Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 175 Lost

When the two security guards saw that it was Huo Yunxi, they quickly strode to her.

"President, the power was cut off just now. We went to the basement to check the line. Were you also in the company just now?" Lao Zhang quickly opened his mouth to explain.

She looked at both of them. They were both old employees of the company. There should be no need to lie.

"Well, have you checked something?" Her ankles are so hot, and her forehead is covered with cold sweat.

Qi Jue next to her quickly hugged her, knowing that her feet must be painful.

"The wire should be aging, and it's broken. We are going to take the tools to repair it. Lao Zhang continued to say.

She thought for a moment and wanted to go down and have a look in person.

"Well, you go get something first and take us to have a look." She still wondered why the power suddenly went out.

Obviously, the wires have to be checked every week. Why are the wires aging and not been replaced until this kind of thing happened.

"Oh, okay, Lao Li, take the president down and have a look. It's dark below. Be careful." Lao Zhang turned around and said to Lao Li next to him.

Lao Li nodded, then led the way with a flashlight.

Qi Yijue held her directly in her arms despite her opposition. She is injured now. If she insists on walking, it will only aggravate the injury.

Seeing that resistance was useless, she could only follow Qi Yijue's intention, watch Lao Li walk in front of him and go straight down to the basement.

Qi Yijue held her closely behind Lao Li and kept looking around.

The basement is dark and humid, with a faint musty smell, and the smell is very unpleasant.

She gently incited twice, and then looked at the environment next to her.

"President, there is something wrong with the wire here." Lao Li walked to a corner, then stopped and pointed the flashlight in his hand to the broken wire.

She looked up at the wire. The wire in that place was broken, and the rubber on the surface of the wire was open.

"Isn't it checked every week? Why has this place become like this and hasn't been changed in advance?" She looked at Lao Li and asked, with a very serious expression.

Lao Li looked at her serious look, as if he was a little scared, and stag.

"President, this is our negligence. In the past, we have checked places that are prone to problems. These places are just a casual glance, which is what caused today's thing." Lao Li finished his words and lowered his head.

She knows that employees are lazy. This kind of thing can't be eliminated in any company, but if such a big mistake is made, if she works overtime tonight, she will lose a lot of information.

"It's really disappointing for you to do such a thing with the company's money. Since you are old employees, I won't fire you this time, but the punishment is necessary. You and Lao Zhang deducted three months' salary, and this year's year's year-end bonus was cancelled. She was very angry about this matter, and she had to worry about these little things.

"Well, okay, thank you, president. We will definitely work hard in the future, and this kind of thing will not happen again. When Lao Li heard that he didn't need to be fired, he was much more relieved and quickly opened his mouth grateful.

Qi Yi Jue next to him has never spoken. This is an internal matter of her company. It's not easy for him to interrupt, but he has been looking at the broken wire.

"Then deal with this place quickly and be safe. I'll go first." She only felt that the injury on her feet was getting more and more painful. If she didn't go to the hospital, she would not be able to wear the shoes on her feet.

"Okay, we will definitely deal with this place well. President, take your time."

Qi Yijue took the flashlight from Lao Li's hand, lit it with one hand, hugged her and walked out.

I carefully put her in the car and quickly got on the car and went straight to the hospital.

"Hold on first and you will be in the hospital soon." Qi Yiyu said while driving.

She looked at Qi Yiyu's worried look and felt very warm in her heart, and her supposed anger had also disappeared.

"Well, I'm fine." She bent down to look at the wound on her foot and saw that her foot was already swollen, so she simply took off her shoes.

"Oh." When she took off her shoes, she tore the wound, and the pain made her breathe cold.

When Qi Yiyu heard her voice, she turned her head and asked nervously, "What's wrong with you? Are you all right? Does it hurt?"

She took off her shoes with a bulge, and then looked at her blue ankles and dared not move any more.

"I'm fine, but I accidentally touched it." She whispered.

"Don't move. You'll be at the hospital soon. Just put up with it." Qi Yiyu increased the accelerator.

When she arrived at the door of the hospital, the car was casually thrown at the door, regardless of whether she would be scratched by other cars, and directly picked her up and walked into the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital without saying a word, I took her directly to the best orthopedic expert.

The doctor looked at the film and confirmed that it was just a muscle strain, and then drugged and bandaged it.

Hearing the doctor say that there is no big problem, as long as he rests for a period of time, Qi Yi Jue is relieved.

She was much relieved when she heard the doctor's words, as long as she didn't hurt her bones.

After taking all the medicine, Qi Yiyu hugged her and prepared to go back first.

"Thank you." Sitting in the car, she whispered thanks.

Qi Yiyu's body stiffened, and then turned his head to look at her.

"Yunxi, don't say thank you to me. We don't have to say thank you." Qi Yiyu said very seriously.

She didn't know how to continue and stopped talking. She turned her head to the window next to her and looked at the disappearing scene outside in a daze.

When Qi Yiyu saw that she stopped talking, she suddenly seemed to remember something.

"Yunxi, just now your company said about the aging and sudden power outage of the wires. I took a look at the disconnected wire and thought there was something wrong." Qi Yijue suddenly opened his mouth and said to her.

Hearing Qi Yiyu's words, she turned her head and looked at him puzzledly.

"What's wrong?" At that time, the light below was not very good, and she didn't see very clearly, so she didn't find anything wrong.

"The disconnected wire does not seem to be aging, but seems to have been torn apart, and the cracks on the rubber outside the wire seem to be new." Qi Yiyu slowly recalled the wire just now. It should not be accumulated over time. It seems to be a new trace.

She thought about it again. Although she was not sure whether the wire had been torn open, the matter did reveal something strange now.

"Well, you can send me to the company now. I'm going to have a look." She couldn't help worrying. If someone did it on purpose, what was the purpose? Is it the company's information?

She began to worry in her heart and just wanted to go back to see it quickly.

Qi Yijue looked at her anxious look and thought that there were still injuries on her feet. She really couldn't bear it.

"The injury on your foot..."

"Let's go and have a look first. This injury is not a problem." She is very anxious and has a bad feeling that something must have happened today.

In my heart, I also secretly blamed Qi Yijue for not saying it at that time. Now it has been an hour or two. I guess someone deliberately wants to steal things. They should have done it. The more I think about it, the more anxious I become.

Qi Yiyu looked at her and was a little excited. She couldn't resist her, so she simply drove directly to their company.

When I got downstairs of the company, I found that the electricity was still repaired, and the lights in the security room were also on.

Qi Yiyu held her directly into the company building and went straight to the 25th floor of the elevator, her office.

Along the way, she was very worried. A lot of the company's confidential information was in her office, and because of the power outage, she didn't think so much when she went out, and the door was not closed, so she didn't know what the scene was now.

On the 25th floor, she turned on the lights of the whole floor and went straight to her office.

I didn't find anything wrong when I entered the door. I turned on the lights in the office, and there seemed to be no sign of being turned over.

"Let me go to the chair over there." She said to Qi Yijue that there was a lot of information in the drawer of her desk.

Sitting on the chair, she quickly turned up. A second after opening the drawer, she felt something was wrong. Someone here had moved.

"Daw." She turned over the things in the drawer and found that one thing was really missing.

"What's wrong?" Qi Yiyu looked at her gloomy face and knew that something had happened, so she quickly asked.