Steal the sky

Chapter 1145 Violent Converance

"Good fate? Uncle, is it a good relationship between me and this rabbit? Ao Buzun was so angry that the skin on his forehead cracked, and the two dark dragon horns slowly came out with a strange sound. The dark dragon gas turned into dozens of small black dragons rotating crazily around Ao Buzun. The air around him suddenly stagnated, and the piercing cold and the high temperature enough to burn people to ashes shrouded around at the same time.

The white-faced young man looked at Ao Buzun in surprise. He suddenly "sneered and laughed: "So powerful, so strong, I like it so much!" The eyes were shining like peach huā. The white-faced young man's sleeves were thrown, and a piece of pink crystal like a chicken heart slowly flew out of his sleeve, beating Ao Buzun with a delicate and infinite moan. The faces of the powerful chaotic creatures standing behind the young man changed at the same time, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps. Obviously, they had all suffered from the pink crystal.

"Be careful!" Don't beg for a salty cry, and then retreated for a long time.

He left Ao, who was angry, and ignored it, and only looked at the buildings around him. According to Pangu, the seven holy palaces are thrilling and dangerous, but their party has entered the first palace. Why hasn't they encountered any special forbidden ambush?

It seems that this is an ordinary human palace, but it is particularly tall and majestic. Bronze roof tiles, bronze walls, red copper columns, and blue-blue floor tiles with a little metallic luster. All the palaces here are particularly ancient and extremely heavy.

Don't beg to hide and feel that these palaces are like mountains. After watching them for a long time, they are overwhelmed with grievance.

There was a faint flash of light in his eyes. Don't beg began to concentrate on analyzing the palace buildings around him. He didn't bother to pay attention to the things outside him.

The pink crystal, shining with a faint light and a warm fragrance of soul-eating bones, flew slowly to Ao Buzun, drawing... After an arc like a soft curve between the chest and abdomen of the peerless beauty, the crystal hit Ao Buzun's heavenly cover in the air. At the same time, the void light and shadow around were changing, and the empty blue and blue [wide] field suddenly turned into a pink boudoir. It was full of silk and satin, and there were all kinds of exquisite furnishings everywhere. There were countless young boys and girls with beautiful appearances, and countless human figures of men and women who were gently pulled and entangled Together, the body kept gently moving and rubbing.

Qifu smiled in a low voice and shook her head disapprovingly. This crystal is obviously also a sacred artifact, but the style is a little too low. Although this kind of illusion of thieves and temptation to fall is powerful, what's the use of Ao Bu Zun, a ruthless monster like iron and stone?

Ao Buzug grinned and laughed, grabbed the split magic gun and shot it out of the sky.

The split gun roared into a black angry dragon and rose to the sky, spitting out dozens of manic fire dragons in his mouth and rushed to the pink crystal, forcing the crystal to fall. The white-faced young man's face changed, and he was about to shout bad. Ao Buzun's thick black dragon moths appeared all over his body at the same time. He grabbed the holy weapon long gun that had just been robbed, and stabbed the white-faced young man with a ferocious smile.

With a shot, the pink illusions around him smashed, and countless meteor-like lights and shadows flew out of the long gun, with a heartbreaking shrilling roar at the white-faced young man. The white-faced young man exclaimed, and his figure turned into a pale pink four-eared white rabbit. His two extremely powerful hind legs kicked fiercely, and the mule turned into a white electric light and rushed to the exit of the [Guangzhou] field.

Seeing that the lightning was about to rush out of the [wide] field, don't beg for a slap. There was only a loud noise, and the four-eared white rabbit was knocked dizzy and hit his head on the ground. I don't know what material the blue and blue floor tiles are made of. The floor tiles are not damaged at all, but the four-eared white rabbit hit his head and bled, and the skull was sunken, as if a few drops of brain pulp had splashed out.

"Rabbit!" Ao Bujiun laughed crazily and swept out with a shot with his backhand. He only heard the four-eared white rabbit howl, and his body suddenly twitched violently. There was a lot of blood spewing out between his two hind legs. Obviously, Ao Bu Zun gave him some kind of minor operation accurately.

"A rabbit, never learn from others to be a man!" Ao Buzun laughed and strode to Buqi's side and grabbed the four-eared white rabbit and held it in his hand for a while. He stared at a pair of ferocious eyes and roared at the chaotic creatures who had just stood behind the four-eared white rabbits, "Who else else wants to fight with me?"

A total of seven chaotic creatures knelt to the ground in horror. They showed their original shape one after another, and carefully exposed their belly. This is a sign that chaotic creatures give in to the strong. They are also shocked by the four-eared white rabbit with violence. Now the four-eared white rabbit is beaten by Ao Buzun. Obviously, Ao Buzun is a more brutal and tyrann. What else can they do but surrender?

Don't squint your eyes and hum a few words in a low voice. Ao Bulun, who was standing beside him, heard it clearly. Don't beg Ao Bu Zun to forcibly subdue the remaining two groups of people. There are countless dangers in the Seven Holy Palace, and such a group of cannon fodder is more valuable than any treasure. Although there is also a qualified pathfinder cannon fodder witch in Don't beg's hand, the seven holy palaces are mysterious, and witches are likely to be completely erased. In contrast, it is more cost-effective to take this group of people to explore the way after being subdued.

