Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 109 Dismissal

Huo Mingzhe saw that the expression on Huo Yunxi's face was not as tough as before, and knew that she must still care about their brother and sister at this moment.

"Yunxi, I know it's wrong. Please don't send me to the police station. I promise that I will never do it again. I will leave the company immediately. Please let me go once and see the relationship between our brothers and sisters. Huo Mingzhe took her hand and made a pitiful look.

Huo Yunxi's mind has been recalling what happened when she and Huo Mingzhe were still young. At that time, they had a very good relationship. I don't know when the two of them went further and further.

Now Huo Mingzhe actually betrayed the company for money. It's false that she is not angry. This is her father's life's painstaking efforts and was almost destroyed by Huo Mingzhe.

But whenever I think of their brother and sister's love, I always feel cruel.

If she sends Huo Mingzhe to the police station now, then what's the difference from Huo Mingzhe's betrayal of the company and completely abandon the relationship between brother and sister.

"Yunxi, don't be fooled by him. People like him should be sent to the bureau." Xizi saw that she stopped talking and was afraid that she would let Huo Mingzhe go, and immediately walked to her side to remind her.

When she heard Xizi's words, she regained her indifference and looked at Huo Mingzhe kneeling on the ground.

Seeing the prayers in his eyes and the fingerprints he had just slapped himself, his face was swollen.

When Huo Mingzhe heard Xizi's words, he felt resentful, but he did not dare to show it. At present, he had no choice but to play emotional cards.

"Yunxi, you can see that we were young and let me go this time. I promise to take back all the information revealed." Huo Mingzhe kept praying and knew that this time was the most grateful.

Huo Yunxi stood there and took a look at Huo Mingzhe.

"Okay, you will explain all the information you revealed, then pack up and get out of the Huo Group, and never come back. Here is an agreement you signed. You can't go to work in a company that has business with our company within five years. If you breach the contract, I will be held accountable. At that time, you will compensate for a breach of contract. She finally decided to let Huo Mingzhe go this time, just to take everything that belonged to him.

Hearing her say that she wanted to let go, Huo Mingzhe was very happy. As long as he was not allowed to go to the police station, he could sign anything.

"Okay, okay, I'll sign it right away." Huo Mingzhe picked up the pen and didn't look at it, so he signed his name directly.

She turned out of the office door with the agreement, and Xizi knew how to deal with the rest.

Xizi looked at her leaving and wanted to say something to blame, but now it is the most important thing to deal with Huo Mingzhe.

The board of directors only needs to fire Huo Mingzhe, and they don't care about going to the police station, as long as he doesn't stay in the company.

Huo Yunxi strode towards his office with the agreement, and his heart fluctuated a lot.

Xizi quickly dealt with the matter there and knew that she went directly to the door of her office to find her.

"Yunxi, why do you still let him go? You are letting the tiger go back to the mountain. It's unwise for you to do this. Xizi doesn't care about her superiors and subordinates. Now she only knows that it is a wrong decision to let Huo Mingzhe go.

Why didn't Huo Yunxi know that it was wrong to let Huo Mingzhe leave, but she did it for a purpose.

"I have my own opinion on this matter. He has no support now. He wants to make any moths, and he doesn't have the ability to make any big waves." She knows the strength of Huo Mingzhe. As long as he leaves the Huo Group, he basically loses all his support.

If you want to work in other places, you won't want them at all.

Besides, she has asked him to sign the agreement. If he breaches the contract at that time, he can't even take out the cost of the breach.

Xizi looked at her so calmly and was very anxious.

"Oh, Yunxi, how can you do this? Huo Mingzhe is despicable. If you let him go like this, he will definitely not be convinced and will definitely find a way to revenge. Who will know if something will be done at that time? So you'd better be on guard, or ask the police to arrest him now. Xizi still suggested arresting Huo Mingzhe. It's really not true to believe Huo Mingzhe's character.

She knew that Xizi was doing it for her good, but what she said was the water spilled out. How could she take it back?

"Xizi, this matter is settled. Don't talk about it anymore. I'm a little tired and go back to rest first." She doesn't want to mention it anymore. After all, it has been decided.

She has so many more purposes for the sake of her brother and sister, and she also wants to see how Huo Mingzhe and Meng Jiayue got together at the beginning.

She went straight out of the office with her bag. She also worried a lot about this matter these days. Now it's finally solved, and it's time to have a good rest.

As soon as she got downstairs, the phone suddenly rang. After she got on the car, she took out the phone and saw that it was Min Haohan calling.

Her face immediately turned black. At that time, Min Haohan actually lied to her that he came forward to solve the matter.

Now that I think about it, I was very angry, so I directly pressed the hang-up button.

But the phone rang again, and she was angry.

Suddenly felt that she could not lose the demeanor of a president. In the future, she would never have more contact with Min Haohan and answered the phone.

"Hey, Manager Min." She answered the phone indifferently and said that she was freezing to death.

When Min Haohan heard the sound on the phone, he was slightly stunned and had a hunch that something bad had happened.

"Hey, Yunxi, what are you doing?" Min Hao said gently, as if he was not affected by her tone.

"Manager Min asked you to call me Huo Yunxi or Miss Huo. Don't call Yunxi so intimately. What can I do for you?" She is disgusted with Min Haohan now and feels that he is very disgusting.

Min Haohan could obviously feel that her was wrong, and he vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of anything.

"Yunxi, what's wrong with you? Today's tone doesn't seem to be very good. Is there something unhappy? Min Haohan opened his mouth to ask, as if he cared about her very much.

When she heard Min Haohan's words of concern, she only felt goose bumps all over her body.

"Ha ha, Manager Min is really a good person, but I don't think I need Manager Min's help now, and Manager Min should learn how to be a person. It's not good to take other people's credit casually, and it's not appropriate to deceive people. The reputation of Brilliance Group may also decline with your character. The more she talked, the more angry she became. She was almost deceived by Min Haohan. He really lied and didn't make drafts.

After hearing her words, Min Haohan was stunned and had probably guessed the meaning of her words.

I feel a little guilty. If she already knows the truth, then she must have a bad influence on herself, and Qi Yijue's impression will rise. It must be that Qi Yijue must have told her, and Min Haohan's hatred for Qi Yijue has added another point.

"Yunxi, what's wrong with you? I don't understand what you're saying. At this time, Min Haohan had to pretend to be stupid and didn't want to admit it directly.

She only felt helpless when she heard that Min Haohan still didn't admit it.

"Ha ha, Manager Min, please don't call me in the future. I don't want to receive your call." After saying that, she hung up the phone directly and continued to talk to a villain like Min Haohan. She felt that she couldn't help swearing.

Although she is much more mature now, knows how to say some polite things, and her style of doing things has changed, she still won't change the principles. She hates the lying villain, and the kind of despicable villain who takes away the credit of others.

When Min Haohan heard that the phone was hung up, he threw the phone in the back seat of the car angrily, held the steering wheel tightly, and gritted his teeth and said.

"Qi Yiyu, one day you will taste the taste of failure. Huo Yunxi, you will be my woman sooner or later." The anger in Min's vast eyes accumulated little by little, and the whole person was in a state of rage.