Steal the sky

Chapter 1152 Hand in hand to

The Great Bodhisattva of Zitong Town and the Great Venerable are still spitting at each other, and the two have been insulting each other for an hour.

The Great B is purely messing around. He refused to say where the children of the Great Bodhisattva of Zitong Town are. He is just madly accusing the Great Bodhisattva of Zitong Town of bringing the Buddha's army to his Dalong Zen Temple. This is disrespect for the Buddhas and disrespect for the Buddhas The Great Bodhisattva of Zitong Town was also furious. She cried and cursed the Great Yi Venerable, and insisted that the Great Yi Venerable killed her child. She was already angry and dizzy, and even forgot to order to attack the Dalong Zen Temple.

Now, the millions of Buddha soldiers behind the Great Bodhisattva of Zitong Town are all the elites of the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain. In the battle of the gods, the seven Buddhas are reluctant to send them to the elites of the list of gods. If you don't forcibly attack the Dalong Zen Temple at all costs, even if the Great Yi Venerable is covered with iron, he will have to run with his head in his arms. As for other Buddhist practitioners in the Great Dragon Monastery, how can they survive under the blow of the core elite power of Buddhism?

But the Great Bodhisattva of Zitong Town just forgot this stubble. She cried and greeted and cursed each other with the Great B. She didn't order the war. How dare the eighteen personal Bodhisattvas under her dare to open that? Eighteen Bodhisattvas, who were also from different origins and were all women, sat on the lotus platform like a stone statue, looking at the furious purple pupil Zhenling Bodhisattva like a cicada.

After quarreling and roaring for another hour, a fragrant wind came from the sky, and the graceful fairy sound floated down. Seventy-two Taoist children in purple heavenly clothes carried incense burners, lamps, huā baskets, dust and other ceremonial devices, and fell from the sky all the way with translucent and dazzling light. These Taoist children neatly lined up two lines over the Dalong Zen Temple and shouted in unison: "The immortals in the lower world supply the nine-day purple pole inspiration of the Heavenly Emperor!"

Dozens of long cranes sounded, and dozens of immortals with the peak cultivation of golden immortals were dressed in golden robes, and cranes with wingspan up to ten feet floated down from the sky. The crane flapped its wings lightly, carrying these immortals slowly around the Dalong Monastery, and slowly circled around millions of Buddha soldiers. With the arrival of these immortals, there is a faint fragrance in the air.

Then there was a low drum sound, and 600,000 immortals with uneven cultivation were dressed in fairy clothes and hanging fairy armor, riding all kinds of mounts, divided into a neat array of thousands of people stepping on the clouds and falling from the sky. These immortals looked at the gloomy Purple Pupil Zhenling Bodhisattva and the millions of Buddha soldiers behind her with provocative eyes, and from time to time someone secretly laughed a few times.

These immortals are the leaders and elders of many small and medium-sized immortals who belong to the outer realm of the clumsy superiors. In their own sect, they are all high-level elders. Now they are also the confidants of the Purple Inspiration Heavenly Emperor. Their knowledge is shallow and low vision, and they have really haven't seen a They don't understand the situation of the clumsy superior being excluded in the heavenly court now, but they are proud because they have defected to a huge backer.

Not to mention that there are only 19 Buddhist Bodhisattvas in front of you now. Even the 19 Buddhas, the immortals with the highest cultivation but golden immortals, still will not pay attention to each other. After all, the prestige of the clumsy master is there, and he is the cultivation of breaking through the peak of Taoism!

After these 600,000 immortals, there is a chariot of 108 cranes pulling a chariot.

The shape of this car is as smooth as a flowing cloud. The whole body is made of translucent green jade, carved with countless fairy beasts and birds and patterns of mountains, rivers and mountains. There is a sense of dust and elegance in the seriousness. More than ten thousand golden immortals in golden fairy armor are surrounded by chariots. The leader is more than a dozen old immortals with Mingdao cultivation in purple robes. This is also the most elite group of people around the clumsy people.

When the poor clumsy master was in chaos in Pangu mainland, he received countless large and small immortals as if they were collecting rags, but there were not many golden immortals, most of which were cultivations below the immortals and even the Yuanshen Realm. The only thing that can be used to support the facade is those Taiyi Jinxian who steal the sky and change the day. From Jiang Yun's ancestor to Qingshen's ancestor, take out the doorman Lule and other families, who are not begging for, there are really no characters to come out.

The real strength of stealing the sky for the sun gate is not only that, but these secret strength is not good to take out all of them. There are only two or three big cats and kittens that can see people.

The reason why the clumsy superiors were ostracized by the six emperors of heaven is not only because the struggle for power, but also because the clumcupied superiors did not have enough powerful gatekeepers. If there are three or five hundred Taiyi golden immortals under the door of the clumsy superiors, I'm afraid the six great emperors will not reject him, but will try their best to attract him.

Behind the chariot, there are the remaining 400,000 immortals in the rear. The strength of this group of immortals is even worse, and many of them are even less than 30 immortals. These people are still an ancestor in those extremely remote and desolate small star domains in the outer world, but in the heavenly court, they really don't count anything. Just like the three fire lords who flew to the heavenly court in those years, the immortal cultivation can only do cleaning servants for others in the heavenly court.

Zitong Zhenling Bodhisattva looked out of breathlessly at the group of clumsy guards who fell from the sky, and there was a disdainful sneer on the corners of her mouth. If it is the regular soldiers and horses of the heavenly court, and those are all Taoist elites who died in the war of the gods, then she will be more cautious. But now it is the famous emperor of heaven and the group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals under his command. The Great Bodhisattva of Zitong Town really didn't take him seriously.

