Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 23 Play at Sea

"Maybe you don't know Xizi yet. She is a good girl. I hope you can know more about her instead of rushing to refuse her." She wants to fight for Xizi again. Although Xu Zexun may not want to hear what she says now, she really doesn't want Xizi to be disappointed.

Xu Zexun's face darkened and wanted to say anything, but he didn't say a word. He just sat quietly on the sofa.

She saw that Xu Zexun was not talking and didn't know how to stay. She turned around and left Xu Zexun's office and went to the ward.

After returning to the ward, she told Qin Yuzhen that she could not be discharged from the hospital now and stayed for a period of time, but she did not tell her the real reason why she could not be discharged from the hospital.

Qin Yuzhen didn't say much. She agreed to stay in the hospital for a few more days, but she still wanted to leave the hospital and go home early.

After appeasing Qin Yuzhen, she came home from the hospital. It was 8 p.m. when she got home.

Watching Xizi sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV, holding a large bag of popcorn in his hand, he was very happy.

"What are you looking at so exciting?" She changed her slippers and went to Xizi's side and sat down. She saw the lace news of Qi Yijue on TV.

"You're back. Do you think Qi Yiyu is handsome? However, the woman who had an affair with him is really not good. She doesn't look as good as you. Xizi began to comment rudely.

She sat next to her and looked ashamed. She didn't know what Xizi was thinking, and who Qi Yijue had an affair with her.

"Xizi, how do you compare me with that woman? Qi Yijue and I are not familiar with each other." She took a handful of popcorn and ate it in front of Xizi.

This feeling seems to go back to when they were in junior high school. The two always liked to hold a lot of things while eating while watching TV, and commenting from time to time.

"Cut, not familiar? My acquaintance had dinner with you last time and sat next to you. If you are not familiar with him, he sent someone to save us last night. Don't pretend, I think it's probably related to other things?" Xizi's ambiguous laughter immediately made her face turn red.

She suddenly thought of what happened last night. She hadn't thanked Qi Yiyu well. She just sent a text message, which was really not sincere. At least she should make a phone call, but she didn't know how to make that call.

"Actually, I don't know him very well. I've only met him a few times. But he seemed to know me the first time we met, but I'm sure I definitely don't know him. Isn't our company going to sign several contracts with him? He always looks for all kinds of excuses not to sign contracts as if he deliberately targeted me. She was so puzzled that Qi Yiyu sent someone to save them last night. She couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

Xizi stopped eating popcorn and turned her eyes from the front of the TV.

"Oh, I know." Xizi pointed to her with a suddenly enlightened expression.

"What do you know?" She looked at Xizi's exaggerated expression and didn't understand what she was crazy about.

"Hey, I know. Qi Yijue must want to pick you up, that's why he saved us, and deliberately targeted you, just to attract your attention. Xizi made a clever analysis, as if he felt that what he said was right and nodded in response.

She looked helplessly at Xizi's self-intoxicated look and couldn't wait to wake her up with a slap.

"Do you think he needs it?" She has read a lot of reports and materials about Qi Yiyu, and has a certain understanding of him.

For women, he doesn't spend any thought at all. It's completely a swarm of women, and those women are nothing more than looking at his money and his face.

Xizi was stuck by her one question and began to think seriously.

"It seems that you really don't need it. I guess you think too much. Maybe they are not against you, but facts. You like him, don't you?" Xizi's shocked expression and her jumping thinking really made her laugh and cry.

"Which eye has seen that I like him? Let me tell you, I won't like a man like him. Changing women is more frequent than changing clothes, so you won't be exhausted in the future. Although she has long been used to the means of playing with women by the rich man, she still can't accept it.

Xizi nodded in agreement and agreed with her statement.

"But on TV, Qi Yiyu seems to be ready to go out to sea in a few days. Rich people are really good. If you want to go out, you can go out." Xizi said with envy.

Although she has a good relationship with Huo Yunxi, her family conditions are very average. I don't know why she became best friends with a daughter like Huo Yunxi.

"Do you want to go?" When Huo Yunxi heard that Qi Yiyu was going to go to sea, he had a little idea. Why not take this opportunity to sign a contract with him?

Xizi nodded heavily, indicating that she really wanted to go.

"Yes, it's fun to drive a yacht, isn't it?"

"Then I'll take you there." She has made up her mind and will take this opportunity to talk to Qi Yiyu again. Anyway, it is only half a month before the shareholders' meeting, so she will do her last struggle.

Xizi was so happy when she heard that she was going to take herself with her.

"Really? Yunxi, are you serious? That's really great!" Xizi almost jumped up happily. If it hadn't been for the injury to his foot, he would have run a few laps on the ground.

"Well, when the wound on your foot is almost healed, we will go and play. Let you play enough then!" When she saw that Xizi was happy, she was also happy.

Seeing that there were obvious tears on Xizi's face last night, I knew that she had cried and felt uncomfortable, as long as it could make her happy.

The two discussed the time, and then went back to their rooms to sleep.

