Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 96 Sure enough, there is a problem

Huo Yunxi stood by the bed and picked up the medicine placed on the cabinet. It was indeed some medicine to treat food poisoning.

"Ha ha, are you food poisoning? Did you drink Hongyuan chain milk poisoning? She didn't say her identity. She smiled slightly and glanced at Huang Min as if nothing.

When Huang Min heard her question, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, but suddenly she wanted to understand something and immediately made a more painful expression.

"Yes, Hongyuan Chain bought poisonous things. I bought imported milk last night. As soon as I drank it in the morning, I had a stomachache. I went to the hospital to check that it was food poisoning. In the morning, I only drank milk. It must be that milk is poisonous." Huang Min looked in pain and kept saying that it was the milk problem.

Seeing Huang Min deliberately exaggerating, she put down the medicine in her hand.

Is that right? Are you sure you bought the milk from Hongyuan Chain and then drank it and got poisoned? And did you buy it yesterday? When did you buy it yesterday? How many things did you buy? How many boxes of milk did you buy? How much did it cost in total? She asked slowly and was not in a hurry at all.

At this time, it was patience. She intuitively told her that although Huang Min was food poisoned, it should not be serious. And it's not like ordinary people, but a little like an extra.

Hearing her question, Huang Min's face changed.

"Why do you ask so many questions? Who are you? You are inexplicably. I don't know you. Please go out and don't disturb my rest. Huang Min did not take her questions, but issued an expulsion order to her.

She looked at Huang Min's big change in attitude and was more sure that there was a ghost in this matter.

According to the passenger flow in the mall these days, if the milk sales volume is really poisoned, she will not be the only one to have an accident. This must have been deliberately designed by someone.

"Ha ha, Ms. Huang, I am the person in charge of Hongyuan Chain. Now I want to understand your situation. If it is really a problem in our mall, we will compensate you. Please answer my question well." She revealed her identity slightly, but did not reveal her true identity.

However, she believes that the woman lying down should know her identity, but deliberately wanted her to mislead her.

Hearing her words, the expression on Huang Min's face became painful and excited again.

"You, you swindlers in the Hongyuan chain, bought fake goods and poisoned me, you unscrupulous profiteers." Huang Min's sharp voice reminded him, and he almost sat up from ** because he was too excited.

I couldn't see the poisoning at all. Huang Min seemed to be aware of this problem and quickly lay down again.

"Well, I will definitely sue you in court so that more consumers can see your ugly side." Huang Min half lay in **'s mouth and kept muttering.

Looking at Huang Min's performance, she became more and more sure that she might not be poisoned, just to show her a play, or to mislead the sight of other people in society.

"If you don't sue, we will also sue. Our company will not tolerate anyone deliberately framed, so you can wait here for the court's summons. I hope you will be in good health at that time." She is too lazy to waste time with this Huang Min.

Now go back and listen to Xizi's gains. Since someone wants to frame them, they have to take the lead.

Hearing her words, a trace of fear flashed in Huang Min's eyes and stared at her.

"Okay, you not only don't apologize, but also threaten me in turn. I will definitely let the people see your company's ugly face." Huang Min shouted loudly, as if she was not afraid of things.

She sneered. The legal society is not talking about anyone's voice. In fact, she doesn't want to embarras the woman in front of her. She wants to deal with the people behind her.

"Ms. Huang, you are a smart person. We won't beat around some things. My purpose is the person behind you. If you can do something, tell me, otherwise don't blame me for not giving you a chance when you are implicated in the future." She looked at Huang Min with a calm face.

"The person behind it, I don't know what you're talking about. Don't think that you have money. The law is equal. Huang Min's face was a little flustered, but in order to hide her panic, she quickly changed the topic.

"Ha ha, since you don't cherish the opportunity, then I won't say anything. Just wait for the court's summons. She turned around and left the ward directly.

Waiting for her to leave, a person came out of another ward and then turned into Huang Min's ward.

"Good job, this is yours. You will perform well later, and there will be more. A man took out a large bunch of money and threw it to Huang Min, with a sinister smile on his face.

Huang Min quickly collected the money and said with a smile, "Okay, I will definitely perform well."

Huo Yunxi went straight back to the villa after coming out of the hospital. Xizi hasn't come back yet. It seems that he is still dealing with things.

It was not until about 9 p.m. that Xizi dragged his tired body back.

"Yunxi, you're back. How's it going over there?" After seeing her, Xizi strode towards her.

"Let's talk about your situation first. Have the reporter dealt with it? What did the man say? She poured a glass of water for Xizi and then leaned on the sofa and asked.

Xizi picked up the cup and took a sip of water, and then sorted out the language.

"I have made some work on the reporter's side and promised to keep my mouth shut. However, this incident has attracted the attention of the health department and has now begun to inspect several of our large shopping malls. The man still insisted that his wife was poisoned by drinking our milk, but I found that he was hiding something. When he spoke, there should be a ghost behind this matter. Xizi simply repeated the matter.

Hearing Xizi's words, it was the same as what she thought, but now neither of them refused to explain it.

"Have you checked the food in the mall with the relevant departments? You must take strict care of it and don't let people take the opportunity to sneak in and put something that shouldn't be there." She is now worried that since someone deliberately wants to frame them, she will definitely do something about the food.

When the health department inspects, it really detects poisonous things, so it will not be easy to deal with.

"Well, I have found someone to check it strictly. There should be no problem. Originally, there has always been no problem with our products."

"That's good. I haven't made any progress. The woman insisted that she was poisoned by drinking the milk we sold and wanted to file a lawsuit. Steady the media first, don't report it indiscriminately, and try to deal with it in private. Don't make a big deal. You continue to track the man, wait until the health department checks that there is no problem, and then find evidence to prove that they deliberately want to frame our company, and start legal action to protect our company's reputation. She thought for a moment and came up with a general plan.

Xizi nodded. The only thing he can do now is to grasp some evidence of those two people as much as possible, so that he will not be too passive at that time.

"By the way, send people to secretly investigate whether there are still cases of similar poisoning. Maybe someone maliciously wants to defraud money. We can't tolerate them." Huo Yunxi suddenly thought that some people might take advantage of this gap or deliberately create poisoning, and then take the opportunity to blackmail them.

Xizi immediately thought of this problem. Nowadays, people can do anything, and these things must be guarded.

"Okay, I'll send someone to investigate right away." Xizi kept it in mind and was ready to call people in the department to do it later.

"Well, go and take a break first. Thank you for your hard work today." She stretched out her hand and patted Xizi on the shoulder. Every time something happened, Xizi was with her and thanked Xizi from the bottom of her heart.

Xizi looked at the time. It's almost 10 o'clock. It's not too late.

"I'll go into the room and see if there is any news on the Internet. You can also rest early." Xizi got up and walked upstairs.

She sat alone on the sofa and thought about this incident.

At this time, the mobile phone suddenly rang. She picked it up and took a look. Unexpectedly, Qi Yiyu called.

After thinking for a long time, I still picked it up, "Hey, Mr. Qi." She answered the phone without salt.