Steal the sky

Chapter 1140 The Last Words of the Ancient Saints

The outer space of the palace is empty, and there are no plaques to indicate the name of the palace. There are hundreds of huge stone pillars around this quaint palace, each of which stands a tall statue. These statues are all elderly men and women with solemn faces in high-crowned robes. All of them look down slightly, as if they are looking at them.

Don't beg and the party also looked up at these statues. They all wore the same high crown and the same robe. Everyone's expression was so serious, and there was even an indescribable deep death in their expressions like huā rock. Don't beg always feel that these elderly men and women are like death row prisoners on death row, as if they know that their death is coming, and everyone is just trying to calm down.

But the power contained in these statues shocked Buqi and others, which is several times more powerful than today's Buqi. These incredibly strong energies are evenly distributed in the statue. Obviously, these forces are only used to keep the statue undamaged.

"Luxury, too luxurious!" Ao Blessang exclaimed, "Isn't it just a group of statues?

As for such great strength?"

After discussing these statues for a while, Ao Buzun squatted on the ground, buckled the ground fiercely, and then shook his head and sighed. Unlike these statues that cost a lot of power to maintain, the materials used in this palace and the [Guangzhou] field outside the palace are simply too shabby. They do not use any precious materials, but the kind of ordinary huā granite that can be seen everywhere, but the polishing skills are very exquisite, and the rock itself is patched up. The exquisite huā-en looks like it has its own heavy charm.

Under the gaze of those statues, walk slowly along a corridor in the middle to the main gate of the palace. Don't look up at the statues at the top of those huge pillars from time to time. Needless to ask, these people must be the power of those who once called for wind and rain in the holy world, and ordinary spiritual ancestors and founders don't want to leave their own figures here. At least they are saints with names.

The once brilliant and infinite holy world has left endless reverie for the creatures in today's Pangu world and the chaotic world. Those supreme existences that dominate the fate of hundreds of millions of creatures, and now they have only left these statues.

Holding the little hands of Princess Bu Le and Qixia, Don't beg while walking and laughing, "We won't become statues in the future, will we?" I remember a long time ago, I said that I would live well and live well with the people around me!"

I don't know why, walking in this dead palace, Don't beg suddenly remembered what happened a long time ago. He remembered that on the earth, in the ruins of the ancient city of Machu Picchu, he and his mentors, he and his brother were easily defeated as if they were crushed ants. What's the name of the Taoist who drives the flying sword?

Buqi suddenly found that he had forgotten the name of the Qingcheng Taoist, but he still remembered the despair and helplessness at that time. It is such despair and helplessness that drive him to this day, drive him to work hard and struggle at all costs to obtain a higher position,

Greater power.

He not only wants to protect himself, but also protects the people around him.

His palms tightened slightly, and he wanted to protect his two wives and the children in their womb. Princess Nele has the crystallization of him and her in her womb." A lovely life destined to be powerful: in Qixia's womb, he and she inadvertently became pregnant, and the terrible 360,000 invisible demons in the outside world. But whether they are demons or demons, they are the children of his will not begging. He wants to protect them!

He glanced at Ao Bu-respect's party walking beside him.

His brother, his friends, and his Zhoumen people are all people he cares about. He needs stronger strength, he needs more strength, he wants to protect them. Whether it's a breaker or something else, if you want to infringe on his interests, then don't die!

Look up at the statues standing at the top of the pillar, don't beg for a mocking smile, these saints who used to be high! What were they thinking when they fell? Have they ever had a sense of crisis like Don't beg, have they ever struggled to survive like Don't beg, have they ever pursued power by any means like Don't beg?

A little inspiration flashed in the middle of the eyebrows, and the first wisp of the innate thieves turned into an invisible net and spread, quietly shrouded the hundreds of statues. Don't beg to control the spirit of the thief gradually invading these statues and shouted in a low voice, "Since you are silent, why do you leave this figure? If you die, you will die. If you leave a statue, no one will miss you. Only living is [true] real. If you die, just die cleanly!"

"The sound of cracking kept coming, and the statues turned into diamond dust and glittered down. These statues are protected by prohibitions on the periphery, but under the infection of the spirit of the thieves, these prohibitions are cracked by Don't begging, and all the forces in the statue are turned into pure holy power to fly to Don't beg.

Open my body and the sea of knowledge, don't beg to absorb these pure and powerful holy forces one after another. There was a faint flash of light on his body, and his breath became more elusive.

The sky was like snow, and the flowing lights kept falling, and statues were broken one after another. Ao Buzun looked at the constantly broken statues and suddenly sighed: "Well, are those saints in the Holy World old men and women? Why is there no one who is young and beautiful?

Tut, if such a statue is destroyed, it will be destroyed. There is nothing to regret!"

After listening to Ao Bu Zun's words, everyone came to their senses, didn't they? Why are these statues all a group of old men and old ladies?