There are millions of immortals, of which there are only about ten golden immortals. They all look like poor immortals who are poor, and there is no strong magic weapon on their bodies. Not to mention that the Great Bodhisattva of Zitong Town takes action in person, it is that the millions of Buddha soldiers behind her can kill this group of immortals Dogs don't stay.

With a sneer, the Great Bodhisattva of Zitong Town forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart. She was too lazy to guard the clumsy people's brigade, but said harshly to the Venerable of the Big B: "The thief is bald, return it to the poor, otherwise today is the end of the Great Dragon

The Great Bodhisattva of Zitong Town roared and shouted to kill people, but the venerable of Dayi seriously flew out of the mountain protection ban and respectfully saluted the chariot of the guarding the clumsy man: "Little Monk Dayi, I have seen the Taoist ancestor's seal, the purple pole inspiration The little monk wishes the emperor the holy life of heaven to be boundless and enjoy the boundless immortal blessing!"

A group of Buddhist saints suddenly twitched in their hearts. The clumsy superior was indeed the Taoist ancestor who was afraid of the Great Heavenly Emperor. Although he was an empty empty Emperor of Heaven, it seemed that everyone could not turn a blind eye to him.

After all, he represents the face of Daozu. If he doesn't salute him, it seems to be very inappropriate.


The clumsy man changed into a heavenly emperor's crown suit and slowly walked out of the chariot. Several beautiful fairies gathered around him. The fairies carried a small incense burner in their hands, and the faint purple smoke rose slowly, and there was an intoxicating warm fragrance around her. He smiled and held on to the Venerable Dayi and said with a smile, "Brother Dao, there is no need to be polite. You and I are the friendship."

He straightened his chest and looked left and right. The clumsy superior suddenly shouted in surprise, "Ah, Taoist brother, your big dragon Zen temple is a quiet place of Buddhism. Why is someone so arrogant that they dare to roar in front of your mountain gate?"

Rubbed his eyes, and the clumsy master shouted at the black-faced purple pupil Zhenling Bodhisattva, "Ah, ah, this Bodhisattva is also a great virtue of Buddhism. Why do you want to fight against the disciples of Buddhism?

Well, as far as I know, Brother Dayi Dao is "Buddha, the mountain owner of the crowned Daling Vulture Mountain, is above all the world's honored people. Why do Buddhist disciples attack their own mountain masters?"

The Venerable Dayi sighed for a long time. He inserted the diamond pestle into his belt, put his hands together and said with a wry smile, "My Buddha's mercy, this is my Shamen's misfortune. Alas, in the quiet place of Buddhism, there are also such ambitious people. Although the little monk has won the false name of the master of the Great Vulture Mountain, he has never interfered in the affairs of each mountain. However, those people are always pestering the little monk. The little monk has fled back to his Taoist temple from the Great Spirit Slu Mountain, but he still refuses to let the little monk go!"

The clumsy man exclaimed, "What? Do they want to murder "the owner of Da Lingfu Mountain, the Taoist ancestor Qinfeng?"

Zitong Zhenling Bodhisattva's eyes were blackened with anger, and she shouted sharply, "Listen to the Great Emperor of Heaven.


The clumsy master interrupted her rudely: "There's nothing to hear. As a disciple of Buddhism, you don't respect the Buddha's Dharma, and you dare to take the initiative against the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain, which is really unforgivable! You are located in the three worlds, and you are so rude to the Heavenly Emperor named by my ancestors that you don't even have a greeting. Have you ever paid attention to the Taoist ancestors?

Pointing to the many sacred Buddhas with big faces, the clumsy master sneered and said, "It's okay if you don't respect the Taoist ancestors. After all, the seven Buddhas are your ancestors, and you don't even listen to the Buddha's decree... You don't respect Buddha, you don't respect Tao, which one do you respect?

The Great Venerable Yi slowly turned around and said gloomily, "Is it possible that you respect those foreign demons of the world-breakers?"

Zitong Zhenling Da Shan Sa Rao has been stunned by anger, and his heart is still shaken by the black pot of the Great Yi Venerable. I almost fainted.

But before she could open her mouth to defend herself, the clumsy superior had shouted sharply, "Where is the land of the mountain god?

Quickly send soldiers and horses to capture this group of colluding demons and plotting evil obstacles alive! If you don't listen to the order to let this evil bastard go, hey hey... At that time, Buddha and Taoist ancestors will investigate!"

Now the gods of the Pangu mainland have been determined. There are mountain gods in the mountains, the earth has land, and one mountain and one mountain god, ten miles and one land. The land of the mountain gods inside and outside of the Dalong Mountains is 100,000. There are at least hundreds of Yin soldiers under the command of each mountain god's land, which is a large number.

I saw the dense and countless mountain god land with boundless yin soldiers rising from all directions and eight winds, and running this way with the black wind and yin. These mountain gods' land and yin soldiers "before their lifetime. Most of them are disciples of various small and medium-sized immortals in the outer realm. The strongest cultivation in life is just the cultivation of the Yuanshen Realm. In the face of the order of the clumsy master, how dare they not to obey?

Among them, there are also demons, ghosts, spirits and demons who have been killed. One by one, they are born in strange shape and rushing in the gloomy wind one after another.

The low-level monks and the creatures of the four worlds who died tragically in the battle of the gods are not only trillions. After the god, the cultivation of these people are supported by the power of heaven, and they have improved several grades on the original basis. Now tens of millions of Yin soldiers have surrounded the Dalong Zen Temple, and all the mountain gods and land kneel in the air and worship the mountain to the defenders.

For a moment, the ghost's cry rose to the sky, and the face of the Great Bodhisattva of Zitong Town was ugly.


Two beautiful Garfields... Well, white and fat are the same as me!