Steal the sky

Chapter 1189 Dreamlike

The body of the tongue-keeper Buddha twitches violently, and his soul trembled crazily in the sea of knowledge, desperately driving his life to break through the blockade of the billions of tripods and regain control his body. But don't beg to drive the real holy weapon "ding brick" of the Holy Realm. How can it be broken so easily?

All the tripods are in accordance with the "constant law" of the Holy Realm. It is made into a constant law. For the holy world, it is equivalent to the highest law of heaven in the Pangu world, which is the core of all mysterious things. Each of these big tripods has a very different style, and each of them contains a big tripod. Such "rhythmical force" such as hundreds of millions of tripods move at the same time, even if the cultivation of the tongue-keeper Buddha is twice as strong, it can't break free.

A trace of length is as thin as silk, and the light shining with strange spiritual light is sucked out from the back of the head of the tongue-keeper Buddha. The thieves who have been perfectly integrated with Begging are boiling, and even the blood of Begging is fluctuating crazily. Don't beg felt that his whole body was suddenly full of big mouths, and each cell seemed to have turned into a huge empty stomach bag, and every part of his body was dissipating crazy devouring desire.

The thin filament of light Buddha felt the crazy devouring breath in Buqi's heart. It shook violently and suddenly turned into a very faint halo and was about to escape. But don't beg where can you get the delicious food to escape? He opened his mouth and sucked hard, and the halo was sucked into his mouth and suddenly integrated into his limbs.

Even the strong pleasure that he didn't have when he practiced with Qixia swept over his whole body. Don't beg, he twitched violently like the Tongue-watching Buddha, and his eyes looked at the sky blankly. His body gradually became hazy and transparent, like a mass of aerosols gradually melting into the air.

Everything is like a dream, and the boundless illusion flashes in the soul.

The whole body is abnormally warm, as if returning to the mother's womb, there is an indescribable sense of safety and comfort.

It is dark all around, no light, no shadow, nothing exists. This is an endless void, empty, nothing without the sun, moon and stars, no light, heat and ice, nothing. Even without the concept of time and space, they are still in a state of nothingness.

What kind of existence do you have? Don't beg has fallen into this wonderful and incredible state. He is immersed in the understanding of that ray of light. He is feeling some wonderful experiences. He is struggling to ask himself, where is this place and what kind of existence he is? Why did you appear here? Why is there nothingness around?

Endless emptiness, I don't know how long it took. At the same time as the concept of myself was born, the first ocean since Henggu appeared in the void. The water waves of this spiritual sea are full of magical and incredible power, with the powerful divine power to create everything. No one knows why this vast ocean was born. No one knows what power it was born with.

But don't beg to feel that "self" is immersed in this spiritual sea. In addition to "yourself", there are many other homologous beings around. But everyone's nature is different, such as saying, "the nature of yourself is majestic and magnificent, and you have a natural preference for the souls of various spiritual bodies. But several homologous beings nearby are either as warm as fire, or as sharp as a knife, or simple and thick as big stone soil.

There are countless newborn "innate spirits" floating in the spiritual sea, rippling on the waves. These innate spirits are invisible and intangible. In the boundless darkness, they scatter extremely faint spiritual light, attract each other, touch each other, and then merge with each other or devo up each other.

Connate spirits of similar nature merge with each other into more powerful spirits, while spirits of repulsive nature fight each other to kill and destroy each other. As a result, both sides are often defeated and annihilated at the same time. But it doesn't matter that there are endless newborn spirits born from the sea of spirituality. No matter how much annihilated, more spirits have joined the process of this strange fusion, growth or devouring and destruction.

I don't know how long it took for me to integrate a lot of myself. A spirit of similar nature has changed from an insignificant spiritual light that is a thousand times weaker than a firefly to an extremely powerful "spirit" with a thickness of a thumb that is several feet long. And "self. Now "self. There seems to be a strange power that can secretly steal their power from the [body] of other spirits, so as to strengthen itself.

There is no need to merge with each other at all, and there is no need to devour others. As long as you quietly approach them, you can absorb their power and quietly strengthen yourself.

"I have found such a bright road" spirit, all of which comes from instinct. Immediately begin to sweep the spiritual sea, whether they are just born or have grown to a certain extent, in short, as long as there is a chance, they will jump on them and turn their power into their own. Some newborn spirits were absorbed and annihilated. Some of the already grown spirits were stolen by themselves and returned to the newborn spirits.

Gradually, "I have become one of the most powerful spiritual gods in the whole spiritual sea.

In the "self, when you are ready to turn all the other spiritual powers, even the power of the whole spiritual sea, into your own "mother." These two opposites represent the natural enemy of the power of reproduction and growth and destruction. They have exploded the most terrible conflict since the birth of the spiritual sea.

