Steal the sky

Chapter 1166 Helpless Compromise

Chapter 1166 Helpless to compromise

It is late at night in the Pangu mainland, and it is still as bright as before for 33 days.

Outside the Great Heavenly Emperor's Palace, there is a demon mirror hanging high. This side should have been hung outside the Nantian Gate, guarding the Nantian Gate, and eliminating all evil spirits from breaking into the heavenly court, but it was hung here. A few days ago, don't beg to seize the demon mirror, forcibly urge the demon mirror to collide with Nantianmen, and then the demon mirror was put in his pocket. Now it is hung here according to the demon mirror, but no one said anything.

Behind the demon mirror, the dense 36,000-handled leek leaf-sized blood centipede sword is suspended in the air, emitting sharpness from time to time.

Many ordinary pavilions have been built in the unfinished palace, and a large number of low-level immortal officials and heavenly soldiers are stationed in these pavilions. They are not here to protect the clumsy superiors, but to plead for the protection of the clumsy superiors.

Occasionally, there is a thousand-mile of black fog floating around, and there is a strange figure flashing in the fog. However, once these black fogs floated across the main gate of the palace, the demon mirror immediately emitted a large amount of blue light to cover the four directions. The strange figure in the black fog was immediately blocked by the blue light, and the blood sword turned into a very fine blood light and flew over, cutting the black shadow into two pieces.

In the roar of the ghost, these demons in the black fog don't know how much they have been killed by the prohibition of begging. In the end, no black fog dares to approach the court within a million miles. Except for this area, in the rest of the thirty-three days, this ominous black fog can be seen everywhere.

On a high mountain just behind the middle of Miyagi, a thousand-foot-high star-watching platform stands tall. Don't beg Zheng, Gui Guzi and Mo Zhai, two masters, drink wine at the top of the stargazing platform and watch the movement around at the same time. There are ghosts everywhere, ghosts everywhere, and the whole three days have become a place of ghosts.

Half a day ago, don't beg one person to defeat several breakers alone, but the formation of the righteous exercises of the heavenly court was not yet familiar, and they were actually escaped by the breakers. The six emperors were furious. They ignored them and didn't beg, but scolded the gods to the blood. Seeing that the emperors of heaven were unggratulent, they didn't beg and didn't say much. They just hung the demon mirror directly above the palace gate after returning to the palace.

As soon as the begging was ready, the heavenly court was in chaos, and immortals were attacked everywhere. I don't know how many world-breakers they have gathered this time. The vast black fog has become their best cover. In the black fog, I don't know which world-breaker sacrificed with magic skills. The originally glorious and solemn thirty-three days have become a ghostly place in the daytime.

Suddenly, a miserable howl came. Don't raise your eyebrows and say with a faint smile: "The peak of the golden fairy. Ha ha, there is another old foundation left by the old heavenly court before the god. Why, why bother? I told you earlier that I can protect them here!"

Gui Guzi smiled inexplicably. He picked up a glass of wine and drank it up. He said softly, "They also know that there is no reason to protect them for nothing. When they entered this door, they were under the command of the Purple Inspired Emperor of Heaven. How could the other six emperors spare them?

Mo Zhai just smiled. He kept pouring wine into his belly, squinted and said, "I don't care about anything else. The Tianting Work Department and the Craftsman's Department have to take it down to me!"

Don't beg to nod slowly. The howls around him are getting more and more dense. Each howling represents the killing of a fairy, representing the fact that his countless years of hard work has been put into running water, and that his eternal life has suddenly come to an end. While the screams came, countless silver stars flew high in the sky, and the stars were like rain, falling in the direction of the Huashen Pool one after another, which means that many saints who were canonized after the gods were poisoned at the same time.

Although the gods of heaven can be reborn with the help of the power of the god pool, they will continue to lose their vitality, and every time they die, the process of death is real, and they will clearly feel every detail of being killed. This is undoubtedly a kind of torture, a kind of torture that makes those gods of heaven unbearable.

A roar came, and suddenly a thin silver light of thousands of miles in the lower heaven rushed straight for nine days. In the silver light, a fierce tiger with two wings on its back looked up to the sky and roared. Don't beg to open his eyes and looked over. He happened to see a pair of silver armor, with a pair of huge silver wings behind him. The powerful man held a big axe, and 300 axes in a row to split the slaughter in black armor backwards

Sha Tu just had a fight with Beqi and hurt his vitality. At this moment, as a general, he was obviously not the opponent of the silver- armored man. He roared and retreated continuously. In the end, he really couldn't stand the storm-like attack of the other party, so he could only roar and turn into a sea of blood again

The strong man in silver armor raised a heavy toma axe in the cheers of tens of thousands of elite soldiers also wearing silver armor. He raised his eyes and deliberately or unintentionally looked at Begging here through tens of thousands of miles of space. Deep, like a blade, with full malice and disdain, and even with deliberate provocation.

He laughed a few times. Don't beg to nod and said, "The White Tiger God is really of extraordinary strength. Unless he kills a few more Taiyi golden fairies to absorb all their strength, it is impossible to defeat this white cat head-on!"

