Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 18 Xizi had an accident

Huo Yunxi's face was gloomy. Thinking of the two cowmen just now, his stomach was churning and indescribable nausea.

Since last time, she has hated the cowherd to the bone, so now she will feel headache and nausea when she talks about the cowherd.

Seeing that it was getting late, she went straight home. She sat on the sofa and looked at the contract in her hand, but still didn't finish anything, and she was upset.

Thinking of the conditions put forward by Qi Yijue, she looked at it carefully and calculated a total number.

No matter what she calculates, her company will still be about 30 million less, but as a total income this time, it seems that the company will not lose money, but it will earn less.

She felt that Qi Yiyu's proposal might be feasible, but she didn't know if others in the company would agree.

"Peiwen, have you slept yet?" She called the assistant's personal phone and asked shyly.

But this matter is a little urgent, and she has to seize all the time.

"Hello, president, I haven't slept yet. What can I do for you?" Ye Peiwen had already lay down, but when she received her call, she immediately got up, thinking that she would find her to go out for business.

"Oh, that's it. After you go there tomorrow morning, you will inform the board of directors of the meeting at 3 p.m., saying that there is something important and no one should be absent. She knew that several people on the board of directors often went out, so she called in advance to explain.

"Okay, president. I know. I'll call you tomorrow morning. Is there anything else?" Ye Peiwen was much more relaxed as soon as she heard the phone call.

"No, you should rest early. I'm really sorry to disturb your rest. She is really a little embarrassed to disturb Ye Peiwen after work.

"It's okay. Then I'll take a rest first. President, you should also go to bed early." Ye Peiwen was not unhappy at all.

She hung up the phone, leaned against the sofa, gently closed her eyes, and rubbed her painful temples with her hands. These days are really tired, and there is no result at all.

She once doubted whether she was really not suitable to manage the company, so she failed repeatedly.

Seeing a photo of her and her parents on the small coffee table next to her, and seeing Huo Jianming's smiling face, she was in a much better mood. Since her father has handed over the company to her, she must make unremitting efforts. One day she will be qualified for all the positions in the company.

I put away my depression and saw that it was ten o'clock in the evening. Just as I was about to take a shower and go to bed, the phone rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was Xizi's phone call. I don't know why she called her so late, but there was a bad feeling in my heart.

"Hey, Xizi, what's the matter with calling me so late?" She quickly picked up the phone, with a slightly anxious tone.

"Ha ha, Yunxi, where are you? I feel bad!" Xizi's voice came quickly from the other side of the phone, as if with a wry smile.

She seemed to hear from the phone that Xizi was drunk and a little drunk.

"Xizi, have you been drinking? Where are you now? I'll come to you right away. She thought that Xizi was drunk alone. If it was too dangerous outside, she had to find her.

"Yes, I'm just drinking. Hiccup, I'm in a bad mood. Come and drink with me. I'm in a small bar near the hospital. Xizi couldn't speak clearly and kept burping.

She frowned and didn't dare to think about it. She ran directly with the bag next to her and drove quickly to the direction of the downtown hospital. Along the way, she was looking for the small bar in Xizi's mouth, but she didn't find it for a long time, and she was worried that something would happen to Xizi.

Just when she was in a hurry, Xizi called again.

"Yunxi, have you arrived yet?" Xizi seemed to be a little angry, and his tone became much colder.

"Where is your specific address? I have arrived near the hospital and didn't find the small bar you mentioned. She was also very anxious. She didn't see Xizi's current situation and was worried.

"You walk south of the hospital, about 500 meters. Come here in 5 minutes, or your friends will only play with our brothers at that time. And don't call the police, otherwise..." Suddenly, a man's voice sounded on the other side of the phone, threatening in an obscene tone.

She was stunned when she heard that it was a man's voice. She must have had an accident at this time, and she was even more anxious.

"Don't touch my friend. I'll be right over." She stepped on the accelerator and quickly followed the direction the man just said.

All the way, she was thinking about what to do next. There must be nothing she can do about where a woman goes, but now if she doesn't go, what should Xizi do?

With anxiety, she still went to the bar and saw a dilapidated small bar at the door, which was full of ruffians.

Although she was scared, she still pretended to be fine and strode into the small bar.

At this moment, there is no noisy music in the bar, but the lights are still flashing. She slowly took a few steps inside.

"Yunxi." When Xizi saw her coming, he immediately shouted, and his voice was full of fear.

Seeing that Xizi was fine, she was a little relieved and strode in the direction of Xizi.

