Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 3 I play with her

Huo Yunxi doesn't want to see Qi Yiyu at all now. He just wants to leave this place quickly.

She carefully lifted the quilt and was ready to pack up and leave first. This matter was too unexpected for her. Thinking that the first thing she returned to China was to devote herself, she always felt too uncomfortable.

He turned his head and looked at the sleeping man, clenched his fists tightly, and looked at Qi Yiyu's back fiercely. He couldn't wait to kill him now.

"Okay, just take a bite from a dog." She comforted herself silently in her heart, calmed down, and came down from **.

When she walked to the sofa, her whole face sank and became darker and darker. Seeing the ambiguous red on it, her heart seemed to have been hit by something. Now she just wants to escape from this place quickly. If she stays longer, she does not promise that she will not kill Qi Yi Jue.

Quickly picked up her clothes and trousers from the sofa, began to wear them, and picked up her skirt from the ground. When she saw that the skirt was torn to the hem of the skirt from the zipper, it was completely torn and she couldn't wear it at all. She was so angry that she was about to go crazy.

She just wants to find clothes that can cover her body and then quickly leave this damn place.

His eyes quickly glanced around, and finally turned his eyes to Qi Yijue's clothes. No matter what, he picked it up and began to cover his body.

But Qi Yiyu is too tall, and although she is not exquisite and petite, she is even petite compared with him, and her clothes are obviously several times bigger. Now she just needs to be free.

went to the bathroom and took a look at his appearance. It was indescribably strange. He turned on the faucet and washed it twice, picked up the towel next to him, wiped off the drops of water on his face, and turned around and strode out of the bathroom.

went to the sofa, picked up her bag, picked up the mobile phone next to her and put it in the bag, took a look at Qi Yijue, turned around with the bag and was ready to leave the room.

As soon as she got to the door, she turned back and took out the only remaining 10,000 yuan in cash from her bag and put it on the coffee table next to her.

"Since I have sex with you, I will still pay. Enjoy it!" She whispered a few words and turned around and strode out of the hotel.

She drove straight to the mall, quickly chose two sets of clothes, changed Qi Yi Jue's clothes, put them on and paid out of the mall, and got on the car to go home to have a look.

The phone just got on the bus rang, and it turned out that her mother called.

"Hey, what's wrong with Mom?" She asked Qin Yuzhen gently.

She has always been gentle to her family and has always been a good girl. Only in front of her friends will she reveal her demonic essence.

"Where are Yunxi? Your father is in the hospital. Go to the downtown hospital quickly. Qin Yuzhen's tone was very anxious, and her voice seemed to tremble when she spoke.

Huo Yunxi frowned tightly and his face changed a few times, as if he didn't believe it.

"Mom, why did Dad suddenly go to the hospital? Dad has always been in good health!" It was so sudden that she couldn't accept it.

Qin Yuzhen picked up the bag next to her, turned out of the villa, and found the driver to get into the car.

"I don't know either. Your uncle just called and said that Jianming was hospitalized. It seems that he had a heart attack. Now the situation is very bad. Come to the hospital quickly. Mom is scared alone! If something happens to your father, I don't want to live." Qin Yuzhen said and burst into tears, and her tone was full of worry.

She heard Qin Yuzhen cry, and her heart seemed to be held, which was indescribably uncomfortable.

"Mom, it's okay. Dad must be fine. Now that the medical technology is so advanced, he will definitely be able to cure him. Don't worry. Don't worry, go and have a look first. I'll drive to the hospital right away. While comforting Qin Yuzhen and driving, she was also anxious, just pretending to be calm.

She knows that Qin Yuzhen has been well protected by her father and basically hasn't experienced anything serious. Now that her father has an accident, he will definitely be in a mess. Now she must calm down and deal with this matter well.

"Well, be careful yourself. I'll go to the hospital to see your father first. I don't know why I suddenly had a seizure. I used to be fine and have been taking medicine. How can it be possible? Qin Yuzhen kept muttering that she still didn't believe in this matter.

When she heard Qin Yuzhen's words on the phone, she felt more and more that there seemed to be something wrong with this matter, but now she can't figure it out at all. She just wants to go to the hospital quickly to see what's going on.

"Well, when was Dad sent to the hospital and who found it?"

