Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 116 Calculated

Qi Yijue looked at Xu Zexun, who had been staring at Huo Yunxi, and his eyes burst into a murderous atmosphere, and the force in his hand became heavier and heavier.

"Well, you?" Xu Zexun took a look at Huo Yunxi and Qi Yiyu. Qi Yiyu's hand was on Huo Yunxi's waist at this moment. The movements between the two were so intimate that people had to fantasize.

"I'm her boyfriend." Before Huo Yunxi could speak, he was first spoken by Qi Yiyu.

Xu Zexun took a look at Huo Yunxi to seek the answer, but saw that Huo Yunxi did not say anything. He probably acquiesced and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Oh, bless you." Xu Zexun smiled gently and then said to them.

"Thank you." Although Huo Yunxi doesn't like Qi Yiyu to disclose their relationship casually, thinking that he has met so many journalists today and has been made public in front of reporters, which is not equivalent to making it public to the society.

Then there is nothing to hide now, but when I see Xu Zexun suddenly think of Xizi.

Since Xu Zhenghai said that last time, Xizi seems to have never contacted Xu Zexun, and Xu Zexun does not seem to have contacted Xizi again.

The two seem to have returned to the time when they didn't know each other at the beginning, and everything is plain.

"Well, you go first, and I won't bother you." Xu Zexun smiled and was ready to leave.

"Wait." She suddenly opened her mouth and stopped Xu Zexun. She especially wanted to understand Xu Zexun's attitude towards Xizi.

She doesn't want to be so unclear. She understands Xizi's heart too well, so she doesn't want her good sisters to be unhappy all the time.

Hearing her shout, both men were stunned.

Qi Yiyu's face suddenly sank and leaned over her ear and whispered.

"You restless woman, if you dare to touch flowers, you will die." After saying that, he pinched her waist threateningly, as if he was ready to correct her on the spot.

Xu Zexun was a little surprised and stopped to look at her.

"What's the matter?"

"I have a few words to say to him alone. You go in first." She felt that she didn't want Qi Yiyu to know about Xizi and wanted to talk to Xu Zexun alone.

When Qi Yiyu heard her say that, her face became more and more gloomy, and the strength in her hands increased.

"What do you want to do?" Qi Yiyu has always regarded Xu Zexun as a rival in love. At this time, he and Huo Yunxi have just begun, and their relationship foundation is still unstable, so he is more worried.

"Private affairs." She suddenly felt a little impatient. If Qi Yiyu had to take care of her about everything, she would feel very annoyed.

That doesn't mean that there is no freedom, otherwise she will break up directly.

Qi Yiyu looked at the expression on her face. At the beginning, the two should give each other enough private space, so they had no choice but to let her go.

"I'm waiting for you in Yayu Xiaozhu." Qi Yiyu let go of her waist and then strode to the box over there.

Xu Zexun looked at Qi Yiyu, who left, and then at Huo Yunxi, who looked a little bad.

"Is he not good to you?" Xu Zexun asked tentatively.

"No, I have something to ask you. Is it convenient for you now?" She shook her head. Qi Yiyu was not bad to her, but very good, but her possessiveness was too strong, which made her a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, let's go to the box over there." Xu Zexun pointed to the box he booked over there and took her there with him.

After the two left, Meng Jiayue came out of the dark, with a burst of hatred in her eyes, and looked at the service desk over there and strode over.

After Huo Yunxi and Xu Zexun entered the Qingfeng small box over there, the waiter brought tea.

"Yunxi, what can I do for you?" Xu Zexun poured tea for her and then looked at her.

She picked up the cup and took two sips of water. After thinking about it, she asked.

"After the last time I said goodbye from the hospital, you and Xizi don't seem to have any contact anymore." She asked.

When Xu Zexun heard Xizi, his hand trembled slightly.

"Well, there is no contact."

