Steal the sky

Chapter 1195 The Confrontation of Buddhism and Taoism

Nine Taoist ancestors, nine former holy alliance power, and eighty-nine-seven-two hazy purple distractions, the breath of each figure has reached the peak level of the Taoist realm. The terrible breath spread from Daluotian and gradually spread to the whole Pangu world. Gradually, the whole Pangu world was shrouded in this strong and shuddering breath.

Billions of creatures fell into a state of stiffness at the moment of feeling this breath. All the bodies and souls were shocked by the terrible breath. All the creatures were blank in their minds, and everyone was stiff as if they were stone carvings.

The wind does not move, the water does not flow, the huā does not smell good, the birds do not speak, the huge Pangu world has become a dead place of ghosts. Only the unscrupulous breath of the Taoist ancestors was surging crazily in the void, gradually condensing into a ball of nine-color lotus flowers gushing out of the Daluo sky, releasing infinite light sweeping the sky.

Countless stars in the void shine dazzlingly at the same time, and the dim starlight is dotted on this huge nine-color lotus flower, just like the weak fireflies in the sun, completely turned into the embellishment of lotus flowers.

There are nine lotus platforms in the middle of Lianhua, and the real bodies of the nine Taoist ancestors sit on the lotus platform. On each lotus platform, there were nine lotus holes for the growth of lotus seeds. Among them, a purple gas spewed out on the lotus flower and condensed into a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one lotus flowers. The bodies of the nine holy leagues were blurred. They abandoned their bodies, returned to the original and turned into a distracted body

Zimei Daozu's face was sarcastic, overlooking all the people in the sky of Daluo.

This is the real kung fu of the Taoist ancestors at the bottom of the box, and this is the core of the Taoist sect. Countless hardships, countless attempts, countless Taoist elites have paid innumerable prices, and finally created this array, creating the incredible supreme power of the nine Taoist ancestors.

Not to mention its transformation, only the nine Taoist ancestors cultivated the bodies of the nine-way gods and gradually refined them to a process comparable to the cultivation of the real body, which consumed their great painstaking efforts. One person turned into nine gods, this kind of skill they began to try in the world of the world of the world of the world, some small

In thousands of worlds, they also incarnated as the Taoist ancestors of that world and carried out various exercises of skills. The kung fu of one person turning into nine gods was born out of "one gas to three clear". This is a famous magic in the world where you don't beg.

Each Taoist ancestor has nine divine gods. The magic power of each divine divine is comparable to the noumenon. Each of them has the strength to suppress the seven ancestors of Buddhism head-on. But until today, it was not until many powerful besieged and wanted to capture their innate spirits that they decisively exposed their cards and completely destroyed the Holy League with thunder.

The power of the 18-in-one Taoist realm of the Holy League. The nine powers are formed by their distraction and possession. The other nine people have been destroyed and their souls have been severely damaged. At this moment, they have been collected by the soul [town] with the strange bracelet of Zimei Daozu. The Holy League, which once gave Taoism and Buddhism extremely pressure, was so easily destroyed and collapsed.

The six heavenly emperors were timid and afraid to retreat, and the heavens were afraid that their feet would be faintly loosened. All the righteous gods panicked and retreated with the Heavenly Emperor. Those magic soldiers looked at their immediate boss at a loss and didn't know what to do now.

The breakers also looked at the huge lotus flower in great shock. Ninety of the power of the Taoist realm are combined. This power is almost enough to compete with some of the ancestors of the former holy world. This power is so terrible that it makes the ferocious breakers scalp their scalp. I don't know what to do.

At least with the current strength of the breaker, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the nine Taoist ancestors. Unless more than half of the human beings and other creatures in the Pangu world are slaughtered, and the breakers are given the power of death and death, each of them can be more than ten times more than the power of Hedao Realm, and they can work together to defeat Jiuwei Daozu.

Princess Yule frowned. She raised her hand and the group carefully retreated to Da Luotian.

The power shown by the Taoist ancestors is incomparable, and Princess Le thinks that there is no better way to fight against the current Taoist ancestors except to withdraw.

Ao Buzun looked at the nine Taoist ancestors. Although he didn't know what the so-called innate spirit was, it must be a good thing to make so many people compete for. Moreover, the Taoist ancestors did not hesitate to expose their biggest card to deter everyone, which showed how precious this innate spirit was. Unfortunately, the strength of the Taoist ancestors is so strong that they really can't afford to provoke.

Zimei Daozu squinted at the owner and said lightly, "People who know fun will live longer. You are very knowledgeable, very good!"

Princess Pang Le looked at Zimei Daozu angrily, but the other party's strength was too strong to fight against them. Although Zimei Daozu's words are full of disdain and even a trace of defiant insults, now is not the time to care about these.

After a few sneer, Zimei Daozu looked at the heavenly army again. His cold eyes made the six heavenly emperors cold all over. They suddenly stiffened there. Which one dares to move? With a sigh, Zimei Daozu said indifferently, "The six of you are still my good disciples. Quickly clothe the big array of the sky,

Convince this group of demons, otherwise you will go to the beheading platform together.

