Steal the sky

Chapter 1158 Entering the Heavenly Court

With a slap, the World Honored One, who was as famous as the World His Holiness, known as a pair of coffins in Buddhism, was shocked for a long time, and then furious. He rubbed his hands, and a group of Buddha's light the size of a human head shot out. There were three small diamond pestles spinning rapidly inside, and from time to time there was a heavy singing of the six-character truth of Buddhism.

The three King Kong pestles are not as long as the palms and the thumbs are thin, the whole body is blue, and there are faintly mold marks, as if they were carved from wood mined from the ancient coffin. The magic weapons of Buddhism generally have a grand and solemn atmosphere, but these three King Kong pestles carry a sense of silence that makes people die and despair.

The World Honored One, the World Honored One, a pair of coffins in the Buddha's door, they practice the way of silence, break the reincarnation of silence and get the divine power. Therefore, their meditation is very different from other world dignitys. Usually, they are the golden clouds of Buddha's long arrows, but they really try their best to suppress the bottom of the box, that is, they are dead and energetic. Instead of Buddhist monks, they are like evil spirits.

The photosphere cut through the void in an instant and hit Ao Bu Zun's chest.

Ao Buzum smiled strangely, and the clothes on his chest were shattered, revealing the thick three layers of dragon scales on his chest. He whistled proudly and shrugged his lower body at the World Honored One incompetently. Three King Kong pestles hit the dragon scales and suddenly let out a wail. The dragon scales on Ao Buzun's body actually stood up, and the King Kong pestle seemed to hit the blade head-on.

The diamond pestle made of ancient god wood extracted from Shizun's body was actually cut into matchsticks by the scales on Ao Buzun's body. The blue moldy wooden strips fell with a heavy wailing sound. Shizun's body shook, and a blue blood suddenly flowed down the corners of his mouth.

Other Buddhist lords were horrified. They raised their hands together and were about to launch an attack on Ao Bu Zun.

A long roar came from afar, and the coffin Shizun, who was slapped by Ao Bu Zun, covered his swollen face like a pig's head and flew back. He shouted softly to stop the impulse of the same door, stared at Ao Bu Zun, and then coldly asked the Great Yi, "Da Yi

The Great B stared at his eyes, waved his huge mahogany sword and sneered, "If you don't leave the Buddhist sect, you will be sent to block the knife. Is it really stupid to be a Taoist priest? Do you want Taoist to work hard with those breakers alone? If you dare to deal with me by means of killing with a knife, I will give you a dung of shit!"

Looking up at the sky and laughing three times, the Venerable Dayi shook his head and shouted, "When the Buddha comes out of the customs, you can slowly explain it to the Buddha!" Let's see if Buddha will believe what you said! Bah, how much credit did I make for Buddhism? Will I collude with foreign demons to calculate Buddhist disciples? It's not your brain, it's all a piece of shit, right?

In the wild laughter, the clumsy superiors slowly bowed to the six heavenly emperors, and then proudly took the hands of Don't Beg and the Great B's respected man into his car. Millions of immortals directly under the clumsy superiors sang Taoist words happily, and drove the clouds and drove the chariot straight to the South Tianmen.

When the chariot passed the honor guard of the six emperors of heaven, Bu Mao deliberately amplified his voice: "Your Majesty, don't beg to find a lot of elixirs in the chaos these days. If it is refined into elixir, it is enough to make great progress in the immortals under your majesty.

As long as your majesty can have hundreds of Taiyi and hundreds of thousands of golden immortals, your majesty's position as the emperor is really stable!"

The six heavenly emperors almost vomited blood, hundreds of Taiyi and hundreds of thousands of golden immortals? That's all for the golden fairy,

No matter how many golden immortals there are, they will not be in the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven. But hundreds of Taiyi, which will definitely destroy the balance of the whole heavenly court. There are suddenly hundreds of Taiyi under the command of your subordinates. How can these other people mix in the world?

Whether what you say is true or not, as long as there is a little possibility, you must not let the clumsy superiors really have so many strong immortals.

The honor guard team of the Emperor of Heaven rose to the sky one after another and rushed to Nantianmen in a hurry. Shizun and Shizun looked at each other, and the two whispered a few words, and rushed back to the Great Vulture Mountain like burning their buttocks. The emperors of heaven have to be busy dealing with the sudden surge of power, and the trouble of the World Honored Ones is even greater. Not only can they not use the knife to kill the Great Venerable to get rid of the Great Venerable, but instead, the reckless goods have gone to the door. How can they wipe their buttocks in this matter?

If something happened in my heart, the speed of the honor guards of the emperors has slowed down a lot. Waiting for their team to rush out of the wind belt at the highest point of Lougu Continent, Don't beg and the party has already arrived outside the Nantian Gate. But today's Nantianmen is particularly strange. Eight Heavenly Kings stood across the door. The huge Nantianmen is covered by a gentle fairy light, and a golden door is blocked in front of everyone, emitting inaccessible strong spiritual fluctuations.

Originally, there was only a thousand-foot-high white jade archway in Nantianmen, and there were some attached palaces and pavilions on the left and right. But once this golden door appears, it means that the South Gate is completely closed, and the channel has been cut off from the outside world for 33 days.

The clumsy man in the emperor's crown suit walked out of the car with a gloomy face." He looked at Nantianmen and shouted harshly, "What are you doing? Why do you close the South Tianmen? Open the door quickly and let me in!"

