Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 20 Unsuccomesirable

She held her mobile phone tightly in her hand and looked at the five words on the screen, but felt very difficult.

It's better not to reply to this message. Now she really doesn't know what to do.

I thought of many ways to reply. After typing, I deleted it. After deleting it, I typed it again. In the end, nothing was written.

She didn't sleep well all night. She always slept uneasily. In the end, she simply opened her eyes and waited for dawn.

And Qi Yijue, who had insomnia like her, looked at it again and again with his mobile phone, but the mobile phone never rang after he replied to a message.

In fact, he has been blaming himself since he received Huo Yunxi's phone call. He doesn't know why he did that. Obviously, irrelevant people can make him give up his principles to help her.

And it was clear that Huo Yunxi had a grudge against him, but he not only did not trouble her, but also asked Chu Mo to help her when he knew that she was in danger. He once doubted whether he had something wrong with his brain.

And now I'm more restless for a text message, and I haven't slept well all night.

Huo Yunxi opened his eyes and saw the dawn outside, and he didn't want to continue to lie down in ** and got up directly from the bed.

After washing up, she went straight to Xizi's room to see how she was doing.

"Yunxi, why did you get up so early?" Xizi rubbed her eyes and watched her sit by her bed.

"Well, I'm going to the company right away. You can rest for a while and tell Aunt Li what you want to eat. She will make it for you." She saw that the swelling on Xizi's face had subsided a lot and she was much relieved.

Xizi looked at the time next to her and thought that she had gone to bed late last night and got up so early now. She was really worried about her health.

"Yunxi, although you are working in the company now, don't work so hard. Health is important. Why don't you go later today and lie down with me for a while? Xizi moved his body and motioned her to lie beside her.

She shook her head and had a meeting with the board of directors today, so she wanted to prepare something early.

"No, I have a very important meeting today. Take a break. I know in my heart that I'm fine! Call me if you need anything!" She can't sleep. At this time, even if she lies down, she can't sleep. It's better to find something meaningful for herself.

Xizi looked at her so persistent that she couldn't say anything more, but she was worried about her.

"Yunxi, after all, you are a woman. Don't be too tired. When I get well, I'll go to your company to help you. I also studied economic management in college, which should be a little useful!" Xizi suddenly thought of going to her company to help her.

She looked at the concern in Xizi's eyes and was really moved.

"Well, okay. Then you come to work in the company and be my special assistant!" Although she has not yet stood firm in the company, it is better to have someone she is familiar with to help her lose less than to fight alone.

"Well, let me first explain that I haven't done anything. You have to give me time to study." Xizi immediately indicated her ability. She hasn't been to work yet and really doesn't know what to do.

"Okay, you can have a good rest now. Everything will wait until you get better. I'm going to the company now. I'm going to the hospital in the evening and may come back later. She helped Xizi tread the quilt and stood up to leave.

Hearing her say she was going to the hospital, Xizi's face changed a few times.

"Yunxi, don't tell your aunt about me when you go to the hospital, otherwise your aunt will definitely ask Xu Zexun, and I will be ashamed at that time." Xizi said with some embarrassment that she didn't want Xu Zexun to know her situation.

Huo Yunxi was slightly stunned and suddenly thought that she would meet Xu Zexun when she went to the hospital. At that time, she would definitely be embarrassed. Since Xu Zexun talked to her for a while, they have never contacted or met again. I don't know if it will be embarrassing to meet tonight.

"Well, I know. I won't tell my mother. If my mother knew that we were bullied by hooligans, she would be anxious. So I won't tell her!" She knows that her mother is a person who is very worried about her children. If she knew that they were bullied, she would be very angry, but now her mother's situation can't be angry, so she will definitely not tell her mother.

As soon as Xizi heard her words, he felt much more relieved, as long as Xu Zexun didn't know.

After leaving the villa, she drove her Land Rover to the company and was very entangled together.

I'm struggling whether to call Qi Yiyu, what to do when I see Xu Zexun at night, and what to do next to modify the contract.

When she arrived at the company, Ye Peiwen told her that the afternoon meeting had been notified to the directors, and they all said they would attend on time.

After knowing this, her impetuous mood also calmed down and began to think wholeheartedly about talking about modifying the contract in the afternoon.

She slowly analyzed the pros and cons of the contract and tried to persuade the board of directors to change the contract in the afternoon, and this time Qi Yi Jue saved her and Xizi. She felt that it was appropriate to change the contract in public and private, but the board of directors must have opinions on this matter.

She has been thinking about the contract in the office and was so busy that she even forgot to eat lunch, but Ye Peiwen was considerate to help her order takeaway.

She took a few bites, and then began to work seriously again.

