Steal the sky

Chapter 1156 Don't beg to return

In the Tongming Hall, the Six Heavenly Emperors were shocked!

The master of the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain determined by the Seven Buddhas, who now has the highest status in the name of Buddhism, actually abandoned the Buddha and entered the Tao? It was like a Thunderbolt hitting their heads, even if they were exquisite and highly cultivated, they almost jumped up and shouted loudly.

It's fun to see the Buddha's nest. The eighteen World Honored Ones of Buddhism joined hands to kill dozens of the most outstanding geniuses of Buddhism since the recent disaster. How pleasant is that? But when this most outstanding Buddhist genius suddenly abandoned Buddhism and grew his long hair to be a Taoist priest, it was not pleasing to the eyes at all!

The Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty shouted coldly with a gloomy face, "It's simply nonsense. This Great B has made great contributions to Buddhism, but he was forced to withdraw from Buddhism. Well, this man has great power and profound magic power. Even if it's you and I, I may not be his opponent.

If it is..." The eyes of the six emperors flashed, and they didn't dare to look at each other for a moment. They all have exactly the same aruistic calculation in their hearts. If the Great Venerable is still a disciple of Buddhism, then they will only happily watch him die. But now he has made a vow to abandon Buddhism, so, maybe, maybe, they should recruit him? With such a powerful combat power, if any great emperor can recruit him under his command, it will greatly increase his voice!

Although the six great emperors are in the same family, and although they are all brothers, the masters of the six great emperors are not the same Taoist ancestors. They belong to the six Taoist ancestors. It's just that they are not brothers of the same family, so the open and secret struggle between each other in the past two years has also revealed some clues.

If the Great Venerable can attract him to his side, he is the best choice to charge into the battle to kill and set fire. Moreover, his strength is so strong that even if the Heavenly Emperor personally takes action, even with the help of the power of the divine position of heaven, he may not be able to suppress him. With such a powerful help, anyone can slander him!

The Emperor of Heaven said slowly, "Today's matter, we should do it impartially."

The Emperor of Heaven said with a smile, "This is extremely true. Come on, open the South Heavenly Gate, and we will be in the next world."

At this time, the eyes of the six heavenly emperors touched each other fiercely, as if the invisible sword had cut countless times in the void, and almost splashed out of the fire. The countless gods and immortals served in the Tongming Hall looked at each other, and immediately they were clearly divided into six teams and followed the heavenly emperors and strode out of the Tongming Hall. The horns and golden drums resounded through the sky, and the honor guard of the six Heavenly Emperors flew with the rolling purple clouds, and then the purple clouds soared into the air and rushed directly across the South Heavenly Gate to the lower bound.

Over the sky of the Dalong Monastery, the golden Buddha's palms connected from the beginning to the end of the eighteen paths slapped the bodhi giant tree into dozens of miles underground, and then heavily pressed on the Taiqing Vientiane Star Pagoda. The white lotus hua gushed out from the doors of the pagoda like a tide, and a large area of white lotus shone brightly to make the world clear. Countless dazzling starlight spewed out of the white lotus. Zhou Tianxing responded in unison, and the power of thousands of stars flew down, blending into the white lotus and turned into a thirty-three silver canopy covering the four fields.

The Buddha's palm was as heavy as a mountain, pressing heavily on the canopy and making a loud thunderous sound. The first Buddha's palm was patted by the World Honored One. The body of the clumsy man shook slightly and couldn't help laughing. He said in a low voice, "That's all! Break it!" The jade ruler in his hand shook in the air, and the jade ruler with the shape of a pangolin pattern suddenly turned into a jade-colored rainbow a hundred miles long, bringing a dense sound of a Thunderbolt and falling to the Buddha's palm above his head.

The Lord snorted, and the golden Buddha's palm was broken into countless fireflies. There was also a muffled sound on his right palm. A piece of flesh on the tiger's mouth was broken, and a large piece of purple blood sprayed out, turning into countless purple crystals and falling to the ground.

It's just that the skin on the tiger's mouth was damaged. The wound was still spreading to the shoulder of the coffin World Honored One. In the sound of explosion, a bloody wound went straight from his tiger's mouth to his right shoulder. The Lord's face was distorted with pain, and he hurriedly retreated. He took out a bottle of Buddha's secret spiritual ointment and hurriedly wiped it on the wound.

The other seventeen World Honored Ones' faces changed slightly. The pagoda of the protector of the clumsy upper man is not to mention the supreme treasure of Hongmeng. The jade ruler he used to beat people is a powerful treasure. This treasure was originally hung in the treasure pavilion of the Daoyuan Palace and was the private collection of the nine Taoist ancestors Later, in order to attract the clumsy superior, this "fashionable ruler" became the portable magic weapon of the clumsy superior. Today, the clumsy master's casual blow actually hit the coffin Shizun's Dharma body. The power of this millimeter is really amazing.

He didn't bother to be polite to these people. He kept roaring out and pulled out dozens of feet in a row.

Each blow was smashed by the golden Buddha's palms under high air pressure, and the seventeen of the World Honored Ones were suddenly beaten by a foot of the clumsy superiors. Even if their golden bodies were strong, they were also beaten torn bones and tendons and embarrassed. The sacred Buddhas around shouted angrily, and saw that the clumsy ruler's right hand was constantly trembling, and a large area of purple plasma flowed down the jade ruler.

After all, it was the 18 World Honored One's joint blow, even if the clumsy master relied on the power of Hongmeng's treasure to break their attacks, and still tore all the skin and flesh of the right palm by the anti-shock force. The fashionable ruler trembled in the palm of his hand, and the ruler rubbed against the finger bones, making a sour "cqueaky, sound.

