Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 87 Do you like Xizi?

Watching Qi Yiyu enter the elevator and walk away, Xu Zexun slowly recovered.

"Mr. Xu, our president is in the office." As Huo Yunxi's assistant, Ye Peiwen also knows a little about some business contacts.

It's just that Xu Zexun's identity is not just a doctor, but also the grandson of the old man of the Imperial League Group, so he is also more enthusiastic when speaking.

"Well, okay. Do you know why Qi Yiyu came to Huo? Xu Zexun suddenly asked, asking very casually, as if he didn't care much about the answer.

Ye Peiwen shook her head when she heard Xu Zexun's question.

"I don't know about this. Anyway, I didn't make an appointment before Mr. Qi came. It seems that he contacted the president directly." Although Ye Peiwen was curious about these questions, she should not ask these questions, so she tried not to ask them.

Hearing Ye Peiwen's answer, Xu Zexun's footsteps suddenly stopped. He didn't expect that Qi Yi Jue and Huo Yunxi were quite close. It seemed that he was ready to take action.

"Oh, how long has Qi Yiyu been here?" He asked inadvertently as he walked.

"About half an hour." Ye Peiwen led Xu Zexun to Huo Yunxi's door, and then knocked on the door gently.

Huo Yunxi has been in a very irritable mood since Qi Yiyu left.

Because Qi Yi Jue will hold her, the smell of Cologne perfume still remains on Qi Yi Jue's body at this moment.

The more she was like this, the more uncomfortable she felt. When she heard someone knock on the door, she sorted out her chaotic thoughts.

"Come in." She casually pulled out a document and read it, which was actually to cover up her confusion at the moment.

"President, Mr. Xu is coming to you." Ye Peiwen took Xu Zexun into her office and said carefully to her.

She heard Xu Zexun coming and looked up at Xu Zexun who was coming towards her.

"Oh, I see. You go out first." She got up from her chair and walked towards Xu Zexun.

"Dr. Xu, you're here." She remembered that she seemed to have made an appointment with Xu Zexun to come here today. In fact, the main purpose was for Xizi to be discharged from the hospital and her 3 million yuan. By the way, she would like to inquire about Xu Zexun's attitude towards Xizi.

She is not a gossip person, but Xizi is her best sister. She has to help Xizi anyway.

"Oh, Yunxi, are you still busy? I won't bother you, will I?" Xu Zexun said politely.

"No, I have nothing to do. In fact, there are two things to come to you today. The first is about Xizi's discharge from the hospital. She called me yesterday and said that she was going to go through the discharge formalities in these two days and go home to recuperate. Do you think her body is suitable for discharge? The second thing is that Xizi took 3 million from you last time. I have prepared the finance department. Give me your account and I will ask the finance department to transfer it to you. She poured a cup of tea for Xu Zexun and sat next to him.

When Xu Zexun heard her words, his eyebrows frowned more and more tightly, and his gentle face was two more dissatisfied.

She looked at Xu Zexun's expression and didn't know which sentence she said wrong. Xu Zexun was obviously angry.

"The first thing is that Xizi is going to be discharged from the hospital, but you must have a good rest, and you must pay attention to the wound and never be infected. It is best to go to the hospital regularly for examination, which is also good for recovery. Second, you said that if you take me as a friend, you don't need to pay back the money. Xu Zexun said seriously, with a serious expression on his face as if he was telling her that he couldn't say no.

She looked at Xu Zexun, who had always been gentle, and suddenly became so serious, as if she had changed.

"Well, okay. Now that you have said it, I can't continue to stick to it. How is Xizi's body recovering? I haven't had much time to do other things recently, and thanks to you taking care of her, thank you very much. She took a sip of water and looked at Xu Zexun, who held the cup and didn't drink a mouthful of water.

He seemed to think about something again without saying a word.

"Xizi's body has recovered well. In fact, you don't have to thank me. I should have done to take care of Xizi. After all, Xizi is injured for me. I have the obligation to take care of her, so you don't have to think anything. Xu Zexun put the cup in his hand on the table. When he talked about Xizi, the expression on his face changed slightly, as if he was more gentle and happy.

She listened to Xu Zexun's words and was very satisfied. It seemed that his attitude towards Xizi was very different. As for whether it was love or not, she didn't know now, but at least she felt that they had a much greater chance of being together.

"Oh, that stupid girl Xizi is like that. She is very kind to people. She is really a very good girl, what do you think, Dr. Xu? She guided Xu Zexun step by step, wanted to hear him say that Xizi was good, and then admitted that he liked Xizi.

Xu Zexun nodded and really had a deep understanding of Xizi after being together for so many days.

Xizi is a silly girl with a particularly kind heart. When she walks with her and meets other patients, she will enlighten others.

And she is thoughtful. Every time he forgets something, Xizi always reminds him.

"Well, Xizi is indeed a good girl. Kind-hearted, careful-minded, positive and optimistic. When it comes to Xizi, he always feels that there are many topics to talk about, as if he can't finish it for a long time.

People say that a person is like a treasure, which needs to be constantly excavated and will get many unexpected surprises.

Hearing Xu Zexun talk about the advantages of Xizi, and she said it so smoothly that she felt more and more that Xu Zexun liked Xizi.

"Ha ha, Dr. Xu, do you like Xizi?" She wanted Xu Zexun to see her feelings clearly, and she didn't want Xizi to be so painful anymore.

Hearing her question, Xu Zexun paused slightly and the expression on his face also changed.

In order to hide his nervousness at this moment, he picked up the cup and drank it.

Seeing that Xu Zexun did not answer, she thought that Xu Zexun did not like Xizi, so she couldn't help but be a little anxious. After all, in her opinion, Xu Zexun liked Xizi's behavior.

"Xizi is really a good girl. If you choose her, you think it's profitable." For the happiness of her good sister, she began to work hard to sell Xizi.

"Ha ha, I know all this in my heart, but I'm not sure if I really like Xizi. After all, what I can be sure of now is that I'm grateful to her now, so I don't want to make a conclusion so soon. I don't want to hurt her." Xu Zexun's heart is very contradictory, but it is because of this contradiction that he will definitely not be able to make a conclusion so quickly.

Hearing Xu Zexun's words, she suddenly felt two more emotions in her heart. Gratitude is not an emotion, and she really can't be impulsive.

"Ha ha, well, I hope you can figure it out." She feels that the relationship is between the two of them. As long as they feel right, they don't need to say anything and they will be together.

"Well, I will. When I came up just now, I saw that Qi Yiyu seemed to go out from you, and he came to you to talk about business? Xu Zexun asked carefully, staring at her expression.

When she heard Qi Yi Jue, her body became stiff, as if she had asked the smell on Qi Yi Jue's body, as if he was beside her at the moment.

"Well, talking about a little cooperation is a previous contract." She followed Xu Zexun's words.

Looking at her expression, it's obviously not as simple as just talking about business. There must be other things, but since she refuses to say it, he can't ask any more questions.

"Well, Qi Yijue is not simple. You must be more careful when you cooperate with him. If you are not careful, you will be tricked by him." Since Xu Zexun was recognized by Xu Zhenghai, he has also been exposed to a little commercial thing, and Xu Zhenghai likes to use Qi Yijue to give him an example, so he still knows what Qi Yijue has done.

Although he doesn't agree many times, Xu Zhenghai appreciates it very much and feels that big men should do things accurately and quickly, and they can't procrastinate.

"Well, I know." She nodded, and now she doesn't want to talk too much about Qi Yiyu.