Steal the sky

Chapter 1138 Step by Step Shock

Leave the hill. The plank road ahead is like a huge bamboo leaf in front of everyone.

The plank road is paved with pieces of jasper as thin as paper, and the pieces of jasper are like the scales on the bamboo leaf green body, stretching from the feet of everyone to a lonely terrace nearly 100,000 miles away.

Unlike the plank road paved with the dark volcanic rock in front of you, this jasper-paved plank road is carved with various herbal roads, and the faint water vapor is wrapped around these herbal flowers, which looks like living things.

Knowing that the prohibition here is mysterious, even if there is any ambush, it can't be seen by yourself. Don't beg a group of people to adjust their bodies to the best state, and then the group stepped on the first plank jade piece carefully at the same time. A burst of green light flashed in front of him, just like the plank road in front of him. Everyone's bodies suddenly shrank, and the jasper pieces with a radius of several feet seemed to be a small continent thousands of miles away.

A large piece of ground is flat and spread out, full of all kinds of flowers and trees. The breeze comes to my face, and the fragrance of herbs hits people. Don't beg to stare. There are a lot of herbs in the woods here, and the strange shapes are varieties that have never been seen in the chaotic world and the Pangu world. However, it is recorded in the pharmacopoeia just obtained in the pagoda that these herbs are the most common herbs in the Holy Realm.

Don't wait to see how many kinds of herbs there are here, and you can hear a muffled hum, little rabbit,

He rolled his white eyes and softened on the ground. Countless small cyan blood vessels on her white face swelled, making her beautiful face particularly horrible and ferocious. Her heartbeat has soared nearly a hundred times than usual. "Slap, the dense heartbeat is like hundreds of people applauseing with all their strength, even if it is tens of feet away, it can be heard clearly.

Wrong Rabbit Xiaobai is the body of an immortal, and he has the cultivation of breaking the Taoist realm. Only this dense heartbeat is enough to kill her.

But the fast heartbeat is not fatal. What's terrible is a poison gas that gradually spreads in her body. Don't beg for consciousness to penetrate into Rabbit Xiaobai's body, and clearly see a light red poison gas spreading everywhere in her body. Where this poison gas passes, Rabbit Xiaobai's body function suddenly becomes tens of thousands of times faster." It's like a barrel of gasoline thrown into a Mars, igniting a blazing fire and burning the little rabbit

White vitality.

The infinite vitality that was originally enough to support the immortality of rabbit Xiaobai is being consumed rapidly. According to the judgment of not begging, rabbit Xiaobai can survive for 13 days at most and will be burned into a pool of ashes!

Princess Po Le beside her also judged the current situation of Tu Xiaobai. She hurriedly took out a few elixirs to replenish her essence and stuffed them into Tu Xiaobai's mouth. But as soon as the elixir entered her mouth, it suddenly burned. Tu Xiaobai's lips were burned to the skin, which damaged a lot of her vitality, which was not good for her at all.

and Tu Xiaobai worshiped the door of Begging at the same time. Lou's affectionate ape green knelt on the ground in panic and hugged Begging's thigh: ". Master, what's wrong with this rabbit spirit? Why, why did she become like this? "

Don't beg to pick up the ape green and throw it aside. He squatted beside Tu Xiaobai, pressed his finger on the center of Tu Xiaobai's eyebrows, and lost his holy power. However, as soon as the holy power entered the body of the rabbit Xiaobai, it burned rapidly. Originally, the vitality of the rabbit Xiaobai, which could still support the immortality for 13 days, was quickly reduced by the flame. When you don't beg not to take back the holy power, the rabbit Xiaobai can support it for up to six days!

Don't beg for a change of face" The Jiugong road map floated up again, and the head of the strange beast flashed on the map. His long tongue licked his nose, shook his head and said, "If you step on this road, you can't turn back. Well, there are 360 kinds of elixirs in the woods here, three of which are mixed with 1 white water, which can save this short-tailed rabbit spirit! Well, hurry up and take the medicine, otherwise you can only roast rabbits to eat!"

Yuanqing was furious when he heard this. He grinned and smashed his stick at the head of the foreign beast.

The strange beast 1 giggled, smiled, turned into a black light and disappeared into the map. Yuanqing hit the road map of Jiugong on the ground with a stick, and a terrible anti-shock force broke out on the seemingly soft ground, which bounced Yuanqing hundreds of miles away and hit a big tree and almost broke his neck.

". Don't make trouble!" Don't beg and scolded, let Yuanqing calm down quickly. Then he sat cross-legged beside Tu Xiaobai, and his consciousness quickly immersed himself in the sea of knowledge. He carefully explored the second rune he got from the pagoda.

Another large amount of information has been transmitted. The first rune teaches the most basic method of how to analyze the weaknesses of various creatures in the Holy World, and the second rune teaches Don't beg how to analyze the medicinal properties of drugs and extract all kinds of needed medicinal power to make elixir.