She was still sorting out the information until the meeting began at 2:50 p.m.

"Knock, president, the meeting will start in ten minutes. When are you going to go?" Ye Peiwen knocked on her office door and then asked her.

She looked up at the time, but it was only ten minutes before the meeting began. She picked up her notebook and pen and stood up.

"I'll go there now." This is the first time she has convened a meeting, and it is inevitable that she is a little anxious to change the contract.

When I arrived at the meeting room of the board of directors, I saw that there were five people scattered inside, and five people had not arrived.

When everyone saw her arrival, they immediately closed their mouths, sat quietly in their seats, and did not greet her.

It seems that it will be three o'clock in five minutes, and the other five people came in slowly, and Huo Jianxin also came with them.

"President, what's the matter with you coming to us today?" The first to speak was Director Xu, the managing director.

At this time, everyone else turned their eyes to her, with a puzzled look on her face.

"In fact, I called you today because of the contract proposed at the last shareholders' meeting. I have also talked with Mr. Qi Yiyu, president of Qi Group many times. Yesterday, he put forward his own requirements for the contract. Today, I called you to discuss with you about Qi Yiyu's request. Please, let's see if our company can make some changes. She spoke slowly, and her eyes swept everyone's faces from time to time, and found that they were all good at the play, and she was slightly annoyed at the bottom of her heart.

"Oh, I don't know what Qi always said?" Huo Jianxin took the lead in asking. From the beginning, he knew that Huo Yunxi would definitely be out of the contract. Qi Yijue was not a good person to deal with. Only when he signed the contract was there was a ghost.

"Mr. Qi said that the 12% in Article 4 of Chapter 3 of this contract should be changed to 30%." She raised the contract in her hand and then said Qi Yijue's words.

"No." Huo Jianxin didn't even look at the contract and immediately objected when he heard her words.

He has read the contract many times. He knows the content too well, and if it is changed, Huo Yunxi will definitely sign it successfully, so what's the use of this trap he painstakingly set? Then his previous efforts will be in vain.

Other people began to look at the contract when they heard Huo Jianxin's fierce reaction. These people were all shrewd. They glanced and saw that the cat was inside, and they all frowned.

"President, this matter definitely won't work. In this case, our company will lose about 30 million, and I don't agree with changing the contract. Huo Jianxin immediately stood up and said the reason for his opposition.

The others also agreed as soon as they heard it, as if they were absolutely unable to change the contract.

She watched the unanimous opposition. Although she had already guessed it, she was still a little surprised at this moment. Seeing Huo Jianxin's first objection, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"In fact, I have calculated that if we change 12% to 30%, we will actually make some money, but we will make relatively less. But since they are all in business and know long-term cooperation, I think Mr. Qi thinks the same way. I lost that I can cooperate with Qi for a long time this time. This is not a bad thing, is it? She began to analyze it for others, and she didn't want to change the contract, but if she didn't change it, the contract would definitely not work.

When others heard her words, they began to be silent and think silently.

Huo Jianxin saw that everyone no longer wanted to be so fierce just now. He was afraid that they would be persuaded by Huo Yunxi and immediately said.

"President, Qi Yiyu is not a fool. His methods are famously fierce, so don't expect him to follow us next time. This time, several contracts mainly involve cooperation with him and have to cooperate with him. I think the contract is very reasonable. It should not be changed casually, let alone change the contract because of one sentence, so that our Huo's group is not inferior to him. Huo Jianxin said righteously, word for the good of the company.

Others began to agree again when they heard this, thinking that her agreement to change the contract was not for the sake of the company at all, and even blamed her.

She felt a little uncomfortable when she heard several people's dissatisfied rebuke, but her face did not show it.

"Let's be quiet. Why don't we make concessions and change 20% of 12%. In this case, I will talk to Mr. Qi again. Maybe this contract can be completed. We are businessmen, and interests are the most important. I believe that Qi Yiyu will not look at the money and not make money, so there is no big problem for our company. What do you think? After thinking about it, she still felt that the compromise was the best.

"Yunxi, Qi Yiyu knows very well that we must cooperate with him and will definitely not give in. Since he has proposed 30%, he will definitely not let go. And our 12% is already reasonable, and I don't think it's necessary to give in. Huo Jianxin still insisted on not changing the contract and had a very tough attitude.

She looked at Huo Jianxin's resolute attitude and felt strange in her heart.

Huo Jianxin clearly knows that if he does not change the contract, the signing of the contract with Qi Yiyu will obviously not succeed. If she can't sign the contract, the shareholders will oppose her. So what is Huo Jianxin doing that for? Is it really for the good of the company or to embarrass her?