There are not only eight heavenly kings in the Nantianmen, but also 3,000 immortal generals and millions of immortal soldiers. The huge army blocked the whole Nantianmen to death. Hearing the scolding of the guard, the king of the eight heavenly kings slowly stepped out and said slowly: ... Please forgive your majesty,

This is an edict jointly issued by the six great emperors to close the four heavenly gates to prevent the devil from invading.

After a slight pause, the king of the State of Zhen said with a strange smile, "It's not wrong that there are six great emperors who jointly issued a decree, and the State of Zhen dare not open the South Heavenly Gate."

The clumsy man was furious. He jumped his feet and roared, "Be presumptuous! They jointly ordered the closure of Nantianmen. Can't I go in? The King of Dingguo slowly walked out from behind the King of Zhenguo. He gently patted the unicorn head carved on the unicorn's heart protection mirror on his chest and said slowly, "Your Majesty, please forgive me. The edict of six His Majesty is always more important than the edict of one Majesty. This South Heavenly Gate cannot be opened easily. Of course, if Your Majesty is willing to let all your subordinates, and Your Majesty, you can make an exception once by passing the inspection of the demon mirror.

The face of the clumsy man is black!

There is a small side door on the side of the Nantianmen. The left and right of the door are Qinglong, white tiger, rosefinch, and Xuanwu four sacred beasts [town]. A basin-sized cyan treasure mirror is hung above the lintel, shining candles for thousands of miles. This is the magic mirror of the heavenly throne after all the clerical divine throne dust in the heavenly court has been settled.

This demon mirror is condensed from the heavenly power of the Pangu world, with infinite divine power. As long as you are illuminated by the mirror, no matter you are the power of the Taoist realm, if you use any phantom incarnation method, it will be seen through by the demon mirror.

It is an artifact that can't be spared by the power of the Taoist realm. If the defender is willing to let millions of soldiers under his command enter through the small door, it can put an end to the crisis of being mixed in by those who break the boundary.

But the problem is not so simple. The clumsy master is also one of the heavenly emperors in the heavenly court. If he gives in to the eight heavenly kings like this, I'm afraid no one will pay attention to what he says in the heavenly court in the future.

The Emperor of Heaven, how can you enter the heavenly court through the side door? Didn't you think you were raised by your little wife?

The clumsy man's face was gloomy, and the Eight Heavenly Kings intended to add obstacles to him. It is all a lie to close the four heavenly gates to prevent the devil's invasion. It is only true to humiliate him. The Eight Heavenly Kings want to lose his face and completely crack down on the dignity of human beings.

The silence like death inside and outside the Nantianmen. The Eight Heavenly Kings looked at each other from afar through the Nantianmen and the guards. Both sides were expressionless. The soldiers and horses under the command of both sides were like clay carving wooden tires, and no one dared to make a sound.

Millions of immortals under the command of the clumsy superiors gritted their teeth. They are all small and medium-sized immortals under the command of the clumsy superiors and the scattered immortals. The clumsy superiors are so humiliated. If the clumsy superiors are really soft today, then they will have no future Instead of being suppressed and bullied at will in the heavenly court, it is better to escape to the Pangu mainland to be happy.

In this dead silence, Don't beg suddenly smiled.

"Hey hey, it's interesting. Is this the legendary demon mirror?" Don't laugh out loud and grab the small door on the east side of the South Tianmen. He showed five spiritual lights on his five fingers. The faint spiritual light did not seem to have any power, but it gave people an extremely dangerous feeling.

The infinite fairy light gushed out from the South Heavenly Gate, and the eight heavenly kings roared in unison, "Who is the evil, dare..."

Before they finished speaking, the eight heavenly kings were all stupid in place, and they were scared by Don't begging.

Five faint spiritual lights flew out, and the fairy light spewed from the South Heavenly Gate melted rapidly like snow frost in the sun, turning into countless fine light scattered everywhere. Don't beg, the aura released lightly grabbed the demon mirror, wrapped in the demon mirror and flew back to his side quickly.

He caught the demon mirror and looked at the eight heavenly kings with the mirror. He injected a little holy power into the demon mirror and said with a smile, "The doorkeeper dares to stop the road of Daozu Qin's emperor. You are not demons. Who is the devil?"

Under the urging of the holy power, the demon mirror emitted an uneasy and frightened moan, and the mirror suddenly shook, and a dazzling blue light shot out.

The blue light shone like thunder on the Nantianmen, colliding with the fairy light released by the Nantianmen.

Hearing a loud noise between heaven and earth, dozens of dazzling cracks suddenly cracked on the archway of Nantianmen, and several huge pieces of jade fell from the archway, hitting the head of the heavenly soldiers behind him. The demon mirror also screamed, which also cracked several eye-catching traces.

The archway of Nantianmen is also a heavenly artifact condensed by the heavenly way after becoming a god, and it is of the same origin as the demon mirror. Don't beg to force the demon power to fight hard with Nantianmen with the holy power. It's like two eggs bumping into each other, and both of them will be hurt immediately.

The Eight Heavenly Kings almost fainted. This is the artifact of the divine position of heaven, but he was hit hard by Begging?

The king of the kingdom of Zhen pointed to Don't beg and screamed: "Come on, take this evil down!"

Before he finished speaking, Don't beg and scolded loudly, "Come on, beat away these things that these dogs are looking at, put on a guard of honor, and your majesty will go back to the palace!"

Millions of immortals cheered "Your Majesty back to the palace" and countless sword lights bombarded into the Nantian Gate like raindrops.