Ao Bug understood the words of Don't beg. He smiled ferociously, split his backhand with one palm, and cut off the head of the four-eared white rabbit with one palm. Hearing a miserable howl, a white rabbit shadow flew out of the body of the four-eared white rabbit, rushed to the chaotic space in the high air, and was about to escape.

"If you can't go, why waste your strength?" Ao Buzun shook her head. I don't know when the clam beside her had flown into the sky. She opened her big mouth and was greedily looking at the white rabbit soul that threw herself into the net.

Ao Buzug laughed a few times, squeezed his eyes at the pointed-eared man and the strong man standing on the [Guang] field, and then opened his mouth and swallowed the four-eared white rabbit. The sharp teeth chewed the bones of the white rabbit. Ao Buzun deliberately flowed some plasma out of the corners of his mouth. The satisfied leader said, "The taste is not bad. This boy's cultivation is a little weak, but his muscles and bones are still a little chewy, but he has a little more hair, ah!"

He spat heavily, and his mouth was full of white hair and flew all over the sky. Ao Buzun casually grabbed the pink crystal that was confronting the split gun. Standing shyly in front of the two men who looked a little ugly, Ao Buchun scolded in a big way, "Are you taking the lead?

Are these people all your subordinates? The sharp-eared man and the strong man with bone armor looked at each other, and they attacked Ao Buzun without saying a word. The sharp-eared man took out a bow and arrow, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of pale green fluorescence roared out. The strong man with bone armor roared, and he used the magic power of heaven and earth. His body swelled to ten feet high, and he smashed Ao Buzun's head with a huge fist.

Ao Buzun's left-handed sacred weapon long gun randomly pointed out, and countless meteor-like strong light [excited] shot out, smashing dozens of pale green fluorescent lights one after another. He recognized that the bow and arrow in the sharp-eared man's hand was also a set of sacred artifacts. How dare he let the firelight of the holy weapon touch him?

As for the punch punched by the strong man in the air, Ao Bu Zun didn't pay attention to it at all.

He raised his head with a smile and let the big man punch him on the top of his head. A miserable howling came, and the bone armor on the strong man's fist was smashed. The two dragon horns protted from Ao Buzun's forehead were deeply pierced into his fist, pricking his finger bones.

The strong man jumped around in pain. He roared out a series of shackles with three wolf teeth full of metal thorns, and tried his best to wave the shackles and hit Ao Buchun on the head. Ao Buzun's face changed slightly, and the giant dragon turned into a split-shot gun quickly met the shackles. Ding Dingdang and the shackles were very happy. This shackle is also a sacred artifact. The power of the explosion during the bombardment was particularly heavy, as if thousands of stars were hit on the head at the same time. The split gun was beaten to tremble repeatedly, and the black dragon was smashed with armor, and Ao Buzum was shaken's body.

With a cold snort, the Holy Spirit sacrificed the huge shield that was given to him. The giant boat exploded into countless streamers, and it was woven into a brilliant curtain of light above Ao Buzun's head, and there were countless heavy smoke clouds and fire looming in it. The shackles constantly smashed by the strong man with bone armor bombarded on the light curtain, but only burst out countless dazzling fire lights, but he could not shake the light curtain at all.

This huge shield is also a good product that has been re-sacrifice and processed. It is much better than the fake sacred artifacts in the Outer Ninth Palace, and the cultivation of the big man is also more than that of the Holy Spirit King. How can he cause any pressure on the giant shield sacrificed by the Holy Spirit King?

The dragonfly's hand was even more fierce. Mom never seemed to know what was going on with her mercy. Don't beg for the long needle of the sacred weapon that had been re-sacrificed and silently turned into a three-colored long rainbow. It stabbed into the back of the head of the sharp-eared man like

With a wor, the three-color long rainbow ejaculated from the eyebrows of the pointed-eared man, and a mixed pulp composed of brain and plasma spewed tens of feet away, just spraying Ao Buzum's face. Ao Buzun smiled and licked the brain plasma on his face clean. With a long gun in his left hand, he immediately turned into a flying streamer and pierced the heart of the sharp-eared man.

He casually read the mantra of Don't beg to teach, and Ao Buzun's long spear turned into a dazzling light and invaded the body of the sharp-eared man. With a muffled sound, the sharp-eared man's body was pierced by countless splashed strong light. His body collapsed, each cell was stirred into tens of thousands of tiny particles, and even the soul was pierced into a sieve by dense light.

It looked at the same as his own cultivation, and the power of the holy weapon was also comparable. The four-eared white rabbit and the pointed-eared man who had won a few lucky children and formed a small group, all died tragically under the hands of Ao Bujin and his party. The strong man with bone armor He knelt to the ground in fear.

"You seniors spare your life, and the juniors are willing to give in to your seniors, and they are willing to drive you!"

The strong man knelt down and begged for mercy, and nearly 20 other chaotic creatures knelt down to the ground one after another, showing their original shape in fear.


The battery of the new mobile phone is scrapped. It's miserable and depressed, and the phone can't be called!