"Why?" She felt very puzzled. Obviously, the relationship between the two was progressing well, but why they suddenly stopped contacting each other.

Xu Zexun thought for a long time, and then looked at her gently.

"I was only moved by Xizi. I figured out that it was not love, so I don't want to delay her anymore. So there is no contact anymore. There is someone in my heart." Xu Zexun said seriously, but the eyes looking at her were obviously a little strange.

She understood Xu Zexun's eyes, which was obviously admiring and liking.

But she would not give him any response at all. There was a burst of anger in her heart. Xizi almost lost his life for him. Fortunately, he dared not ignore it at all if it was not love.

"Xu Zexun, I'm really wrong. Xizi almost lost his life for you. How can you say that now? I know that emotional things can't be forced, but why did you give Xizi hope at the beginning, but now you treat her like this? What's your intention? I'm really disappointed. Whether you have someone in your heart or not, who that person is, if you hurt Xizi, I won't make you feel better. The more she said, the more angry she became. Xizi was her good sister, and she had to protect her.

Seeing the hatred in her eyes, Xu Zexun only felt sad. He just fell in love with her. Why did he fall in love with her instead?

"I'm sorry." Xu Zexun didn't know what to say except that he was sorry.

Obviously, he gave up the inheritance of the family for her and chose to stay in H City and continue to be a doctor.

But he couldn't say anything about it, and he was afraid of getting her contempt and dislike.

"Say it to Xizi. You'd better not hurt Xizi again." She got up and went straight out of the door of the box, with a burst of anger in her heart.

I thought Xu Zexun and Xizi could be together, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this in the end.

As soon as I got to the door, I only felt a burst of heat, as if I was about to set myself on fire.

I was about to open the door and leave, but I found that the door of the box seemed to be locked by someone and could not be opened at all.

She only felt that her head began to feel dizzy, and she was becoming more and more unclear. The heat of her body hit her brain one after another.

She stretched out her hand to unbutton her clothes, and her mouth was dry.

"Open the door." She thought it was Xu Zexun who deliberately locked the door and turned around and roared at Xu Zexun angrily.

Xu Zexun looked at her flushed face and the door could not be opened again. He did nothing at all. He secretly felt something was wrong and strode to the door.

There was no reaction when pulling the door. The door should have been locked.

Looking at Xu Zexun couldn't open the door, she suddenly felt that something was wrong with this matter.

The heat of her body was about to burn one after another, but the door could not open.

"What did you put in the tea?" She seems to remember the last time she and Qi Yijue were on the yacht because something was put in the wine.

The feeling last time was very similar to this time, and she immediately thought of something in the tea.

Xu Zexun shook his head and did everything.

"I don't know, I didn't put anything. Yunxi, what's wrong with you? Xu Zexun saw Huo Yunxi's face getting redder and redder, and his hand began to unbutton himself, as if he was ready to take off his clothes.

Huo Yunxi only felt that his body was about to admit the heat, and his throat was about to smoke.

She knew that she was drugged, and it was the same as the last time she was on the yacht.

"Open the door, I'm going out." She tried her last reason and said to Xu Zexun that if she was not let out now, something would definitely happen later.

She must leave this place. If she guesses well, Qi Yijue should come over.

Seeing this, Xu Zexun roughly understood a little and panicked. He began to knock hard on the door and tried to call the waiter to open the door.

But no matter how he knocks on the door, no one will pay attention to them.

Obviously, someone arranged in advance to lock them in and drug them. The purpose is obvious.

Slowly, Xu Zexun also felt something wrong with his body and began to get hot.

Huo Yunxi was almost in a coma, and he only felt that his brain began to be unable to think.

"Qi Yi Jue, Qi Yi Jue..." She didn't know why she suddenly called Qi Yiyu's name and felt that she was getting more and more uncomfortable.

She seemed to take off her clothes, but she couldn't. She only saw that Xu Zexun seemed to be coming towards her step by step.