"You let my friend go." She looked at the two men sitting next to Xizi, with blonde hair and a cigarette in her mouth. At first glance, they were hooligans.

"Yo, she is still a beautiful girl. Why don't you come and play with your brother?" When a man sitting opposite looked at her, a stunning and obscene expression flashed in his eyes and looked at her.

She looked at the man with disgust, with long hair, a thick gold chain around his neck and a cigarette in her hand.

"Why did you let my friend go?" She took a look at Xizi. The wine seemed to wake up a lot, but her eyes were full of fear.

"Ha ha, your friend damaged our things. Do you think it should be compensated?" The man was not angry because of her disregard. He pointed to a pile of broken vases next to him. The vase should be antique, but she looked at the bar and then looked at the men in front of her. She was sure that it was only fake and must be used to cheat money.

"Well, it should indeed be compensated. I don't know how much money you are going to give my friend? Her heart is still beating fast, but her face is very calm and she is not panicked at all.

When several people heard that she was willing to lose money, they all laughed one after another, and a big gray wolf saw the eyes of the little white rabbit.

"Ha ha, this vase was left to me by my grandfather. It was said to be from the Ming Dynasty. I also went to ask experts in this field. They estimated that it was about 3 million yuan. Now that your friend has broken the vase for me, you can compensate according to this." The man lion opened his mouth and asked for 3 million directly.

"Bullshit, your thing is not an antique at all. Yunxi, don't believe him!" Xizi scolded loudly, and she didn't want to pay 3 million to buy a bad thing.

"Shut up, believe I'll kill you?" As soon as the man heard that it was exposed, he immediately threatened Xizi.

"Sir, I'm not sure if yours is genuine now. Why don't we go to an expert to identify it? If so, I will compensate you. If I don't give you 5,000 yuan, I will apologize to my friend. What do you think?" She is not a fool. At this time, it clearly shows that this man is blackmailing, but in order to save her and Xizi, she can only do this.

5000, you should be a begling. Let me tell you, if you can't get 1 million, you and that bitch won't leave today. The man was so angry that he stood up from the sofa and trampled out the cigarette butt in his hand.

When she heard that the situation was not good, she looked at three men in front of her, and she and Xizi were only two women, and they couldn't run out at all, and the door was still 20 meters away from them.

"Let's talk about something. I don't have that much money now. You have to give us time to prepare. I have to make sure that my friend is all right before I can find someone to bring the money. She looked at Xizi and gave her a look of seizing the opportunity to run away.

It's not that she can't afford this money, and she doesn't think it's necessary to condone those criminals.

"Bear her over and show her." The man who had been talking to her ordered the two men opposite.

Watching Xizi walk in front of her, she smelled a big smell of wine on Xizi. Seeing that she was fine, she was completely relieved.

"Xizi, are you hurt?" She knew that Xizi was fine, but she began to check her body and seized the opportunity to say a word in her ear.

Then he kicked the man's leg holding Xizi, and then took Xizi's hand and quickly ran away.

Xizi's wine has all woken up and has been following her. Looking at the two men who are chasing them closely, she only feels a moment of fear.

"Bitch, stop me." The two men behind them kept chasing them and shouted loudly.

She only felt that there was a layer of cold sweat on her back at this moment, and there was only one thought in her heart, which was to run forward and not be caught by them.

"Yunxi, my foot is twisted. Run away and leave me alone." Xizi quickly twisted her foot and couldn't run, but he didn't want to drag her down.

They have gone out of the door of the bar at this moment, and they will be next to her car in a few steps. It is impossible for her to leave Xizi alone.

"Go to my car and I'll drag them." She handed the key to Xizi and then looked at the two people chasing her.

"You go, I'll hold them back." Xizi handed her the key again and blocked it in front of her.

She looked at Xizi's thin body and thought that Xizi had been stand up for her since junior high school. She had always been protected by Xizi. This time, she didn't want Xizi to protect her again.

"Let's go together." She took Xizi's arm and dragged her to the car.

"I want to go, bitch, you don't want to live anymore." The two men caught up with them, grabbed Xizi's hair, and then cursed loudly.

"Ah, let go of me, asshole." Xizi felt a pain from her scalp, and her tears were about to fall.

"Let her go, you want the money, right? I'll ask someone to send it right away." She had to stop and look at the man.

"At this time, money can't solve the problem. I'll let you taste the taste of offending me today. Mao, bring these two women in." The obscene man ordered the golden-haired man beside him.