After returning to his room, Huo Yunxi sat on ** and took out his tablet to read the news.

I saw that many of them were Qi Yijue's lace news, turned them off casually, and then watched some economic news.

She suddenly remembered that Qi Yijue saved them. She hadn't thanked him yet. She could just ask him out for a trip to sea, which was a thank you.

Thinking of a reasonable reason, she picked up the phone and dialed Qi Yiyu.

The phone rang for a while before answering, and Qi Yijue's voice came from inside.

"What's the matter?" There seems to be some unhappiness in his tone.

She was scared by Qi Yijue's voice. In her past, Qi Yijue's voice was peaceful even if she was angry, and had never been so low.

"Oh, Mr. Qi, that's it. I saw that you said that you were going to go to sea recently, and I also planned to go. Look, let's go together. I'll officially thank you. Thank you for saving me. Although she was a little worried, she still tried her best to finish her words.

Qi Yiyu on the phone was silent for a while and spoke for a long time.

"Well, yes." Qi Yiyu did not refuse, but nodded and agreed.

Hearing Qi Yiyu agree, her nervous mood finally calmed down. As soon as she was about to make an appointment, she heard a woman's voice from Qi Yiyu.

"Mr. Qi, where are you?" A very charming voice sounded.

As soon as she heard it, she guessed what Qi Yijue was doing at this moment. It seemed that the time for her phone call was inappropriate and disturbed other people's good deeds.

"Mr. Qi, if you have something to do, go ahead. I'll call you tomorrow. That's it. Goodbye." She hung up the phone in a hurry.

She doesn't want to hear those blushing and heartbeat sounds later, which will be even more embarrassing.

But when she hung up the phone, she actually felt a little nervous. I don't know why, but she felt uncomfortable.

When she thought that Qi Yijue was with a woman at this moment, she was a little uncomfortable.

"Huo Yunxi, are you crazy?" She scolded herself, trying to ignore the undue idea in her mind.

turn off the mobile phone and throw it aside, then lie in the quilt with your eyes closed.

And Qi Yijue on this side heard a beeping sound on the phone and knew that Huo Yunxi had hung up the phone, and his face darkened.

I was annoyed to see Qiao Zixin coming out of the bathroom in a bathrobe.

Since the last time he was taken away by Huo Yunxi, he has never touched other women in the night with her**. Every time he touches a woman, he will be inexplicably annoyed, and he keeps thinking of Huo Yunxi's appearance.

Then today was because he had insomnia for Huo Yunxi's text message last night and felt that he could not indulge himself like that, so he wanted to find a woman to distract Huo Yunxi, but he didn't expect that Huo Yunxi called and was just heard by her.

He was even more irritable at this moment. He looked at the phone in his hand and didn't say a word for a long time.

"Mr. Qi, what's wrong with you?" Qiao Zixin looked at him without saying anything, walked slowly beside him, hugged him, and moved his hands restlessly.

His heart appeared again when he touched the woman in front of him, and he pushed Qiao Zixin away.

"Go back first. I have something to do today. I'll call you another day. Here's one million." He quickly took out the check from his bag and signed a million check to Qiao Zixin.

Qiao Zixin was very shocked. She had long taken a fancy to Qi Yijue. Today, she finally caught the opportunity. How could she be sent away so quickly?

"Mr. Qi, let someone accompany you." Qiao Zixin did not give up and continued to drill into his arms.

"If you don't want to go to sea next time, you'd better go now." He said coldly to Qiao Zixin.

He hates women who are ignorant, so he will never look for that woman again.

Qiao Zixin naturally knew his rules. Although she was a little unwilling, she thought that there would be another chance, so she had to leave with the money.

He looked at the empty room, and his irritability was eliminated. He sat on the sofa and took his mobile phone to call Huo Yunxi to explain one, but he felt that there was no need to explain it to her. He was self-contradictory.

He pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and then smoked it.

Hu Yunxi's figure has been flashing in his mind, and the more he thinks about it, the more irritable he becomes.

Finally, he picked up his mobile phone and quickly dialed Huo Yunxi's phone number, but the phone was turned off and he threw the mobile phone on the ground.

"Daesn, why should I call?" He blamed himself and pressed the cigarette butt hard into the ashtray.

I pulled out a cigarette and lit it again, and I became more and more irritable.

Huo Yunxi didn't sleep well last night. Now he is lying on ** and hypnosis, but he still can't sleep.

I got up and went to Xizi's room to talk to her.

Just as Xizi was about to go to bed, he saw her coming.

"Haven't you slept so late? Do you want to sleep with me?" Xizi moved his body to the side.

She went to Xizi and lay down. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything at this moment.

"Sleep, I can't sleep alone." She said a word to Xizi and began to doze off with her eyes closed.

"Cut, I thought you were going to say something to me, then go to bed." Xizi smiled at her and thought that she didn't sleep well last night and had to go to work tomorrow, so she didn't say anything.

She closed her eyes and slowly emptied her head, and fell asleep for a while.