Steal the sky

Chapter 1161 Shocked

"Do you mean that as long as the ministers of the heavenly court defect to our majesty, their duties will be in charge of our majesty?" Don't beg, look at the two emperors in surprise and funny. How could these two come up with such a way?

If the clumsy master is really an idle crane outside the world, really a scattered cultivation who has lived in seclusion for countless years, and is really a capable person who has just come to stand out in the war of gods, then the measures of the two emperors of heaven really hit the dead hole of the guarded superiors. Nowadays, the masters of the heavenly court are all disciples of Taoism. The righteous gods of all departments, the emperors of all departments, and the chief officials of the big and small government are the core disciples of Taoism. The six great emperors are their masters or ancestors. They are loyal to the six great emperors of heaven. How can they rely on a rootless guard?

But the clumsy superior is not an extraterresity. He is a beggar's split!

With a strange smile, don't beg for a smile and say, "Well, can your majesties promise that as long as someone has defected to our majesty and their duties, you will not try to decentralize or do other things?"

After a pause, Don't beg frowned and said, "For example, if the thunder god nine days thunder demon real king defected to our majesty, this is just an example. If he really defected to our majesty, but the two majesties will set up a new thunder department.


The Emperor of Heaven couldn't help laughing angrily. He shook his head and said, "Why did you say this? Are we the kind of people who don't believe what they say? As long as the Purple Inspiration Heavenly Emperor can attract followers, then no matter who he recruits, he is the supervisor of that part.

Don't squint your eyes and say with a smile, "Well, if the leader of Nantianmen Tianbing defects to our majesty, then when the two emperors mobilize the Tianbing of Nantianmen in the future, they should also ask our majesty to issue a military order through a rune. Is that the truth?"

The Emperor of Heaven smiled and said, "That's exactly the reason."

Ao Bu Zun, who stood aside, said angrily, "You two have agreed to this matter. Are there still four over there? Only two of you six heavenly emperors should promise this matter. If the other four turn against each other after the event, won't we still suffer losses?

The Emperor of Heaven said indifferently, "This is the decision of the six of us."

Four purple gas fell from the void at the same time, and the purple gas fell straight to Don't beg. He grabbed the purple gas in his hand, and there was a sound coming from the purple gas. The other four heavenly emperors really agreed with the decision of the Yuanqi Heavenly Emperor and the Yuanqi Heavenly Emperor. As long as the Shouzhuo Shangren can attract any immortal official in the heavenly court, the responsibilities of the immortal official will be under the control of the Shouzhuo Shangren from then on, and the other six Heavenly Emperors will never be cons

Don't beg to look at the two celestial emperors in front of you and smile. The two celestial emperors also laughed. The three of them smiled brightly, but the bright smile always smelled of gloomy calculation. Don't beg to understand the meaning of the two great Heavenly Emperors. This is the game rules formulated by the six Heavenly Emperors who have been canonized by the gods. The clumsy superiors have as much power as they can attract! If you can't attract people, it means that you don't have the ability, then you can be an empty shell emperor,

Don't give them six trouble!

It can be seen that the joining of Don't beg for the group and the Great Venerable is really putting too much pressure on the six great emperors. If you really force the clumsy master too hard, without waiting for the breakers to attack, the violent rebound of Buqi and others will make a mess in the heavenly court. At such a critical and delicate juncture, you must not force the people to beg not to rebel against the Great B Venerable, which is a lesson from the front car. This guy betrayed out of Buddhism with all the disciples!

It's hard to imagine the consequences of the seventh Heavenly Emperor appointed by the Taoist ancestors to take a vast group of people to the Buddhist sect, but the six heavenly emperors all know that if things really develop to that point, when the Taoist ancestors get out of the customs, the six of them will definitely not be able to eat, and I'm afraid

The three of them looked at each other for a long time, and gently applauded and praised: "The six heavenly emperors are profound and righteous, which is really touching. It's so good, so the heavenly court is a clear and clear. Everyone can get along well with each other, and everyone can work together to resist the demons of the outside world. What a happy thing is this?

The two emperors also smiled a few times. The emperor of heaven looked at the Qingjia immortal who was still hanging on the archway. He smiled more and more kindly and said to Don't beg, "Qingjia is an unruly person, and he has always been diligent and steady. I don't know if I can put him down?"

Don't beg for a generous wave, and the Qingjia fairy hanging on the archway fell to the ground heavily.

The Qingjia fairy snorted in pain, but he didn't dare to say half a word, but he got up with difficulty and took out a Taoist robe and put it on his body in embarrassment. All his immortal power was imprisoned by the Great Venerable. The Taoist robe rubbed the terrible wound on his body, which made the Qingjia fairy twitch all over in pain.

The Emperor of Heaven of Yuanqi didn't seem to see that his family was so embarrassed. He smiled and chatted with Don't beg for a smile, and then ran to the Tongming Hall incarnated with the Emperor of the Yuanqi Dynasty.

The other four heavenly emperors are waiting for them in the Tongming Hall. The total number of six people is good. Recently, we must step up the monitoring of all departments and departments of the heavenly court.

You should know that the core elite disciples of Taoism only occupy the middle and upper-level positions in various departments of the heavenly court, and a large number of middle and lower-level positions are from those foreign immortal disciples and ghosts who have been sent to the list of gods,

The monks of the four worlds of demons, spirits and demons serve. If some of these people rely on the clumsy superiors, they will be really happy.

