Steal the sky

Chapter 1150 Big B Crisis

Just as the Beggar and his party cut through the thorns in the Seven Holy Palace, the storm was also hidden on the Pangu continent.

At the junction of the East China Sea and the southern Xinjiang of the Pangu mainland, the giant mountain range [middle] of the Dalong Mountains is named by the Great Yi Venerable. A gorgeous and unusual Zen forest is spreading around at a daily speed of miles. The green Zen forest is full of bodhi trees towering into the clouds. The clear stream under the tree is ripering, and all kinds of lotus are born under the tree. Many heads and bhikkhus sit under the tree to meditate, which is a good place for Buddhism.

In the middle of the Zen forest is a golden temple with a wide range of miles. The golden floor is paved, the topaz is the wall, and the yellow crystals are carved into tiles. The brass forging makes the dragon pillar stand in all directions. The whole long and wide Zen courtyard is yellow and clear, which looks like an old man with jaundice.

There are tall brass incense burners standing everywhere in the Zen courtyard. From time to time, a small sand filled with a pinch of sandalwood poured into the incense burner. The rolling purple smoke rose, and the strong fragrance floated everywhere. With the chanting sound of chanting from all over the Zen forest, the solemn weather made people couldn't help but want Worship. Aworship

The core of the Zen temple is a towering giant tree up to thousands of miles. The root of the giant tree is about 20 miles thick. The green branches extend in all directions, and the whole Zen garden is covered by the shade of the giant trees. This huge tree emits a faint Buddha light, so although the shade of the tree covers the sun, moon and stars, the Zen courtyard is as bright as day at any time, even if a hair falls on the ground, it can be clearly seen.

The rhizome of this giant tree extends tens of millions of miles from the ground, and it is constantly extending to the periphery every day. Where the rhizome spreads, lush bodhi saplings will grow on the ground, and it will become a towering bodhi forest in a few days. Except for the bodhi tree and the lotus under the tree, all other grass trees will wither and turn into soil.

The giant wood is transformed by one of the seven Buddhas who cut off one of his fingers. The Buddha's body is a bodhi tree in chaos, and the bodhi tree transformed by one of his fingers is naturally infinitely wonderful. This huge tree shelters the Dalong Zen Temple, and the powerful Buddha's light prohibition covers the surroundings, which really achieves the point of invulnerable evil. Not to mention all kinds of demons, it is impossible for ordinary masters of seven or eight Taoist sects to break through the prohibition of giant trees and enter the Dalong Zen Academy.

There is a wide and bright Buddhist hall under the tree, and there is an extremely wide cloud bed in the middle. The tall and extremely strong Venerable Yi is sitting on the cloud** with his bare arms, angrily tearing a goldfish with golden scales and colorful purple pupils that had just been barbecued in the huge jade basin in front of him This big goldfish is six feet long, with golden scales all over its body. There is a colorful light in its eyes, and its pupils are magnificent purple. Obviously, it has cultivated some special magic vision.

Although it has been roasted, the eyes of the big goldfish are still shining like a huge gem. It lies obediently in the jade basin and exudes an intoxicating aroma.

The Bajie monk standing aside kept swallowing his saliva, and his eyes staring straight at the goldfish.

Tear off a large piece of fragrant and tender goldfish meat and stuffed it into his mouth. The Great B chewed a few mouthfuls fiercely, patted the fish's head hard and shouted to the monk Bajie, "What are you doing there? Help the teacher quickly and overdo this evil obstacle! Hey, read a few more rounds later to ensure that this evil barrier will continue to be reincarnated as an animal and continue to be eaten by the Buddha in the next life!"

The monk Bajie has been slandered for a long time. Hearing the words of the Great Yi Master, he hurriedly came up and tore a large piece of fish into his mouth. The fragrant fish almost melted in the mouth without the slightest dregs. The fragrant juice flowed into the abdomen. The monk Bajie only felt full of energy, and his mana had soared. He couldn't help sighing that this golden minus was indeed a great tonic.

The Venerable B just sneered repeatedly. Isn't this a big tonic?

There is a Bodhisattva in Buddhism, called "Mercy Crossing the World Purple Pupil Town Spirit Bodhisattva". Although she is the title of Bodhisattva, she has the cultivation of the World Honored One. It's just that she comes from an alien background, and the other is a woman, so she has not been promoted to the position of Buddha, and her status in the Great Spirit Auri Mountain is also very low. She is just a role of helping the Buddha guarding the mountain gates on weekdays.

But such an awkward Bodhisattva actually said to many of the World Honored Ones who were present on the day of the Buddhist conference a few days ago, to ask the Great Yi Venerable to make a head bird and take the lead to track the whereabouts of thousands of other people who broke the world.

After becoming a god, Buddhism and Taoism have completely occupied the general trend of the heavenly way in the Pangu world. The seven Buddhas and nine paths usually break through with the help of the power of heaven controlled after the sealing of gods. The Taoist sect is now responsible for the daily affairs of the great masters, and the Buddhist sect is responsible for the management of many disciples. It is naturally the World Honored Ones who deal with the affairs of Buddhism.

As a newcomer who has just emerged from Buddhism, especially he was canonized as the owner of the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain, and his status above the Buddhas has really touched the interests of all Buddhas. After the Great Bodhisattva of Zitong Town said a word, all the World Honored Ones and Bodhisattvas who were present at the meeting voted to approve her proposal at the same time, insisting that the Great Bodhisattva B should first find out the enemy's broken person.

Since Jinghong appeared when he became a god a few years ago, Qianshou and other breakers actually demolished the Daoyuan Palace and slaughtered all the Taoists and children on duty in the Daoyuan Palace. Since that day, the deeds of Qianshou and others have become more and more mysterious. In the past few years, they have only taken three times, but the three times have caused great losses to Buddhism and Taoism. At least the Buddhist and Taoist disciples of thousands of sects have been killed.

