Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 93 Reaching Consensus

"Miss Meng, you should be very clear in your heart. If things are really like what you said, why did you bother to find someone to rape Huo Yunxi last time? In fact, are you afraid?" Huo Mingzhe seemed to have guessed Meng Jiayue's mind and broke her fear in one word.

Meng Jiayue was obviously shocked. She didn't expect that Huo Mingzhe even knew that she found someone to harm Huo Yunxi. It seemed that she knew everything about her.

"Humph, what the hell do you want to do?" Meng Jiayue's attitude immediately changed, and she began to think about it.

If Huo Mingzhe tells this matter, her reputation will be ruined, and Qi Yiyu will no longer pay attention to her.

Thinking that Qi Yi Jue would no longer pay attention to her, there was a panic in her heart, and she could not lose Qi Yi Jue.

She has liked Qi Yiyu since she was very young. She has never changed for so many years, and she has always believed that she will become Qi Yiyu's favorite person and get married, so she can't take this risk.

You must hide this matter and never let Huo Mingzhe say it.

When necessary, I can only take a silence, and look at Huo Mingzhe's eyes with two points of murder.

Seeing Meng Jiayue's murderous intention, Huo Mingzhe was more cautious.

"Ha ha, I have already told Miss Meng that I just want to cooperate with you. It doesn't mean anything else, and the purpose of doing this is actually for Miss Meng's sake. Huo Mingzhe explained immediately and didn't want Meng Jiayue to misunderstand.

Hearing what Huo Mingzhe said, Meng Jiayue's murderous intention gradually disappeared.

"Oh, I don't know what Mr. Huo said for the benefit of me?" Meng Jiayue asked.

"Ha ha, now with the extent that Qi Yijue cares about Huo Yunxi, the status of Miss Meng may be threatened. And as long as Miss Meng agrees to cooperate with me, as long as we defeat Huo Yunxi, we will not be afraid that Qi Yiyu will still like her. At that time, no one could threaten your position. What do you think? Huo Mingzhe induced Meng Jiayue to think about that step by step.

The expression on Meng Jiayue's face changed little by little. She held the coffee cup tightly in her hand and felt uncomfortable when she thought that Huo Yunxi was going to take Qi Yiyu away.

With a force in his hand, the cup immediately broke and the hot coffee spilled out.

She didn't react at all. Her hand was scratched by fragments, and blood kept pouring out.

Miss Meng, you are injured. Treat the wound first. Don't be too excited. Huo Mingzhe was very satisfied to see Meng Jiayue's performance.

It seems that Meng Jiayue's hatred for Huo Yunxi is not a little bit. As long as she hates it, then she can cooperate better with him.

Pull out a handkerchief from the bag, wipe off the coffee in Meng Jiayue's hand with paper, and then wrap her wound tightly with a handkerchief.

Meng Jiayue reacted at this time, pulled out her hand, and then looked at the wound in her hand. Her eyes darkened. She knew more and more that she could not lose Qi Yijue and must get rid of Huo Yunxi.

"Okay, I promised to cooperate with you, but you have to promise me that Huo Yunxi will give it to me." Meng Jiayue said with a look of resentment.

Huo Mingzhe was happy to see her agree.

"There is no problem with this. As long as I succeed, I will get the Huo Group, and you can dispose of it as you want." Huo Mingzhe said with a smile, as if he didn't mind what she did to Huo Yunxi.

"Then tell me your plan now. I'll talk to my father about it when I go back in the evening. I'll arrange for you to meet him tomorrow, and then you can talk about it in detail." Meng Jiayue was much more relieved when she got Huo Mingzhe's promise.

What she wants is not only to see Huo Yunxi fail, but more importantly to destroy her, so that Huo Yunxi will never be a threat to her.

Huo Mingzhe quickly repeated the plan he said on Qi Yijue to Meng Jiayue as soon as he heard it.

Meng Jiayue didn't know much about this kind of cooperation. Anyway, she knew that it would be good to ruin Huo Yunxi in the end. This is what she wanted.

"Miss Meng, I hope you can say more good words in front of your father at that time. I will definitely not treat you badly." Huo Mingzhe said seriously, with sincerity in his eyes.

Meng Jiayue nodded. As long as it was not a loss-making business, her father would definitely do it.

"Of course, now we are on the same front and are both glorious. So I will definitely convince my father, but you should also remember what you promised me. I believe that Mr. Huo also understands what to say and what not to say. If I let me hear anything about kidnapping and rape, then don't blame me for being rude. Meng Jiayue said with a calm face, which seemed to be a reminder, but actually smelled of threat.

How could Huo Mingzhe not hear Meng Jiayue's meaning and laughed faintly?

"This is nature, this is nature. Miss Meng also said that we are on the same front and I will not betray my companions. So you can rest assured that I don't know anything. Huo Mingzhe seemed to pat his chest to assure him in order to strengthen the credibility of what he said.

Meng Jiayue nodded with satisfaction and stood up from the chair.

"Then let's talk about this matter first. I'll go back to discuss it with my father first, and then you can wait for my call. But you always have to give me some substantive information, otherwise I'm afraid my father won't agree. After all, businessmen, the most important thing is interests. If you don't come up with something useful, this won't show your sincerity. Meng Jiayue suddenly remembered that it was not so easy to persuade her father to cooperate with Huo Mingzhe.

Huo Mingzhe had to take out something, so he asked Huo Mingzhe to get up.

Huo Mingzhe took the USB flash drive out of his bag and shook it twice.

"There is a document in this USB flash drive, which is about the development of the company in the past ten years, and it is also a confidential document belonging to the company. I believe that your father will believe my sincerity after reading this document. Of course, this document can only be said to be general confidential. If you want more confidential documents, just wait for your father to agree to cooperate, and I will slowly send the information to him. Huo Mingzhe handed the USB flash drive in his hand to Meng Jiayue without any awkwardness, as if he should do so.

Meng Jiayue took the USB flash drive in Huo Mingzhe's hand, looked at it twice, and then put the USB flash drive in her bag.

"Mr. Huo can really do business. I just hope that this document is useful. My father can't read everything, and he can't cooperate with anything." Meng Jiayue took her bag and was ready to leave. Now let's go back and discuss this matter with her father first.

As soon as she took two steps, she suddenly remembered that her meeting with Huo Mingzhe was under Qi Yijue's company. She thought about whether Huo Mingzhe had just come down from Qi Yijue's side and whether he had also cooperated with Qi Yijue.

"Mr. Huo, I remember that when I saw you, you came out of Brother Jue's company. Didn't you go to his company to cooperate with him?" Meng Jiayue turned her head and looked at Huo Mingzhe with doubts in her eyes.

Hearing Meng Jiayue's suspicious words, Huo Mingzhe was not worried at all. He stood up and looked at Meng Jiayue.

"In fact, to tell Miss Meng, in fact, I originally planned to cooperate with Mr. Qi Yijueqi, but you also know his feelings for Huo Yunxi, so he directly rejected me. That's why I want to find Miss Meng to cooperate. I'm afraid that Qi Yiyu will tell Huo Yunxi at that time, then it will be difficult for us to deal with it. Huo Mingzhe began to add fuel and vinegar again, saying that what he didn't have happened.

Deliberately making Meng Jiayue jealous can deepen her idea of killing Huo Yunxi.

Sure enough, when he heard Huo Mingzhe's words, Meng Jiayue's expression changed greatly and she snorted coldly twice.

"Well, Huo Yunxi doesn't have this chance. I'll talk to my father about it right away. Let's do it early and give her a fatal blow." Meng Jiayue clenched her fist tightly and couldn't wait to hit Huo Yunxi's body.