But soon everyone raised their eyes and looked at several palaces in the distance. At this time, Ao Buzun also laughed. Just outside the palace that dared to approach them, the huge pillars were full of statues of handsome men and beautiful women.

The handsome and elegant teenager is like a god, with amazing beauty and affectionate girls. The statues of these handsome men and beautiful women are very in line with Ao's taste.

But outside other palaces, the statues standing on the huge pillars are strange, some are beast-shaped statues, some are bird statues, some are insects, and some are poisonous snakes and pythons.

It's just that these alien statues are much fewer than humanoid statues, such as the number of poisonous snakes and python statues is only a hundred at most.

It is obvious that the appearance of the saints in the Holy World is not consistent. Unlike all the monks in the Pangu world who are trying their best to cultivate their forms, the saints in the Holy World maintain the original appearance of their own race.

But it is obvious that human-shaped saints occupy the mainstream, and at least about 60% of the saints are the same human appearance as Buqi and others.

Amazed all the way, everyone was guessing the possibilities of the Holy Realm, and they had come to the door of the palace.

Hundreds of statues have all been broken, and the sacred power in the statue has been absorbed. Don't beg. Only then do you feel that your body has finally changed in a substantive sense. Whether it is physical strength or holy power cultivation, whether it is the scope of divine consciousness or the sharpness of the five senses and six senses, everything is very different from what just now.

The voice of the gathering spirit sounded faintly: "The holy world is divided into ten levels, the third level of creation, the third level of the spiritual ancestor, the third level of the saint, and the last level is the realm of the strongest seven strongest. Congratulations, master, you are finally a truly qualified starter. You are now the weakest starter.

Is this the real originator? Don't beg and shake your head. In this way, the order of the Holy Realm 1

Although the

score is simple, the gap between each level is far from the sky. After moving your body, don't beg to let go of Princess Po Le and Qixia's little hands, put your hands on the stone door in front of you, which was about thirteen feet wide and two feet wide, and pushed the stone door away slowly.

Don't beg hard to find that the stone door is so heavy that it makes people collapse." With his current strength, he can't push the stone door. It was too heavy to be describe. Don't beg. The blue veins on his forehead collapsed, and he was sweating profusely all over. The smell of blood in his throat came out. He even used his strength to breastfeed, and finally pushed the stone door open a gap that was hard to enter.

Everyone on the side was stunned. At these days, they all fought side by side with Don't beg. They have gone through countless storms and obstacles all the way, and they know that Don't beg now has already exceeded the limit they can't predict. But it's so powerful that it's so hard to push the door open. What is this palace door made of?

Don't beg to take back your hand, panting and sweaty." He looked at it with a wry smile and just moved the palace door, and said with a wry smile, "Well, just go in like this. This door is really a little unreasonable. Is this an ordinary huā granite?

As soon as the words came out, don't beg and slapped yourself on the forehead." He laughed at himself: "I forgot again, here, what is ordinary and what is not ordinary, where is the evaluation standard? Maybe the huāgang of the holy world is like this. A palm-sized huāgang is as heavy as hundreds of stars? Damn it!"

Don't beg to speak and suddenly cursed rudely. Because he suddenly saw that the stone gate that made him half tired was only as thin as cicada wings! It's even a few times thinner than the cicada wings! Such a thin door, in the impression of Begging, he can blow it into pieces in one breath, which actually makes him tired like this!

Everyone looked at each other in surprise, and Ao Bu-zun, the most outspoken, closed his mouth.

The magic power of the Holy World is really incomparable. They swept through this stone door again and again with their divine consciousness. This is indeed a stone door carved from ordinary huāgyan, and there is no prohibition, but how can such a thin huāgang rock gate be so heavy?

Amazed for a while, don't beg to walk into the palace first.

A faint sigh suddenly came from the palace, which scared Don't beg.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Begging and others. This was an old man with a white robe and a high crown on his head. The old man with kind eyes quietly looked at Begging and others for a while, and suddenly sighed, "Are you here? Since you are here...

So I'm dead, right? Oh, I'm dead. I haven't enjoyed so much wine, and so many beauties are waiting for me to spoil. Why did I die?

As he spoke, the old man suddenly cried: "There are still thousands of new concubines in my palace. Why did I die like this?"

Don't beg, he just felt a cold sweat all over. He subconsciously glanced at Ao Buzun. How could this old man's words be the same as Ao Buzun?

Don't wait to come up with the topic of how to talk to the old man, but the old man suddenly smiled and said, "Oh, if you die, die. Anyway, I'm dead, and none of them can run away. Hee hee, so many people die with me. With my old lover and my old enemy, they are all dead

After a few laughs, the old man pointed to Qi and asked with a smile, "Xiao Shichuang, do you want the powerful sacred artifact left in this palace, or do you want to hear my last words?"

Don't beg for a moment, the holy weapon and last words? How to choose this?


Eat, eat... I want to eat meat!

I've had porridge for four days. I want meat, meat and meat!