Long-browed Daozu, who sat next to Zimei Daozu, sneered and said, "If we can make you, we can destroy you. This is your only chance to trap these foreign demons, and you will continue to be the emperor of the day. If there is a slight mistake...

With the sneer of the long-browed Taoist ancestor, the green-browed Taoist priest beside him waved casually, and suddenly a magnificent auspicious light spewed out of the void. In the smoke clouds, a simple shape flew out of the huge execution platform clustered out of ten thousand dragons.

Twelve huge burnt dragon pillars are erected on the execution platform, and each of which is covered with countless chains and various shackles, which is dissipating the smell of blood. In the middle of the scaffold is a gilledron. The big side knife, which is also swallowed by thousands of dragons, scattered a cold light and suspended on the jaillow platform, and nine purple fairy charms were faintly visible at the edge of the side knife.

This is the beheading platform, the only torture tool that can completely kill the gods of heaven. Whether you are the land of the mountain god or the god of heaven, as long as you fall, you will be completely recorded from the protection of the heavenly throne. The divine body collapses, the soul of the soul disappears, leaving only a fragile soul at the mercy of others. If you are lucky enough to be sent to the six reincarnations and reincarnated, if you are unlucky, either your soul will be scattered, or if you are refined forever, your life is really worse than death.

As soon as the beheading platform appeared, the six heavenly emperors seemed to have been replaced with chicken blood. Their eyes were red-eyed and howled, and the huge array immediately ran, and the huge array was like a huge monster devouring the twelve breakers. Zhou Tianxing flashed rapidly, and the huge suction forcibly swallowed the twelve breakers into the array.

The earth, water, fire, wind and thunder chopped at the twelve breakers at the first time. There was chaos in the array. The twelve breakers were imprisoned in a small space less than a diameter and were attacked countless times every moment.

Zimei Daozu sneered. He waved his sleeve, nine purple air flew out, and nine shining charms flew into the big array and fell on the eyes of the nine palaces in the array.

The vast fairy power rushed out, and the sky suddenly condensed, and the breath was more than ten times stronger than just now. Several other Taoist ancestors also injected various colors of Taoist symbols into the array in accordance with the law. The huge array rapidly compressed, and finally turned into a black light mass with a diameter of thousands of miles to hover over the sky of Daluo, suppressing the twelve breakers.

The Huntian array could deal with the power of the peak of the two Taoist realms at most, but with the blessing of nine Taoist ancestors, these fairy charms were refined by the Taoist ancestors with their own efforts. The power of the Huntian array immediately soared by dozens of times, and the twelve breakers were suppressed at the same time

In the ruins of Daoyuan Palace, the Venerable Dayi got up in embarrassment. He grabbed the dying "Don't beg" lying on the ground and dragged him to Princess Le. The nine Taoist ancestors just glanced at the existence of the Great B Venerable indifferently. Why did they pay attention to him?

The threat is not on the Venerable of Dayi and Princess Le. The most direct threat comes from the rapidly shrinking light mass over the original site of the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain. The Great Spirit Slu Mountain is refined from its own maternal fetal membrane. With the blessing of the great virtues of the Buddhist monks in past dynasties, the power contained in these seven mother fetuses of the seven ancestors of Buddhism cannot be calculated. Now they have combined the mother fetus with themselves, and no one knows how many benefits they can get.

The low Buddha's horn sounded, and seven purple and gold Buddha statues appeared in the void.

Each golden body is ten thousand miles high, the whole body has a head and thousands of arms, and the whole body is covered with golden Buddha's eyes, and the Buddha's light shakes the void. The seven golden bodies showed off their power in the void, and then quickly compressed the volume. The heads, arms and countless eyes around them gradually disappeared and finally turned into seven Buddha statues that were not only three feet and six feet high, wearing countless lotus huā wrapped around the fragrance, with only three heads and six arms.

A Buddha's true words shook open, and the seven Buddha statues raised their hands and slapped their heads fiercely at the same time.

The white and pure Buddha's light rose to the sky, and three fist-sized relics rushed out in each head of each Buddha statue. These golden relics shrouded in the Buddha's light and Buddha's flames swayed in the wind, turning into the same Buddha statue body. The breath of these Buddha statues is also exactly the same as the body, which is completely the breath of the peak of the Taoist realm, and even beyond it.

Then these split Buddha statues slapped their heads at the same time. Countless thumb-sized relics were spewed out in each of their heads. Each relic turned into a green-colored World Honored World Honored One, and each World Honored World Honored Buddha spewed out their own relics again, The light-wrapped Buddha, each Buddha spewed out tens of thousands of relics and turned into a Bodhisattva with a compassionate smile on his face.

The mocking laughter of the long-browed Taoist ancestor resounded through the world: "The Buddha's Dharma is really extraordinary, and hundreds of millions of splits of people look quite scary!"

The auspicious light flashed in the void, and the seven Buddhas came to the nine-color lotus flower at the same time with all the external incarnations.

"Who robbed me of the innate spirit?" The heart-shouting Buddha scolded him word by word.