It's like Qingjing Division, a subordinate of Tianting. This department is responsible for the cleaning of all parts of Tianting. If an official in this clean department is pulled away by the clumsy superiors, will it be possible that several emperors will clean their own courtyards in the future? Or do you have to apply to the clumsy master to dispatch the cleaning of the handyman? That's a big shame.

Not only the Qingjing Department, but also the imperial horse supervisor of the heavenly court and other large and small government offices. Although they are responsible for common affairs, if they are missing, the heavenly court will really stop and collapse. In case of prevention, we must quickly discuss countermeasures today.

Don't beg for a smile and leave the government office with Ao Bu Zun and the Great Yi. Qingjia immortals stood in front of the government office and looked at the back of the people who were not begging for leaving with great resentment, but did not dare to say a word.

From the strange attitude of today's Yuanqi Heavenly Emperor, he judged that all the heavenly emperors are afraid of those who are afraid of the emperor of heaven. What right do he have to hold a grudge against those who are afraid of the emperor of heaven? To take revenge?

"It's like being bitten by a dog." The Qingqing fairy cursed in a low voice, and then rolled his eyes and fainted.

He left the street where the government office was located with the brigade, and the group of people came to the [Guangguang] field in front of the Tongming Hall. Looking back at the Tongming Hall, which was treated high on the golden base, Don't beg and suddenly waved to a team of heavenly soldiers on the side of the [Guangzhou] field: "Xiao Bai, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you recently? Ah, you seem to have been promoted?"

Meng Xiaobai wearing a silver unicorn to cover his heart armor. Xia Ga. He laughed and strode out of the group of heavenly soldiers, stretched out his hands and hugged him heavily. 〖 Meng Xiaobai shouted excitedly, "Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been recently?"

Ao Buzum grinned. He smiled proudly and said, "Can it be bad? Hey hey, you boy, I remember you!"

Don't beg to laugh loudly. He hugged Meng Xiaobai hard and laughed loudly, "How many heavenly soldiers do you have now?

Meng Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and said loudly, "The heavenly court was in chaos. Many sacred deaths and injuries under the former emperor of heaven were heavy, and the soldiers and horses of the heavenly court were ten to seven. Xiaobai was regarded as a person with deep qualifications left in the old foundation of the heavenly court in the past. Therefore, Xiaobai now has 200,000 heavenly soldiers under his command, which is responsible for the daily patrol and defense of the Xiansi government gate on the east side of the Tongming Hall!

Don't beg, Meng Xiaobai, a teenager from Mengshanwai Village, Wanxianxing. After he flew to the heavenly court according to the advice of Don't begging, because of his simple and straightforward personality, he was valued by the emperor of heaven, and was selected into the elite heavenly soldiers to guard the secret of the Pangu lungs three days The border.

After that, the heavenly court was in constant disaster, and there was an invasion of foreign demons first. Then came the war between the gods, and the six heavenly emperors were tossed to death, and the old foundation of the heavenly court was to six or seven.

Meng Xiaobai and the people of Mengcun, who also soared, were saved because they were in a secret place, and they also became the older figures left by the heavenly court.

He is an old qualification, and he is also a confidant of the former Emperor of Heaven. Such a person is a credible and usable person for the heavenly court. Therefore, Meng Xiaobai has been awarded the position of patrol every day with the cultivation of the immortals, and has a jurisdiction of 200,000 heavenly soldiers who are specially responsible for the patrol and defense of all

In the Tongming Hall, the six heavenly emperors smashed the jade cup in their hands at the same time.

Outside the Tongming Hall, don't beg to pat Meng Xiaobai on the shoulder: "Well, follow the Purple Inspiration Emperor in the future. Except for the order of the Purple Inspiration Emperor, even if it is the order of the six Emperors, don't pay attention to it!"

Meng Xiaobai doesn't know what the fear of power struggle between the Emperor of Heaven is. He only knows that Don't beg is the person he trusts the most with his villagers. Even after so many years, after so many ups and downs, Don't beg is still a good brother in the hearts of the villagers. He straightened up his chest and shouted loudly, "Big brother, don't worry, except for the Purple Inspiration Heavenly Emperor, I won't listen to any other emperor's orders!"

The pace rumbled, and hundreds of Mongolian villagers wearing all kinds of armor rushed here one after another. They were happy to see each other with each other, and laughed and didn't beg.

These Mongolian villagers, like Meng Xiaobai, flew to the heavenly court one by one under the arrangement of no begging, and all of them survived the previous disasters in the heavenly court. They now have little power and low status in the heavenly court, but they are all the most basic generals in the heavenly court. They have 30,000 to 50,000 to 100,000 heavenly soldiers under their command. They are responsible for the scope of patrol and guarding, basically covering the seven floors of the important hall around the Tongming Hall!

After the Mongolian villagers swore to defect to the Purple Inspired Heavenly Emperor, a large number of low-ranking officials worshipped and not beg under the introduction of these Mongolian village men.

Just in front of the Tongming Hall, under the eyes of the six emperors of heaven, nearly a thousand low-ranking officials bowed to him!

These people are all low-level officials of the heavenly court who survived the rescue of the villagers in the recent heavenly court disasters. As the six heavenly emperors are worried about, these nearly a thousand low-level officials are not very powerful, but they are all in charge of some very embarrassing departments.

For example, the supervision order of the imperial wine supervisor of the heavenly court is in it. Without his order, no one can drink the fairy wine specially made by the heavenly court.!

Don't beg to laugh so much that your eyes narrow into a line, and the six heavenly emperors have bursts of twitching in their faces, and their hearts are indescribably entangled.

What the hell is going on? Don't beg that he used to be the king of the East China Sea of Dayu. How could he know so many heavenly officials?