the head smiled and asked Begging, "The founder, do you know where this is?"

Don't beg the leader and said, "Nine Palaces Star Road outside the Seven Holy Palace, isn't it?"

He smiled proudly and said, "That's right" is part of Jiugongxing Road. You can come to me to prove that you are lucky. Well, listen, I'll just say it once, "What's missing, that's your loss."

Don't beg and others hurriedly looked at their heads, lest they miss her words.

Seeing that the group of people were so nervous and serious, he laughed proudly a few times, and then asked, "Just now there was an embryo of the creation below, which is one of the most important treasures placed by a great saint on the Xinglu Road on the periphery of the nine palaces. Have you seen the derivation above?"

Don't beg and nodded," he said in a low voice, "That creation embryo has been fused by me."

Don't beg for a cold look when your head is crooked, "Nonsense, it's not fused by you. Is it possible that they are a group of "Fan, can you still touch him?"

The head said a lot of words again, which made a mysterious and mysterious sentence. It's nothing more than that there is a theorem for the reincarnation of heaven and earth. Even if it is a great god, it is difficult to escape. Even if it is extraordinary and holy, it is difficult to escape death. I don't know where that ray of vitality is. In a word, her words were full of decadement, just like a mental patient constantly talking about himself over and over again, saying that he was going to die, and he couldn't help but get tired of listening to the begging party.

After a word, Rori said for a long time for twelve hours." The head exhaled and asked Begging and others with a smile, "Have you written it down?"

Qixia's eyes turned green with anger, and she shouted harshly, "What's the use of this nonsense? Why should we write this down? Are you teasing people?"

Not only Qixia, but other people are so angry that their lips are crooked. Twelve hours, this head is here constantly talking about the nonsense that people's fate is fixed and people can't go against the sky. This has been said countless times, which is really entangled.

Head "Gaga, laughing, she laughed loudly and said, "This can't be my fault. This is left by the great saint who created me in those years. If you want to hear the real message, you must listen to my nonsense carefully!" Well, it seems that you have good patience!" The line is full of popularity. Is this a complete deception?

After laughing for a long time, his head said breathlessly, "Okay, listen, there is only one serious sentence."

"If you want to die, try to surpass the realm of the seven strongest people!"

Don't beg was shocked. He was wondering what this meant. The head had turned into a streamer and penetrated into his eyebrows. A cool air is integrated into the soul. Don't beg, you just feel refreshed. The five senses and six senses are suddenly enhanced many times, and there is a feeling of rebirth.

In surprise, everyone turned the last sentence of the head over and chewed it for a long time, and finally carefully walked to the top floor.

On the third floor, there is only a fist-sized rune suspended in the middle of the room.

Exquisite, complex runes composed of multi-light lines, full of countless mysterious runes.


The pig's head finished this chapter in the continuous [luck] movement, from the study to m, from m to the study.


Dizzy, cold sweat all over, dizzy!

Take a shower and go to bed after taking medicine. You can't stay up late, alas.