Nine tails, who were lying on the begging feet and dozing, suddenly stood up. He shook nine long tails, and his saliva kept dripping. He became extremely excited when he heard the word 'White Tiger'. It seemed that he was full of appetite for the White Tiger God. Don't beg, you can only keep patting his shell to comfort him. The body of the White Tiger God is a divine body condensed by the power of heaven, and even swallowing him has no benefit.

The White Tiger God had just repelled the slaughter, and a purple cloud vortex with a diameter of more than 100,000 miles suddenly appeared in the sky. Countless red thunderbolts flashed in the rapidly rotating cloud vortex, and the dull thunder shook the three clear sky. Don't beg the small square table in front of the three people is pounding endlessly, and all the dishes on the table fell to the ground.

"What an amazing atmosphere, at least the characters who break the Taoist realm are doing it, right?" Gui Guzi squinted and looked at the bottom direction of the cloud vortex core.

After a pinch of the calculation, don't beg for a nod and say, "That's the direction of the palace of the Demon Emperor of Tiandou Baishui Town. Although this emperor is not among the six emperors of heaven, he is also an extremely important figure in the heavenly court. Before he became a god, he was also one of the masters of Taoism. It is not surprising to have such cultivation.

In just two words, the cloud vortex had jumped like crazy, and countless hundreds of miles of thick thunderbolts leaked straight from the sky with a terrible roar. The strong thunder hole penetrated the whole three days. I don't know what the core of the thunder light has become, but the prohibition of the caves separated by hundreds of thousands of miles have been penetrated by the thunder, and countless palaces and pavilions have been blown away.

"Enough!" Don't beg, he clasped his hands happily and said, "This Yuandong Xiaolei method has got three flavors. It's really the supreme thunder method. Wonderful, who did he meet?"

I heard a hoarse roar, and the roar was mixed with a delicate cry. Don't beg, he said indifferently, "I heard that the Demon Emperor of Tiandou Baishui Town is the only one of the ninety-nine masters of Daomen who married his own children. Tut-tut, for so many years, he has only one son and one daughter. The son is as unlucky as him. He was killed by the sword spirit in Liangzhu, and now he has been awarded the position of Marshal of Lingshui under the command of the Emperor of Heaven.

After a pause, don't squint and say, "It is said that the pearl of his palm is only a thousand years old this year. He is the most favored on weekdays. Countless genius treasures are filled in. In just a thousand years, it is already a golden immortal cultivation... Is it possible that his daughter has been made?

Just when don't beg to speak, there was an extremely resentful laugh in the thunderous place: "Good girl, go slowly, watch Dad avenge you!"

With a loud noise, the thunder clouds in the sky suddenly smashed in disorder, and a large area of silver liquid beads formed a long silver rainbow rising to the sky, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye. Then countless exclamations came, and he said, "Okay, okay, the White Tiger God just won a battle, and the demon emperor of Baishui Town was killed once. He doesn't care. Pity his daughter!"

Before the words of gloating, a purple gas suddenly flashed out from Begging's side. The angry Yuanqi Emperor jumped out of the purple gas and grabbed Begging's shoulder and wanted to lift him up.

Don't beg. He punched out rudely and punched into the lower abdomen of the Yuanqi Heavenly Emperor. Yuanqi Tiandi, who was about to roar, suddenly turned red. He slowly bent down, slowly widened his eyes, and looked at Don't beg in disbegging in disbelief.

"Don't talk nonsense, don't ask why I dare to beat you!" Don't beg at the blue-faced Emperor Yuanqi and said with a sneer, "I've already beat you. What's the matter? If you have anything to say, be careful that I'll throw you out!"

Emperor Yuanqi took a long breath and suppressed the evil breath in his heart. He looked at Don't beg and said in a ferocious voice, "Don't beg, you are responsible for the chaos of the heavenly court now! You, it was you who took away the demon mirror and let these demons sneak into the heavenly court! Otherwise, the heavenly court is as solid as gold. How can they get in?

shook his head and sighed, "Is it all my responsibility? Then there is no need to talk about it anymore. Goodbye, take your time!"

He reached out and grabbed the neck of the Yuanqi Heavenly Emperor. Don't beg to throw him out.

Emperor Yuanqi was so angry that he shivered all over. He gritted his teeth and shouted in a low voice, "Okay, okay, I'm serious about you!"

Before Emperor Yuanyu finished speaking, Buqi had squinted and said his own conditions: "Okay, okay, okay, I'm also serious with you. The five gods of gold, wood, water, fire and earth were directly transferred to my command. The gods of land, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas of all belong to me. All the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals and immortal officials left in the heavenly court in the past listened to me. If you swear to do it, I will cooperate with you to get rid of this group of people!"

The emperor looked at Don't beg in horror. He roared, "Do you take advantage of the fire to rob?"

Don't beg and look at him in surprise: "I'm just robbing, haven't you noticed? If you don't agree, you can go! Anyway, these breakers... Ha ha ha, they can't threaten us. Besides, look outside!"

Emperor Yuanqi opened his eyes and looked into the distance. Hundreds of low-level immortal officials in turquoise clothes were rushing here in confusion. Obviously, they also wanted to shelter under this palace. Now the breakers are killing and set fire everywhere, and this has become the safest place in the heavenly court.

Emperor Yuantian almost vomited blood. He stared at Beg fiercely for a while and nodded helplessly to promise him.

"Those sacred ones will all be under your jurisdiction in the future!" RO