The Great Venerable next to him tied a bun on his head with his hands and feet. He casually pointed to the seven-treasure robe, and the originally brilliant robe suddenly turned into a wide water and fire robe. He wrapped the Taoist cannon around his body, and the King Kong pestle in his hand was shaken fiercely by him, which also turned into a mahogany sword commonly used by Taoist people.

Looking up to the sky and sneering, the Great Venerable shouted angrily, "A group of shameless Buddhist thieves are bald, eat your sword!"

The role of the Great B Venerable changed very quickly. Just now, the Buddha kept shouting, and now he is very proficient in claiming to be the Taoist master. The World Honored One and others had just been beaten by the clumsy master and were busy applying medicine to heal their wounds. The Great B shook his arms and rushed up like a bear with a knife on his buttocks.

The mahogany sword made of a diamond pestle is one foot and two feet long, one foot wide, half a foot thick, and the edges are extremely sharp. It is thick and powerful. This mahogany sword has nothing to do with the mahogany sword no matter how you look at it, but the Great B shouted and let people eat his sword, and then really rushed to the coffin World Honored One with a huge sword.

The bald donkey cursed one by one in his mouth. The Great Venerable stabbed out with a sword, and the golden light on the front of the sword turned into dozens of ferocious tigers roaring conflict, and opened his sharp teeth and bit his head at the coffin. The World Honored One snorted coldly, and he waved his pale yellow sleeves with his hands and patted out two golden dragons to welcome him. The dragon and tiger fought endlessly in mid-air, shaking half of the sky, and the surrounding mountains shook, scaring the mountain gods hiding in the mountains to strengthen the mountain.

These mountain gods of the Dalong Mountains are even dying. Why are they so unlucky and canonized as the mountain gods of the Dalong Mountains? The master of this Dalong Zen Academy is a troublemaker. Now the eighteen Buddhas are in love with him. Who else will come? Look at this situation, the mountains of the Dalong Mountains will not be guaranteed!

The lives of these mountain gods are closely related to their respective canonized mountains. If the mountains collapse, they will also be severely damaged and severely punished by the heavenly court. Even if you escape from the death penalty, you will be sent to be an inconspicuous deacon, which is really more uncomfortable than death.

While these mountain gods were crying and working hard, the clumsy master had already waved a rat and rushed to the sky, cooperating with the Great B Venerable to fight against the eighteen World Honored Ones. The eighteen World Honored Ones were not willing to show weakness. They sacrificed their respective Hongmeng treasures and the two fought against dozens of Hongmeng treasures all over the sky, making the world in chaos.

Fortunately, the gods of the three worlds have been completed, and the structure of heaven and earth is unprecedentedly stable. Even if twenty people can break the Taoist realm and fight to the death here, the world is still as stable as before. Before the gods were changed, they started less than ten miles from the ground, and this Pangu continent with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles had long been smashed into pieces and flew into the outer starry sky.

The Shushou Shangren and the Great Yi Venerable are both the strength of breaking through the peak of the Taoist realm, and everyone has several Hongmeng treasures in their hands. Although the eighteen World Honored Ones are all powerful beyond the Taoist realm, except for the coffin World Honored One, who is strong enough to fight against the two people, everyone else is more than weaker than them, and the Hongmeng treasures of these World Honored Ones are not as luxurious as the two of them. Therefore, the two of them joined hands to fight against the eighteen World Honored Ones, and they still fought loudly and did not fall behind.

The six heavenly emperors who rushed to this side from the sky couldn't help but feel a burst of joy when they saw that these two people were so magical. The Emperor of Heaven had the deepest plan and the most decisiveness. He immediately took out the seal of the Heavenly Emperor when he was crowned as the Emperor of Heaven, and shook his hand and smashed it down.

I saw a little colorful light flashing away, and a fist-sized blood bubble quickly appeared in the middle of his bare forehead, which was humming with the coffin of the Great Venerable. His body trembled for a while, and he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

Before his death, the Emperor of Heaven was also the identity of the great master of Taoism, and his cultivation also reached the peak of the Taoist realm. In addition, after being canonized as the Emperor of Heaven, it was even more unpredictable to get the power of heaven to support him. Now it's a sneak attack from behind again. Naturally, it's time to capture it, and it's hard to beat the coffin Shizun off the dust.

The other World Honored Ones were shocked and they roared together, and they almost cursed.

Seeing that the other six heavenly emperors were the first to do the favor, they had no choice but to scold them in unison: "You, stop first, the universe is bright, and in the light of day, you have to explain all the injustices one by one. We are the great emperor of the three worlds, and we should be the one who presides over justice!" The clumsy man shook his bleeding right hand and suddenly sneered.

The Great Yi Venerable squinted at the six great emperors surrounded by millions of heavenly soldiers, and also mocked "cluck, laugh.

Many Buddhist saints present are extremely ugly. Are these six great emperors crazy or something?

At this juncture, the clumsy master and the great venerable suddenly shook their bodies and couldn't help showing an ecstatic smile. They felt a very familiar breath suddenly appear, and they were so close to themselves. The extremely familiar breath is above their heads, only thousands of miles away from them. What's the difference between this distance and face-to-face for their power?

Don't beg for it. He came out of the Seven Holy Palace, and he has returned to the world of Pangu.

The clumsy master and the great Master of the Great B were in their hearts. The Great Venerable immediately shook his arms and greeted the six great emperors.