The method of alchemy in the holy world is very different from that of the Pangu world. Don't beg them. Alchemy is to properly configure all kinds of herbs in proportion, put them into the elixir furnace and quench them with literary and martial flames, expel unnecessary medicinal properties, slowly extract the useful medicinal properties, and fuse them into

The elixir refined in this way will inevitably be mixed with impurities." Even the elixir refined by the existence of seven Buddhas and nine paths still has impurities, but the content of impurities is so small that it can be ignored. However, if the seven Buddhas and nine elixirs use various innate elixirs to make elixirs, then even the seven Buddhas and nine elixirs cannot completely remove the impurities in the innate elixirs, and the content of impurities in the elixirs will be a very headache.

But alchemy in the Holy World is different. The first effort in refining elixir in the Holy World is to analyze the medicinal properties of medicinal materials and understand the part of the materials needed for your elixir. Then directly condense the medicine and melt it into an elixir!

Therefore, the powerful alchemy in the Holy World is an empty-handed elixir. As long as they are successfully refined for the first time, they will constantly refine the second and third times in the most perfect way, and the power of the medicine will never change.

The second rune is to teach the most basic method of not begging to analyze the medicinal properties, and the first one is the virtological analysis methods of 360 of the most basic elixirs. At the same time, there are also methods to refine the various medicinal forces needed in the medicinal materials, but this method of refining medicinal properties is not easy, because except for some extremely rare medicinal materials with pure extreme properties, the medicinal power of other medicinal materials is mixed and changeable, among which the useful medicinal power is mixed in other medicinal properties.

In addition to the method of analyzing the medicinal properties taught in the rune, there are also illegal prescriptions of white water dispersion in the pharmacopoeia obtained in the pagoda, but the formula of white water dispersion only needs the names of the three elixirs, and does not indicate what the three elixirs look like. It is only noted in the pharmacopoeia that these three kinds of spiritual herbs have a single cold water attribute, but they are slightly mixed with some impurities.

If you change to any other ordinary creation, in the face of today's problem of "Don't begging", you will worry about how to find the three kinds of cold water attributes from these 360 elixirs, and how to extract useful medicinal power from them into elixirs.

But don't beg is fundamentally different from those ordinary inceptions.

When he got the method of analyzing the medicinal properties from the runes and the formula of white water dispersion from the pharmacopoeia, his consciousness immediately covered the surrounding woods and quickly found 360 different spiritual herbs. As soon as the divine consciousness moved, three hundred and sixty kinds of spiritual grass were uprooted by his divine consciousness.

The magic power of the qi in the stolen scriptures was launched. The first wisp of the innate thieves mixed into the divine consciousness, quickly swept through 360 kinds of spiritual herbs, selected forty-nine of the spiritual herbs with cold attributes, and then easily selected three cold attributes" and the cold attributes contained herbs with abundant water aura.

As soon as the palm of his hand turned over, the spirit of the thief poured into thirty spiritual grasses, and quickly stole the breath of cold water from it.

The three-color cold water breath hovered in the palm of Don't beg, and the water droplets the size of three fists quickly blended into one, turning into a white water vapor emitting pure water aura.

This is recorded in the pharmacopoeia, which specializes in expelling the fire poison in rabbit Xiaobai's body.

Once the elixir was completed, it immediately turned into a piece of dust that was tens of millions of times thinner than the tip of the needle and sprinkled on Rabbit Xiaobai one after another, which really looked like a large handful of medicine noodles. The capillaries under the hot skin swelled like earthworms, and the little rabbit moaned, and the fire quickly dissipated. The scorching skin returned to cool, and the red face also returned to the whiteness of the past.

Wait for Tu Xiaobai's fire poison to be removed. "The ape green, who had just been shaken off, ran back with a big stick in embarrassment. Seeing the rabbit Xiaobai recover as before, Yuan Qing shouted in horror, "The master is really magical. How can she be a rabbit spirit in such a short time?"

The strange beast in the Jiugong Road Map was also shocked. He looked at Don't beg and exclaimed, ". How is that possible? You are just the weakest starter. How can you master such an exquisite refining technique so quickly? Oh? What? Strange, you are really weird!"

Don't be silent. His mind is immersed in the trace of thief. The thieves, which are usually hidden in his body, are now hovering around the refining tripod"

The shining light emitted by the two runes is constantly being sucked in by it. With the integration of the light of the rune, the spirit of the thief seems to be merging with the true meaning of begging!

". This..."

Don't beg for something, but he was not sure. He shook his head, grabbed the Jiugong road map and sneered, "The road below" is my skill of refining all kinds of alchemy, isn't it? That is to say, as long as we step on a plank road, the people around me will be at great risk?"

Before the voice fell, the green light curtain around dissipated, and the flowers and trees turned into green streamers and fell into the little white rabbit's body at the same time. Rabbit Xiaobai's eyes suddenly showed a green light. She shouted in surprise, "How can I see so far away? My eyes seem to be more than ten times better than my eyesight just now?"

The strange beast looked at the stunned Don't beg with a smile. He shook his head and said, ". There are great risks, but there are also great benefits. In short, as long as you are a qualified founder, the people around you will not die. If you make a mistake, of course, there is no life and death. But as long as you can get the right antidote every time, they will not only be fine, but also have great benefits."

Don't beggar's mouth twitched. This turquoise plank road is really shocking step by step, and it takes people's lives step by step!