"I just received a call from your uncle today. They should have just arrived at the hospital. This morning, Jianming went to inspect the construction site in the south of the city. It seemed that he suddenly had a heart attack. Your uncle was immediately sent to the hospital, and now I know that. Qin Yuzhen briefly explained the situation.

Huo Yunxi didn't ask any more questions. He just wanted to go to the hospital to see what was going on. He was nervous.

Not long after Huo Yunxi left, **'s Qi Yijue suddenly woke up, turned over from ** and wrapped **'s quilt around her body.

His eyes quickly glanced around to make sure that he was safe now, and then he was relieved.

Suddenly, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He remembered that there was a woman with him last night. Why is that woman missing now?

He could feel that there was no one else in the whole room, so the woman should have left this place.

He turned around and saw the red color on the sofa, with a smile on his face. He thought that he was Huo Yunxi's first man, which was interesting.

Looking at the skirt that had become fragments on the ground and looking around, he didn't find the dress he had changed once in the spring breeze, thinking that it must have been worn out by Huo Yunxi.

I picked up the phone in the room and dialed a series of numbers. Someone answered the phone quickly.

"Hello, how are you?" Chu Mo's voice soon came from the phone.

Room 3008 of Lido Hotel, send a set of clothes. Within 20 minutes." He hung up the phone without waiting for Chu Mo to reply.

The washing was completed quickly, and when he came out of the bathroom, he was much more refreshed. Sitting in a chair next to him in a bathrobe, he suddenly saw a bank of money on the table.

He couldn't help thinking of what Huo Yunxi said last night, "I will pay you."

"Daw." He cursed in a low voice, but he didn't expect that he was really regarded as a cowherd, and the money turned out to be his "selling" money.

He is so angry that this is an open insult to him. Don't let him meet Huo Yunxi in the future, otherwise he will definitely make her look good.

At this time, the doorbell rang. Looking at the clock on the wall, it was estimated that Chu Mo should have come.

Qi Yi Jue got up and quickly walked to the door. She saw that the person coming was Chu Mo from the cat's eyes and opened the door.

"President, this is your dress." Chu Mo handed him a white suit.

"Come in." He took his clothes and went straight in.

"Yes." Chu Mo followed him into the room and quickly glanced at the environment in the room.

The decoration is not top-class, and the room is not a presidential suite. I was slightly surprised. I don't know when Qi Yiyu will spend the night in such a hotel.

When I saw the ambiguous dark red on the sofa, I probably knew what had happened.

However, when I saw the broken skirt on the ground and a lot of money on the table, I didn't seem to understand what was going on.

Because Qi Yijue never brings cash, I don't know where the money came from.

When he saw the nail prints on Qi Yiyu's back, he didn't understand them more and more. In the past, the woman who played with Qi Yijue never dared to scratch Qi Yijue, but now the nail marks on Qi Yijue's back were obviously caught by women.

He dared not ask these questions. Although he has been with Qi Yiyu for 5 years, he knows Qi Yiyu's temper and what to ask and what not to ask him more clearly than anyone else.

"Who are the five people who didn't find out last night?" Qi Yiyu turned her head and asked Chu Mo when she fastened the last button.

"It has been found that the people are from Longbang, and the two most powerful of them are actually the top ten of the killer organizations." Chu Mo broke away from the pursuit last night and began to investigate the identity of those people while looking for Qi Yiyu.

When it was found that it was the work of the people of Longbang, he was still slightly surprised. Those who could invite people from Longbang must still have some strength.

"Well, it seems that the woman has been ruthless this time. Then should I help her? Qi Yijue's face was very ugly, and her tone was terrible, especially when she said the last sentence.

As soon as I heard that he was from Longbang and knew his whereabouts yesterday, who else would there be if it was not Yin Su?

Long Bang is also very familiar with it. He is the leader of the killer organization. It costs a lot of money to invite the killers inside.

As soon as Chu Mo heard his tone, he naturally knew who hired the Longbang killer, but he didn't expect that Yin Su would dare to do such a thing this time.

"President, do you want me to find someone to take her..." Chu Mo wiped his neck with his hand, indicating that he had done Yin Su.

Qi Yijue raised her hand to sign that she didn't need it, and then said, "I don't think she can play any tricks. I'll play with her this time."