From your own memory, don't beg to see how thick the two shining spiritual seas are, but the diameter can at least engulf dozens of giant stars. I don't know how long it is, but the whole Pangu world is not enough to accommodate its long light dragon's hard collision.

"Myself. At that time, it was such a fear. I didn't expect that "mother, and" had finally been so powerful, especially that they not only used their own strength to collide, but even all the spiritual forces belonging to their camp were used by them.

It was an unprecedented violent collision in the endless void, the direct collision of life and death, the frontal collision of creation and destruction, and the hard collision of origin and end. The boundless spiritual sea was shattered in that collision, and only a small part of the wreckage was divided into countless small spiritual lakes and scattered in all directions.

The destruction of the spiritual sea is so fast, and the speed of scattered spiritual lakes is so amazing. Don't beg to make a rough estimate from "yourself." In my memory, it can be seen that the discrete speed of those small lakes is at least trillions of times faster than the power of Hedaojing to exert the teleportation magic power, which is an unimaginable absolute speed that is at the limit of the endless void.

A small part of the spiritual sea is scattered, and most of the spiritual sea is broken, from which the most primitive nebula of the endless void is born. Countless stars were born from the nebula, thus starting the endless void life journey. And this violent collision made the "mother, and" finally, the vitality was greatly damaged, the two culprits that destroyed the spiritual sea were hidden to heal the wounds, and the endless spirits lost in the spiritual sea were attached to the stars and other energy tides, and finally began the process of endless life reproduction and destruction.

Only "yourself. I dodged that terrible big explosion. Carefully hide in the endless starry ocean of endless emptiness, stealing all kinds of forces to strengthen yourself. Because "self, steal the characteristics of other spiritual powers" yourself. The art of hiding alone in the world, even the "mother, and" to the end. It is impossible to present your own existence.

But if you often walk by the river, how can you not get your shoes wet? In the end, "self, strong enough to be with "mother." At the point of competition, "mother, and" to the end. With the Holy Realm. For the chessboard, another fierce battle began. The two spiritual gods risked everything and used the last bit of power and fire before falling asleep. In the end, the holy world was destroyed, but "self. It happens to be involved in the confrontation core of the two ultimate forces, which is almost equivalent to a joint attack of the two ultimate forces.

Unlucky "self. Being weakened to the extreme, he had no choice but to possess the remains of the Holy Realm and floated in the chaos with the energy tides.

Then "self" was adsorbed by the Seven Holy Palaces left by the remnants of the Holy World. "I saw a strong man who was lucky enough to break through several prohibitions in the Seven Holy Palaces, from which he took away a piece of soil, a cultivation code, and the unlucky "self" refined with a small piece of spiritual sea He was sucked in by the Wanlingding, and when the big man named Pangu split the world again, he was attached to the first wisp of thief in the world and began to float freely in the world of Pangu.

"Myself" is greatly damaged. He had no choice but to wander around until one day he met a white rat spirit with two wings on his back. This sneaky white rat spirit actually attracted him to possess it and made a lot of fame. Unfortunately, this white rat spirit was unlucky and was actually chased and killed by the Holy One. It doesn't matter if he died. He has just recovered a little vitality. "He was helplessly sealed in a jade charm.

Finally, don't be lucky to get the jade charm, inherit the stolen experience of the white rat spirit, and get the first wisp of innate thieves.

The original creation of not begging is just like this. The first wisp of innate thieves can't be compared with my innate spirit. As long as you get enough strength from Don't beg yourself. You can separate from the first wisp of innate thieves and start a happy life of stealing the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

Now "self. The goal has changed, no longer those poor weak "spirits," but "mother," and finally, these two guys who almost destroyed themselves. As long as they devour their power, the world formed by the endless void will become their own bag.

But just when "the power of himself has not recovered much, Beg has actually obtained the inheritance of the Holy Realm. He actually understood the Holy Power, and even the transformation of good luck into the creation! And the "sacred power" of the Holy World is actually the "power of the spiritual god" of the origin of the spiritual sea. Specific manifestations in the human body. With the "power of the spirit god", don't beg and start with "self, a perfect fit. To this day, you are already don't begging, and don't beg are already yourself.

His body trembled, and his begging figure suddenly condensed from the void. He exhaled heavily and laughed in a low voice, "So you are such an unlucky guy... So I'm so lucky? That is to say, I have perfectly integrated a innate spirit and really reached the point of immortality?

smiled happily. Don't beg to pull a ray of light from the top of his head. He laughed in a low voice and said, "Wonder, in this way, these sixteen spirits can't be wasted like this. It's good to swallow half of the power of each spirit, and leave the rest to Zixuan and others...

Laugh and press the palm on the heart of the woman in black. The woman in black trembled, and her whole body was sucked away like a tide.