The breaker is a terrible creature that threatens the existence of the first world. Many of the great power of Buddhism actually decided to let the Great B Venerable take the initiative to find these breakers to test the water, and the intention is unknown. It was nothing more than that the Great Yi venerable rode on their heads, which made these old Buddhist disciples very unhappy, so they intended to let the Great Yi Venerable die.

How could he agree to the almost mortal task that many Shizenerable Bodhisattvas were intimidating the Great B? The seven Buddhas responded to a thousand capitals and vomited blood. No matter how confident he was, he was just the peak of the Taoist realm, which was far from the Buddha's cultivation. Even if you just want to inquire about the information, it is very risky.

Therefore, at the Buddhist conference, the Great B Venerable, the World Honored Ones and the Bodhisattvas made a lot of noise and completely tore the child's face. He took his disciples to break the mountain gate of the Great Spirit Avalve Mountain and returned to the Dalong Mountains. Before leaving, he took back the big goldfish in the pond in front of the Buddha's gate, and picked an excellent wine and meat monk to cook it in a pot.

It is said that this big goldfish is the child born before the return of the Great Bodhisattva of Zitong Town to the Buddha. On weekdays, she is also greatly cared for by the Great Bodhisattva of Zitong Town, which is the heart of her heart. Master Yi was annoyed that Zitong Zhenling Bodhisattva took the initiative to provoke him, and simply snatched the goldfish back.

"Eat, eat clean!" He gritted his teeth and pulled off half of the fish's tail and chewed it together with the bones. The Great Yi master squinted his eyes and sneered, "Being the river to tear down the bridge, this is ** naked crossing the river to tearing down the bridge! When the battle of the gods was over, his mother began to cut the Buddha and me? Hey, is Buddha so easy to bully? Zitong Zhenling Great Bodhisattva, mother, is your heartbroken now? Do you regret it? Grandma, who told you to make trouble for me if you had nothing to do?

Master and apprentice generally ate a big goldfish cleanly, especially after the two fish eyes were subdued by the Great Venerable, his Buddhist eyesight soared a lot. It is said that the cultivation of the purple pupil Zhenling Bodhisattva is probably on two eyeballs. It seems that this big goldfish is indeed the same as her, and these two eyeballs are really two treasures.

While the master and apprentice were recalling the delicious taste of this big goldfish, they heard a sad woman howl from afar: "My child.

.. The thief is bald, hand it back to my child as soon as possible! If you dare to hurt my child with a scale, you and I will die!"

After a comfortable hiccup, the Venerable Dayi sneered and said, "The owner has come to the door! Bajie, you summon all the students to return to the cave, and open the vein array of King Kong Wanling Town to protect the mountain. "Go out for the teacher and deal with them."

After a slight pause, the Great Venerable put a storage ring into the hand of the Eight Rings. He sneered and said, "There are some powerful killers made by Dayu. Even if an ordinary Buddha is accidentally hit, he will be dizzy. There are also several powerful poisonous charms in it, which are powerful enough to kill the World Honored One... Do you understand?"

Bajie squinted and smiled." He carefully put Lou's finger on his finger and said respectfully, "Master, don't worry, the disciple is hidden on the temple god tree. As long as the master is slightly downwinded, hey, the disciple will give them a surprise."

He nodded with satisfaction and patted Bajie on the shoulder hard. The Great Yi venerable picked up the King Kong pestle, randomly wrapped the seven-treasure kis around his waist, and rushed out of the Buddhist hall. He muttered in a low voice, "What's going on? I still had contact with me half a month ago, but now the contact has been completely cut off? Did he enter the Seven Holy Palace? But you have to come back quickly to save your life... This time, I overturned more than half of the Buddha's door!"

Gritting his teeth, the venerable Yayi cursed in a low voice: "Those seven old thieves are bald. Damn it's not good to cross the river and tear down the bridge!"

With a cold snor, a mass of white clouds spewed out under the feet of the Great Yi. He swayed his head on the clouds and flew over the Dalong Zen Academy. He shouted loudly through the mountain protection ban: "Zi Tong Lao Bald Donkey" Who is your child? Aren't you a nun? How can there be a child? Huh? Could it be that you don't follow the rules and someone... Hey hey, with some Buddhist monk, did you accidentally have a dark knot?"

Just above the Great Dragon Monastery, the Lingda Bodhisattva of Zitong Town and the 18 Bodhisattvas under the seat are suspended in the sky with fragrant wind and auspicious clouds. There are countless arhats, Jieti, Heavenly King, wrestler, King Kong, etc. behind them. The Great Venerable Yi glanced over. Good guy, the Eight King Kongs guarding the front mountain gate of the mountain in the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain were all present.

These eight King Kongs are the signature figures of Buddhism. Although they are the title of King Kong, none of their strength is under the ordinary Buddha. If they join hands to line up the eight King Kong demon array and cooperate with the Buddha's treasure given by the Buddha, even the ordinary World Honored One will be suppressed by them.

As for those arhats, they are also the famous 500 golden arhats in Buddhism. This is also the signature cover of Buddhism. In the past, these 500 golden arhats are the "angels" of Buddhism. If the Buddha has any decree, they are all these golden arhats running around. Spread the edict.

The army of Buddhism over the Dalong Zen Temple is at least one million, and they are all the elites of Buddhism. This situation is really scary to the extreme.

The Purple Pupil Zhenling Bodhisattva, standing on the golden lotus platform, heard the scolding of the Great B Venerable, and a pair of purple eyes were so angry that they were shining. Regardless of the whistling, her palm turned over and hundreds of clear sounds and wonderful thunder roared down.